/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * 2019 Bogdan Vukobratovic * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include #include #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct OpMuxConn { RTLIL::SigSpec sig; RTLIL::Cell *mux; RTLIL::Cell *op; int mux_port_id; int mux_port_offset; int op_outsig_offset; bool operator<(const OpMuxConn &other) const { if (mux != other.mux) return mux < other.mux; if (mux_port_id != other.mux_port_id) return mux_port_id < other.mux_port_id; return mux_port_offset < other.mux_port_offset; } }; // Helper class to track additiona information about a SigSpec, like whether it is signed and the semantics of the port it is connected to struct ExtSigSpec { RTLIL::SigSpec sig; RTLIL::SigSpec sign; bool is_signed; RTLIL::IdString semantics; ExtSigSpec() {} ExtSigSpec(RTLIL::SigSpec s, RTLIL::SigSpec sign = RTLIL::Const(0, 1), bool is_signed = false, RTLIL::IdString semantics = RTLIL::IdString()) : sig(s), sign(sign), is_signed(is_signed), semantics(semantics) {} bool empty() const { return sig.empty(); } bool operator<(const ExtSigSpec &other) const { if (sig != other.sig) return sig < other.sig; if (sign != other.sign) return sign < other.sign; if (is_signed != other.is_signed) return is_signed < other.is_signed; return semantics < other.semantics; } bool operator==(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const { return (sign != RTLIL::Const(0, 1)) ? false : sig == other; } bool operator==(const ExtSigSpec &other) const { return is_signed == other.is_signed && sign == other.sign && sig == other.sig && semantics == other.semantics; } }; #define FINE_BITWISE_OPS ID($_AND_), ID($_NAND_), ID($_OR_), ID($_NOR_), ID($_XOR_), ID($_XNOR_), ID($_ANDNOT_), ID($_ORNOT_) #define BITWISE_OPS FINE_BITWISE_OPS, ID($and), ID($or), ID($xor), ID($xnor) #define REDUCTION_OPS ID($reduce_and), ID($reduce_or), ID($reduce_xor), ID($reduce_xnor), ID($reduce_bool), ID($reduce_nand) #define LOGICAL_OPS ID($logic_and), ID($logic_or) #define SHIFT_OPS ID($shl), ID($shr), ID($sshl), ID($sshr), ID($shift), ID($shiftx) #define RELATIONAL_OPS ID($lt), ID($le), ID($eq), ID($ne), ID($eqx), ID($nex), ID($ge), ID($gt) bool cell_supported(RTLIL::Cell *cell) { if (cell->type.in(ID($alu))) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_bi = cell->getPort(ID::BI); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_ci = cell->getPort(ID::CI); if (sig_bi.is_fully_const() && sig_ci.is_fully_const() && sig_bi == sig_ci) return true; } else if (cell->type.in(LOGICAL_OPS, SHIFT_OPS, BITWISE_OPS, RELATIONAL_OPS, ID($add), ID($sub), ID($mul), ID($div), ID($mod), ID($divfloor), ID($modfloor), ID($concat))) { return true; } return false; } std::map mergeable_type_map; bool mergeable(RTLIL::Cell *a, RTLIL::Cell *b) { if (mergeable_type_map.empty()) { mergeable_type_map.insert({ID($sub), ID($add)}); } auto a_type = a->type; if (mergeable_type_map.count(a_type)) a_type = mergeable_type_map.at(a_type); auto b_type = b->type; if (mergeable_type_map.count(b_type)) b_type = mergeable_type_map.at(b_type); return a_type == b_type; } RTLIL::IdString decode_port_semantics(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::IdString port_name) { if (cell->type.in(ID($lt), ID($le), ID($ge), ID($gt), ID($div), ID($mod), ID($divfloor), ID($modfloor), ID($concat), SHIFT_OPS) && port_name == ID::B) return port_name; return ""; } RTLIL::SigSpec decode_port_sign(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::IdString port_name) { if (cell->type == ID($alu) && port_name == ID::B) return cell->getPort(ID::BI); else if (cell->type == ID($sub) && port_name == ID::B) return RTLIL::Const(1, 1); return RTLIL::Const(0, 1); } bool decode_port_signed(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::IdString port_name) { if (cell->type.in(BITWISE_OPS, LOGICAL_OPS)) return