/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include #include #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct SubmodWorker { CellTypes ct; RTLIL::Design *design; RTLIL::Module *module; pool outputs; bool copy_mode; std::string opt_name; struct SubModule { std::string name, full_name; std::set cells; }; std::map submodules; struct wire_flags_t { RTLIL::Wire *new_wire; bool is_int_driven, is_int_used, is_ext_driven, is_ext_used; wire_flags_t() : new_wire(NULL), is_int_driven(false), is_int_used(false), is_ext_driven(false), is_ext_used(false) { } }; std::map wire_flags; bool flag_found_something; void flag_wire(RTLIL::Wire *wire, bool create, bool set_int_driven, bool set_int_used, bool set_ext_driven, bool set_ext_used) { if (wire_flags.count(wire) == 0) { if (!create) return; wire_flags[wire] = wire_flags_t(); } if (set_int_driven) wire_flags[wire].is_int_driven = true; if (set_int_used) wire_flags[wire].is_int_used = true; if (set_ext_driven) wire_flags[wire].is_ext_driven = true; if (set_ext_used) wire_flags[wire].is_ext_used = true; flag_found_something = true; } void flag_signal(const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, bool create, bool set_int_driven, bool set_int_used, bool set_ext_driven, bool set_ext_used) { for (auto &c : sig.chunks()) if (c.wire != NULL) flag_wire(c.wire, create, set_int_driven, set_int_used, set_ext_driven, set_ext_used); } void handle_submodule(SubModule &submod) { log("Creating submodule %s (%s) of module %s.\n", submod.name.c_str(), submod.full_name.c_str(), module->name.c_str()); wire_flags.clear(); for (RTLIL::Cell *cell : submod.cells) { if (ct.cell_known(cell->type)) { for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) flag_signal(conn.second, true, ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first), ct.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first), false, false); } else { log_warning("Port directions for cell %s (%s) are unknown. Assuming inout for all ports.\n", cell->name.c_str(), cell->type.c_str()); for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) flag_signal(conn.second, true, true, true, false, false); } } for (auto &it : module->cells_) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second; if (submod.cells.count(cell) > 0) continue; if (ct.cell_known(cell->type)) { for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) flag_signal(conn.second, false, false, false, ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first), ct.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first)); } else { flag_found_something = false; for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) flag_signal(conn.second, false, false, false, true, true); if (flag_found_something) log_warning("Port directions for cell %s (%s) are unknown. Assuming inout for all ports.\n", cell->name.c_str(), cell->type.c_str()); } } RTLIL::Module *new_mod = new RTLIL::Module; new_mod->name = submod.full_name; design->add(new_mod); int auto_name_counter = 1; std::set all_wire_names; for (auto &it : wire_flags) { all_wire_names.insert(it.first->name); } for (auto &it : wire_flags) { RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.first; wire_flags_t &flags = it.second; if (wire->port_input) flags.is_ext_driven = true; if (wire->port_output || outputs.count(wire)) flags.is_ext_used = true; bool new_wire_port_input = false; bool new_wire_port_output = false; if (flags.is_int_driven && flags.is_ext_used) new_wire_port_output = true; if (flags.is_ext_driven && flags.is_int_used) new_wire_port_input = true; if (flags.is_int_driven && flags.is_ext_driven) new_wire_port_input = true, new_wire_port_output = true; std::string new_wire_name = wire->name.str(); if (new_wire_port_input || new_wire_port_output) { while (new_wire_name[0] == '$') { std::string next_wire_name = stringf("\\n%d", auto_name_counter++); if (all_wire_names.count(next_wire_name) == 0) { all_wire_names.insert(next_wire_name); new_wire_name = next_wire_name; } } } RTLIL::Wire *new_wire = new_mod->addWire(new_wire_name, wire->width); new_wire->port_input = new_wire_port_input; new_wire->port_output = new_wire_port_output; new_wire->start_offset = wire->start_offset; new_wire->attributes = wire->attributes; if (new_wire->port_input && new_wire->port_output) log(" signal %s: inout %s\n", wire->name.c_str(), new_wire->name.c_str()); else if (new_wire->port_input) log(" signal %s: input %s\n", wire->name.c_str(), new_wire->name.c_str()); else if (new_wire->port_output) log(" signal %s: output %s\n", wire->name.c_str(), new_wire->name.c_str()); else log(" signal %s: internal\n", wire->name.c_str()); flags.new_wire = new_wire; } new_mod->fixup_ports(); ct.setup_module(new_mod); for (RTLIL::Cell *cell : submod.cells) { RTLIL::Cell *new_cell = new_mod->addCell(cell->name, cell); for (auto &conn : new_cell->connections_) for (auto &bit : conn.second) if (bit.wire != NULL) { log_assert(wire_flags.count(bit.wire) > 0); bit.wire = wire_flags[bit.wire].new_wire; } log(" cell %s (%s)\n", new_cell->name.c_str(), new_cell->type.c_str()); if (!copy_mode) module->remove(cell); } submod.cells.clear(); if (!copy_mode) { RTLIL::Cell *new_cell = module->addCell(submod.full_name, submod.full_name); for (auto &it : wire_flags) { RTLIL::Wire *old_wire = it.first; RTLIL::Wire *new_wire = it.second.new_wire; if (new_wire->port_id > 0) new_cell->setPort(new_wire->name, RTLIL::SigSpec(old_wire)); } } } SubmodWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool copy_mode = false, std::string opt_name = std::string()) : design(design), module(module), copy_mode(copy_mode), opt_name(opt_name) { if (!design->selected_whole_module(module->name) && opt_name.empty()) return; if (module->processes.size() > 0) { log("Skipping module %s as it contains processes (run 'proc' pass first).