/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * This is the AST frontend library. * * The AST frontend library is not a frontend on it's own but provides a * generic abstract syntax tree (AST) abstraction for HDL code and can be * used by HDL frontends. See "ast.h" for an overview of the API and the * Verilog frontend for an usage example. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "libs/sha1/sha1.h" #include "ast.h" YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace AST; using namespace AST_INTERNAL; // instanciate global variables (public API) namespace AST { std::string current_filename; void (*set_line_num)(int) = NULL; int (*get_line_num)() = NULL; } // instanciate global variables (private API) namespace AST_INTERNAL { bool flag_dump_ast1, flag_dump_ast2, flag_dump_vlog, flag_dump_rtlil, flag_nolatches, flag_nomeminit; bool flag_nomem2reg, flag_mem2reg, flag_lib, flag_noopt, flag_icells, flag_autowire; AstNode *current_ast, *current_ast_mod; std::map current_scope; const dict *genRTLIL_subst_ptr = NULL; RTLIL::SigSpec ignoreThisSignalsInInitial; AstNode *current_always, *current_top_block, *current_block, *current_block_child; AstModule *current_module; bool current_always_clocked; } // convert node types to string std::string AST::type2str(AstNodeType type) { switch (type) { #define X(_item) case _item: return #_item; X(AST_NONE) X(AST_DESIGN) X(AST_MODULE) X(AST_TASK) X(AST_FUNCTION) X(AST_DPI_FUNCTION) X(AST_WIRE) X(AST_MEMORY) X(AST_AUTOWIRE) X(AST_PARAMETER) X(AST_LOCALPARAM) X(AST_DEFPARAM) X(AST_PARASET) X(AST_ARGUMENT) X(AST_RANGE) X(AST_MULTIRANGE) X(AST_CONSTANT) X(AST_REALVALUE) X(AST_CELLTYPE) X(AST_IDENTIFIER) X(AST_PREFIX) X(AST_ASSERT) X(AST_ASSUME) X(AST_FCALL) X(AST_TO_BITS) X(AST_TO_SIGNED) X(AST_TO_UNSIGNED) X(AST_CONCAT) X(AST_REPLICATE) X(AST_BIT_NOT) X(AST_BIT_AND) X(AST_BIT_OR) X(AST_BIT_XOR) X(AST_BIT_XNOR) X(AST_REDUCE_AND) X(AST_REDUCE_OR) X(AST_REDUCE_XOR) X(AST_REDUCE_XNOR) X(AST_REDUCE_BOOL) X(AST_SHIFT_LEFT) X(AST_SHIFT_RIGHT) X(AST_SHIFT_SLEFT) X(AST_SHIFT_SRIGHT) X(AST_LT) X(AST_LE) X(AST_EQ) X(AST_NE) X(AST_EQX) X(AST_NEX) X(AST_GE) X(AST_GT) X(AST_ADD) X(AST_SUB) X(AST_MUL) X(AST_DIV) X(AST_MOD) X(AST_POW) X(AST_POS) X(AST_NEG) X(AST_LOGIC_AND) X(AST_LOGIC_OR) X(AST_LOGIC_NOT) X(AST_TERNARY) X(AST_MEMRD) X(AST_MEMWR) X(AST_MEMINIT) X(AST_TCALL) X(AST_ASSIGN) X(AST_CELL) X(AST_PRIMITIVE) X(AST_CELLARRAY) X(AST_ALWAYS) X(AST_INITIAL) X(AST_BLOCK) X(AST_ASSIGN_EQ) X(AST_ASSIGN_LE) X(AST_CASE) X(AST_COND) X(AST_CONDX) X(AST_CONDZ) X(AST_DEFAULT) X(AST_FOR) X(AST_WHILE) X(AST_REPEAT) X(AST_GENVAR) X(AST_GENFOR) X(AST_GENIF) X(AST_GENCASE) X(AST_GENBLOCK) X(AST_POSEDGE) X(AST_NEGEDGE) X(AST_EDGE) X(AST_PACKAGE) #undef X default: log_abort(); } } // check if attribute exists and has non-zero value bool AstNode::get_bool_attribute(RTLIL::IdString id) { if (attributes.count(id) == 0) return false; AstNode *attr = attributes.at(id); if (attr->type != AST_CONSTANT) log_error("Attribute `%s' with non-constant value at %s:%d!\n", id.c_str(), attr->filename.c_str(), attr->linenum); return attr->integer != 0; } // create new node (AstNode constructor) // (the optional child arguments make it easier to create AST trees) AstNode::AstNode(AstNodeType type, AstNode *child1, AstNode *child2, AstNode *child3) { static unsigned int hashidx_count = 123456789; hashidx_count = mkhash_xorshift(hashidx_count); hashidx_ = hashidx_count; this->type = type; filename = current_filename; linenum = get_line_num(); is_input = false; is_output = false; is_reg = false; is_signed = false; is_string = false; range_valid = false; range_swapped = false; port_id = 0; range_left = -1; range_right = 0; integer = 0; realvalue = 0; id2ast = NULL; basic_prep = false; if (child1) children.push_back(child1); if (child2) children.push_back(child2); if (child3) children.push_back(child3); } // create a (deep recursive) copy of a node AstNode *AstNode::clone() { AstNode *that = new