/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/consteval.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct ExtractFaConfig { bool enable_fa = false; bool enable_ha = false; bool verbose = false; int maxdepth = 20; int maxbreadth = 6; }; // http://svn.clifford.at/handicraft/2016/bindec/bindec.c int bindec(unsigned char v) { int r = v & 1; r += (~((v & 2) - 1)) & 10; r += (~((v & 4) - 1)) & 100; r += (~((v & 8) - 1)) & 1000; r += (~((v & 16) - 1)) & 10000; r += (~((v & 32) - 1)) & 100000; r += (~((v & 64) - 1)) & 1000000; r += (~((v & 128) - 1)) & 10000000; return r; } struct ExtractFaWorker { const ExtractFaConfig &config; Module *module; ConstEval ce; SigMap &sigmap; dict driver; pool handled_bits; const int xor2_func = 0x6, xnor2_func = 0x9; const int xor3_func = 0x96, xnor3_func = 0x69; pool> xorxnor2; pool> xorxnor3; dict, dict>> func2; dict, dict>> func3; int count_func2; int count_func3; struct func2_and_info_t { bool inv_a, inv_b, inv_y; }; struct func3_maj_info_t { bool inv_a, inv_b, inv_c, inv_y; }; dict func2_and_info; dict func3_maj_info; ExtractFaWorker(const ExtractFaConfig &config, Module *module) : config(config), module(module), ce(module), sigmap(ce.assign_map) { for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) { if (cell->type.in( ID($_BUF_), ID($_NOT_), ID($_AND_), ID($_NAND_), ID($_OR_), ID($_NOR_), ID($_XOR_), ID($_XNOR_), ID($_ANDNOT_), ID($_ORNOT_), ID($_MUX_), ID($_NMUX_), ID($_AOI3_), ID($_OAI3_), ID($_AOI4_), ID($_OAI4_))) { SigBit y = sigmap(SigBit(cell->getPort(ID(\\Y)))); log_assert(driver.count(y) == 0); driver[y] = cell; } } for (int ia = 0; ia < 2; ia++) for (int ib = 0; ib < 2; ib++) { func2_and_info_t f2i; f2i.inv_a = ia; f2i.inv_b = ib; f2i.inv_y = false; int func = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { bool a = (i & 1) ? !f2i.inv_a : f2i.inv_a; bool b = (i & 2) ? !f2i.inv_b : f2i.inv_b; if (a && b) func |= 1 << i; } log_assert(func2_and_info.count(func) == 0); func2_and_info[func] = f2i; f2i.inv_y = true; func ^= 15; log_assert(func2_and_info.count(func) == 0); func2_and_info[func] = f2i; } for (int ia = 0; ia < 2; ia++) for (int ib = 0; ib < 2; ib++) for (int ic = 0; ic < 2; ic++) { func3_maj_info_t f3i; f3i.inv_a = ia; f3i.inv_b = ib; f3i.inv_c = ic; f3i.inv_y = false; int func = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bool a = (i & 1) ? !f3i.inv_a : f3i.inv_a; bool b = (i & 2) ? !f3i.inv_b : f3i.inv_b; bool c = (i & 4) ? !f3i.inv_c : f3i.inv_c; if ((a && b) || (a && c) || (b &&c)) func |= 1 << i; } log_assert(func3_maj_info.count(func) == 0); func3_maj_info[func] = f3i; // f3i.inv_y = true; // func ^= 255; // log_assert(func3_maj_info.count(func) == 0); // func3_maj_info[func] = f3i; } } void check_partition(SigBit root, pool &leaves) { if (config.enable_ha && GetSize(leaves) == 2) { leaves.sort(); SigBit A = SigSpec(leaves)[0]; SigBit B = SigSpec(leaves)[1]; int func = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { bool a_value = (i & 1) != 0; bool b_value = (i & 2) != 0; ce.push(); ce.set(A, a_value ? State::S1 : State::S0); ce.set(B, b_value ? State::S1 : State::S0); SigSpec sig = root; if (!ce.eval(sig)) { ce.pop(); return; } if (sig == State::S1) func |= 1 << i; ce.pop(); } // log("%04d %s %s -> %s\n", bindec(func), log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_signal(root)); if (func == xor2_func || func == xnor2_func) xorxnor2.insert(tuple(A, B)); count_func2++; func2[tuple(A, B)][func].insert(root); } if (config.enable_fa && GetSize(leaves) == 3) { leaves.sort(); SigBit A = SigSpec(leaves)[0]; SigBit B = SigSpec(leaves)[1]; SigBit C = SigSpec(leaves)[2]; int func = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bool a_value = (i & 1) != 0; bool b_value = (i & 2) != 0; bool c_value = (i & 4) != 0; ce.push(); ce.set(A, a_value ? State::S1 : State::S0); ce.set(B, b_value ? State::S1 : State::S0); ce.set(C, c_value ? State::S1 : State::S0); SigSpec sig = root; if (!ce.eval(sig)) { ce.pop(); return; } if (sig == State::S1) func |= 1 << i; ce.pop(); } // log("%08d %s %s %s -> %s\n", bindec(func), log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_signal(C), log_signal(root)); if (func == xor3_func || func == xnor3_func) xorxnor3.insert(tuple(A, B, C)); count_func3++; func3[tuple(A, B, C)][func].insert(root); } } void find_partitions(SigBit root, pool &leaves, pool> &cache, int maxdepth, int maxbreadth) { if (cache.count(leaves)) return; // log("%*s[%d] %s:", 20-maxdepth, "", maxdepth, log_signal(root)); // for (auto bit : leaves) // log(" %s", log_signal(bit)); // log("\n"); cache.insert(leaves); check_partition(root, leaves); if (maxdepth == 0) return; for (SigBit bit : leaves) { if (driver.count(bit) == 0) continue; Cell *cell = driver.at(bit); pool new_leaves = leaves; new_leaves.erase(bit); if (cell->hasPort(ID(\\A))) new_leaves.insert(sigmap(SigBit(cell->getPort(ID(\\A))))); if (cell->hasPort(ID(\\B))) new_leaves.insert(sigmap(SigBit(cell->getPort(ID(\\B))))); if (cell->hasPort(ID(\\C))) new_leaves.insert(sigmap(SigBit(cell->getPort(ID(\\C))))); if (cell->hasPort(ID(\\D))) new_leaves.insert(sigmap(SigBit(cell->getPort(ID(\\D))))); if (GetSize(new_leaves) > maxbreadth) continue; find_partitions(root, new_leaves, cache, maxdepth-1, maxbreadth); } } void assign_new_driver(SigBit bit, SigBit new_driver) { Cell *cell = driver.at(bit); if (sigmap(cell->getPort(ID(\\Y))) == bit) { cell->setPort(ID(\\Y), module->addWire(NEW_ID)); module->connect(bit, new_driver); } } void run() { log("Extracting full/half adders from %s:\n", log_id(module)); for (auto it : driver) { if (it.second->type.in(ID($_BUF_), ID($_NOT_))) continue; SigBit root = it.first; pool leaves = { root }; pool> cache; if (config.verbose) log(" checking %s\n", log_signal(it.first)); count_func2 = 0; count_func3 = 0; find_partitions(root, leaves, cache, config.maxdepth, config.maxbreadth); if (config.verbose && count_func2 > 0) log(" extracted %d two-input functions\n", count_func2); if (config.verbose && count_func3 > 0) log(" extracted %d three-input functions\n", count_func3); } for (auto &key : xorxnor3) { SigBit A = get<0>(key); SigBit B = get<1>(key); SigBit C = get<2>(key); log(" 3-Input XOR/XNOR %s %s %s:\n", log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_signal(C)); for (auto &it : func3.at(key)) { if (it.first != xor3_func && it.first != xnor3_func) continue; log(" %08d ->", bindec(it.first)); for (auto bit : it.second) log(" %s", log_signal(bit)); log("\n"); } dict> facache; for (auto &it : func3_maj_info) { int func = it.first; auto f3i = it.second; if (func3.at(key).count(func) == 0) continue; if (func3.at(key).count(xor3_func) == 0 && func3.at(key).count(xnor3_func) != 0) { f3i.inv_a = !f3i.inv_a; f3i.inv_b = !f3i.inv_b; f3i.inv_c = !f3i.inv_c; f3i.inv_y = !f3i.inv_y; } if (!f3i.inv_a && !f3i.inv_b && !f3i.inv_c && !f3i.inv_y) { log(" Majority without inversions:\n"); } else { log(" Majority with inverted"); if (f3i.inv_a) log(" A"); if (f3i.inv_b) log(" B"); if (f3i.inv_c) log(" C"); if (f3i.inv_y) log(" Y"); log(":\n"); } log(" %08d ->", bindec(func)); for (auto bit : func3.at(key).at(func)) log(" %s", log_signal(bit)); log("\n"); int fakey = 0; if (f3i.inv_a) fakey |= 1; if (f3i.inv_b) fakey |= 2; if (f3i.inv_c) fakey |= 4; int fakey_inv = fakey ^ 7; bool invert_xy = false; SigBit X, Y; if (facache.count(fakey)) { auto &fa = facache.at(fakey); X = get<0>(fa); Y = get<1>(fa); log(" Reusing $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(get<2>(fa))); } else if (facache.count(fakey_inv)) { auto &fa = facache.at(fakey_inv); invert_xy = true; X = get<0>(fa); Y = get<1>(fa); log(" Reusing $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(get<2>(fa))); } else { Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, ID($fa)); cell->setParam(ID(\\WIDTH), 1); log(" Created $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(cell)); cell->setPort(ID(\\A), f3i.inv_a ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, A) : A); cell->setPort(ID(\\B), f3i.inv_b ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, B) : B); cell->setPort(ID(\\C), f3i.inv_c ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, C) : C); X = module->addWire(NEW_ID); Y = module->addWire(NEW_ID); cell->setPort(ID(\\X), X); cell->setPort(ID(\\Y), Y); facache[fakey] = make_tuple(X, Y, cell); } if (func3.at(key).count(xor3_func)) { SigBit YY = invert_xy ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, Y) : Y; for (auto bit : func3.at(key).at(xor3_func)) assign_new_driver(bit, YY); } if (func3.at(key).count(xnor3_func)) { SigBit YY = invert_xy ? Y : module->NotGate(NEW_ID, Y); for (auto bit : func3.at(key).at(xnor3_func)) assign_new_driver(bit, YY); } SigBit