import os import subprocess if not os.path.exists("work_ff"): os.mkdir("work_ff") modules = [] with open("../cells_ff.vh", "r") as f: with open("work_ff/cells_ff_gate.v", "w") as g: for line in f: if not line.startswith("module"): g.write(line) continue else: spidx = line.find(" ") bridx = line.find("(") modname = line[spidx+1 : bridx] g.write("module %s_gate" % modname) g.write(line[bridx:]) inpidx = line.find("input ") outpidx = line.find(", output") modules.append((modname, [x.strip() for x in line[inpidx+6:outpidx].split(",")])) with open("work_ff/testbench.v", "w") as f: print(""" `timescale 1ns/ 1ps module testbench; reg pur = 0, clk, rst, cen, d; // Needed for Diamond sim models GSR GSR_INST (.GSR(1'b1)); PUR PUR_INST (.PUR(pur)); initial begin $dumpfile("work_ff/ffs.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, testbench); #5; pur = 1; #95; repeat (2500) begin {clk, rst, cen, d} = $random; #10; check_outputs; #1; end $finish; end """, file=f) for modname, inputs in modules: print(" wire %s_gold_q, %s_gate_q;" % (modname, modname), file=f) portconns = [] for inp in inputs: if inp in ("SCLK", "CK"): portconns.append(".%s(clk)" % inp) elif inp in ("CD", "PD"): portconns.append(".%s(rst)" % inp) elif inp == "SP": portconns.append(".%s(cen)" % inp) elif inp == "D": portconns.append(".%s(d)" % inp) else: assert False portconns.append(".Q(%s_gold_q)" % modname) print(" %s %s_gold_i (%s);" % (modname, modname, ", ".join(portconns)), file=f) portconns[-1] = (".Q(%s_gate_q)" % modname) print(" %s_gate %s_gate_i (%s);" % (modname, modname, ", ".join(portconns)), file=f) print("", file=f) print(" task check_outputs;", file=f) print(" begin", file=f) print(" if (%s_gold_q != %s_gate_q) $display(\"MISMATCH at %%1t: %s_gold_q=%%b, %s_gate_q=%%b\", $time, %s_gold_q, %s_gate_q);" % (modname, modname, modname, modname, modname, modname), file=f) print(" end", file=f) print(" endtask", file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) diamond_models = "/usr/local/diamond/3.10_x64/cae_library/simulation/verilog/ecp5u"["iverilog", "-s", "testbench", "-o", "work_ff/testbench", "-Dmixed_hdl", "-DNO_INCLUDES", "-y", diamond_models, "work_ff/cells_ff_gate.v", "../cells_sim.v", "work_ff/testbench.v"])["vvp", "work_ff/testbench"])