/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Claire Xenia Wolf * Copyright (C) 2020 Marcelina Kościelnicka * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include "kernel/qcsat.h" #include "kernel/modtools.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/ffinit.h" #include "kernel/ff.h" #include "passes/techmap/simplemap.h" #include #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct OptDffOptions { bool nosdff; bool nodffe; bool simple_dffe; bool sat; bool keepdc; }; struct OptDffWorker { const OptDffOptions &opt; Module *module; typedef std::pair cell_int_t; SigMap sigmap; FfInitVals initvals; dict bitusers; dict bit2mux; typedef std::map pattern_t; typedef std::set patterns_t; typedef std::pair ctrl_t; typedef std::set ctrls_t; // Used as a queue. std::vector dff_cells; OptDffWorker(const OptDffOptions &opt, Module *mod) : opt(opt), module(mod), sigmap(mod), initvals(&sigmap, mod) { // Gathering two kinds of information here for every sigmapped SigBit: // // - bitusers: how many users it has (muxes will only be merged into FFs if this is 1, making the FF the only user) // - bit2mux: the mux cell and bit index that drives it, if any for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (wire->port_output) for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) bitusers[bit]++; } for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (cell->type.in(ID($mux), ID($pmux), ID($_MUX_))) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_y); i++) bit2mux[sig_y[i]] = cell_int_t(cell, i); } for (auto conn : cell->connections()) { bool is_output = cell->output(conn.first); if (!is_output || !cell->known()) { for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) bitusers[bit]++; } } if (module->design->selected(module, cell) && RTLIL::builtin_ff_cell_types().count(cell->type)) dff_cells.push_back(cell); } } State combine_const(State a, State b) { if (a == State::Sx && !opt.keepdc) return b; if (b == State::Sx && !opt.keepdc) return a; if (a == b) return a; return State::Sm; } patterns_t find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(RTLIL::SigBit d, RTLIL::SigBit q, pattern_t path) { patterns_t ret; if (d == q) { ret.insert(path); return ret; } if (bit2mux.count(d) == 0 || bitusers[d] > 1) return ret; cell_int_t mbit = bit2mux.at(d); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = sigmap(mbit.first->getPort(ID::A)); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = sigmap(mbit.first->getPort(ID::B)); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_s = sigmap(mbit.first->getPort(ID::S)); int width = GetSize(sig_a), index = mbit.second; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_s); i++) if (path.count(sig_s[i]) && path.at(sig_s[i])) { ret = find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(sig_b[i*width + index], q, path); if (sig_b[i*width + index] == q) { RTLIL::SigSpec s = mbit.first->getPort(ID::B); s[i*width + index] = RTLIL::Sx; mbit.first->setPort(ID::B, s); } return ret; } pattern_t path_else = path; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_s); i++) { if (path.count(sig_s[i])) continue; pattern_t path_this = path; path_else[sig_s[i]] = false; path_this[sig_s[i]] = true; for (auto &pat : find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(sig_b[i*width + index], q, path_this)) ret.insert(pat); if (sig_b[i*width + index] == q) { RTLIL::SigSpec s = mbit.first->getPort(ID::B); s[i*width + index] = RTLIL::Sx; mbit.first->setPort(ID::B, s); } } for (auto &pat : find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(sig_a[index], q, path_else)) ret.insert(pat); if (sig_a[index] == q) { RTLIL::SigSpec s = mbit.first->getPort(ID::A); s[index] = RTLIL::Sx; mbit.first->setPort(ID::A, s); } return ret; } void simplify_patterns(patterns_t&) { // TBD } ctrl_t make_patterns_logic(const patterns_t &patterns, const ctrls_t &ctrls, bool make_gates) { if (patterns.empty() && GetSize(ctrls) == 1) { return *ctrls.begin(); } RTLIL::SigSpec or_input; for (auto pat : patterns) { RTLIL::SigSpec s1, s2; for (auto it : pat) { s1.append(it.first); s2.append(it.second); } RTLIL::SigSpec y = module->addWire(NEW_ID); RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addNe(NEW_ID, s1, s2, y); if (make_gates) { simplemap(module, c); module->remove(c); } or_input.append(y); } for (auto item : ctrls) { if (item.second) or_input.append(item.first); else if (make_gates) or_input.append(module->NotGate(NEW_ID, item.first)); else