/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2018 whitequark * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/modtools.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct dlogic_t { IdString cell_type; // LUT input idx -> hard cell's port name dict lut_input_port; }; struct OptLutWorker { const std::vector &dlogic; RTLIL::Module *module; ModIndex index; SigMap sigmap; pool luts; dict luts_arity; dict>> luts_dlogics; dict> luts_dlogic_inputs; int eliminated_count = 0, combined_count = 0; bool evaluate_lut(RTLIL::Cell *lut, dict inputs) { SigSpec lut_input = sigmap(lut->getPort(ID::A)); int lut_width = lut->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); Const lut_table = lut->getParam(ID::LUT); int lut_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lut_width; i++) { SigBit input = sigmap(lut_input[i]); if (inputs.count(input)) { lut_index |= inputs[input] << i; } else { lut_index |= SigSpec(lut_input[i]).as_bool() << i; } } return lut_table.extract(lut_index).as_bool(); } void show_stats_by_arity() { dict arity_counts; std::vector dlogic_counts(dlogic.size()); int max_arity = 0; for (auto lut_arity : luts_arity) { max_arity = max(max_arity, lut_arity.second); arity_counts[lut_arity.second]++; } for (auto &lut_dlogics : luts_dlogics) { for (auto &lut_dlogic : lut_dlogics.second) { dlogic_counts[lut_dlogic.first]++; } } log("Number of LUTs: %8d\n", GetSize(luts)); for (int arity = 1; arity <= max_arity; arity++) { if (arity_counts[arity]) log(" %d-LUT %16d\n", arity, arity_counts[arity]); } for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(dlogic); i++) { log(" with %-12s (#%d) %4d\n", dlogic[i].cell_type.c_str(), i, dlogic_counts[i]); } } OptLutWorker(const std::vector &dlogic, RTLIL::Module *module, int limit) : dlogic(dlogic), module(module), index(module), sigmap(module) { log("Discovering LUTs.\n"); for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) { if (cell->type == ID($lut)) { if (cell->has_keep_attr()) continue; SigBit lut_output = cell->getPort(ID::Y); if (lut_output.wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep)) continue; int lut_width = cell->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); SigSpec lut_input = cell->getPort(ID::A); int lut_arity = 0; log_debug("Found $lut\\WIDTH=%d cell %s.%s.\n", lut_width, log_id(module), log_id(cell)); luts.insert(cell); // First, find all dedicated logic we're connected to. This results in an overapproximation // of such connections. pool> lut_all_dlogics; for (int i = 0; i < lut_width; i++) { SigBit bit = lut_input[i]; for (auto &port : index.query_ports(bit)) { for (int j = 0; j < GetSize(dlogic); j++) { if (dlogic[j].cell_type == port.cell->type) { if (port.port == dlogic[j].lut_input_port.at(i, IdString())) { lut_all_dlogics.insert({j, port.cell}); } } } } } // Second, make sure that the connection to dedicated logic is legal. If it is not legal, // it means one of the two things: // * The connection is spurious. I.e. this is dedicated logic that will be packed // with some other LUT, and it just happens to be connected to this LUT as well. // * The connection is illegal. // In either of these cases, we don't need to concern ourselves with preserving the connection // between this LUT and this dedicated logic cell. pool> lut_legal_dlogics; pool lut_dlogic_inputs; for (auto lut_dlogic : lut_all_dlogics) { auto &dlogic_map = dlogic[lut_dlogic.first].lut_input_port; bool legal = true; for (auto &dlogic_conn : dlogic_map) { if (lut_width <= dlogic_conn.first) { log_debug(" LUT has illegal connection to %s cell %s.%s.\n", lut_dlogic.second->type.c_str(), log_id(module), log_id(lut_dlogic.second)); log_debug(" LUT input A[%d] not present.\n", dlogic_conn.first); legal = false; break; } if (sigmap(lut_input[dlogic_conn.first]) != sigmap(lut_dlogic.second->getPort(dlogic_conn.second))) { log_debug(" LUT has illegal connection to %s cell %s.%s.