XX = invert_xy != f3i.inv_y ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, X) : X; for (auto bit : func3.at(key).at(func)) assign_new_driver(bit, XX); } } for (auto &key : xorxnor2) { SigBit A = get<0>(key); SigBit B = get<1>(key); log(" 2-Input XOR/XNOR %s %s:\n", log_signal(A), log_signal(B)); for (auto &it : func2.at(key)) { if (it.first != xor2_func && it.first != xnor2_func) continue; log(" %04d ->", bindec(it.first)); for (auto bit : it.second) log(" %s", log_signal(bit)); log("\n"); } dict> facache; for (auto &it : func2_and_info) { int func = it.first; auto &f2i = it.second; if (func2.at(key).count(func) == 0) continue; if (!f2i.inv_a && !f2i.inv_b && !f2i.inv_y) { log(" AND without inversions:\n"); } else { log(" AND with inverted"); if (f2i.inv_a) log(" A"); if (f2i.inv_b) log(" B"); if (f2i.inv_y) log(" Y"); log(":\n"); } log(" %04d ->", bindec(func)); for (auto bit : func2.at(key).at(func)) log(" %s", log_signal(bit)); log("\n"); int fakey = 0; if (f2i.inv_a) fakey |= 1; if (f2i.inv_b) fakey |= 2; int fakey_inv = fakey ^ 3; bool invert_xy = false; SigBit X, Y; if (facache.count(fakey)) { auto &fa = facache.at(fakey); X = get<0>(fa); Y = get<1>(fa); log(" Reusing $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(get<2>(fa))); } else if (facache.count(fakey_inv)) { auto &fa = facache.at(fakey_inv); invert_xy = true; X = get<0>(fa); Y = get<1>(fa); log(" Reusing $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(get<2>(fa))); } else { Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, ID($fa)); cell->setParam(ID(\\WIDTH), 1); log(" Created $fa cell %s.\n", log_id(cell)); cell->setPort(ID(\\A), f2i.inv_a ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, A) : A); cell->setPort(ID(\\B), f2i.inv_b ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, B) : B); cell->setPort(ID(\\C), State::S0); X = module->addWire(NEW_ID); Y = module->addWire(NEW_ID); cell->setPort(ID(\\X), X); cell->setPort(ID(\\Y), Y); } if (func2.at(key).count(xor2_func)) { SigBit YY = invert_xy || (f2i.inv_a && !f2i.inv_b) || (!f2i.inv_a && f2i.inv_b) ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, Y) : Y; for (auto bit : func2.at(key).at(xor2_func)) assign_new_driver(bit, YY); } if (func2.at(key).count(xnor2_func)) { SigBit YY = invert_xy || (f2i.inv_a && !f2i.inv_b) || (!f2i.inv_a && f2i.inv_b) ? Y : module->NotGate(NEW_ID, Y); for (auto bit : func2.at(key).at(xnor2_func)) assign_new_driver(bit, YY); } SigBit XX = invert_xy != f2i.inv_y ? module->NotGate(NEW_ID, X) : X; for (auto bit : func2.at(key).at(func)) assign_new_driver(bit, XX); } } } }; struct ExtractFaPass : public Pass { ExtractFaPass() : Pass("extract_fa", "find and extract full/half adders") { } void help() YS_OVERRIDE { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" extract_fa [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass extracts full/half adders from a gate-level design.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -fa, -ha\n"); log(" Enable cell types (fa=full adder, ha=half adder)\n"); log(" All types are enabled if none of this options is used\n"); log("\n"); log(" -d \n"); log(" Set maximum depth for extracted logic cones (default=20)\n"); log("\n"); log(" -b \n"); log(" Set maximum breadth for extracted logic cones (default=6)\n"); log("\n"); log(" -v\n"); log(" Verbose output\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE { ExtractFaConfig config; log_header(design, "Executing EXTRACT_FA pass (find and extract full/half adders).\n"); log_push(); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-fa") { config.enable_fa = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-ha") { config.enable_ha = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-v") { config.verbose = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-d" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { config.maxdepth = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-b" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { config.maxbreadth = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (!config.enable_fa && !config.enable_ha) { config.enable_fa = true; config.enable_ha = true; } for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { ExtractFaWorker worker(config, module); worker.run(); } log_pop(); } } ExtractFaPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END