or_input.append(module->Not(NEW_ID, item.first)); } if (GetSize(or_input) == 0) return ctrl_t(State::S1, true); if (GetSize(or_input) == 1) return ctrl_t(or_input, true); RTLIL::SigSpec y = module->addWire(NEW_ID); RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addReduceAnd(NEW_ID, or_input, y); if (make_gates) { simplemap(module, c); module->remove(c); } return ctrl_t(y, true); } ctrl_t combine_resets(const ctrls_t &ctrls, bool make_gates) { if (GetSize(ctrls) == 1) { return *ctrls.begin(); } RTLIL::SigSpec or_input; bool final_pol = false; for (auto item : ctrls) { if (item.second) final_pol = true; } for (auto item : ctrls) { if (item.second == final_pol) or_input.append(item.first); else if (make_gates) or_input.append(module->NotGate(NEW_ID, item.first)); else or_input.append(module->Not(NEW_ID, item.first)); } RTLIL::SigSpec y = module->addWire(NEW_ID); RTLIL::Cell *c = final_pol ? module->addReduceOr(NEW_ID, or_input, y) : module->addReduceAnd(NEW_ID, or_input, y); if (make_gates) { simplemap(module, c); module->remove(c); } return ctrl_t(y, final_pol); } bool run() { // We have all the information we need, and the list of FFs to process as well. Do it. bool did_something = false; while (!dff_cells.empty()) { Cell *cell = dff_cells.back(); dff_cells.pop_back(); // Break down the FF into pieces. FfData ff(&initvals, cell); bool changed = false; if (!ff.width) { ff.remove(); did_something = true; continue; } if (ff.has_sr) { bool sr_removed = false; std::vector keep_bits; // Check for always-active S/R bits. for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) { if (ff.sig_clr[i] == (ff.pol_clr ? State::S1 : State::S0) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_clr[i] == State::Sx)) { // Always-active clear — connect Q bit to 0. initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q[i]); module->connect(ff.sig_q[i], State::S0); log("Handling always-active CLR at position %d on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to const driver).\n", i, log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); sr_removed = true; } else if (ff.sig_set[i] == (ff.pol_set ? State::S1 : State::S0) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_set[i] == State::Sx)) { // Always-active set — connect Q bit to 1 if clear inactive, 0 if reset active. initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q[i]); if (!ff.pol_clr) { module->connect(ff.sig_q[i], ff.sig_clr[i]); } else if (ff.is_fine) { module->addNotGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_clr[i], ff.sig_q[i]); } else { module->addNot(NEW_ID, ff.sig_clr[i], ff.sig_q[i]); } log("Handling always-active SET at position %d on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to combinatorial circuit).\n", i, log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); sr_removed = true; } else { keep_bits.push_back(i); } } if (sr_removed) { if (keep_bits.empty()) { module->remove(cell); did_something = true; continue; } ff = ff.slice(keep_bits); ff.cell = cell; changed = true; } if (ff.pol_clr ? ff.sig_clr.is_fully_zero() : ff.sig_clr.is_fully_ones()) { // CLR is useless, try to kill it. bool failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) if (ff.sig_set[i] != ff.sig_set[0]) failed = true; if (!failed) { log("Removing never-active CLR on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_sr = false; ff.has_arst = true; ff.pol_arst = ff.pol_set; ff.sig_arst = ff.sig_set[0]; ff.val_arst = Const(State::S1, ff.width); changed = true; } } else if (ff.pol_set ? ff.sig_set.is_fully_zero() : ff.sig_set.is_fully_ones()) { // SET is useless, try to kill it. bool failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) if (ff.sig_clr[i] != ff.sig_clr[0]) failed = true; if (!failed) { log("Removing never-active SET on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_sr = false; ff.has_arst = true; ff.pol_arst = ff.pol_clr; ff.sig_arst = ff.sig_clr[0]; ff.val_arst = Const(State::S0, ff.width); changed = true; } } else if (ff.pol_clr == ff.pol_set) { // Try a more complex conversion to plain async reset. State val_neutral = ff.pol_set ? State::S0 : State::S1; Const val_arst; SigSpec sig_arst; if (ff.sig_clr[0] == val_neutral) sig_arst = ff.sig_set[0]; else sig_arst = ff.sig_clr[0]; bool failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) { if (ff.sig_clr[i] == sig_arst && ff.sig_set[i] == val_neutral) val_arst.bits.push_back(State::S0); else if (ff.sig_set[i] == sig_arst && ff.sig_clr[i] == val_neutral) val_arst.bits.push_back(State::S1); else