How to add unit test ==================== Unit test brings some advantages, briefly, we can list some of them (reference [1]( * Tests reduce bugs in new features; * Tests reduce bugs in existing features; * Tests are good documentation; * Tests reduce the cost of change; * Tests allow refactoring; With those advantages in mind, it was required to choose a framework which fits well with C/C++ code. Hence, it was chosen (google test) [], because it is largely used and it is relatively easy learn. Install and configure google test (manually) -------------------------------------------- In this section, you will see a brief description of how to install google test. However, it is strongly recommended that you take a look to the official repository ( and refers to that if you have any problem to install it. Follow the steps below: * Install: cmake and pthread * Clone google test project from: and enter in the project directory * Inside project directory, type: ``` cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON . make ``` * After compilation, copy all "*.so" inside directory "googlemock" and "googlemock/gtest" to "/usr/lib/" * Done! Now you can compile your tests. If you have any problem, go to the official repository to find help. Ps.: Some distros already have googletest packed. If your distro supports it, you can use it instead of compile. Create new unit test -------------------- If you want to add new unit tests for Yosys, just follow the steps below: * Go to directory "yosys/test/unit/" * In this directory you can find something similar Yosys's directory structure. To create your unit test file you have to follow this pattern: fileNameToImplementUnitTest + E.g.: if you want to implement the unit test for kernel/, you will need to create a file like this: tests/unit/kernel/; * Implement your unit test Run unit test ------------- To compile and run all unit tests, just go to yosys root directory and type: ``` make unit-test ``` If you want to remove all unit test files, type: ``` make clean-unit-test ```