/* * SubCircuit -- An implementation of the Ullmann Subgraph Isomorphism * algorithm for coarse grain logic networks * * Copyright (C) 2013 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "subcircuit.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _YOSYS_ # include "kernel/yosys.h" # define my_printf YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX log #else # define my_printf printf #endif using namespace SubCircuit; #ifndef _YOSYS_ static std::string my_stringf(const char *fmt, ...) { std::string string; char *str = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (vasprintf(&str, fmt, ap) < 0) str = NULL; va_end(ap); if (str != NULL) { string = str; free(str); } return string; } #else # define my_stringf YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX stringf #endif SubCircuit::Graph::Graph(const Graph &other, const std::vector &otherNodes) { allExtern = other.allExtern; std::map other2this; for (int i = 0; i < int(otherNodes.size()); i++) { assert(other.nodeMap.count(otherNodes[i]) > 0); other2this[other.nodeMap.at(otherNodes[i])] = i; nodeMap[otherNodes[i]] = i; } std::map edges2this; for (auto &i1 : other2this) for (auto &i2 : other.nodes[i1.first].ports) for (auto &i3 : i2.bits) if (edges2this.count(i3.edgeIdx) == 0) { int next_idx = edges2this.size(); edges2this[i3.edgeIdx] = next_idx; } edges.resize(edges2this.size()); for (auto &it : edges2this) { for (auto &bit : other.edges[it.first].portBits) if (other2this.count(bit.nodeIdx) > 0) edges[it.second].portBits.insert(BitRef(other2this[bit.nodeIdx], bit.portIdx, bit.bitIdx)); edges[it.second].constValue = other.edges[it.first].constValue; edges[it.second].isExtern = other.edges[it.first].isExtern; } nodes.resize(other2this.size()); for (auto &it : other2this) { nodes[it.second] = other.nodes[it.first]; for (auto &i2 : nodes[it.second].ports) for (auto &i3 : i2.bits) i3.edgeIdx = edges2this.at(i3.edgeIdx); } } bool SubCircuit::Graph::BitRef::operator < (const BitRef &other) const { if (nodeIdx != other.nodeIdx) return nodeIdx < other.nodeIdx; if (portIdx != other.portIdx) return portIdx < other.portIdx; return bitIdx < other.bitIdx; } void SubCircuit::Graph::createNode(std::string nodeId, std::string typeId, void *userData, bool shared) { assert(nodeMap.count(nodeId) == 0); nodeMap[nodeId] = nodes.size(); nodes.push_back(Node()); Node &newNode = nodes.back(); newNode.nodeId = nodeId; newNode.typeId = typeId; newNode.userData = userData; newNode.shared = shared; } void SubCircuit::Graph::createPort(std::string nodeId, std::string portId, int width, int minWidth) { assert(nodeMap.count(nodeId) != 0); int nodeIdx = nodeMap[nodeId]; Node &node = nodes[nodeIdx]; assert(node.portMap.count(portId) == 0); int portIdx = node.ports.size(); node.portMap[portId] = portIdx; node.ports.push_back(Port()); Port &port = node.ports.back(); port.portId = portId; port.minWidth = minWidth < 0 ? width : minWidth; port.bits.insert(port.bits.end(), width, PortBit()); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { port.bits[i].edgeIdx = edges.size(); edges.push_back(Edge()); edges.back().portBits.insert(BitRef(nodeIdx, portIdx, i)); } } void SubCircuit::Graph::createConnection(std::string fromNodeId, std::string fromPortId, int fromBit, std::string toNodeId, std::string toPortId, int toBit, int width) { assert(nodeMap.count(fromNodeId) != 0); assert(nodeMap.count(toNodeId) != 0); int fromNodeIdx = nodeMap[fromNodeId]; Node &fromNode = nodes[fromNodeIdx]; int toNodeIdx = nodeMap[toNodeId]; Node &toNode = nodes[toNodeIdx]; assert(fromNode.portMap.count(fromPortId) != 0); assert(toNode.portMap.count(toPortId) != 0); int fromPortIdx = fromNode.portMap[fromPortId]; Port &fromPort = fromNode.ports[fromPortIdx]; int toPortIdx = toNode.portMap[toPortId]; Port &toPort = toNode.ports[toPortIdx]; if (width < 0) { assert(fromBit == 0 && toBit == 0); assert(fromPort.bits.size() == toPort.bits.size()); width = fromPort.bits.size(); } assert(fromBit >= 0 && toBit >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { assert(fromBit + i < int(fromPort.bits.size())); assert(toBit + i < int(toPort.bits.size())); int fromEdgeIdx = fromPort.bits[fromBit + i].edgeIdx; int toEdgeIdx = toPort.bits[toBit + i].edgeIdx; if (fromEdgeIdx == toEdgeIdx) continue; // merge toEdge into fromEdge if (edges[toEdgeIdx].isExtern) edges[fromEdgeIdx].isExtern = true; if (edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue) { assert(edges[fromEdgeIdx].constValue == 0); edges[fromEdgeIdx].constValue = edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue; } for (const auto &ref : edges[toEdgeIdx].portBits) { edges[fromEdgeIdx].portBits.insert(ref); nodes[ref.nodeIdx].ports[ref.portIdx].bits[ref.bitIdx].edgeIdx = fromEdgeIdx; } // remove toEdge (move last edge over toEdge if needed) if (toEdgeIdx+1 != int(edges.size())) { edges[toEdgeIdx] = edges.back(); for (const auto &ref : edges[toEdgeIdx].portBits) nodes[ref.nodeIdx].ports[ref.portIdx].bits[ref.bitIdx].edgeIdx = toEdgeIdx; } edges.pop_back(); } } void SubCircuit::Graph::createConnection(std::string fromNodeId, std::string fromPortId, std::string toNodeId, std::string toPortId) { createConnection(fromNodeId, fromPortId, 0, toNodeId, toPortId, 0, -1); } void SubCircuit::Graph::createConstant(std::string toNodeId, std::string toPortId, int toBit, int constValue) { assert(nodeMap.count(toNodeId) != 0); int toNodeIdx = nodeMap[toNodeId]; Node &toNode = nodes[toNodeIdx]; assert(toNode.portMap.count(toPortId) != 0); int toPortIdx = toNode.portMap[toPortId]; Port &toPort = toNode.ports[toPortIdx]; assert(toBit >= 0 && toBit < int(toPort.bits.size())); int toEdgeIdx = toPort.bits[toBit].edgeIdx; assert(edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue == 0); edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue = constValue; } void SubCircuit::Graph::createConstant(std::string toNodeId, std::string toPortId, int constValue) { assert(nodeMap.count(toNodeId) != 0); int toNodeIdx = nodeMap[toNodeId]; Node &toNode = nodes[toNodeIdx]; assert(toNode.portMap.count(toPortId) != 0); int toPortIdx = toNode.portMap[toPortId]; Port &toPort = toNode.ports[toPortIdx]; for (int i = 0; i < int(toPort.bits.size()); i++) { int toEdgeIdx = toPort.bits[i].edgeIdx; assert(edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue == 0); edges[toEdgeIdx].constValue = constValue % 2 ? '1' : '0'; constValue = constValue >> 1; } } void SubCircuit::Graph::markExtern(std::string nodeId, std::string portId, int bit) { assert(nodeMap.count(nodeId) != 0); Node &node = nodes[nodeMap[nodeId]]; assert(node.portMap.count(portId) != 0); Port &port = node.ports[node.portMap[portId]]; if (bit < 0) { for (const auto portBit : port.bits) edges[portBit.edgeIdx].isExtern = true; } else { assert(bit < int(port.bits.size())); edges[port.bits[bit].edgeIdx].isExtern = true; } } void SubCircuit::Graph::markAllExtern() { allExtern = true; } void SubCircuit::Graph::print() { for (int i = 0; i < int(nodes.size()); i++) { const Node &node = nodes[i]; my_printf("NODE %d: %s (%s)\n", i, node.nodeId.c_str(), node.typeId.c_str()); for (int j = 0; j < int(node.ports.size()); j++) { const Port &port = node.ports[j]; my_printf(" PORT %d: %s (%d/%d)\n", j, port.portId.c_str(), port.minWidth, int(port.bits.size())); for (int k = 0; k < int(port.bits.size()); k++) { int edgeIdx = port.bits[k].edgeIdx; my_printf(" BIT %d (%d):", k, edgeIdx); for (const auto &ref : edges[edgeIdx].portBits) my_printf(" %d.%d.%d", ref.nodeIdx, ref.portIdx, ref.bitIdx); if (edges[edgeIdx].isExtern) my_printf(" [extern]"); my_printf("\n"); } } } } class SubCircuit::SolverWorker { // basic internal data structures typedef std::vector> adjMatrix_t; struct GraphData { std::string graphId; Graph graph; adjMatrix_t adjMatrix; std::vector usedNodes; }; static void printAdjMatrix(const adjMatrix_t &matrix) { my_printf("%7s", ""); for (int i = 0; i < int(matrix.size()); i++) my_printf("%4d:", i); my_printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < int(matrix.size()); i++) { my_printf("%5d:", i); for (int j = 0; j < int(matrix.size()); j++) if (matrix.at(i).count(j) == 0) my_printf("%5s", "-"); else my_printf("%5d", matrix.at(i).at(j)); my_printf("\n"); } } // helper functions for handling permutations static const int maxPermutationsLimit = 1000000; static int numberOfPermutations(const std::vector &list) { constexpr size_t mappedPermutationsSize = 10; constexpr int mappedPermutations[mappedPermutationsSize] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880}; assert(list.size() < mappedPermutationsSize); return mappedPermutations[list.size()]; } static void permutateVectorToMap(std::map &map, const std::vector &list, int idx) { // convert idx to a list.size() digits factoradic number std::vector factoradicDigits; for (int i = 0; i < int(list.size()); i++) { factoradicDigits.push_back(idx % (i+1)); idx = idx / (i+1); } // construct permutation std::vector pool = list; std::vector permutation; while (!factoradicDigits.empty()) { int i = factoradicDigits.back(); factoradicDigits.pop_back(); permutation.push_back(pool[i]); pool.erase(pool.begin() + i); } // update map for (int i = 0; i < int(list.size()); i++) map[list[i]] = permutation[i]; } static int numberOfPermutationsArray(const std::vector> &list) { int numPermutations = 1; for (const auto &it : list) { int thisPermutations = numberOfPermutations(it); assert(float(numPermutations) * float(thisPermutations) < maxPermutationsLimit); numPermutations *= thisPermutations; } return numPermutations; } static void permutateVectorToMapArray(std::map &map, const std::vector> &list, int idx) { for (const auto &it : list) { int thisPermutations = numberOfPermutations(it); int thisIdx = idx % thisPermutations; permutateVectorToMap(map, it, thisIdx); idx /= thisPermutations; } } static void applyPermutation(std::map &map, const std::map &permutation) { std::vector> changeLog; for (const auto &it : permutation) if (map.count(it.second)) changeLog.push_back(std::pair(it.first, map.at(it.second))); else changeLog.push_back(std::pair(it.first, it.second)); for (const auto &it : changeLog) map[it.first] = it.second; } // classes for internal digraph representation struct DiBit { std::string fromPort, toPort; int fromBit, toBit; DiBit() : fromPort(), toPort(), fromBit(-1), toBit(-1) { } DiBit(std::string fromPort, int fromBit, std::string toPort, int toBit) : fromPort(fromPort), toPort(toPort), fromBit(fromBit), toBit(toBit) { } bool operator < (const DiBit &other) const { if (fromPort != other.fromPort) return fromPort < other.fromPort; if (toPort != other.toPort) return toPort < other.toPort; if (fromBit != other.fromBit) return fromBit < other.fromBit; return toBit < other.toBit; } std::string toString() const { return my_stringf("%s[%d]:%s[%d]", fromPort.c_str(), fromBit, toPort.c_str(), toBit); } }; struct DiNode { std::string typeId; std::map portSizes; DiNode() { } DiNode(const Graph &graph, int nodeIdx) { const Graph::Node &node = graph.nodes.at(nodeIdx); typeId = node.typeId; for (const auto &port : node.ports) portSizes[port.portId] = port.bits.size(); } bool operator < (const DiNode &other) const { if (typeId != other.typeId) return typeId < other.typeId; return portSizes < other.portSizes; } std::string toString() const { std::string str; bool firstPort = true; for (const auto &it : portSizes) { str += my_stringf("%s%s[%d]", firstPort ? "" : ",", it.first.c_str(), it.second); firstPort = false; } return typeId + "(" + str + ")"; } }; struct DiEdge { DiNode fromNode, toNode; std::set bits; std::string userAnnotation; bool operator < (const DiEdge &other) const { if (fromNode < other.fromNode || other.fromNode < fromNode) return fromNode < other.fromNode; if (toNode < other.toNode || other.toNode < toNode) return toNode < other.toNode; if (bits < other.bits || other.bits < bits) return bits < other.bits; return userAnnotation < other.userAnnotation; } bool compare(const DiEdge &other, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map &mapToPorts) const { // Rules for matching edges: // // For all bits in the needle edge: // - ignore if needle ports don't exist in haystack edge // - otherwise: matching bit in haystack edge must exist // // There is no need to check in the other