failed = true; } if (!failed) { log("Converting CLR/SET to ARST on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_sr = false; ff.has_arst = true; ff.val_arst = val_arst; ff.sig_arst = sig_arst; ff.pol_arst = ff.pol_clr; changed = true; } } } if (ff.has_aload) { if (ff.sig_aload == (ff.pol_aload ? State::S0 : State::S1) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_aload == State::Sx)) { // Always-inactive enable — remove. log("Removing never-active async load on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_aload = false; changed = true; } else if (ff.sig_aload == (ff.pol_aload ? State::S1 : State::S0)) { // Always-active enable. Make a comb circuit, nuke the FF/latch. log("Handling always-active async load on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to combinatorial circuit).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.remove(); if (ff.has_sr) { SigSpec tmp; if (ff.is_fine) { if (ff.pol_set) tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, State::S1, ff.sig_set); else tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S1, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_set); if (ff.pol_clr) module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, tmp, State::S0, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q); else module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S0, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q); } else { if (ff.pol_set) tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_set); else tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_set)); if (ff.pol_clr) module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_clr), ff.sig_q); else module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q); } } else if (ff.has_arst) { if (ff.is_fine) { if (ff.pol_arst) module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q); else module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q); } else { if (ff.pol_arst) module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q); else module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q); } } else { module->connect(ff.sig_q, ff.sig_ad); } did_something = true; continue; } else if (ff.sig_ad.is_fully_const() && !ff.has_arst && !ff.has_sr) { log("Changing const-value async load to async reset on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_arst = true; ff.has_aload = false; ff.sig_arst = ff.sig_aload; ff.pol_arst = ff.pol_aload; ff.val_arst = ff.sig_ad.as_const(); changed = true; } } if (ff.has_arst) { if (ff.sig_arst == (ff.pol_arst ? State::S0 : State::S1)) { // Always-inactive reset — remove. log("Removing never-active ARST on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_arst = false; changed = true; } else if (ff.sig_arst == (ff.pol_arst ? State::S1 : State::S0) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_arst == State::Sx)) { // Always-active async reset — change to const driver. log("Handling always-active ARST on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to const driver).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.remove(); module->connect(ff.sig_q, ff.val_arst); did_something = true; continue; } } if (ff.has_srst) { if (ff.sig_srst == (ff.pol_srst ? State::S0 : State::S1)) { // Always-inactive reset — remove. log("Removing never-active SRST on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_srst = false; changed = true; } else if (ff.sig_srst == (ff.pol_srst ? State::S1 : State::S0) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_srst == State::Sx)) { // Always-active sync reset — connect to D instead. log("Handling always-active SRST on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to const D).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_srst = false; if (!ff.ce_over_srst) ff.has_ce = false; ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst; changed = true; } } if (ff.has_ce) { if (ff.sig_ce == (ff.pol_ce ? State::S0 : State::S1) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_ce == State::Sx)) { // Always-inactive enable — remove. if (ff.has_srst && !ff.ce_over_srst) { log("Handling never-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s (connecting SRST instead).