/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2022 Miodrag Milanovic * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/fstdata.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE FstData::FstData(std::string filename) : ctx(nullptr) { const std::vector g_units = { "s", "ms", "us", "ns", "ps", "fs", "as", "zs" }; ctx = (fstReaderContext *)fstReaderOpen(filename.c_str()); if (!ctx) log_error("Error opening '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); int scale = (int)fstReaderGetTimescale(ctx); timescale = pow(10.0, scale); timescale_str = ""; int unit = 0; int zeros = 0; if (scale > 0) { zeros = scale; } else { if ((scale % 3) == 0) { zeros = (-scale % 3); unit = (-scale / 3); } else { zeros = 3 - (-scale % 3); unit = (-scale / 3) + 1; } } for (int i=0;ihtyp) { case FST_HT_SCOPE: { snum++; std::string fst_scope_name = fstReaderPushScope(ctx, h->u.scope.name, (void *)(snum)); scopes.push_back(fst_scope_name); break; } case FST_HT_UPSCOPE: { fstReaderPopScope(ctx); snum = fstReaderGetCurrentScopeLen(ctx) ? (intptr_t)fstReaderGetCurrentScopeUserInfo(ctx) : 0; break; } case FST_HT_VAR: { FstVar var; var.id = h->u.var.handle; var.is_alias = h->u.var.is_alias; var.name = remove_spaces(h->u.var.name); var.scope = scopes.back(); var.width = h->u.var.length; vars.push_back(var); if (!var.is_alias) handle_to_var[h->u.var.handle] = var; std::string clean_name; for(size_t i=0;iu.var.name);i++) { char c = h->u.var.name[i]; if(c==' ') break; clean_name += c; } if (clean_name[0]=='\\') clean_name = clean_name.substr(1); //log("adding %s.%s\n",var.scope.c_str(), clean_name.c_str()); name_to_handle[var.scope+"."+clean_name] = h->u.var.handle; break; } } } } static void reconstruct_edges_varlen(void *user_data, uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value, uint32_t plen) { FstData *ptr = (FstData*)user_data; ptr->reconstruct_edges_callback(pnt_time, pnt_facidx, pnt_value, plen); } static void reconstruct_edges(void *user_data, uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value) { FstData *ptr = (FstData*)user_data; uint32_t plen = (pnt_value) ? strlen((const char *)pnt_value) : 0; ptr->reconstruct_edges_callback(pnt_time, pnt_facidx, pnt_value, plen); } void FstData::reconstruct_edges_callback(uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value, uint32_t /* plen */) { std::string val = std::string((const char *)pnt_value); std::string prev = last_data[pnt_facidx]; if (pnt_time>=start_time) { if (prev!="1" && val=="1") edges.push_back(pnt_time); if (prev!="0" && val=="0") edges.push_back(pnt_time); } last_data[pnt_facidx] = val; } std::vector FstData::getAllEdges(std::vector &signal, uint64_t start, uint64_t end) { start_time = start; end_time = end; last_data.clear(); for(auto &s : signal) { last_data[s] = "x"; } edges.clear(); fstReaderSetLimitTimeRange(ctx, start_time, end_time); fstReaderClrFacProcessMaskAll(ctx); for(const auto sig : signal) fstReaderSetFacProcessMask(ctx,sig); fstReaderIterBlocks2(ctx, reconstruct_edges, reconstruct_edges_varlen, this, nullptr); return edges; } static void reconstruct_clb_varlen_attimes(void *user_data, uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value, uint32_t plen) { FstData *ptr = (FstData*)user_data; ptr->reconstruct_callback_attimes(pnt_time, pnt_facidx, pnt_value, plen); } static void reconstruct_clb_attimes(void *user_data, uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value) { FstData *ptr = (FstData*)user_data; uint32_t plen = (pnt_value) ? strlen((const char *)pnt_value) : 0; ptr->reconstruct_callback_attimes(pnt_time, pnt_facidx, pnt_value, plen); } void FstData::reconstruct_callback_attimes(uint64_t pnt_time, fstHandle pnt_facidx, const unsigned char *pnt_value, uint32_t /* plen */) { if (sample_times_ndx >= sample_times.size()) return; uint64_t time = sample_times[sample_times_ndx]; // if we are past the timestamp if (pnt_time > time) { for (auto const& c : last_data) { handle_to_data[c.first].push_back(std::make_pair(time,c.second)); size_t index = handle_to_data[c.first].size() - 1; time_to_index[c.first][time] = index; } sample_times_ndx++; } // always update last_data last_data[pnt_facidx] = std::string((const char *)pnt_value); } void FstData::reconstructAtTimes(std::vector &signal, std::vector time) { handle_to_data.clear(); time_to_index.clear(); last_data.clear(); sample_times_ndx = 0; sample_times = time; fstReaderSetUnlimitedTimeRange(ctx); fstReaderClrFacProcessMaskAll(ctx); for(const auto sig : signal) fstReaderSetFacProcessMask(ctx,sig); fstReaderIterBlocks2(ctx, reconstruct_clb_attimes, reconstruct_clb_varlen_attimes, this, nullptr); if (time_to_index[signal.back()].count(time.back())==0) { for (auto const& c : last_data) { handle_to_data[c.first].push_back(std::make_pair(time.back(),c.second)); size_t index = handle_to_data[c.first].size() - 1; time_to_index[c.first][time.back()] = index; } } } void FstData::reconstructAllAtTimes(std::vector time) { handle_to_data.clear(); time_to_index.clear(); last_data.clear(); sample_times_ndx = 0; sample_times = time; fstReaderSetUnlimitedTimeRange(ctx); fstReaderSetFacProcessMaskAll(ctx); fstReaderIterBlocks2(ctx, reconstruct_clb_attimes, reconstruct_clb_varlen_attimes, this, nullptr); if (time_to_index[1].count(time.back())==0) { for (auto const& c : last_data) { handle_to_data[c.first].push_back(std::make_pair(time.back(),c.second)); size_t index = handle_to_data[c.first].size() - 1; time_to_index[c.first][time.back()] = index; } } } std::string FstData::valueAt(fstHandle signal, uint64_t time) { if (handle_to_data.find(signal) == handle_to_data.end()) log_error("Signal id %d not found\n", (int)signal); auto &data = handle_to_data[signal]; if (time_to_index[signal].count(time)!=0) { size_t index = time_to_index[signal][time]; return data.at(index).second; } else { log_error("No data for signal %d at time %d\n", (int)signal, (int)time); } }