false; if (cell->hasParam(port_name.str() + "_SIGNED")) return cell->getParam(port_name.str() + "_SIGNED").as_bool(); return false; } ExtSigSpec decode_port(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::IdString port_name, const SigMap &sigmap) { auto sig = sigmap(cell->getPort(port_name)); RTLIL::SigSpec sign = decode_port_sign(cell, port_name); RTLIL::IdString semantics = decode_port_semantics(cell, port_name); bool is_signed = decode_port_signed(cell, port_name); return ExtSigSpec(sig, sign, is_signed, semantics); } void merge_operators(RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Cell *mux, const std::vector &ports, const ExtSigSpec &operand, const SigMap &sigmap) { std::vector muxed_operands; int max_width = 0; for (const auto& p : ports) { auto op = p.op; RTLIL::IdString muxed_port_name = ID::A; if (decode_port(op, ID::A, sigmap) == operand) muxed_port_name = ID::B; auto operand = decode_port(op, muxed_port_name, sigmap); if (operand.sig.size() > max_width) max_width = operand.sig.size(); muxed_operands.push_back(operand); } auto shared_op = ports[0].op; if (std::any_of(muxed_operands.begin(), muxed_operands.end(), [&](ExtSigSpec &op) { return op.sign != muxed_operands[0].sign; })) max_width = std::max(max_width, shared_op->getParam(ID::Y_WIDTH).as_int()); for (auto &operand : muxed_operands) { operand.sig.extend_u0(max_width, operand.is_signed); if (operand.sign != muxed_operands[0].sign) operand = ExtSigSpec(module->Neg(NEW_ID, operand.sig, operand.is_signed)); } for (const auto& p : ports) { auto op = p.op; if (op == shared_op) continue; module->remove(op); } RTLIL::SigSpec mux_a = mux->getPort(ID::A); RTLIL::SigSpec mux_b = mux->getPort(ID::B); RTLIL::SigSpec mux_s = mux->getPort(ID::S); int conn_width = ports[0].sig.size(); int conn_mux_offset = ports[0].mux_port_offset; int conn_op_offset = ports[0].op_outsig_offset; RTLIL::SigSpec shared_pmux_a = RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::Sx, max_width); RTLIL::SigSpec shared_pmux_b; RTLIL::SigSpec shared_pmux_s; // Make a new wire to avoid false equivalence with whatever the former shared output was connected to. Wire *new_out = module->addWire(NEW_ID, conn_op_offset + conn_width); SigSpec new_sig_out = SigSpec(new_out, conn_op_offset, conn_width); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(ports); i++) { auto &p = ports[i]; auto &op = muxed_operands[i]; if (p.mux_port_id == GetSize(mux_s)) { shared_pmux_a = op.sig; mux_a.replace(conn_mux_offset, new_sig_out); } else { shared_pmux_s.append(mux_s[p.mux_port_id]); shared_pmux_b.append(op.sig); mux_b.replace(p.mux_port_id * mux_a.size() + conn_mux_offset, new_sig_out); } } mux->setPort(ID::A, mux_a); mux->setPort(ID::B, mux_b); mux->setPort(ID::S, mux_s); SigSpec mux_to_oper; if (GetSize(shared_pmux_s) == 1) { mux_to_oper = module->Mux(NEW_ID, shared_pmux_a, shared_pmux_b, shared_pmux_s); } else { mux_to_oper = module->Pmux(NEW_ID, shared_pmux_a, shared_pmux_b, shared_pmux_s); } if (shared_op->type.in(ID($alu))) { shared_op->setPort(ID::X, module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(new_sig_out))); shared_op->setPort(ID::CO, module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(new_sig_out))); } bool is_fine = shared_op->type.in(FINE_BITWISE_OPS); shared_op->setPort(ID::Y, new_out); if (!is_fine) shared_op->setParam(ID::Y_WIDTH, GetSize(new_out)); if (decode_port(shared_op, ID::A, sigmap) == operand) { shared_op->setPort(ID::B, mux_to_oper); if (!is_fine) shared_op->setParam(ID::B_WIDTH, max_width); } else { shared_op->setPort(ID::A, mux_to_oper); if (!is_fine) shared_op->setParam(ID::A_WIDTH, max_width); } } typedef struct { RTLIL::Cell *mux; std::vector ports; ExtSigSpec shared_operand; } merged_op_t; void check_muxed_operands(std::vector &ports, const ExtSigSpec &shared_operand, const SigMap &sigmap) { auto it = ports.begin(); ExtSigSpec seed; while (it != ports.end()) { auto p = *it; auto op = p->op; RTLIL::IdString muxed_port_name = ID::A; if (decode_port(op, ID::A, sigmap) == shared_operand) { muxed_port_name = ID::B; } auto operand = decode_port(op, muxed_port_name, sigmap); if (seed.empty()) seed = operand; if (operand.is_signed != seed.is_signed) { ports.