AstNode; *that = *this; for (auto &it : that->children) it = it->clone(); for (auto &it : that->attributes) it.second = it.second->clone(); return that; } // create a (deep recursive) copy of a node use 'other' as target root node void AstNode::cloneInto(AstNode *other) { AstNode *tmp = clone(); other->delete_children(); *other = *tmp; tmp->children.clear(); tmp->attributes.clear(); delete tmp; } // delete all children in this node void AstNode::delete_children() { for (auto &it : children) delete it; children.clear(); for (auto &it : attributes) delete it.second; attributes.clear(); } // AstNode destructor AstNode::~AstNode() { delete_children(); } // create a nice text representation of the node // (traverse tree by recursion, use 'other' pointer for diffing two AST trees) void AstNode::dumpAst(FILE *f, std::string indent) { if (f == NULL) { for (auto f : log_files) dumpAst(f, indent); return; } std::string type_name = type2str(type); fprintf(f, "%s%s <%s:%d>", indent.c_str(), type_name.c_str(), filename.c_str(), linenum); if (id2ast) fprintf(f, " [%p -> %p]", this, id2ast); else fprintf(f, " [%p]", this); if (!str.empty()) fprintf(f, " str='%s'", str.c_str()); if (!bits.empty()) { fprintf(f, " bits='"); for (size_t i = bits.size(); i > 0; i--) fprintf(f, "%c", bits[i-1] == RTLIL::S0 ? '0' : bits[i-1] == RTLIL::S1 ? '1' : bits[i-1] == RTLIL::Sx ? 'x' : bits[i-1] == RTLIL::Sz ? 'z' : '?'); fprintf(f, "'(%d)", GetSize(bits)); } if (is_input) fprintf(f, " input"); if (is_output) fprintf(f, " output"); if (is_reg) fprintf(f, " reg"); if (is_signed) fprintf(f, " signed"); if (port_id > 0) fprintf(f, " port=%d", port_id); if (range_valid || range_left != -1 || range_right != 0) fprintf(f, " %srange=[%d:%d]%s", range_swapped ? "swapped_" : "", range_left, range_right, range_valid ? "" : "!"); if (integer != 0) fprintf(f, " int=%u", (int)integer); if (realvalue != 0) fprintf(f, " real=%e", realvalue); if (!multirange_dimensions.empty()) { fprintf(f, " multirange=["); for (int v : multirange_dimensions) fprintf(f, " %d", v); fprintf(f, " ]"); } fprintf(f, "\n"); for (auto &it : attributes) { fprintf(f, "%s ATTR %s:\n", indent.c_str(), it.first.c_str()); it.second->dumpAst(f, indent + " "); } for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) children[i]->dumpAst(f, indent + " "); fflush(f); } // helper function for AstNode::dumpVlog() static std::string id2vl(std::string txt) { if (txt.size() > 1 && txt[0] == '\\') txt = txt.substr(1); for (size_t i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) { if ('A' <= txt[i] && txt[i] <= 'Z') continue; if ('a' <= txt[i] && txt[i] <= 'z') continue; if ('0' <= txt[i] && txt[i] <= '9') continue; if (txt[i] == '_') continue; txt = "\\" + txt + " "; break; } return txt; } // dump AST node as Verilog pseudo-code void AstNode::dumpVlog(FILE *f, std::string indent) { bool first = true; std::string txt; std::vector rem_children1, rem_children2; if (f == NULL) { for (auto f : log_files) dumpVlog(f, indent); return; } for (auto &it : attributes) { fprintf(f, "%s" "(* %s = ", indent.c_str(), id2vl(it.first.str()).c_str()); it.second->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, " *)%s", indent.empty() ? "" : "\n"); } switch (type) { case AST_MODULE: fprintf(f, "%s" "module %s(", indent.c_str(), id2vl(str).c_str()); for (auto child : children) if (child->type == AST_WIRE && (child->is_input || child->is_output)) { fprintf(f, "%s%s", first ? "" : ", ", id2vl(child->str).c_str()); first = false; } fprintf(f, ");\n"); for (auto child : children) if (child->type == AST_PARAMETER || child->type == AST_LOCALPARAM || child->type == AST_DEFPARAM) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); else rem_children1.push_back(child); for (auto child : rem_children1) if (child->type == AST_WIRE || child->type == AST_AUTOWIRE || child->type == AST_MEMORY) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); else rem_children2.push_back(child); rem_children1.clear(); for (auto child : rem_children2) if (child->type == AST_TASK || child->type == AST_FUNCTION) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); else rem_children1.push_back(child); rem_children2.clear(); for (auto child : rem_children1) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); rem_children1.clear(); fprintf(f, "%s" "endmodule\n", indent.c_str()); break; case AST_WIRE: if (is_input && is_output) fprintf(f, "%s" "inout", indent.c_str()); else if (is_input) fprintf(f, "%s" "input", indent.c_str()); else if (is_output) fprintf(f, "%s" "output", indent.c_str()); else if (!is_reg) fprintf(f, "%s" "wire", indent.c_str()); if (is_reg) fprintf(f, "%s" "reg", (is_input || is_output) ? " " : indent.c_str()); if (is_signed) fprintf(f, " signed"); for (auto child : children) { fprintf(f, " "); child->dumpVlog(f, ""); } fprintf(f, " %s", id2vl(str).c_str()); fprintf(f, ";\n"); break; case AST_MEMORY: fprintf(f, "%s" "memory", indent.c_str()); if (is_signed) fprintf(f, " signed"); for (auto child : children) { fprintf(f, " "); child->dumpVlog(f, ""); if (first) fprintf(f, " %s", id2vl(str).c_str()); first = false; } fprintf(f, ";\n"); break; case AST_RANGE: if (range_valid) fprintf(f, "[%d:%d]", range_left, range_right); else { for (auto child : children) { fprintf(f, "%c", first ? '[' : ':'); child->dumpVlog(f, ""); first = false; } fprintf(f, "]"); } break; case AST_ALWAYS: fprintf(f, "%s" "always @", indent.c_str()); for (auto child : children) { if (child->type != AST_POSEDGE && child->type != AST_NEGEDGE && child->type != AST_EDGE) continue; fprintf(f, first ? "(" : ", "); child->dumpVlog(f, ""); first = false; } fprintf(f, first ? "*\n" : ")\n"); for (auto child : children) { if (child->type != AST_POSEDGE && child->type != AST_NEGEDGE && child->type != AST_EDGE) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); } break; case AST_INITIAL: fprintf(f, "%s" "initial\n", indent.c_str()); for (auto child : children) { if (child->type != AST_POSEDGE && child->type != AST_NEGEDGE && child->type != AST_EDGE) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); } break; case AST_POSEDGE: case AST_NEGEDGE: case AST_EDGE: if (type == AST_POSEDGE) fprintf(f, "posedge "); if (type == AST_NEGEDGE) fprintf(f, "negedge "); for (auto child : children) child->dumpVlog(f, ""); break; case AST_IDENTIFIER: fprintf(f, "%s", id2vl(str).c_str()); for (auto child : children) child->dumpVlog(f, ""); break; case AST_CONSTANT: if (!str.empty()) fprintf(f, "\"%s\"", str.c_str()); else if (bits.size() == 32) fprintf(f, "%d", RTLIL::Const(bits).as_int()); else fprintf(f, "%d'b %s", GetSize(bits), RTLIL::Const(bits).as_string().c_str()); break; case AST_REALVALUE: fprintf(f, "%e", realvalue); break; case AST_BLOCK: if (children.size() == 1) { children[0]->dumpVlog(f, indent); } else { fprintf(f, "%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str()); for (auto child : children) child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str()); } break; case AST_CASE: if (!children.empty() && children[0]->type == AST_CONDX) fprintf(f, "%s" "casex (", indent.c_str()); else if (!children.empty() && children[0]->type == AST_CONDZ) fprintf(f, "%s" "casez (", indent.c_str()); else fprintf(f, "%s" "case (", indent.c_str()); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ")\n"); for (size_t i = 1; i < children.size(); i++) { AstNode *child = children[i]; child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); } fprintf(f, "%s" "endcase\n", indent.c_str()); break; case AST_COND: case AST_CONDX: case AST_CONDZ: for (auto child : children) { if (child->type == AST_BLOCK) { fprintf(f, ":\n"); child->dumpVlog(f, indent + " "); first = true; } else { fprintf(f, "%s", first ? indent.c_str() : ", "); if (child->type == AST_DEFAULT) fprintf(f, "default"); else child->dumpVlog(f, ""); first = false; } } break; case AST_ASSIGN: fprintf(f, "%sassign ", indent.c_str()); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, " = "); children[1]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ";\n"); break; case AST_ASSIGN_EQ: case AST_ASSIGN_LE: fprintf(f, "%s", indent.c_str()); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, " %s ", type == AST_ASSIGN_EQ ? "=" : "<="); children[1]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ";\n"); break; case AST_CONCAT: fprintf(f, "{"); for (auto child : children) { if (!first) fprintf(f, ", "); child->dumpVlog(f, ""); first = false; } fprintf(f, "}"); break; case AST_REPLICATE: fprintf(f, "{"); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, "{"); children[1]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, "}}"); break; if (0) { case AST_BIT_NOT: txt = "~"; } if (0) { case AST_REDUCE_AND: txt = "&"; } if (0) { case AST_REDUCE_OR: txt = "|"; } if (0) { case AST_REDUCE_XOR: txt = "^"; } if (0) { case AST_REDUCE_XNOR: txt = "~^"; } if (0) { case AST_REDUCE_BOOL: txt = "|"; } if (0) { case AST_POS: txt = "+"; } if (0) { case AST_NEG: txt = "-"; } if (0) { case AST_LOGIC_NOT: txt = "!"; } fprintf(f, "%s(", txt.c_str()); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ")"); break; if (0) { case AST_BIT_AND: txt = "&"; } if (0) { case AST_BIT_OR: txt = "|"; } if (0) { case AST_BIT_XOR: txt = "^"; } if (0) { case AST_BIT_XNOR: txt = "~^"; } if (0) { case AST_SHIFT_LEFT: txt = "<<"; } if (0) { case AST_SHIFT_RIGHT: txt = ">>"; } if (0) { case AST_SHIFT_SLEFT: txt = "<<<"; } if (0) { case AST_SHIFT_SRIGHT: txt = ">>>"; } if (0) { case AST_LT: txt = "<"; } if (0) { case AST_LE: txt = "<="; } if (0) { case AST_EQ: txt = "=="; } if (0) { case AST_NE: txt = "!="; } if (0) { case AST_EQX: txt = "==="; } if (0) { case AST_NEX: txt = "!=="; } if (0) { case AST_GE: txt = ">="; } if (0) { case AST_GT: txt = ">"; } if (0) { case AST_ADD: txt = "+"; } if (0) { case AST_SUB: txt = "-"; } if (0) { case AST_MUL: txt = "*"; } if (0) { case AST_DIV: txt = "/"; } if (0) { case AST_MOD: txt = "%"; } if (0) { case AST_POW: txt = "**"; } if (0) { case AST_LOGIC_AND: txt = "&&"; } if (0) { case AST_LOGIC_OR: txt = "||"; } fprintf(f, "("); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ")%s(", txt.c_str()); children[1]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ")"); break; case AST_TERNARY: fprintf(f, "("); children[0]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ") ? ("); children[1]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ") : ("); children[2]->dumpVlog(f, ""); fprintf(f, ")"); break; default: std::string type_name = type2str(type); fprintf(f, "%s" "/** %s **/%s", indent.c_str(), type_name.c_str(), indent.empty() ? "" : "\n"); // dumpAst(f, indent, NULL); } fflush(f); } // check if two AST nodes are identical bool AstNode::operator==(const AstNode &other) const { if (type != other.type) return false; if (children.size() != other.children.size()) return false; if (str != other.str) return false; if (bits != other.bits) return false; if (is_input != other.is_input) return false; if (is_output != other.is_output) return false; if (is_reg != other.is_reg) return false; if (is_signed != other.is_signed) return false; if (is_string != other.is_string) return false; if (range_valid != other.range_valid) return false; if (range_swapped != other.range_swapped) return false; if (port_id != other.port_id) return false; if (range_left != other.range_left) return false; if (range_right != other.range_right) return false; if (integer != other.integer) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) if (*children[i] != *other.children[i]) return false; return true; } // check if two AST nodes are not identical bool AstNode::operator!=(const AstNode &other) const { return !