/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2021 Marcelina KoĆcielnicka <mwk@0x04.net> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/ffmerge.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE bool FfMergeHelper::is_output_unused(RTLIL::SigSpec sig) { for (auto bit : (*sigmap)(sig)) if (sigbit_users_count[bit] != 0) return false; return true; } bool FfMergeHelper::find_output_ff(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, FfData &ff, pool<std::pair<Cell *, int>> &bits) { ff = FfData(module, initvals, NEW_ID); sigmap->apply(sig); bool found = false; for (auto bit : sig) { if (bit.wire == NULL || sigbit_users_count[bit] == 0) { ff.width++; ff.sig_q.append(bit); ff.sig_d.append(bit); ff.sig_clr.append(State::Sx); ff.sig_set.append(State::Sx); ff.val_init.bits.push_back(State::Sx); ff.val_srst.bits.push_back(State::Sx); ff.val_arst.bits.push_back(State::Sx); continue; } if (sigbit_users_count[bit] != 1) return false; auto &sinks = dff_sink[bit]; if (sinks.size() != 1) return false; Cell *cell; int idx; std::tie(cell, idx) = *sinks.begin(); bits.insert(std::make_pair(cell, idx)); FfData cur_ff(initvals, cell); // Reject latches and $ff. if (!cur_ff.has_clk) return false; log_assert((*sigmap)(cur_ff.sig_d[idx]) == bit); if (!found) { ff.sig_clk = cur_ff.sig_clk; ff.sig_ce = cur_ff.sig_ce; ff.sig_aload = cur_ff.sig_aload; ff.sig_srst = cur_ff.sig_srst; ff.sig_arst = cur_ff.sig_arst; ff.has_clk = cur_ff.has_clk; ff.has_ce = cur_ff.has_ce; ff.has_aload = cur_ff.has_aload; ff.has_srst = cur_ff.has_srst; ff.has_arst = cur_ff.has_arst; ff.has_sr = cur_ff.has_sr; ff.ce_over_srst = cur_ff.ce_over_srst; ff.pol_clk = cur_ff.pol_clk; ff.pol_ce = cur_ff.pol_ce; ff.pol_aload = cur_ff.pol_aload; ff.pol_arst = cur_ff.pol_arst; ff.pol_srst = cur_ff.pol_srst; ff.pol_clr = cur_ff.pol_clr; ff.pol_set = cur_ff.pol_set; } else { if (ff.has_clk != cur_ff.has_clk) return false; if (ff.has_ce != cur_ff.has_ce) return false; if (ff.has_aload != cur_ff.has_aload) return false; if (ff.has_srst != cur_ff.has_srst) return false; if (ff.has_arst != cur_ff.has_arst) return false; if (ff.has_sr != cur_ff.has_sr) return false; if (ff.has_clk) { if (ff.sig_clk != cur_ff.sig_clk) return false; if (ff.pol_clk != cur_ff.pol_clk) return false; } if (ff.has_ce) { if (ff.sig_ce != cur_ff.sig_ce) return false; if (ff.pol_ce != cur_ff.pol_ce) return false; } if (ff.has_aload) { if (ff.sig_aload != cur_ff.sig_aload) return false; if (ff.pol_aload != cur_ff.pol_aload) return false; } if (ff.has_srst) { if (ff.sig_srst != cur_ff.sig_srst) return false; if (ff.pol_srst != cur_ff.pol_srst) return false; if (ff.has_ce && ff.ce_over_srst != cur_ff.ce_over_srst) return false; } if (ff.has_arst) { if (ff.sig_arst != cur_ff.sig_arst) return false; if (ff.pol_arst != cur_ff.pol_arst) return false; } if (ff.has_sr) { if (ff.pol_clr != cur_ff.pol_clr) return false; if (ff.pol_set != cur_ff.pol_set) return false; } } ff.width++; ff.sig_d.append(cur_ff.sig_d[idx]); ff.sig_ad.append(ff.has_aload ? cur_ff.sig_ad[idx] : State::Sx); ff.sig_q.append(cur_ff.sig_q[idx]); ff.sig_clr.append(ff.has_sr ? cur_ff.sig_clr[idx] : State::S0); ff.sig_set.append(ff.has_sr ? cur_ff.sig_set[idx] : State::S0); ff.val_arst.bits.push_back(ff.has_arst ? cur_ff.val_arst[idx] : State::Sx); ff.val_srst.bits.push_back(ff.has_srst ? cur_ff.val_srst[idx] : State::Sx); ff.val_init.bits.push_back(cur_ff.val_init[idx]); found = true; } return found; } bool FfMergeHelper::find_input_ff(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, FfData &ff, pool<std::pair<Cell *, int>> &bits) { ff = FfData(module, initvals, NEW_ID); sigmap->apply(sig); bool found = false; pool<int> const_bits; for (auto bit : sig) { if (bit.wire == NULL) { const_bits.insert(ff.width); ff.width++; ff.sig_q.append(bit); ff.sig_d.append(bit); // These two will be fixed up later. ff.sig_clr.append(State::Sx); ff.sig_set.append(State::Sx); ff.val_init.bits.push_back(bit.data); ff.val_srst.bits.push_back(bit.data); ff.val_arst.bits.push_back(bit.data); continue; } if (!dff_driver.count(bit)) return false; Cell *cell; int idx; std::tie(cell, idx) = dff_driver[bit]; bits.insert(std::make_pair(cell, idx)); FfData cur_ff(initvals, cell); log_assert((*sigmap)(cur_ff.sig_q[idx]) == bit); if (!found) { ff.sig_clk = cur_ff.sig_clk; ff.sig_ce = cur_ff.sig_ce; ff.sig_aload = cur_ff.sig_aload; ff.sig_srst = cur_ff.sig_srst; ff.sig_arst = cur_ff.sig_arst; ff.has_clk = cur_ff.has_clk; ff.has_gclk = cur_ff.has_gclk; ff.has_ce = cur_ff.has_ce; ff.has_aload = cur_ff.has_aload; ff.has_srst = cur_ff.has_srst; ff.has_arst = cur_ff.has_arst; ff.has_sr = cur_ff.has_sr; ff.ce_over_srst = cur_ff.ce_over_srst; ff.pol_clk = cur_ff.pol_clk; ff.pol_ce = cur_ff.pol_ce; ff.pol_aload = cur_ff.pol_aload; ff.pol_arst = cur_ff.pol_arst; ff.pol_srst = cur_ff.pol_srst; ff.pol_clr = cur_ff.pol_clr; ff.pol_set = cur_ff.pol_set; } else { if (ff.has_gclk != cur_ff.has_gclk) return false; if (ff.has_clk != cur_ff.has_clk) return false; if (ff.has_ce != cur_ff.has_ce) return false; if (ff.has_aload != cur_ff.has_aload) return false; if (ff.has_srst != cur_ff.has_srst) return false; if (ff.has_arst != cur_ff.has_arst) return false; if (ff.has_sr != cur_ff.has_sr) return false; if (ff.has_clk) { if (ff.sig_clk != cur_ff.sig_clk) return false; if (ff.pol_clk != cur_ff.pol_clk) return false; } if (ff.has_ce) { if (ff.sig_ce != cur_ff.sig_ce) return false; if (ff.pol_ce != cur_ff.pol_ce) return false; } if (ff.has_aload) { if (ff.sig_aload != cur_ff.sig_aload) return false; if (ff.pol_aload != cur_ff.pol_aload) return false; } if (ff.has_srst) { if (ff.sig_srst != cur_ff.sig_srst) return false; if (ff.pol_srst != cur_ff.pol_srst) return false; if (ff.has_ce && ff.ce_over_srst != cur_ff.ce_over_srst) return false; } if (ff.has_arst) { if (ff.sig_arst != cur_ff.sig_arst) return false; if (ff.pol_arst != cur_ff.pol_arst) return false; } if (ff.has_sr) { if (ff.pol_clr != cur_ff.pol_clr) return false; if (ff.pol_set != cur_ff.pol_set) return false; } } ff.width++; ff.sig_d.append((ff.has_clk || ff.has_gclk) ? cur_ff.sig_d[idx] : State::Sx); ff.sig_ad.append(ff.has_aload ? cur_ff.sig_ad[idx] : State::Sx); ff.sig_q.append(cur_ff.sig_q[idx]); ff.sig_clr.append(ff.has_sr ? cur_ff.sig_clr[idx] : State::S0); ff.sig_set.append(ff.has_sr ? cur_ff.sig_set[idx] : State::S0); ff.val_arst.bits.push_back(ff.has_arst ? cur_ff.val_arst[idx] : State::Sx); ff.val_srst.bits.push_back(ff.has_srst ? cur_ff.val_srst[idx] : State::Sx); ff.val_init.bits.push_back(cur_ff.val_init[idx]); found = true; } if (found && ff.has_sr) { for (auto i: const_bits) { if (ff.sig_d[i] == State::S0) { ff.sig_set[i] = ff.pol_set ? State::S0 : State::S1; } else if (ff.sig_d[i] == State::S1) { ff.sig_clr[i] = ff.pol_clr ? State::S0 : State::S1; } } } return found; } void FfMergeHelper::remove_output_ff(const pool<std::pair<Cell *, int>> &bits) { for (auto &it : bits) { Cell *cell = it.first; int idx = it.second; SigSpec q = cell->getPort(ID::Q); initvals->remove_init(q[idx]); dff_driver.erase((*sigmap)(q[idx])); q[idx] = module->addWire(stringf("$ffmerge_disconnected$%d", autoidx++)); cell->setPort(ID::Q, q); } } void FfMergeHelper::mark_input_ff(const pool<std::pair<Cell *, int>> &bits) { for (auto &it : bits) { Cell *cell = it.first; int idx = it.second; if (cell->hasPort(ID::D)) { SigSpec d = cell->getPort(ID::D); // The user count was already at least 1 // (for the D port). Bump it as it is now connected // to the merged-to cell as well. This suffices for // it to not be considered for output merging. sigbit_users_count[d[idx]]++; } } } void FfMergeHelper::set(FfInitVals *initvals_, RTLIL::Module *module_) { clear(); initvals = initvals_; sigmap = initvals->sigmap; module = module_; for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (wire->port_output) for (auto bit : (*sigmap)(wire)) sigbit_users_count[bit]++; } for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (RTLIL::builtin_ff_cell_types().count(cell->type)) { if (cell->hasPort(ID::D)) { SigSpec d = (*sigmap)(cell->getPort(ID::D)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(d); i++) dff_sink[d[i]].insert(std::make_pair(cell, i)); } SigSpec q = (*sigmap)(cell->getPort(ID::Q)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(q); i++) dff_driver[q[i]] = std::make_pair(cell, i); } for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) if (!cell->known() || cell->input(conn.first)) for (auto bit : (*sigmap)(conn.second)) sigbit_users_count[bit]++; } } void FfMergeHelper::clear() { dff_driver.clear(); dff_sink.clear(); sigbit_users_count.clear(); }