/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef PMGEN_GENERATE #define PMGEN_GENERATE #define GENERATE_PATTERN(pmclass, pattern) \ generate_pattern([](pmclass &pm, std::function f){ return pm.run_ ## pattern(f); }, #pmclass, #pattern, design) void pmtest_addports(Module *module) { pool driven_bits, used_bits; SigMap sigmap(module); int icnt = 0, ocnt = 0; for (auto cell : module->cells()) for (auto conn : cell->connections()) { if (cell->input(conn.first)) for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) used_bits.insert(bit); if (cell->output(conn.first)) for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) driven_bits.insert(bit); } for (auto wire : vector(module->wires())) { SigSpec ibits, obits; for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) { if (!used_bits.count(bit)) obits.append(bit); if (!driven_bits.count(bit)) ibits.append(bit); } if (!ibits.empty()) { Wire *w = module->addWire(stringf("\\i%d", icnt++), GetSize(ibits)); w->port_input = true; module->connect(ibits, w); } if (!obits.empty()) { Wire *w = module->addWire(stringf("\\o%d", ocnt++), GetSize(obits)); w->port_output = true; module->connect(w, obits); } } module->fixup_ports(); } template void generate_pattern(std::function)> run, const char *pmclass, const char *pattern, Design *design) { log("Generating \"%s\" patterns for pattern matcher \"%s\".\n", pattern, pmclass); int modcnt = 0; int maxmodcnt = 100; int maxsubcnt = 4; int timeout = 0; vector mods; while (modcnt < maxmodcnt) { int submodcnt = 0, itercnt = 0, cellcnt = 0; Module *mod = design->addModule(NEW_ID); while (modcnt < maxmodcnt && submodcnt < maxsubcnt && itercnt++ < 1000) { if (timeout++ > 10000) log_error("pmgen generator is stuck: 10000 iterations with no matching module generated.\n"); pm matcher(mod, mod->cells()); matcher.rng(1); matcher.rngseed += modcnt; matcher.rng(1); matcher.rngseed += submodcnt; matcher.rng(1); matcher.rngseed += itercnt; matcher.rng(1); matcher.rngseed += cellcnt; matcher.rng(1); if (GetSize(mod->cells()) != cellcnt) { bool found_match = false; run(matcher, [&](){ found_match = true; }); cellcnt = GetSize(mod->cells()); if (found_match) { Module *m = design->addModule(stringf("\\pmtest_%s_%s_%05d", pmclass, pattern, modcnt++)); log("Creating module %s with %d cells.\n", log_id(m), cellcnt); mod->cloneInto(m); pmtest_addports(m); mods.push_back(m); submodcnt++; timeout = 0; } } matcher.generate_mode = true; run(matcher, [](){}); } if (submodcnt && maxsubcnt < (1 << 16)) maxsubcnt *= 2; design->remove(mod); } Module *m = design->addModule(stringf("\\pmtest_%s_%s", pmclass, pattern)); log("Creating module %s with %d cells.\n", log_id(m), GetSize(mods)); for (auto mod : mods) { Cell *c = m->addCell(mod->name, mod->name); for (auto port : mod->ports) { Wire *w = m->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(mod->wire(port))); c->setPort(port, w); } } pmtest_addports(m); } #endif