/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Claire Xenia Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * A very simple and straightforward frontend for the RTLIL text * representation. * */ %{ #include #include "frontends/rtlil/rtlil_frontend.h" YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace RTLIL_FRONTEND { std::istream *lexin; RTLIL::Design *current_design; RTLIL::Module *current_module; RTLIL::Wire *current_wire; RTLIL::Memory *current_memory; RTLIL::Cell *current_cell; RTLIL::Process *current_process; std::vector*> switch_stack; std::vector case_stack; dict attrbuf; bool flag_nooverwrite, flag_overwrite, flag_lib; bool delete_current_module; } using namespace RTLIL_FRONTEND; YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE %} %define api.prefix {rtlil_frontend_yy} /* The union is defined in the header, so we need to provide all the * includes it requires */ %code requires { #include #include #include "frontends/rtlil/rtlil_frontend.h" } %union { char *string; int integer; YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX RTLIL::Const *data; YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX RTLIL::SigSpec *sigspec; std::vector *rsigspec; } %token TOK_ID TOK_VALUE TOK_STRING %token TOK_INT %token TOK_AUTOIDX TOK_MODULE TOK_WIRE TOK_WIDTH TOK_INPUT TOK_OUTPUT TOK_INOUT %token TOK_CELL TOK_CONNECT TOK_SWITCH TOK_CASE TOK_ASSIGN TOK_SYNC %token TOK_LOW TOK_HIGH TOK_POSEDGE TOK_NEGEDGE TOK_EDGE TOK_ALWAYS TOK_GLOBAL TOK_INIT %token TOK_UPDATE TOK_MEMWR TOK_PROCESS TOK_END TOK_INVALID TOK_EOL TOK_OFFSET %token TOK_PARAMETER TOK_ATTRIBUTE TOK_MEMORY TOK_SIZE TOK_SIGNED TOK_REAL TOK_UPTO %type sigspec_list_reversed %type sigspec sigspec_list %type sync_type %type constant %expect 0 %debug %% input: optional_eol { attrbuf.clear(); } design { if (attrbuf.size() != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("dangling attribute"); }; EOL: optional_eol TOK_EOL; optional_eol: optional_eol TOK_EOL | /* empty */; design: design module | design attr_stmt | design autoidx_stmt | /* empty */; module: TOK_MODULE TOK_ID EOL { delete_current_module = false; if (current_design->has($2)) { RTLIL::Module *existing_mod = current_design->module($2); if (!flag_overwrite && (flag_lib || (attrbuf.count(ID::blackbox) && attrbuf.at(ID::blackbox).as_bool()))) { log("Ignoring blackbox re-definition of module %s.\n", $2); delete_current_module = true; } else if (!flag_nooverwrite && !flag_overwrite && !existing_mod->get_bool_attribute(ID::blackbox)) { rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of module %s.", $2).c_str()); } else if (flag_nooverwrite) { log("Ignoring re-definition of module %s.\n", $2); delete_current_module = true; } else { log("Replacing existing%s module %s.\n", existing_mod->get_bool_attribute(ID::blackbox) ? " blackbox" : "", $2); current_design->remove(existing_mod); } } current_module = new RTLIL::Module; current_module->name = $2; current_module->attributes = attrbuf; if (!delete_current_module) current_design->add(current_module); attrbuf.clear(); free($2); } module_body TOK_END { if (attrbuf.size() != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("dangling attribute"); current_module->fixup_ports(); if (delete_current_module) delete current_module; else if (flag_lib) current_module->makeblackbox(); current_module = nullptr; } EOL; module_body: module_body module_stmt | /* empty */; module_stmt: param_stmt | param_defval_stmt | attr_stmt | wire_stmt | memory_stmt | cell_stmt | proc_stmt | conn_stmt; param_stmt: TOK_PARAMETER TOK_ID EOL { current_module->avail_parameters($2); free($2); }; param_defval_stmt: TOK_PARAMETER TOK_ID constant EOL { current_module->avail_parameters($2); current_module->parameter_default_values[$2] = *$3; delete $3; free($2); }; attr_stmt: TOK_ATTRIBUTE TOK_ID constant EOL { attrbuf[$2] = *$3; delete $3; free($2); }; autoidx_stmt: TOK_AUTOIDX TOK_INT EOL { autoidx = max(autoidx, $2); }; wire_stmt: TOK_WIRE { current_wire = current_module->addWire("$__rtlil_frontend_tmp__"); current_wire->attributes = attrbuf; attrbuf.clear(); } wire_options TOK_ID EOL { if (current_module->wire($4) != nullptr) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of wire %s.", $4).c_str()); current_module->rename(current_wire, $4); free($4); }; wire_options: wire_options TOK_WIDTH TOK_INT { current_wire->width = $3; } | wire_options TOK_WIDTH TOK_INVALID { rtlil_frontend_yyerror("RTLIL error: invalid wire width"); } | wire_options TOK_UPTO { current_wire->upto = true; } | wire_options TOK_SIGNED { current_wire->is_signed = true; } | wire_options TOK_OFFSET TOK_INT { current_wire->start_offset = $3; } | wire_options TOK_INPUT TOK_INT { current_wire->port_id = $3; current_wire->port_input = true; current_wire->port_output = false; } | wire_options TOK_OUTPUT TOK_INT { current_wire->port_id = $3; current_wire->port_input = false; current_wire->port_output = true; } | wire_options TOK_INOUT TOK_INT { current_wire->port_id = $3; current_wire->port_input = true; current_wire->port_output = true; } | /* empty */; memory_stmt: TOK_MEMORY { current_memory = new RTLIL::Memory; current_memory->attributes = attrbuf; attrbuf.clear(); } memory_options TOK_ID EOL { if (current_module->memories.count($4) != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of memory %s.", $4).c_str()); current_memory->name = $4; current_module->memories[$4] = current_memory; free($4); }; memory_options: memory_options TOK_WIDTH TOK_INT { current_memory->width = $3; } | memory_options TOK_SIZE TOK_INT { current_memory->size = $3; } | memory_options TOK_OFFSET TOK_INT { current_memory->start_offset = $3; } | /* empty */; cell_stmt: TOK_CELL TOK_ID TOK_ID EOL { if (current_module->cell($3) != nullptr) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of cell %s.", $3).c_str()); current_cell = current_module->addCell($3, $2); current_cell->attributes = attrbuf; attrbuf.clear(); free($2); free($3); } cell_body TOK_END EOL; cell_body: cell_body TOK_PARAMETER TOK_ID constant EOL { current_cell->parameters[$3] = *$4; free($3); delete $4; } | cell_body TOK_PARAMETER TOK_SIGNED TOK_ID constant EOL { current_cell->parameters[$4] = *$5; current_cell->parameters[$4].flags |= RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED; free($4); delete $5; } | cell_body TOK_PARAMETER TOK_REAL TOK_ID constant EOL { current_cell->parameters[$4] = *$5; current_cell->parameters[$4].flags |= RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_REAL; free($4); delete $5; } | cell_body TOK_CONNECT TOK_ID sigspec EOL { if (current_cell->hasPort($3)) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of cell port %s.", $3).c_str()); current_cell->setPort($3, *$4); delete $4; free($3); } | /* empty */; proc_stmt: TOK_PROCESS TOK_ID EOL { if (current_module->processes.count($2) != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: redefinition of process %s.", $2).c_str()); current_process = current_module->addProcess($2); current_process->attributes = attrbuf; switch_stack.clear(); switch_stack.push_back(¤t_process->root_case.switches); case_stack.clear(); case_stack.push_back(¤t_process->root_case); attrbuf.clear(); free($2); } case_body sync_list TOK_END EOL; switch_stmt: TOK_SWITCH sigspec EOL { RTLIL::SwitchRule *rule = new RTLIL::SwitchRule; rule->signal = *$2; rule->attributes = attrbuf; switch_stack.back()->push_back(rule); attrbuf.clear(); delete $2; } attr_list switch_body TOK_END EOL; attr_list: /* empty */ | attr_list attr_stmt; switch_body: switch_body TOK_CASE { RTLIL::CaseRule *rule = new RTLIL::CaseRule; rule->attributes = attrbuf; switch_stack.back()->back()->cases.push_back(rule); switch_stack.push_back(&rule->switches); case_stack.push_back(rule); attrbuf.clear(); } compare_list EOL case_body { switch_stack.pop_back(); case_stack.pop_back(); } | /* empty */; compare_list: sigspec { case_stack.back()->compare.push_back(*$1); delete $1; } | compare_list ',' sigspec { case_stack.back()->compare.push_back(*$3); delete $3; } | /* empty */; case_body: case_body attr_stmt | case_body switch_stmt | case_body assign_stmt | /* empty */; assign_stmt: TOK_ASSIGN sigspec sigspec EOL { if (attrbuf.size() != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("dangling attribute"); case_stack.back()->actions.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(*$2, *$3)); delete $2; delete $3; }; sync_list: sync_list TOK_SYNC sync_type sigspec EOL { RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule; rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType($3); rule->signal = *$4; current_process->syncs.push_back(rule); delete $4; } update_list | sync_list TOK_SYNC TOK_ALWAYS EOL { RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule; rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType::STa; rule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec(); current_process->syncs.push_back(rule); } update_list | sync_list TOK_SYNC TOK_GLOBAL EOL { RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule; rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType::STg; rule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec(); current_process->syncs.push_back(rule); } update_list | sync_list TOK_SYNC TOK_INIT EOL { RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule; rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType::STi; rule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec(); current_process->syncs.push_back(rule); } update_list | /* empty */; sync_type: TOK_LOW { $$ = RTLIL::ST0; } | TOK_HIGH { $$ = RTLIL::ST1; } | TOK_POSEDGE { $$ = RTLIL::STp; } | TOK_NEGEDGE { $$ = RTLIL::STn; } | TOK_EDGE { $$ = RTLIL::STe; }; update_list: update_list TOK_UPDATE sigspec sigspec EOL { current_process->syncs.back()->actions.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(*$3, *$4)); delete $3; delete $4; } | update_list attr_list TOK_MEMWR TOK_ID sigspec sigspec sigspec constant EOL { RTLIL::MemWriteAction act; act.attributes = attrbuf; act.memid = $4; act.address = *$5; act.data = *$6; act.enable = *$7; act.priority_mask = *$8; current_process->syncs.back()->mem_write_actions.push_back(std::move(act)); attrbuf.clear(); free($4); delete $5; delete $6; delete $7; delete $8; } | /* empty */; constant: TOK_VALUE { char *ep; int width = strtol($1, &ep, 10); std::list bits; while (*(++ep) != 0) { RTLIL::State bit = RTLIL::Sx; switch (*ep) { case '0': bit = RTLIL::S0; break; case '1': bit = RTLIL::S1; break; case 'x': bit = RTLIL::Sx; break; case 'z': bit = RTLIL::Sz; break; case '-': bit = RTLIL::Sa; break; case 'm': bit = RTLIL::Sm; break; } bits.push_front(bit); } if (bits.size() == 0) bits.push_back(RTLIL::Sx); while ((int)bits.size() < width) { RTLIL::State bit = bits.back(); if (bit == RTLIL::S1) bit = RTLIL::S0; bits.push_back(bit); } while ((int)bits.size() > width) bits.pop_back(); $$ = new RTLIL::Const; for (auto it = bits.begin(); it != bits.end(); it++) $$->bits.push_back(*it); free($1); } | TOK_INT { $$ = new RTLIL::Const($1, 32); } | TOK_STRING { $$ = new RTLIL::Const($1); free($1); }; sigspec: constant { $$ = new RTLIL::SigSpec(*$1); delete $1; } | TOK_ID { if (current_module->wire($1) == nullptr) rtlil_frontend_yyerror(stringf("RTLIL error: wire %s not found", $1).c_str()); $$ = new RTLIL::SigSpec(current_module->wire($1)); free($1); } | sigspec '[' TOK_INT ']' { if ($3 >= $1->size() || $3 < 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("bit index out of range"); $$ = new RTLIL::SigSpec($1->extract($3)); delete $1; } | sigspec '[' TOK_INT ':' TOK_INT ']' { if ($3 >= $1->size() || $3 < 0 || $3 < $5) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("invalid slice"); $$ = new RTLIL::SigSpec($1->extract($5, $3 - $5 + 1)); delete $1; } | '{' sigspec_list '}' { $$ = $2; }; sigspec_list_reversed: sigspec_list_reversed sigspec { $$->push_back(*$2); delete $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector; }; sigspec_list: sigspec_list_reversed { $$ = new RTLIL::SigSpec; for (auto it = $1->rbegin(); it != $1->rend(); it++) $$->append(*it); delete $1; }; conn_stmt: TOK_CONNECT sigspec sigspec EOL { if (attrbuf.size() != 0) rtlil_frontend_yyerror("dangling attribute"); current_module->connect(*$2, *$3); delete $2; delete $3; };