\n", lut_dlogic.second->type.c_str(), log_id(module), log_id(lut_dlogic.second)); log_debug(" LUT input A[%d] (wire %s) not connected to %s port %s (wire %s).\n", dlogic_conn.first, log_signal(lut_input[dlogic_conn.first]), lut_dlogic.second->type.c_str(), dlogic_conn.second.c_str(), log_signal(lut_dlogic.second->getPort(dlogic_conn.second))); legal = false; break; } } if (legal) { log_debug(" LUT has legal connection to %s cell %s.%s.\n", lut_dlogic.second->type.c_str(), log_id(module), log_id(lut_dlogic.second)); lut_legal_dlogics.insert(lut_dlogic); for (auto &dlogic_conn : dlogic_map) lut_dlogic_inputs.insert(dlogic_conn.first); } } // Third, determine LUT arity. An n-wide LUT that has k constant inputs and m inputs shared with dedicated // logic implements an (n-k-m)-ary function. for (int i = 0; i < lut_width; i++) { SigBit bit = lut_input[i]; if (bit.wire || lut_dlogic_inputs.count(i)) lut_arity++; } log_debug(" Cell implements a %d-LUT.\n", lut_arity); luts_arity[cell] = lut_arity; luts_dlogics[cell] = lut_legal_dlogics; luts_dlogic_inputs[cell] = lut_dlogic_inputs; } } show_stats_by_arity(); log("\n"); log("Eliminating LUTs.\n"); pool worklist = luts; while (worklist.size()) { if (limit == 0) { log("Limit reached.\n"); break; } auto lut = worklist.pop(); SigSpec lut_input = sigmap(lut->getPort(ID::A)); pool &lut_dlogic_inputs = luts_dlogic_inputs[lut]; vector lut_inputs; for (auto &bit : lut_input) { if (bit.wire) lut_inputs.push_back(sigmap(bit)); } bool const0_match = true; bool const1_match = true; vector input_matches; for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_inputs.size(); i++) input_matches.push_back(true); for (int eval = 0; eval < 1 << lut_inputs.size(); eval++) { dict eval_inputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_inputs.size(); i++) eval_inputs[lut_inputs[i]] = (eval >> i) & 1; bool value = evaluate_lut(lut, eval_inputs); if (value != 0) const0_match = false; if (value != 1) const1_match = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_inputs.size(); i++) { if (value != eval_inputs[lut_inputs[i]]) input_matches[i] = false; } } int input_match = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_inputs.size(); i++) if (input_matches[i]) input_match = i; if (const0_match || const1_match || input_match != -1) { log_debug("Found redundant cell %s.%s.\n", log_id(module), log_id(lut)); SigBit value; if (const0_match) { log_debug(" Cell evaluates constant 0.\n"); value = State::S0; } if (const1_match) { log_debug(" Cell evaluates constant 1.\n"); value = State::S1; } if (input_match != -1) { log_debug(" Cell evaluates signal %s.\n", log_signal(lut_inputs[input_match])); value = lut_inputs[input_match]; } if (lut_dlogic_inputs.size()) log_debug(" Not eliminating cell (connected to dedicated logic).\n"); else { SigSpec lut_output = lut->getPort(ID::Y); for (auto &port : index.query_ports(lut_output)) { if (port.cell != lut && luts.count(port.cell)) worklist.insert(port.cell); } module->connect(lut_output, value); sigmap.add(lut_output, value); luts.erase(lut); luts_arity.erase(lut); luts_dlogics.erase(lut); luts_dlogic_inputs.erase(lut); module->remove(lut); eliminated_count++; if (limit > 0) limit--; } } } show_stats_by_arity(); log("\n"); log("Combining LUTs.\n"); worklist = luts; while (worklist.size()) { if (limit == 0) { log("Limit reached.\n"); break; } auto lutA = worklist.pop(); SigSpec lutA_input = sigmap(lutA->getPort(ID::A)); SigSpec lutA_output = sigmap(lutA->getPort(ID::Y)[0]); int lutA_width = lutA->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); int lutA_arity = luts_arity[lutA]; pool &lutA_dlogic_inputs = luts_dlogic_inputs[lutA]; auto lutA_output_ports = index.query_ports(lutA->getPort(ID::Y)); if (lutA_output_ports.size() != 2) continue; for (auto &port : lutA_output_ports) { if (port.cell == lutA) continue; if (luts.count(port.cell)) { auto lutB = port.cell; SigSpec lutB_input = sigmap(lutB->getPort(ID::A)); SigSpec lutB_output = sigmap(lutB->getPort(ID::Y)[0]); int lutB_width = lutB->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); int lutB_arity = luts_arity[lutB]; pool &lutB_dlogic_inputs = luts_dlogic_inputs[lutB]; log_debug("Found %s.