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); // FF with sync reset — connect the sync reset to D instead. ff.pol_ce = ff.pol_srst; ff.sig_ce = ff.sig_srst; ff.has_srst = false; ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst; changed = true; } else if (!opt.keepdc || ff.val_init.is_fully_def()) { log("Handling never-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); // The D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a D latch, SR latch, or a const driver). ff.has_ce = ff.has_clk = ff.has_srst = false; changed = true; } else { // We need to keep the undefined initival around as such ff.sig_d = ff.sig_q; ff.has_ce = ff.has_srst = false; changed = true; } } else if (ff.sig_ce == (ff.pol_ce ? State::S1 : State::S0)) { // Always-active enable. Just remove it. // For FF, just remove the useless enable. log("Removing always-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_ce = false; changed = true; } } if (ff.has_clk && ff.sig_clk.is_fully_const()) { if (!opt.keepdc || ff.val_init.is_fully_def()) { // Const clock — the D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a D latch, SR latch, or a const driver). log("Handling const CLK on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_ce = ff.has_clk = ff.has_srst = false; changed = true; } else { // Const clock, but we need to keep the undefined initval around as such if (ff.has_ce || ff.has_srst || ff.sig_d != ff.sig_q) { ff.sig_d = ff.sig_q; ff.has_ce = ff.has_srst = false; changed = true; } } } if ((ff.has_clk || ff.has_gclk) && ff.sig_d == ff.sig_q) { // Q wrapped back to D, can be removed. if (ff.has_clk && ff.has_srst) { // FF with sync reset — connect the sync reset to D instead. log("Handling D = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (conecting SRST instead).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); if (ff.has_ce && ff.ce_over_srst) { if (!ff.pol_ce) { if (ff.is_fine) ff.sig_ce = module->NotGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce); else ff.sig_ce = module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce); } if (!ff.pol_srst) { if (ff.is_fine) ff.sig_srst = module->NotGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_srst); else ff.sig_srst = module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_srst); } if (ff.is_fine) ff.sig_ce = module->AndGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce, ff.sig_srst); else ff.sig_ce = module->And(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce, ff.sig_srst); ff.pol_ce = true; } else { ff.pol_ce = ff.pol_srst; ff.sig_ce = ff.sig_srst; } ff.has_ce = true; ff.has_srst = false; ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst; changed = true; } else if (!opt.keepdc || ff.val_init.is_fully_def()) { // The D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a const-input D latch, SR latch, or a const driver). log("Handling D = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_gclk = ff.has_clk = ff.has_ce = false; changed = true; } } if (ff.has_aload && !ff.has_clk && ff.sig_ad == ff.sig_q) { log("Handling AD = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (removing async load path).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); ff.has_aload = false; changed = true; } // The cell has been simplified as much as possible already. Now try to spice it up with enables / sync resets. if (ff.has_clk && ff.sig_d != ff.sig_q) { if (!ff.has_arst && !ff.has_sr && (!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_ce || ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nosdff) { // Try to merge sync resets. std::map> groups; std::vector remaining_indices; Const val_srst; for (int i = 0 ; i < ff.width; i++) { ctrls_t resets; State reset_val = State::Sx; if (ff.has_srst) reset_val = ff.val_srst[i]; while (bit2mux.count(ff.sig_d[i]) && bitusers[ff.sig_d[i]] == 1) { cell_int_t mbit = bit2mux.at(ff.sig_d[i]); if (GetSize(mbit.first->getPort(ID::S)) != 1) break; SigBit s = mbit.first->getPort(ID::S); SigBit a = mbit.first->getPort(ID::A)[mbit.second]; SigBit b = mbit.first->getPort(ID::B)[mbit.second]; // Workaround for funny memory WE pattern. if ((a == State::S0 || a == State::S1) && (b == State::S0 || b == State::S1)) break; if ((b == State::S0 || b == State::S1) && (b == reset_val || reset_val == State::Sx)) { // This is better handled by CE pattern. if (a == ff.sig_q[i]) break; reset_val = b.data; resets.insert(ctrl_t(s, true)); ff.sig_d[i] = a; } else if ((a == State::S0 || a == State::S1) && (a == reset_val || reset_val == State::Sx)) { // This is better handled by CE pattern. if (b == ff.sig_q[i]) break; reset_val = a.data; resets.insert(ctrl_t(s, false)); ff.sig_d[i] = b; } else { break; } } if (!resets.empty()) { if (ff.has_srst) resets.insert(ctrl_t(ff.sig_srst, ff.pol_srst)); groups[resets].push_back(i); } else remaining_indices.push_back(i); val_srst.bits.push_back(reset_val); } for (auto &it : groups) { FfData new_ff = ff.slice(it.second); new_ff.val_srst = Const(); for (int i = 0; i < new_ff.width; i++) { int j = it.second[i]; new_ff.val_srst.bits.push_back(val_srst[j]); } ctrl_t srst = combine_resets(it.first, ff.is_fine); new_ff.has_srst = true; new_ff.sig_srst = srst.first; new_ff.pol_srst = srst.second; if (new_ff.has_ce) new_ff.ce_over_srst = true; Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit(); if (new_cell) dff_cells.push_back(new_cell); log("Adding SRST signal on %s (%s) from module %s (D = %s, Q = %s, rval = %s).