direction, as checking // of the isExtern properties is already performed in node matching. // // Note: "this" is needle, "other" is haystack for (auto bit : bits) { if (mapFromPorts.count(bit.fromPort) > 0) bit.fromPort = mapFromPorts.at(bit.fromPort); if (mapToPorts.count(bit.toPort) > 0) bit.toPort = mapToPorts.at(bit.toPort); if (other.fromNode.portSizes.count(bit.fromPort) == 0) continue; if (other.toNode.portSizes.count(bit.toPort) == 0) continue; if (bit.fromBit >= other.fromNode.portSizes.at(bit.fromPort)) continue; if (bit.toBit >= other.toNode.portSizes.at(bit.toPort)) continue; if (other.bits.count(bit) == 0) return false; } return true; } bool compareWithFromAndToPermutations(const DiEdge &other, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map &mapToPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) const { if (swapPermutations.count(fromNode.typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(fromNode.typeId)) { std::map thisMapFromPorts = mapFromPorts; applyPermutation(thisMapFromPorts, permutation); if (compareWithToPermutations(other, thisMapFromPorts, mapToPorts, swapPermutations)) return true; } return compareWithToPermutations(other, mapFromPorts, mapToPorts, swapPermutations); } bool compareWithToPermutations(const DiEdge &other, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map &mapToPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) const { if (swapPermutations.count(toNode.typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(toNode.typeId)) { std::map thisMapToPorts = mapToPorts; applyPermutation(thisMapToPorts, permutation); if (compare(other, mapFromPorts, thisMapToPorts)) return true; } return compare(other, mapFromPorts, mapToPorts); } bool compare(const DiEdge &other, const std::map>> &swapPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) const { // brute force method for port swapping: try all variations std::vector> swapFromPorts; std::vector> swapToPorts; // only use groups that are relevant for this edge if (swapPorts.count(fromNode.typeId) > 0) for (const auto &ports : swapPorts.at(fromNode.typeId)) { for (const auto &bit : bits) if (ports.count(bit.fromPort)) goto foundFromPortMatch; if (0) { foundFromPortMatch: std::vector portsVector; for (const auto &port : ports) portsVector.push_back(port); swapFromPorts.push_back(portsVector); } } if (swapPorts.count(toNode.typeId) > 0) for (const auto &ports : swapPorts.at(toNode.typeId)) { for (const auto &bit : bits) if (ports.count(bit.toPort)) goto foundToPortMatch; if (0) { foundToPortMatch: std::vector portsVector; for (const auto &port : ports) portsVector.push_back(port); swapToPorts.push_back(portsVector); } } // try all permutations std::map mapFromPorts, mapToPorts; int fromPortsPermutations = numberOfPermutationsArray(swapFromPorts); int toPortsPermutations = numberOfPermutationsArray(swapToPorts); for (int i = 0; i < fromPortsPermutations; i++) { permutateVectorToMapArray(mapFromPorts, swapFromPorts, i); for (int j = 0; j < toPortsPermutations; j++) { permutateVectorToMapArray(mapToPorts, swapToPorts, j); if (compareWithFromAndToPermutations(other, mapFromPorts, mapToPorts, swapPermutations)) return true; } } return false; } bool compare(const DiEdge &other, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map>> &swapPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) const { // strip-down version of the last function: only try permutations for mapToPorts, mapFromPorts is already provided by the caller std::vector> swapToPorts; if (swapPorts.count(toNode.typeId) > 0) for (const auto &ports : swapPorts.at(toNode.typeId)) { for (const auto &bit : bits) if (ports.count(bit.toPort)) goto foundToPortMatch; if (0) { foundToPortMatch: std::vector portsVector; for (const auto &port : ports) portsVector.push_back(port); swapToPorts.push_back(portsVector); } } std::map mapToPorts; int toPortsPermutations = numberOfPermutationsArray(swapToPorts); for (int j = 0; j < toPortsPermutations; j++) { permutateVectorToMapArray(mapToPorts, swapToPorts, j); if (compareWithToPermutations(other, mapFromPorts, mapToPorts, swapPermutations)) return true; } return false; } std::string toString() const { std::string buffer = fromNode.toString() + " " + toNode.toString(); for (const auto &bit : bits) buffer += " " + bit.toString(); if (!userAnnotation.empty()) buffer += " " + userAnnotation; return buffer; } static void findEdgesInGraph(const Graph &graph, std::map, DiEdge> &edges) { edges.clear(); for (const auto &edge : graph.edges) { if (edge.constValue != 0) continue; for (const auto &fromBit : edge.portBits) for (const auto &toBit : edge.portBits) if (&fromBit != &toBit) { DiEdge &de = edges[std::pair(fromBit.nodeIdx, toBit.nodeIdx)]; de.fromNode = DiNode(graph, fromBit.nodeIdx); de.toNode = DiNode(graph, toBit.nodeIdx); std::string fromPortId = graph.nodes[fromBit.nodeIdx].ports[fromBit.portIdx].portId; std::string toPortId = graph.nodes[toBit.nodeIdx].ports[toBit.portIdx].portId; de.bits.insert(DiBit(fromPortId, fromBit.bitIdx, toPortId, toBit.bitIdx)); } } } }; struct DiCache { std::map edgeTypesMap; std::vector edgeTypes; std::map, bool> compareCache; void add(const Graph &graph, adjMatrix_t &adjMatrix, const std::string &graphId, Solver *userSolver) { std::map, DiEdge> edges; DiEdge::findEdgesInGraph(graph, edges); adjMatrix.clear(); adjMatrix.resize(graph.nodes.size()); for (auto &it : edges) { const Graph::Node &fromNode = graph.nodes[it.first.first]; const Graph::Node &toNode = graph.nodes[it.first.second]; it.second.userAnnotation = userSolver->userAnnotateEdge(graphId, fromNode.nodeId, fromNode.userData, toNode.nodeId, toNode.userData); } for (const auto &it : edges) { if (edgeTypesMap.count(it.second) == 0) { edgeTypesMap[it.second] = edgeTypes.size(); edgeTypes.push_back(it.second); } adjMatrix[it.first.first][it.first.second] = edgeTypesMap[it.second]; } } bool compare(int needleEdge, int haystackEdge, const std::map>> &swapPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) { std::pair key(needleEdge, haystackEdge); if (!compareCache.count(key)) compareCache[key] = edgeTypes.at(needleEdge).compare(edgeTypes.at(haystackEdge), swapPorts, swapPermutations); return