%s (cell A) feeding %s.%s (cell B).\n", log_id(module), log_id(lutA), log_id(module), log_id(lutB)); if (index.query_is_output(lutA->getPort(ID::Y))) { log_debug(" Not combining LUTs (cascade connection feeds module output).\n"); continue; } pool lutA_inputs; pool lutB_inputs; for (auto &bit : lutA_input) { if (bit.wire) lutA_inputs.insert(sigmap(bit)); } for (auto &bit : lutB_input) { if (bit.wire) lutB_inputs.insert(sigmap(bit)); } pool common_inputs; for (auto &bit : lutA_inputs) { if (lutB_inputs.count(bit)) common_inputs.insert(bit); } int lutM_arity = lutA_arity + lutB_arity - 1 - common_inputs.size(); if (lutA_dlogic_inputs.size()) log_debug(" Cell A is a %d-LUT with %d dedicated connections. ", lutA_arity, GetSize(lutA_dlogic_inputs)); else log_debug(" Cell A is a %d-LUT. ", lutA_arity); if (lutB_dlogic_inputs.size()) log_debug("Cell B is a %d-LUT with %d dedicated connections.\n", lutB_arity, GetSize(lutB_dlogic_inputs)); else log_debug("Cell B is a %d-LUT.\n", lutB_arity); log_debug(" Cells share %d input(s) and can be merged into one %d-LUT.\n", GetSize(common_inputs), lutM_arity); const int COMBINE_A = 1, COMBINE_B = 2, COMBINE_EITHER = COMBINE_A | COMBINE_B; int combine_mask = 0; if (lutM_arity > lutA_width) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell A (combined LUT wider than cell A).\n"); else if (lutB_dlogic_inputs.size() > 0) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell A (cell B is connected to dedicated logic).\n"); else if (lutB->get_bool_attribute(ID::lut_keep)) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell A (cell B has attribute \\lut_keep).\n"); else combine_mask |= COMBINE_A; if (lutM_arity > lutB_width) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell B (combined LUT wider than cell B).\n"); else if (lutA_dlogic_inputs.size() > 0) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell B (cell A is connected to dedicated logic).\n"); else if (lutA->get_bool_attribute(ID::lut_keep)) log_debug(" Not combining LUTs into cell B (cell A has attribute \\lut_keep).\n"); else combine_mask |= COMBINE_B; int combine = combine_mask; if (combine == COMBINE_EITHER) { log_debug(" Can combine into either cell.\n"); if (lutA_arity == 1) { log_debug(" Cell A is a buffer or inverter, combining into cell B.\n"); combine = COMBINE_B; } else if (lutB_arity == 1) { log_debug(" Cell B is a buffer or inverter, combining into cell A.\n"); combine = COMBINE_A; } else { log_debug(" Arbitrarily combining into cell A.\n"); combine = COMBINE_A; } } RTLIL::Cell *lutM, *lutR; pool lutM_inputs, lutR_inputs; pool lutM_dlogic_inputs; if (combine == COMBINE_A) { log_debug(" Combining LUTs into cell A.\n"); lutM = lutA; lutM_inputs = lutA_inputs; lutM_dlogic_inputs = lutA_dlogic_inputs; lutR = lutB; lutR_inputs = lutB_inputs; } else if (combine == COMBINE_B) { log_debug(" Combining LUTs into cell B.\n"); lutM = lutB; lutM_inputs = lutB_inputs; lutM_dlogic_inputs = lutB_dlogic_inputs; lutR = lutA; lutR_inputs = lutA_inputs; } else { log_debug(" Cannot combine LUTs.\n"); continue; } pool lutR_unique; for (auto &bit : lutR_inputs) { if (!common_inputs.count(bit) && bit != lutA_output) lutR_unique.insert(bit); } int lutM_width = lutM->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); SigSpec lutM_input = sigmap(lutM->getPort(ID::A)); std::vector lutM_new_inputs; for (int i = 0; i < lutM_width; i++) { bool input_unused = false; if (sigmap(lutM_input[i]) == lutA_output) input_unused = true; if (!lutM_input[i].wire && !lutM_dlogic_inputs.count(i)) input_unused = true; if (input_unused && lutR_unique.size()) { SigBit new_input = lutR_unique.pop(); log_debug(" Connecting input %d as %s.