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } ExtSigSpec find_shared_operand(const OpMuxConn* seed, std::vector &ports, const std::map> &operand_to_users, const SigMap &sigmap) { std::set ops_using_operand; std::set ops_set; for(const auto& p: ports) ops_set.insert(p->op); ExtSigSpec oper; auto op_a = seed->op; for (RTLIL::IdString port_name : {ID::A, ID::B}) { oper = decode_port(op_a, port_name, sigmap); auto operand_users = operand_to_users.at(oper); if (operand_users.size() == 1) continue; ops_using_operand.clear(); for (auto mux_ops: ops_set) if (operand_users.count(mux_ops)) ops_using_operand.insert(mux_ops); if (ops_using_operand.size() > 1) { ports.erase(std::remove_if(ports.begin(), ports.end(), [&](const OpMuxConn *p) { return !ops_using_operand.count(p->op); }), ports.end()); return oper; } } return ExtSigSpec(); } struct OptSharePass : public Pass { OptSharePass() : Pass("opt_share", "merge mutually exclusive cells of the same type that share an input signal") {} void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" opt_share [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass identifies mutually exclusive cells of the same type that:\n"); log(" (a) share an input signal,\n"); log(" (b) drive the same $mux, $_MUX_, or $pmux multiplexing cell,\n"); log("\n"); log("allowing the cell to be merged and the multiplexer to be moved from\n"); log("multiplexing its output to multiplexing the non-shared input signals.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) override { log_header(design, "Executing OPT_SHARE pass.\n"); extra_args(args, 1, design); for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { SigMap sigmap(module); dict bit_users; for (auto cell : module->cells()) for (auto conn : cell->connections()) for (auto bit : conn.second) bit_users[sigmap(bit)]++; for (auto wire : module->wires()) if (wire->port_id != 0) for (auto bit : SigSpec(wire)) bit_users[sigmap(bit)]++; std::map> operand_to_users; dict> op_outbit_to_outsig; bool any_shared_operands = false; for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) { if (!cell_supported(cell)) continue; bool skip = false; if (cell->type == ID($alu)) { for (RTLIL::IdString port_name : {ID::X, ID::CO}) { for (auto outbit : sigmap(cell->getPort(port_name))) if (bit_users[outbit] > 1) skip = true; } } if (skip) continue; auto mux_insig = sigmap(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mux_insig); i++) op_outbit_to_outsig[mux_insig[i]] = std::make_pair(cell, i); for (RTLIL::IdString port_name : {ID::A, ID::B}) { auto op_insig = decode_port(cell, port_name, sigmap); operand_to_users[op_insig].insert(cell); if (operand_to_users[op_insig].size() > 1) any_shared_operands = true; } } if (!any_shared_operands) continue; // Operator outputs need to be exclusively connected to the $mux inputs in order to be mergeable. Hence we count to // how many points are operator output bits connected. std::vector merged_ops; for (auto mux : module->selected_cells()) { if (!mux->type.in(ID($mux), ID($_MUX_), ID($pmux))) continue; int mux_port_size = GetSize(mux->getPort(ID::A)); int mux_port_num = GetSize(mux->getPort(ID::S)) + 1; RTLIL::SigSpec mux_insig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec{mux->getPort(ID::B), mux->getPort(ID::A)}); std::vector> mux_port_conns(mux_port_num); int found = 0; for (int mux_port_id = 0; mux_port_id < mux_port_num; mux_port_id++) { SigSpec mux_insig; if (mux_port_id == mux_port_num - 1) { mux_insig = sigmap(mux->getPort(ID::A)); } else { mux_insig = sigmap(mux->getPort(ID::B).extract(mux_port_id * mux_port_size, mux_port_size)); } for (int mux_port_offset = 0; mux_port_offset < mux_port_size; ++mux_port_offset) { if (!op_outbit_to_outsig.count(mux_insig[mux_port_offset])) continue; RTLIL::Cell *cell; int op_outsig_offset; std::tie(cell, op_outsig_offset) = op_outbit_to_outsig.at(mux_insig[mux_port_offset]); SigSpec op_outsig = sigmap(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); int op_outsig_size = GetSize(op_outsig); int op_conn_width = 0; while (mux_port_offset + op_conn_width < mux_port_size && op_outsig_offset + op_conn_width < op_outsig_size && mux_insig[mux_port_offset + op_conn_width] == op_outsig[op_outsig_offset + op_conn_width]) op_conn_width++; log_assert(op_conn_width >= 1); bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < op_outsig_size; i++) { int expected = 1; if (i >= op_outsig_offset && i < op_outsig_offset + op_conn_width) expected = 2; if (bit_users[op_outsig[i]] != expected) skip = true; } if (skip) { mux_port_offset += op_conn_width; mux_port_offset--; continue; } OpMuxConn inp = { op_outsig.extract(op_outsig_offset, op_conn_width), mux, cell, mux_port_id, mux_port_offset, op_outsig_offset, }; mux_port_conns[mux_port_id].insert(inp); mux_port_offset += op_conn_width; mux_port_offset--; found++; } } if (found < 2) continue; const OpMuxConn *seed = NULL; // Look through the bits of the $mux inputs and see which of them are connected to the operator // results. Operator results can be concatenated with other signals before led to the $mux. while (true) { // Remove either the merged ports from the last iteration or the seed that failed to yield a merger if (seed != NULL) { mux_port_conns[seed->mux_port_id].erase(*seed); seed = NULL; } // For a new merger, find the seed op connection that starts at lowest port offset among port connections for (auto &port_conns : mux_port_conns) { if (!port_conns.size()) continue; const OpMuxConn *next_p = &(*port_conns.begin()); if ((seed == NULL) || (seed->mux_port_offset > next_p->mux_port_offset)) seed = next_p; } // Cannot find the seed -> nothing to do for this $mux anymore if (seed == NULL) break; // Find all other op connections that start from the same port offset, and whose ops can be merged with the seed op std::vector mergeable_conns; for (auto &port_conns : mux_port_conns) { if (!port_conns.size()) continue; const OpMuxConn *next_p = &(*port_conns.begin()); if ((next_p->op_outsig_offset == seed->op_outsig_offset) && (next_p->mux_port_offset == seed->mux_port_offset) && mergeable(next_p->op, seed->op) && next_p->sig.size() == seed->sig.size()) mergeable_conns.push_back(next_p); } // We need at least two mergeable connections for the merger if (mergeable_conns.size() < 2) continue; // Filter mergeable connections whose ops share an operand with seed connection's op auto shared_operand = find_shared_operand(seed, mergeable_conns, operand_to_users, sigmap); if (shared_operand.empty()) continue; check_muxed_operands(mergeable_conns, shared_operand, sigmap); if (mergeable_conns.size() < 2) continue; // Remember the combination for the merger std::vector merged_ports; for (auto p : mergeable_conns) { merged_ports.push_back(*p); mux_port_conns[p->mux_port_id].erase(*p); } seed = NULL; merged_ops.push_back(merged_op_t{mux, merged_ports, shared_operand}); design->scratchpad_set_bool("opt.did_something", true); } } for (auto &shared : merged_ops) { log(" Found cells that share an operand and can be merged by moving the %s %s in front " "of " "them:\n", log_id(shared.mux->type), log_id(shared.mux)); for (const auto& op : shared.ports) log(" %s\n", log_id(op.op)); log("\n"); merge_operators(module, shared.mux, shared.ports, shared.shared_operand, sigmap); } } } } OptSharePass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END