compareCache[key]; } bool compare(int needleEdge, int haystackEdge, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map>> &swapPorts, const std::map>> &swapPermutations) const { return edgeTypes.at(needleEdge).compare(edgeTypes.at(haystackEdge), mapFromPorts, swapPorts, swapPermutations); } bool compare(int needleEdge, int haystackEdge, const std::map &mapFromPorts, const std::map &mapToPorts) const { return edgeTypes.at(needleEdge).compare(edgeTypes.at(haystackEdge), mapFromPorts, mapToPorts); } void printEdgeTypes() const { for (int i = 0; i < int(edgeTypes.size()); i++) my_printf("%5d: %s\n", i, edgeTypes[i].toString().c_str()); } }; // solver state variables Solver *userSolver; std::map graphData; std::map> compatibleTypes; std::map> compatibleConstants; std::map>> swapPorts; std::map>> swapPermutations; DiCache diCache; bool verbose; // main solver functions bool matchNodePorts(const Graph &needle, int needleNodeIdx, const Graph &haystack, int haystackNodeIdx, const std::map &swaps) const { const Graph::Node &nn = needle.nodes[needleNodeIdx]; const Graph::Node &hn = haystack.nodes[haystackNodeIdx]; assert(nn.ports.size() == hn.ports.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(nn.ports.size()); i++) { std::string hnPortId = nn.ports[i].portId; if (swaps.count(hnPortId) > 0) hnPortId = swaps.at(hnPortId); if (hn.portMap.count(hnPortId) == 0) return false; const Graph::Port &np = nn.ports[i]; const Graph::Port &hp = hn.ports[hn.portMap.at(hnPortId)]; if (int(hp.bits.size()) < np.minWidth || hp.bits.size() > np.bits.size()) return false; for (int j = 0; j < int(hp.bits.size()); j++) { const Graph::Edge &ne = needle.edges[np.bits[j].edgeIdx]; const Graph::Edge &he = haystack.edges[hp.bits[j].edgeIdx]; if (ne.constValue || he.constValue) { if (ne.constValue != he.constValue) if (compatibleConstants.count(ne.constValue) == 0 || compatibleConstants.at(ne.constValue).count(he.constValue) == 0) return false; continue; } if (ne.isExtern || needle.allExtern) { if (he.portBits.size() < ne.portBits.size()) return false; } else { if (he.portBits.size() != ne.portBits.size()) return false; if (he.isExtern || haystack.allExtern) return false; } } } return true; } bool matchNodes(const GraphData &needle, int needleNodeIdx, const GraphData &haystack, int haystackNodeIdx) const { // Rules for matching nodes: // // 1. their typeId must be identical or compatible // (this is checked before calling this function) // // 2. they must have the same ports and the haystack port // widths must match the needle port width range // // 3. All edges from the needle must match the haystack: // a) if the needle edge is extern: // - the haystack edge must have at least as many components as the needle edge // b) if the needle edge is not extern: // - the haystack edge must have the same number of components as the needle edge // - the haystack edge must not be extern const Graph::Node &nn = needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx]; const Graph::Node &hn = haystack.graph.nodes[haystackNodeIdx]; assert(nn.typeId == hn.typeId || (compatibleTypes.count(nn.typeId) > 0 && compatibleTypes.at(nn.typeId).count(hn.typeId) > 0)); if (nn.ports.size() != hn.ports.size()) return false; std::map currentCandidate; for (const auto &port : needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].ports) currentCandidate[port.portId] = port.portId; if (swapPorts.count(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId) == 0) { if (matchNodePorts(needle.graph, needleNodeIdx, haystack.graph, haystackNodeIdx, currentCandidate) && userSolver->userCompareNodes(needle.graphId, nn.nodeId, nn.userData, haystack.graphId, hn.nodeId, hn.userData, currentCandidate)) return true; if (swapPermutations.count(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId)) { std::map currentSubCandidate = currentCandidate; applyPermutation(currentSubCandidate, permutation); if (matchNodePorts(needle.graph, needleNodeIdx, haystack.graph, haystackNodeIdx, currentCandidate) && userSolver->userCompareNodes(needle.graphId, nn.nodeId, nn.userData, haystack.graphId, hn.nodeId, hn.userData, currentCandidate)) return true; } } else { std::vector> thisSwapPorts; for (const auto &ports : swapPorts.at(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId)) { std::vector portsVector; for (const auto &port : ports) portsVector.push_back(port); thisSwapPorts.push_back(portsVector); } int thisPermutations = numberOfPermutationsArray(thisSwapPorts); for (int i = 0; i < thisPermutations; i++) { permutateVectorToMapArray(currentCandidate, thisSwapPorts, i); if (matchNodePorts(needle.graph, needleNodeIdx, haystack.graph, haystackNodeIdx, currentCandidate) && userSolver->userCompareNodes(needle.graphId, nn.nodeId, nn.userData, haystack.graphId, hn.nodeId, hn.userData, currentCandidate)) return true; if (swapPermutations.count(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(needle.graph.nodes[needleNodeIdx].typeId)) { std::map currentSubCandidate = currentCandidate; applyPermutation(currentSubCandidate, permutation); if (matchNodePorts(needle.graph, needleNodeIdx, haystack.graph, haystackNodeIdx, currentCandidate) && userSolver->userCompareNodes(needle.graphId, nn.nodeId, nn.userData, haystack.graphId, hn.nodeId, hn.userData, currentCandidate)) return true; } } } return false; } void generateEnumerationMatrix(std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack, const std::map> &initialMappings) const { std::map> haystackNodesByTypeId; for (int i = 0; i < int(haystack.graph.nodes.size()); i++) haystackNodesByTypeId[haystack.graph.nodes[i].typeId].insert(i); enumerationMatrix.clear(); enumerationMatrix.resize(needle.graph.nodes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(needle.graph.nodes.size()); i++) { const Graph::Node &nn = needle.graph.nodes[i]; for (int j : haystackNodesByTypeId[nn.typeId]) { const Graph::Node &hn = haystack.graph.nodes[j]; if (initialMappings.count(nn.nodeId) > 0 && initialMappings.at(nn.nodeId).count(hn.nodeId) == 0) continue; if (!matchNodes(needle, i, haystack, j)) continue; enumerationMatrix[i].insert(j); } if (compatibleTypes.count(nn.typeId) > 0) for (const std::string &compatibleTypeId : compatibleTypes.at(nn.typeId)) for (int j : haystackNodesByTypeId[compatibleTypeId]) { const Graph::Node &hn = haystack.graph.nodes[j]; if (initialMappings.count(nn.nodeId) > 0 && initialMappings.at(nn.nodeId).count(hn.nodeId) == 0) continue; if (!matchNodes(needle, i, haystack, j)) continue; enumerationMatrix[i].insert(j); } } } bool checkEnumerationMatrix(std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, int i, int j, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack) { for (const auto &it_needle : needle.adjMatrix.at(i)) { int needleNeighbour = it_needle.first; int needleEdgeType = it_needle.second; for (int haystackNeighbour : enumerationMatrix[needleNeighbour]) if (haystack.adjMatrix.at(j).count(haystackNeighbour) > 0) { int haystackEdgeType = haystack.adjMatrix.at(j).at(haystackNeighbour); if (diCache.compare(needleEdgeType, haystackEdgeType, swapPorts, swapPermutations)) { const Graph::Node &needleFromNode = needle.graph.nodes[i]; const Graph::Node &needleToNode = needle.graph.nodes[needleNeighbour]; const Graph::Node &haystackFromNode = haystack.graph.nodes[j]; const Graph::Node &haystackToNode = haystack.graph.nodes[haystackNeighbour]; if (userSolver->userCompareEdge(needle.graphId, needleFromNode.nodeId, needleFromNode.userData, needleToNode.nodeId, needleToNode.userData, haystack.graphId, haystackFromNode.nodeId, haystackFromNode.userData, haystackToNode.nodeId, haystackToNode.userData)) goto found_match; } } return false; found_match:; } return true; } bool pruneEnumerationMatrix(std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack, int &nextRow, bool allowOverlap) { bool didSomething = true; while (didSomething) { nextRow = -1; didSomething = false; for (int i = 0; i < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); i++) { std::set newRow; for (int j : enumerationMatrix[i]) { if (!checkEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, i, j, needle, haystack)) didSomething = true; else if (!allowOverlap && haystack.usedNodes[j]) didSomething = true; else newRow.insert(j); } if (newRow.size() == 0) return false; if (newRow.size() >= 2 && (nextRow < 0 || needle.adjMatrix.at(nextRow).size() < needle.adjMatrix.at(i).size())) nextRow = i; enumerationMatrix[i].swap(newRow); } } return true; } void printEnumerationMatrix(const std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, int maxHaystackNodeIdx = -1) const { if (maxHaystackNodeIdx < 0) { for (const auto &it : enumerationMatrix) for (int idx : it) maxHaystackNodeIdx = std::max(maxHaystackNodeIdx, idx); } my_printf(" "); for (int j = 0; j < maxHaystackNodeIdx; j += 5) my_printf("%-6d", j); my_printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); i++) { my_printf("%5d:", i); for (int j = 0; j < maxHaystackNodeIdx; j++) { if (j % 5 == 0) my_printf(" "); my_printf("%c", enumerationMatrix[i].count(j) > 0 ? '*' : '.'); } my_printf("\n"); } } bool checkPortmapCandidate(const std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack, int idx, const std::map ¤tCandidate) { assert(enumerationMatrix[idx].size() == 1); int idxHaystack = *enumerationMatrix[idx].begin(); const Graph::Node &nn = needle.graph.nodes[idx]; const Graph::Node &hn = haystack.graph.nodes[idxHaystack]; if (!matchNodePorts(needle.graph, idx, haystack.graph, idxHaystack, currentCandidate) || !userSolver->userCompareNodes(needle.graphId, nn.nodeId, nn.userData, haystack.graphId, hn.nodeId, hn.userData, currentCandidate)) return false; for (const auto &it_needle : needle.adjMatrix.at(idx)) { int needleNeighbour = it_needle.first; int needleEdgeType = it_needle.second; assert(enumerationMatrix[needleNeighbour].size() == 1); int haystackNeighbour = *enumerationMatrix[needleNeighbour].begin(); assert(haystack.adjMatrix.at(idxHaystack).count(haystackNeighbour) > 0); int haystackEdgeType = haystack.adjMatrix.at(idxHaystack).at(haystackNeighbour); if (!diCache.compare(needleEdgeType, haystackEdgeType, currentCandidate, swapPorts, swapPermutations)) return false; } return true; } void generatePortmapCandidates(std::set> &portmapCandidates, const std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack, int idx) { std::map currentCandidate; for (const auto &port : needle.graph.nodes[idx].ports) currentCandidate[port.portId] = port.portId; if (swapPorts.count(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId) == 0) { if (checkPortmapCandidate(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, idx, currentCandidate)) portmapCandidates.insert(currentCandidate); if (swapPermutations.count(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId)) { std::map currentSubCandidate = currentCandidate; applyPermutation(currentSubCandidate, permutation); if (checkPortmapCandidate(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, idx, currentSubCandidate)) portmapCandidates.insert(currentSubCandidate); } } else { std::vector> thisSwapPorts; for (const auto &ports : swapPorts.at(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId)) { std::vector portsVector; for (const auto &port : ports) portsVector.push_back(port); thisSwapPorts.push_back(portsVector); } int thisPermutations = numberOfPermutationsArray(thisSwapPorts); for (int i = 0; i < thisPermutations; i++) { permutateVectorToMapArray(currentCandidate, thisSwapPorts, i); if (checkPortmapCandidate(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, idx, currentCandidate)) portmapCandidates.insert(currentCandidate); if (swapPermutations.count(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId) > 0) for (const auto &permutation : swapPermutations.at(needle.graph.nodes[idx].typeId)) { std::map currentSubCandidate = currentCandidate; applyPermutation(currentSubCandidate, permutation); if (checkPortmapCandidate(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, idx, currentSubCandidate)) portmapCandidates.insert(currentSubCandidate); } } } } bool prunePortmapCandidates(std::vector>> &portmapCandidates, std::vector> enumerationMatrix, const GraphData &needle, const GraphData &haystack) { bool