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_signal(new_ff.sig_d), log_signal(new_ff.sig_q), log_signal(new_ff.val_srst)); } if (remaining_indices.empty()) { module->remove(cell); did_something = true; continue; } else if (GetSize(remaining_indices) != ff.width) { ff = ff.slice(remaining_indices); ff.cell = cell; changed = true; } } if ((!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_ce || !ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nodffe) { // Try to merge enables. std::map, std::vector> groups; std::vector remaining_indices; for (int i = 0 ; i < ff.width; i++) { // First, eat up as many simple muxes as possible. ctrls_t enables; while (bit2mux.count(ff.sig_d[i]) && bitusers[ff.sig_d[i]] == 1) { cell_int_t mbit = bit2mux.at(ff.sig_d[i]); if (GetSize(mbit.first->getPort(ID::S)) != 1) break; SigBit s = mbit.first->getPort(ID::S); SigBit a = mbit.first->getPort(ID::A)[mbit.second]; SigBit b = mbit.first->getPort(ID::B)[mbit.second]; if (a == ff.sig_q[i]) { enables.insert(ctrl_t(s, true)); ff.sig_d[i] = b; } else if (b == ff.sig_q[i]) { enables.insert(ctrl_t(s, false)); ff.sig_d[i] = a; } else { break; } } patterns_t patterns; if (!opt.simple_dffe) patterns = find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(ff.sig_d[i], ff.sig_q[i], pattern_t()); if (!patterns.empty() || !enables.empty()) { if (ff.has_ce) enables.insert(ctrl_t(ff.sig_ce, ff.pol_ce)); simplify_patterns(patterns); groups[std::make_pair(patterns, enables)].push_back(i); } else remaining_indices.push_back(i); } for (auto &it : groups) { FfData new_ff = ff.slice(it.second); ctrl_t en = make_patterns_logic(it.first.first, it.first.second, ff.is_fine); new_ff.has_ce = true; new_ff.sig_ce = en.first; new_ff.pol_ce = en.second; new_ff.ce_over_srst = false; Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit(); if (new_cell) dff_cells.push_back(new_cell); log("Adding EN signal on %s (%s) from module %s (D = %s, Q = %s).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_signal(new_ff.sig_d), log_signal(new_ff.sig_q)); } if (remaining_indices.empty()) { module->remove(cell); did_something = true; continue; } else if (GetSize(remaining_indices) != ff.width) { ff = ff.slice(remaining_indices); ff.cell = cell; changed = true; } } } if (changed) { // Rebuild the FF. ff.emit(); did_something = true; } } return did_something; } bool run_constbits() { ModWalker modwalker(module->design, module); QuickConeSat qcsat(modwalker); // Run as a separate sub-pass, so that we don't mutate (non-FF) cells under ModWalker. bool did_something = false; for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) { if (!RTLIL::builtin_ff_cell_types().count(cell->type)) continue; FfData ff(&initvals, cell); // Now check if any bit can be replaced by a constant. pool removed_sigbits; for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) { State val = ff.val_init[i]; if (ff.has_arst) val = combine_const(val, ff.val_arst[i]); if (ff.has_srst) val = combine_const(val, ff.val_srst[i]); if (ff.has_sr) { if (ff.sig_clr[i] != (ff.pol_clr ? State::S0 : State::S1)) val = combine_const(val, State::S0); if (ff.sig_set[i] != (ff.pol_set ? State::S0 : State::S1)) val = combine_const(val, State::S1); } if (val == State::Sm) continue; if (ff.has_clk || ff.has_gclk) { if (!ff.sig_d[i].wire) { val = combine_const(val, ff.sig_d[i].data); if (val == State::Sm) continue; } else { if (!opt.sat) continue; // For each register bit, try to prove that it cannot change from the initial value. If so, remove it if (!modwalker.has_drivers(ff.sig_d.extract(i))) continue; if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1) continue; int init_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(val); int q_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_q[i]); int