\n", module->name.c_str()); return; } if (module->memories.size() > 0) { log("Skipping module %s as it contains memories (run 'memory' pass first).\n", module->name.c_str()); return; } ct.setup_internals(); ct.setup_internals_mem(); ct.setup_stdcells(); ct.setup_stdcells_mem(); ct.setup_design(design); SigMap sigmap(module); for (auto port : module->ports) { auto wire = module->wire(port); if (!wire->port_output) continue; auto sig = sigmap(wire); for (auto c : sig.chunks()) { if (!c.wire) continue; if (c.wire == wire) continue; outputs.insert(c.wire); } } if (opt_name.empty()) { for (auto &it : module->wires_) it.second->attributes.erase("\\submod"); for (auto &it : module->cells_) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second; if (cell->attributes.count("\\submod") == 0 || cell->attributes["\\submod"].bits.size() == 0) { cell->attributes.erase("\\submod"); continue; } std::string submod_str = cell->attributes["\\submod"].decode_string(); cell->attributes.erase("\\submod"); if (submodules.count(submod_str) == 0) { submodules[submod_str].name = submod_str; submodules[submod_str].full_name = module->name.str() + "_" + submod_str; while (design->modules_.count(submodules[submod_str].full_name) != 0 || module->count_id(submodules[submod_str].full_name) != 0) submodules[submod_str].full_name += "_"; } submodules[submod_str].cells.insert(cell); } } else { for (auto &it : module->cells_) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second; if (!design->selected(module, cell)) continue; submodules[opt_name].name = opt_name; submodules[opt_name].full_name = RTLIL::escape_id(opt_name); submodules[opt_name].cells.insert(cell); } if (submodules.size() == 0) log("Nothing selected -> do nothing.\n"); } for (auto &it : submodules) handle_submodule(it.second); } }; struct SubmodPass : public Pass { SubmodPass() : Pass("submod", "moving part of a module to a new submodule") { } void help() YS_OVERRIDE { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" submod [-copy] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass identifies all cells with the 'submod' attribute and moves them to\n"); log("a newly created module. The value of the attribute is used as name for the\n"); log("cell that replaces the group of cells with the same attribute value.\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass can be used to create a design hierarchy in flat design. This can\n"); log("be useful for analyzing or reverse-engineering a design.\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass only operates on completely selected modules with no processes\n"); log("or memories.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log(" submod -name [-copy] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("As above, but don't use the 'submod' attribute but instead use the selection.\n"); log("Only objects from one module might be selected. The value of the -name option\n"); log("is used as the value of the 'submod' attribute above.\n"); log("\n"); log("By default the cells are 'moved' from the source module and the source module\n"); log("will use an instance of the new module after this command is finished. Call\n"); log("with -copy to not modify the source module.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE { log_header(design, "Executing SUBMOD pass (moving cells to submodules as requested).\n"); log_push(); std::string opt_name; bool copy_mode = false; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-name" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opt_name = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-copy") { copy_mode = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (opt_name.empty()) { Pass::call(design, "opt_clean"); log_header(design, "Continuing SUBMOD pass.\n"); std::set handled_modules; bool did_something = true; while (did_something) { did_something = false; std::vector queued_modules; for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_) if (handled_modules.count(mod_it.first) == 0 && design->selected_whole_module(mod_it.first)) queued_modules.push_back(mod_it.first); for (auto &modname : queued_modules) if (design->modules_.count(modname) != 0) { SubmodWorker worker(design, design->modules_[modname], copy_mode); handled_modules.insert(modname); did_something = true; } } Pass::call(design, "opt_clean"); } else { RTLIL::Module *module = NULL; for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_) { if (!design->selected_module(mod_it.first)) continue; if (module != NULL) log_cmd_error("More than one module selected: %s %s\n", module->name.c_str(), mod_it.first.c_str()); module = mod_it.second; } if (module == NULL) log("Nothing selected -> do nothing.\n"); else { Pass::call_on_module(design, module, "opt_clean"); log_header(design, "Continuing SUBMOD pass.\n"); SubmodWorker worker(design, module, copy_mode, opt_name); } } log_pop(); } } SubmodPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END