didSomething = false; // strategy #1: prune impossible port mappings for (int i = 0; i < int(needle.graph.nodes.size()); i++) { assert(enumerationMatrix[i].size() == 1); int j = *enumerationMatrix[i].begin(); std::set> thisCandidates; portmapCandidates[i].swap(thisCandidates); for (const auto &testCandidate : thisCandidates) { for (const auto &it_needle : needle.adjMatrix.at(i)) { int needleNeighbour = it_needle.first; int needleEdgeType = it_needle.second; assert(enumerationMatrix[needleNeighbour].size() == 1); int haystackNeighbour = *enumerationMatrix[needleNeighbour].begin(); assert(haystack.adjMatrix.at(j).count(haystackNeighbour) > 0); int haystackEdgeType = haystack.adjMatrix.at(j).at(haystackNeighbour); std::set> &candidates = i == needleNeighbour ? thisCandidates : portmapCandidates[needleNeighbour]; for (const auto &otherCandidate : candidates) { if (diCache.compare(needleEdgeType, haystackEdgeType, testCandidate, otherCandidate)) goto found_match; } didSomething = true; goto purgeCandidate; found_match:; } portmapCandidates[i].insert(testCandidate); purgeCandidate:; } if (portmapCandidates[i].size() == 0) return false; } if (didSomething) return true; // strategy #2: prune a single random port mapping for (int i = 0; i < int(needle.graph.nodes.size()); i++) if (portmapCandidates[i].size() > 1) { // remove last mapping. this keeps ports unswapped in don't-care situations portmapCandidates[i].erase(--portmapCandidates[i].end()); return true; } return false; } void ullmannRecursion(std::vector &results, std::vector> &enumerationMatrix, int iter, const GraphData &needle, GraphData &haystack, bool allowOverlap, int limitResults) { int i = -1; if (!pruneEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, i, allowOverlap)) return; if (i < 0) { Solver::Result result; result.needleGraphId = needle.graphId; result.haystackGraphId = haystack.graphId; std::vector>> portmapCandidates; portmapCandidates.resize(enumerationMatrix.size()); for (int j = 0; j < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); j++) { Solver::ResultNodeMapping mapping; mapping.needleNodeId = needle.graph.nodes[j].nodeId; mapping.needleUserData = needle.graph.nodes[j].userData; mapping.haystackNodeId = haystack.graph.nodes[*enumerationMatrix[j].begin()].nodeId; mapping.haystackUserData = haystack.graph.nodes[*enumerationMatrix[j].begin()].userData; generatePortmapCandidates(portmapCandidates[j], enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, j); result.mappings[needle.graph.nodes[j].nodeId] = mapping; } while (prunePortmapCandidates(portmapCandidates, enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack)) { } if (verbose) { my_printf("\nPortmapper results:\n"); for (int j = 0; j < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); j++) { my_printf("%5d: %s\n", j, needle.graph.nodes[j].nodeId.c_str()); int variantCounter = 0; for (auto &i2 : portmapCandidates.at(j)) { my_printf("%*s variant %2d:", 6, "", variantCounter++); int mapCounter = 0; for (auto &i3 : i2) my_printf("%s %s -> %s", mapCounter++ ? "," : "", i3.first.c_str(), i3.second.c_str()); my_printf("\n"); } } } for (int j = 0; j < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); j++) { if (portmapCandidates[j].size() == 0) { if (verbose) { my_printf("\nSolution (rejected by portmapper):\n"); printEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, haystack.graph.nodes.size()); } return; } result.mappings[needle.graph.nodes[j].nodeId].portMapping = *portmapCandidates[j].begin(); } if (!userSolver->userCheckSolution(result)) { if (verbose) { my_printf("\nSolution (rejected by userCheckSolution):\n"); printEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, haystack.graph.nodes.size()); } return; } for (int j = 0; j < int(enumerationMatrix.size()); j++) if (!haystack.graph.nodes[*enumerationMatrix[j].begin()].shared) haystack.usedNodes[*enumerationMatrix[j].begin()] = true; if (verbose) { my_printf("\nSolution:\n"); printEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, haystack.graph.nodes.size()); } results.push_back(result); return; } if (verbose) { my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Enumeration Matrix at recursion level %d (%d):\n", iter, i); printEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, haystack.graph.nodes.size()); } std::set activeRow; enumerationMatrix[i].swap(activeRow); for (int j : activeRow) { // found enough? if (limitResults >= 0 && int(results.size()) >= limitResults) return; // already used by other solution -> try next if (!allowOverlap && haystack.usedNodes[j]) continue; // create enumeration matrix for child in recursion tree std::vector> nextEnumerationMatrix = enumerationMatrix; for (int k = 0; k < int(nextEnumerationMatrix.size()); k++) nextEnumerationMatrix[k].erase(j); nextEnumerationMatrix[i].insert(j); // recursion ullmannRecursion(results, nextEnumerationMatrix, iter+1, needle, haystack, allowOverlap, limitResults); // we just have found something -> unroll to top recursion level if (!allowOverlap && haystack.usedNodes[j] && iter > 0) return; } } // additional data structes and functions for mining struct NodeSet { std::string graphId; std::set nodes; NodeSet(std::string graphId, int node1, int node2) { this->graphId = graphId; nodes.insert(node1); nodes.insert(node2); } NodeSet(std::string graphId, const std::vector &nodes) { this->graphId = graphId; for (int node : nodes) this->nodes.insert(node); } void extend(const NodeSet &other) { assert(this->graphId == other.graphId); for (int node : other.nodes) nodes.insert(node); } int extendCandidate(const NodeSet &other) const { if (graphId != other.graphId) return 0; int newNodes = 0; bool intersect = false; for (int node : other.nodes) if (nodes.count(node) > 0) intersect = true; else newNodes++; return intersect ? newNodes : 0; } bool operator <(const NodeSet &other) const { if (graphId != other.graphId) return graphId < other.graphId; return nodes < other.nodes; } std::string to_string() const { std::string str = graphId + "("; bool first = true; for (int node : nodes) { str += my_stringf("%s%d", first ? "" : " ", node); first = false; } return str + ")"; } }; void solveForMining(std::vector &results, const GraphData &needle) { bool backupVerbose = verbose; verbose = false; for (auto &it : graphData) { GraphData &haystack = it.second; std::vector> enumerationMatrix; std::map> initialMappings; generateEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, initialMappings); haystack.usedNodes.resize(haystack.graph.nodes.size()); ullmannRecursion(results, enumerationMatrix, 0, needle, haystack, true, -1); } verbose = backupVerbose; } int testForMining(std::vector &results, std::set &usedSets, std::set &nextPool, NodeSet &testSet, const std::string &graphId, const Graph &graph, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph) { // my_printf("test: %s\n", testSet.to_string().c_str()); GraphData needle; std::vector needle_nodes; for (int nodeIdx : testSet.nodes) needle_nodes.push_back(graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId); needle.graph = Graph(graph, needle_nodes); needle.graph.markAllExtern(); diCache.add(needle.graph, needle.adjMatrix, graphId, userSolver); std::vector ullmannResults; solveForMining(ullmannResults, needle); int matches = 0; std::map matchesPerGraph; std::set thisNodeSetSet; for (auto &it : ullmannResults) { std::vector resultNodes; for (auto &i2 : it.mappings) resultNodes.push_back(graphData[it.haystackGraphId].graph.nodeMap[i2.second.haystackNodeId]); NodeSet resultSet(it.haystackGraphId, resultNodes); // my_printf("match: %s%s\n", resultSet.to_string().c_str(), usedSets.count(resultSet) > 0 ? " (dup)" : ""); #if 0 if (usedSets.count(resultSet) > 0) { // Because of shorted pins isomorphisim is not always bidirectional! // // This means that the following assert is not true in all cases and subgraph A might // show up in the matches for subgraph B but not vice versa... This also means that the // order in which subgraphs are processed has an impact on the results set. // assert(thisNodeSetSet.count(resultSet) > 0); continue; } #else if (thisNodeSetSet.count(resultSet) > 0) continue; #endif usedSets.insert(resultSet); thisNodeSetSet.insert(resultSet); matchesPerGraph[it.haystackGraphId]++; if (limitMatchesPerGraph < 0 || matchesPerGraph[it.haystackGraphId] < limitMatchesPerGraph) matches++; } if (matches < minMatches) return matches; if (minNodes <= int(testSet.nodes.size())) { Solver::MineResult result; result.graphId = graphId; result.totalMatchesAfterLimits = matches; result.matchesPerGraph = matchesPerGraph; for (int nodeIdx : testSet.nodes) { Solver::MineResultNode resultNode; resultNode.nodeId = graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId; resultNode.userData = graph.nodes[nodeIdx].userData; result.nodes.push_back(resultNode); } results.push_back(result); } nextPool.insert(thisNodeSetSet.begin(), thisNodeSetSet.end()); return matches; } void findNodePairs(std::vector &results, std::set &nodePairs, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph) { int groupCounter = 0; std::set usedPairs; nodePairs.clear(); if (verbose) my_printf("\nMining for frequent node pairs:\n"); for (auto &graph_it : graphData) for (int node1 = 0; node1 < int(graph_it.second.graph.nodes.size()); node1++) for (auto &adj_it : graph_it.second.adjMatrix.at(node1)) { const std::string &graphId = graph_it.first; const auto &graph = graph_it.second.graph; int node2 = adj_it.first; if (node1 == node2) continue; NodeSet pair(graphId, node1, node2); if (usedPairs.count(pair) > 0) continue; int matches = testForMining(results, usedPairs, nodePairs, pair, graphId, graph, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph); if (verbose) my_printf("Pair %s[%s,%s] -> %d%s\n", graphId.c_str(), graph.nodes[node1].nodeId.c_str(), graph.nodes[node2].nodeId.c_str(), matches, matches < minMatches ? " *purge*" : ""); if (minMatches <= matches) groupCounter++; } if (verbose) my_printf("Found a total of %d subgraphs in %d groups.\n", int(nodePairs.size()), groupCounter); } void findNextPool(std::vector &results, std::set &pool, int oldSetSize, int increment, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph) { int groupCounter = 0; std::map> poolPerGraph; std::set nextPool; for (auto &it : pool) poolPerGraph[it.graphId].push_back(&it); if (verbose) my_printf("\nMining for frequent subcircuits of size %d using increment %d:\n", oldSetSize+increment, increment); int count = 0; for (auto &it : poolPerGraph) { std::map> node2sets; std::set usedSets; for (int idx = 0; idx < int(it.second.size()); idx++) { for (int node : it.second[idx]->nodes) node2sets[node].insert(idx); } for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < int(it.second.size()); idx1++, count++) { std::set idx2set; for (int node : it.second[idx1]->nodes) for (int idx2 : node2sets[node]) if (idx2 > idx1) idx2set.insert(idx2); for (int idx2 : idx2set) { if (it.second[idx1]->extendCandidate(*it.second[idx2]) != increment) continue; NodeSet mergedSet = *it.second[idx1]; mergedSet.extend(*it.second[idx2]); if (usedSets.count(mergedSet) > 0) continue; const std::string &graphId = it.first; const auto &graph = graphData[it.first].graph; if (verbose) { my_printf("<%d%%/%d> Found %s[", int(100*count/pool.size()), oldSetSize+increment, graphId.c_str()); bool first = true; for (int nodeIdx : mergedSet.nodes) { my_printf("%s%s", first ? "" : ",", graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId.c_str()); first = false; } my_printf("] ->"); } int matches = testForMining(results, usedSets, nextPool, mergedSet, graphId, graph, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph); if (verbose) my_printf(" %d%s\n", matches, matches < minMatches ? " *purge*" : ""); if (minMatches <= matches) groupCounter++; } } } pool.swap(nextPool); if (verbose) my_printf("Found a total of %d subgraphs in %d groups.