d_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_d[i]); qcsat.prepare(); // Try to find out whether the register bit can change under some circumstances bool counter_example_found = qcsat.ez->solve(qcsat.ez->IFF(q_sat_pi, init_sat_pi), qcsat.ez->NOT(qcsat.ez->IFF(d_sat_pi, init_sat_pi))); // If the register bit cannot change, we can replace it with a constant if (counter_example_found) continue; } } if (ff.has_aload) { if (!ff.sig_ad[i].wire) { val = combine_const(val, ff.sig_ad[i].data); if (val == State::Sm) continue; } else { if (!opt.sat) continue; // For each register bit, try to prove that it cannot change from the initial value. If so, remove it if (!modwalker.has_drivers(ff.sig_ad.extract(i))) continue; if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1) continue; int init_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(val); int q_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_q[i]); int d_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_ad[i]); qcsat.prepare(); // Try to find out whether the register bit can change under some circumstances bool counter_example_found = qcsat.ez->solve(qcsat.ez->IFF(q_sat_pi, init_sat_pi), qcsat.ez->NOT(qcsat.ez->IFF(d_sat_pi, init_sat_pi))); // If the register bit cannot change, we can replace it with a constant if (counter_example_found) continue; } } log("Setting constant %d-bit at position %d on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", val ? 1 : 0, i, log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module)); initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q[i]); module->connect(ff.sig_q[i], val); removed_sigbits.insert(i); } if (!removed_sigbits.empty()) { std::vector keep_bits; for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) if (!removed_sigbits.count(i)) keep_bits.push_back(i); if (keep_bits.empty()) { module->remove(cell); did_something = true; continue; } ff = ff.slice(keep_bits); ff.cell = cell; ff.emit(); did_something = true; } } return did_something; } }; struct OptDffPass : public Pass { OptDffPass() : Pass("opt_dff", "perform DFF optimizations") { } void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" opt_dff [-nodffe] [-nosdff] [-keepdc] [-sat] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass converts flip-flops to a more suitable type by merging clock enables\n"); log("and synchronous reset multiplexers, removing unused control inputs, or\n"); log("potentially removes the flip-flop altogether, converting it to a constant\n"); log("driver.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nodffe\n"); log(" disables dff -> dffe conversion, and other transforms recognizing clock\n"); log(" enable\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nosdff\n"); log(" disables dff -> sdff conversion, and other transforms recognizing sync\n"); log(" resets\n"); log("\n"); log(" -simple-dffe\n"); log(" only enables clock enable recognition transform for obvious cases\n"); log("\n"); log(" -sat\n"); log(" additionally invoke SAT solver to detect and remove flip-flops (with\n"); log(" non-constant inputs) that can also be replaced with a constant driver\n"); log("\n"); log(" -keepdc\n"); log(" some optimizations change the behavior of the circuit with respect to\n"); log(" don't-care bits. for example in 'a+0' a single x-bit in 'a' will cause\n"); log(" all result bits to be set to x. this behavior changes when 'a+0' is\n"); log(" replaced by 'a'. the -keepdc option disables all such optimizations.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) override { log_header(design, "Executing OPT_DFF pass (perform DFF optimizations).\n"); OptDffOptions opt; opt.nodffe = false; opt.nosdff = false; opt.simple_dffe = false; opt.keepdc = false; opt.sat = false; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-nodffe") { opt.nodffe = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-nosdff") { opt.nosdff = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-simple-dffe") { opt.simple_dffe = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-keepdc") { opt.keepdc = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-sat") { opt.sat = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); bool did_something = false; for (auto mod : design->selected_modules()) { OptDffWorker worker(opt, mod); if (worker.run()) did_something = true; if (worker.run_constbits()) did_something = true; } if (did_something) design->scratchpad_set_bool("opt.did_something", true); } } OptDffPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END