\n", i, log_signal(new_input)); lutM_new_inputs.push_back(new_input); } else if (sigmap(lutM_input[i]) == lutA_output) { log_debug(" Disconnecting cascade input %d.\n", i); lutM_new_inputs.push_back(SigBit()); } else { log_debug(" Leaving input %d as %s.\n", i, log_signal(lutM_input[i])); lutM_new_inputs.push_back(lutM_input[i]); } } log_assert(lutR_unique.size() == 0); RTLIL::Const lutM_new_table(State::Sx, 1 << lutM_width); for (int eval = 0; eval < 1 << lutM_width; eval++) { dict eval_inputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < lutM_new_inputs.size(); i++) { eval_inputs[lutM_new_inputs[i]] = (eval >> i) & 1; } eval_inputs[lutA_output] = evaluate_lut(lutA, eval_inputs); lutM_new_table[eval] = (RTLIL::State) evaluate_lut(lutB, eval_inputs); } log_debug(" Cell A truth table: %s.\n", lutA->getParam(ID::LUT).as_string().c_str()); log_debug(" Cell B truth table: %s.\n", lutB->getParam(ID::LUT).as_string().c_str()); log_debug(" Merged truth table: %s.\n", lutM_new_table.as_string().c_str()); lutM->setParam(ID::LUT, lutM_new_table); lutM->setPort(ID::A, lutM_new_inputs); lutM->setPort(ID::Y, lutB_output); luts_arity[lutM] = lutM_arity; luts.erase(lutR); luts_arity.erase(lutR); worklist.insert(lutM); worklist.erase(lutR); lutR->module->remove(lutR); combined_count++; if (limit > 0) limit--; } } } show_stats_by_arity(); } }; static void split(std::vector &tokens, const std::string &text, char sep) { size_t start = 0, end = 0; while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos) { tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + 1; } tokens.push_back(text.substr(start)); } struct OptLutPass : public Pass { OptLutPass() : Pass("opt_lut", "optimize LUT cells") { } void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" opt_lut [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass combines cascaded $lut cells with unused inputs.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -dlogic :=[:=...]\n"); log(" preserve connections to dedicated logic cell that has ports\n"); log(" connected to LUT inputs . this includes\n"); log(" the case where both LUT and dedicated logic input are connected to\n"); log(" the same constant.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -limit N\n"); log(" only perform the first N combines, then stop. useful for debugging.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) override { log_header(design, "Executing OPT_LUT pass (optimize LUTs).\n"); std::vector dlogic; int limit = -1; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-dlogic" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { std::vector tokens; split(tokens, args[++argidx], ':'); if (tokens.size() < 2) log_cmd_error("The -dlogic option requires at least one connection.\n"); dlogic_t entry; entry.cell_type = "\\" + tokens[0]; for (auto it = tokens.begin() + 1; it != tokens.end(); ++it) { std::vector conn_tokens; split(conn_tokens, *it, '='); if (conn_tokens.size() != 2) log_cmd_error("Invalid format of -dlogic signal mapping.\n"); IdString logic_port = "\\" + conn_tokens[0]; int lut_input = atoi(conn_tokens[1].c_str()); entry.lut_input_port[lut_input] = logic_port; } dlogic.push_back(entry); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-limit" && argidx + 1 < args.size()) { limit = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); int eliminated_count = 0, combined_count = 0; for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { OptLutWorker worker(dlogic, module, limit - eliminated_count - combined_count); eliminated_count += worker.eliminated_count; combined_count += worker.combined_count; } if (eliminated_count) design->scratchpad_set_bool("opt.did_something", true); if (combined_count) design->scratchpad_set_bool("opt.did_something", true); log("\n"); log("Eliminated %d LUTs.\n", eliminated_count); log("Combined %d LUTs.\n", combined_count); } } OptLutPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END