\n", int(pool.size()), groupCounter); } // interface to the public solver class protected: SolverWorker(Solver *userSolver) : userSolver(userSolver), verbose(false) { } void setVerbose() { verbose = true; } void addGraph(std::string graphId, const Graph &graph) { assert(graphData.count(graphId) == 0); GraphData &gd = graphData[graphId]; gd.graphId = graphId; gd.graph = graph; diCache.add(gd.graph, gd.adjMatrix, graphId, userSolver); } void addCompatibleTypes(std::string needleTypeId, std::string haystackTypeId) { compatibleTypes[needleTypeId].insert(haystackTypeId); } void addCompatibleConstants(int needleConstant, int haystackConstant) { compatibleConstants[needleConstant].insert(haystackConstant); } void addSwappablePorts(std::string needleTypeId, const std::set &ports) { swapPorts[needleTypeId].insert(ports); diCache.compareCache.clear(); } void addSwappablePortsPermutation(std::string needleTypeId, const std::map &portMapping) { swapPermutations[needleTypeId].insert(portMapping); diCache.compareCache.clear(); } void solve(std::vector &results, std::string needleGraphId, std::string haystackGraphId, const std::map> &initialMappings, bool allowOverlap, int maxSolutions) { assert(graphData.count(needleGraphId) > 0); assert(graphData.count(haystackGraphId) > 0); const GraphData &needle = graphData[needleGraphId]; GraphData &haystack = graphData[haystackGraphId]; std::vector> enumerationMatrix; generateEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, initialMappings); if (verbose) { my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Needle nodes:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < int(needle.graph.nodes.size()); i++) my_printf("%5d: %s (%s)\n", i, needle.graph.nodes[i].nodeId.c_str(), needle.graph.nodes[i].typeId.c_str()); my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Haystack nodes:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < int(haystack.graph.nodes.size()); i++) my_printf("%5d: %s (%s)\n", i, haystack.graph.nodes[i].nodeId.c_str(), haystack.graph.nodes[i].typeId.c_str()); my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Needle Adjecency Matrix:\n"); printAdjMatrix(needle.adjMatrix); my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Haystack Adjecency Matrix:\n"); printAdjMatrix(haystack.adjMatrix); my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Edge Types:\n"); diCache.printEdgeTypes(); my_printf("\n"); my_printf("Enumeration Matrix (haystack nodes at column indices):\n"); printEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, haystack.graph.nodes.size()); } haystack.usedNodes.resize(haystack.graph.nodes.size()); ullmannRecursion(results, enumerationMatrix, 0, needle, haystack, allowOverlap, maxSolutions > 0 ? results.size() + maxSolutions : -1); } void mine(std::vector &results, int minNodes, int maxNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph) { int nodeSetSize = 2; std::set pool; findNodePairs(results, pool, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph); while ((maxNodes < 0 || nodeSetSize < maxNodes) && pool.size() > 0) { int increment = nodeSetSize - 1; if (nodeSetSize + increment >= minNodes) increment = minNodes - nodeSetSize; if (nodeSetSize >= minNodes) increment = 1; findNextPool(results, pool, nodeSetSize, increment, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph); nodeSetSize += increment; } } void clearOverlapHistory() { for (auto &it : graphData) it.second.usedNodes.clear(); } void clearConfig() { compatibleTypes.clear(); compatibleConstants.clear(); swapPorts.clear(); swapPermutations.clear(); diCache.compareCache.clear(); } friend class Solver; }; bool Solver::userCompareNodes(const std::string&, const std::string&, void*, const std::string&, const std::string&, void*, const std::map&) { return true; } std::string Solver::userAnnotateEdge(const std::string&, const std::string&, void*, const std::string&, void*) { return std::string(); } bool Solver::userCompareEdge(const std::string&, const std::string&, void*, const std::string&, void*, const std::string&, const std::string&, void*, const std::string&, void*) { return true; } bool Solver::userCheckSolution(const Result&) { return true; } SubCircuit::Solver::Solver() { worker = new SolverWorker(this); } SubCircuit::Solver::~Solver() { delete worker; } void SubCircuit::Solver::setVerbose() { worker->setVerbose(); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addGraph(std::string graphId, const Graph &graph) { worker->addGraph(graphId, graph); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addCompatibleTypes(std::string needleTypeId, std::string haystackTypeId) { worker->addCompatibleTypes(needleTypeId, haystackTypeId); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addCompatibleConstants(int needleConstant, int haystackConstant) { worker->addCompatibleConstants(needleConstant, haystackConstant); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addSwappablePorts(std::string needleTypeId, std::string portId1, std::string portId2, std::string portId3, std::string portId4) { std::set ports; ports.insert(portId1); ports.insert(portId2); ports.insert(portId3); ports.insert(portId4); ports.erase(std::string()); addSwappablePorts(needleTypeId, ports); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addSwappablePorts(std::string needleTypeId, std::set ports) { worker->addSwappablePorts(needleTypeId, ports); } void SubCircuit::Solver::addSwappablePortsPermutation(std::string needleTypeId, std::map portMapping) { worker->addSwappablePortsPermutation(needleTypeId, portMapping); } void SubCircuit::Solver::solve(std::vector &results, std::string needleGraphId, std::string haystackGraphId, bool allowOverlap, int maxSolutions) { std::map> emptyInitialMapping; worker->solve(results, needleGraphId, haystackGraphId, emptyInitialMapping, allowOverlap, maxSolutions); } void SubCircuit::Solver::solve(std::vector &results, std::string needleGraphId, std::string haystackGraphId, const std::map> &initialMappings, bool allowOverlap, int maxSolutions) { worker->solve(results, needleGraphId, haystackGraphId, initialMappings, allowOverlap, maxSolutions); } void SubCircuit::Solver::mine(std::vector &results, int minNodes, int maxNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph) { worker->mine(results, minNodes, maxNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph); } void SubCircuit::Solver::clearOverlapHistory() { worker->clearOverlapHistory(); } void SubCircuit::Solver::clearConfig() { worker->clearConfig(); }