/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * This is the AST frontend library. * * The AST frontend library is not a frontend on it's own but provides a * generic abstract syntax tree (AST) abstraction for HDL code and can be * used by HDL frontends. See "ast.h" for an overview of the API and the * Verilog frontend for an usage example. * */ #ifndef AST_H #define AST_H #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include #include YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace AST { // all node types, type2str() must be extended // whenever a new node type is added here enum AstNodeType { AST_NONE, AST_DESIGN, AST_MODULE, AST_TASK, AST_FUNCTION, AST_DPI_FUNCTION, AST_WIRE, AST_MEMORY, AST_AUTOWIRE, AST_PARAMETER, AST_LOCALPARAM, AST_DEFPARAM, AST_PARASET, AST_ARGUMENT, AST_RANGE, AST_MULTIRANGE, AST_CONSTANT, AST_REALVALUE, AST_CELLTYPE, AST_IDENTIFIER, AST_PREFIX, AST_ASSERT, AST_ASSUME, AST_COVER, AST_FCALL, AST_TO_BITS, AST_TO_SIGNED, AST_TO_UNSIGNED, AST_CONCAT, AST_REPLICATE, AST_BIT_NOT, AST_BIT_AND, AST_BIT_OR, AST_BIT_XOR, AST_BIT_XNOR, AST_REDUCE_AND, AST_REDUCE_OR, AST_REDUCE_XOR, AST_REDUCE_XNOR, AST_REDUCE_BOOL, AST_SHIFT_LEFT, AST_SHIFT_RIGHT, AST_SHIFT_SLEFT, AST_SHIFT_SRIGHT, AST_LT, AST_LE, AST_EQ, AST_NE, AST_EQX, AST_NEX, AST_GE, AST_GT, AST_ADD, AST_SUB, AST_MUL, AST_DIV, AST_MOD, AST_POW, AST_POS, AST_NEG, AST_LOGIC_AND, AST_LOGIC_OR, AST_LOGIC_NOT, AST_TERNARY, AST_MEMRD, AST_MEMWR, AST_MEMINIT, AST_TCALL, AST_ASSIGN, AST_CELL, AST_PRIMITIVE, AST_CELLARRAY, AST_ALWAYS, AST_INITIAL, AST_BLOCK, AST_ASSIGN_EQ, AST_ASSIGN_LE, AST_CASE, AST_COND, AST_CONDX, AST_CONDZ, AST_DEFAULT, AST_FOR, AST_WHILE, AST_REPEAT, AST_GENVAR, AST_GENFOR, AST_GENIF, AST_GENCASE, AST_GENBLOCK, AST_POSEDGE, AST_NEGEDGE, AST_EDGE, AST_PACKAGE }; // convert an node type to a string (e.g. for debug output) std::string type2str(AstNodeType type); // The AST is built using instances of this struct struct AstNode { // for dict<> and pool<> unsigned int hashidx_; unsigned int hash() const { return hashidx_; } // this nodes type AstNodeType type; // the list of child nodes for this node std::vector children; // the list of attributes assigned to this node std::map attributes; bool get_bool_attribute(RTLIL::IdString id); // node content - most of it is unused in most node types std::string str; std::vector bits; bool is_input, is_output, is_reg, is_signed, is_string, range_valid, range_swapped; int port_id, range_left, range_right; uint32_t integer; double realvalue; // if this is a multirange memory then this vector contains offset and length of each dimension std::vector multirange_dimensions; // this is set by simplify and used during RTLIL generation AstNode *id2ast; // this is used by simplify to detect if basic analysis has been performed already on the node bool basic_prep; // this is the original sourcecode location that resulted in this AST node // it is automatically set by the constructor using AST::current_filename and // the AST::get_line_num() callback function. std::string filename; int linenum; // creating and deleting nodes AstNode(AstNodeType type = AST_NONE, AstNode *child1 = NULL, AstNode *child2 = NULL, AstNode *child3 = NULL); AstNode *clone(); void cloneInto(AstNode *other); void delete_children(); ~AstNode(); enum mem2reg_flags { /* status flags */ MEM2REG_FL_ALL = 0x00000001, MEM2REG_FL_ASYNC = 0x00000002, MEM2REG_FL_INIT = 0x00000004, /* candidate flags */ MEM2REG_FL_FORCED = 0x00000100, MEM2REG_FL_SET_INIT = 0x00000200, MEM2REG_FL_SET_ELSE = 0x00000400, MEM2REG_FL_SET_ASYNC = 0x00000800, MEM2REG_FL_EQ2 = 0x00001000, MEM2REG_FL_CMPLX_LHS = 0x00002000, /* proc flags */ MEM2REG_FL_EQ1 = 0x01000000, }; // simplify() creates a simpler AST by unrolling for-loops, expanding generate blocks, etc. // it also sets the id2ast pointers so that identifier lookups are fast in genRTLIL() bool simplify(bool const_fold, bool at_zero, bool in_lvalue, int stage, int width_hint, bool sign_hint, bool in_param); AstNode *readmem(bool is_readmemh, std::string mem_filename, AstNode *memory, int start_addr, int finish_addr, bool unconditional_init); void expand_genblock(std::string index_var, std::string prefix, std::map &name_map); void replace_ids(const std::string &prefix, const std::map &rules); void mem2reg_as_needed_pass1(dict> &mem2reg_places, dict &mem2reg_flags, dict &proc_flags, uint32_t &status_flags); bool mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod, AstNode *block, AstNode *&async_block); bool mem2reg_check(pool &mem2reg_set); void mem2reg_remove(pool &mem2reg_set, vector &delnodes); void meminfo(int &mem_width, int &mem_size, int &addr_bits); // additional functionality for evaluating constant functions struct varinfo_t { RTLIL::Const val; int offset; bool is_signed; }; bool has_const_only_constructs(bool &recommend_const_eval); void replace_variables(std::map &variables, AstNode *fcall); AstNode *eval_const_function(AstNode *fcall); // create a human-readable text representation of the AST (for debugging) void dumpAst(FILE *f, std::string indent); void dumpVlog(FILE *f, std::string indent); // used by genRTLIL() for detecting expression width and sign void detectSignWidthWorker(int &width_hint, bool &sign_hint, bool *found_real = NULL); void detectSignWidth(int &width_hint, bool &sign_hint, bool *found_real = NULL); // create RTLIL code for this AST node // for expressions the resulting signal vector is returned // all generated cell instances, etc. are written to the RTLIL::Module pointed to by AST_INTERNAL::current_module RTLIL::SigSpec genRTLIL(int width_hint = -1, bool sign_hint = false); RTLIL::SigSpec genWidthRTLIL(int width, const dict *new_subst_ptr = NULL); // compare AST nodes bool operator==(const AstNode &other) const; bool operator!=(const AstNode &other) const; bool contains(const AstNode *other) const; // helper functions for creating AST nodes for constants static AstNode *mkconst_int(uint32_t v, bool is_signed, int width = 32); static AstNode *mkconst_bits(const std::vector &v, bool is_signed); static AstNode *mkconst_str(const std::vector &v); static AstNode *mkconst_str(const std::string &str); // helper function for creating sign-extended const objects RTLIL::Const bitsAsConst(int width, bool is_signed); RTLIL::Const bitsAsConst(int width = -1); RTLIL::Const asAttrConst(); RTLIL::Const asParaConst(); uint64_t asInt(bool is_signed); bool bits_only_01(); bool asBool(); // helper functions for real valued const eval int isConst(); // return '1' for AST_CONSTANT and '2' for AST_REALVALUE double asReal(bool is_signed); RTLIL::Const realAsConst(int width); }; // process an AST tree (ast must point to an AST_DESIGN node) and generate RTLIL code void process(RTLIL::Design *design, AstNode *ast, bool dump_ast1, bool dump_ast2, bool dump_vlog, bool dump_rtlil, bool nolatches, bool nomeminit, bool nomem2reg, bool mem2reg, bool lib, bool noopt, bool icells, bool ignore_redef, bool defer, bool autowire); // parametric modules are supported directly by the AST library // therefore we need our own derivate of RTLIL::Module with overloaded virtual functions struct AstModule : RTLIL::Module { AstNode *ast; bool nolatches, nomeminit, nomem2reg, mem2reg, lib, noopt, icells, autowire; virtual ~AstModule(); virtual RTLIL::IdString derive(RTLIL::Design *design, dict parameters); virtual RTLIL::Module *clone() const; }; // this must be set by the language frontend before parsing the sources // the AstNode constructor then uses current_filename and get_line_num() // to initialize the filename and linenum properties of new nodes extern std::string current_filename; extern void (*set_line_num)(int); extern int (*get_line_num)(); // set set_line_num and get_line_num to internal dummy functions (done by simplify() and AstModule::derive // to control the filename and linenum properties of new nodes not generated by a frontend parser) void use_internal_line_num(); // call a DPI function AstNode *dpi_call(const std::string &rtype, const std::string &fname, const std::vector &argtypes, const std::vector &args); } namespace AST_INTERNAL { // internal state variables extern bool flag_dump_ast1, flag_dump_ast2, flag_dump_rtlil, flag_nolatches, flag_nomeminit; extern bool flag_nomem2reg, flag_mem2reg, flag_lib, flag_noopt, flag_icells, flag_autowire; extern AST::AstNode *current_ast, *current_ast_mod; extern std::map current_scope; extern const dict *genRTLIL_subst_ptr; extern RTLIL::SigSpec ignoreThisSignalsInInitial; extern AST::AstNode *current_always, *current_top_block, *current_block, *current_block_child; extern AST::AstModule *current_module; extern bool current_always_clocked; struct ProcessGenerator; } YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END #endif