(*this == other); } // check if this AST contains the given node bool AstNode::contains(const AstNode *other) const { if (this == other) return true; for (auto child : children) if (child->contains(other)) return true; return false; } // create an AST node for a constant (using a 32 bit int as value) AstNode *AstNode::mkconst_int(uint32_t v, bool is_signed, int width) { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_CONSTANT); node->integer = v; node->is_signed = is_signed; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { node->bits.push_back((v & 1) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); v = v >> 1; } node->range_valid = true; node->range_left = width-1; node->range_right = 0; return node; } // create an AST node for a constant (using a bit vector as value) AstNode *AstNode::mkconst_bits(const std::vector &v, bool is_signed) { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_CONSTANT); node->is_signed = is_signed; node->bits = v; for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (i < node->bits.size()) node->integer |= (node->bits[i] == RTLIL::S1) << i; else if (is_signed && !node->bits.empty()) node->integer |= (node->bits.back() == RTLIL::S1) << i; } node->range_valid = true; node->range_left = node->bits.size()-1; node->range_right = 0; return node; } // create an AST node for a constant (using a string in bit vector form as value) AstNode *AstNode::mkconst_str(const std::vector &v) { AstNode *node = mkconst_str(RTLIL::Const(v).decode_string()); while (GetSize(node->bits) < GetSize(v)) node->bits.push_back(RTLIL::State::S0); log_assert(node->bits == v); return node; } // create an AST node for a constant (using a string as value) AstNode *AstNode::mkconst_str(const std::string &str) { std::vector data; data.reserve(str.size() * 8); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { unsigned char ch = str[str.size() - i - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { data.push_back((ch & 1) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); ch = ch >> 1; } } AstNode *node = AstNode::mkconst_bits(data, false); node->is_string = true; node->str = str; return node; } bool AstNode::bits_only_01() { for (auto bit : bits) if (bit != RTLIL::S0 && bit != RTLIL::S1) return false; return true; } RTLIL::Const AstNode::bitsAsConst(int width, bool is_signed) { std::vector bits = this->bits; if (width >= 0 && width < int(bits.size())) bits.resize(width); if (width >= 0 && width > int(bits.size())) { RTLIL::State extbit = RTLIL::State::S0; if (is_signed && !bits.empty()) extbit = bits.back(); while (width > int(bits.size())) bits.push_back(extbit); } return RTLIL::Const(bits); } RTLIL::Const AstNode::bitsAsConst(int width) { return bitsAsConst(width, is_signed); } RTLIL::Const AstNode::asAttrConst() { log_assert(type == AST_CONSTANT); RTLIL::Const val; val.bits = bits; if (is_string) { val.flags |= RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING; log_assert(val.decode_string() == str); } return val; } RTLIL::Const AstNode::asParaConst() { RTLIL::Const val = asAttrConst(); if (is_signed) val.flags |= RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED; return val; } bool AstNode::asBool() { log_assert(type == AST_CONSTANT); for (auto &bit : bits) if (bit == RTLIL::State::S1) return true; return false; } int AstNode::isConst() { if (type == AST_CONSTANT) return 1; if (type == AST_REALVALUE) return 2; return 0; } uint64_t AstNode::asInt(bool is_signed) { if (type == AST_CONSTANT) { RTLIL::Const v = bitsAsConst(64, is_signed); uint64_t ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (v.bits.at(i) == RTLIL::State::S1) ret |= uint64_t(1) << i; return ret; } if (type == AST_REALVALUE) return uint64_t(realvalue); log_abort(); } double AstNode::asReal(bool is_signed) { if (type == AST_CONSTANT) { RTLIL::Const val(bits); bool is_negative = is_signed && !val.bits.empty() && val.bits.back() == RTLIL::State::S1; if (is_negative) val = const_neg(val, val, false, false, val.bits.size()); double v = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < val.bits.size(); i++) // IEEE Std 1800-2012 Par 6.12.2: Individual bits that are x or z in // the net or the variable shall be treated as zero upon conversion. if (val.bits.at(i) == RTLIL::State::S1) v += exp2(i); if (is_negative) v *= -1; return v; } if (type == AST_REALVALUE) return realvalue; log_abort(); } RTLIL::Const AstNode::realAsConst(int width) { double v = round(realvalue); RTLIL::Const result; #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN if (!isfinite(v)) { #else if (!std::isfinite(v)) { #endif result.bits = std::vector(width, RTLIL::State::Sx); } else { bool is_negative = v < 0; if (is_negative) v *= -1; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++, v /= 2) result.bits.push_back((fmod(floor(v), 2) != 0) ? RTLIL::State::S1 : RTLIL::State::S0); if (is_negative) result = const_neg(result, result, false, false, result.bits.size()); } return result; } // create a new AstModule from an AST_MODULE AST node static AstModule* process_module(AstNode *ast, bool defer) { log_assert(ast->type == AST_MODULE); if (defer) log("Storing AST representation for module `%s'.\n", ast->str.c_str()); else log("Generating RTLIL representation for module `%s'.\n", ast->str.c_str()); current_module = new AstModule; current_module->ast = NULL; current_module->name = ast->str; current_module->attributes["\\src"] = stringf("%s:%d", ast->filename.c_str(), ast->linenum); current_ast_mod = ast; AstNode *ast_before_simplify = ast->clone(); if (flag_dump_ast1) { log("Dumping Verilog AST before simplification:\n"); ast->dumpAst(NULL, " "); log("--- END OF AST DUMP ---\n"); } if (!defer) { while (ast->simplify(!flag_noopt, false, false, 0, -1, false, false)) { } if (flag_dump_ast2) { log("Dumping Verilog AST after simplification:\n"); ast->dumpAst(NULL, " "); log("--- END OF AST DUMP ---\n"); } if (flag_dump_vlog) { log("Dumping Verilog AST (as requested by dump_vlog option):\n"); ast->dumpVlog(NULL, " "); log("--- END OF AST DUMP ---\n"); } if (flag_lib) { std::vector new_children; for (auto child : ast->children) { if (child->type == AST_WIRE && (child->is_input || child->is_output)) { new_children.push_back(child); } else if (child->type == AST_PARAMETER) { child->delete_children(); child->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, false, 0)); new_children.push_back(child); } else { delete child; } } ast->children.swap(new_children); ast->attributes["\\blackbox"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false); } ignoreThisSignalsInInitial = RTLIL::SigSpec(); for (auto &attr : ast->attributes) { if (attr.second->type != AST_CONSTANT) log_error("Attribute `%s' with non-constant value at %s:%d!\n", attr.first.c_str(), ast->filename.c_str(), ast->linenum); current_module->attributes[attr.first] = attr.second->asAttrConst(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ast->children.size(); i++) { AstNode *node = ast->children[i]; if (node->type == AST_WIRE || node->type == AST_MEMORY) node->genRTLIL(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ast->children.size(); i++) { AstNode *node = ast->children[i]; if (node->type != AST_WIRE && node->type != AST_MEMORY && node->type != AST_INITIAL) node->genRTLIL(); } ignoreThisSignalsInInitial.sort_and_unify(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ast->children.size(); i++) { AstNode *node = ast->children[i]; if (node->type == AST_INITIAL) node->genRTLIL(); } ignoreThisSignalsInInitial = RTLIL::SigSpec(); } current_module->ast = ast_before_simplify; current_module->nolatches = flag_nolatches; current_module->nomeminit = flag_nomeminit; current_module->nomem2reg = flag_nomem2reg; current_module->mem2reg = flag_mem2reg; current_module->lib = flag_lib; current_module->noopt = flag_noopt; current_module->icells = flag_icells; current_module->autowire = flag_autowire; current_module->fixup_ports(); if (flag_dump_rtlil) { log("Dumping generated RTLIL:\n"); log_module(current_module); log("--- END OF RTLIL DUMP ---\n"); } return current_module; } // create AstModule instances for all modules in the AST tree and add them to 'design' void AST::process(RTLIL::Design *design, AstNode *ast, bool dump_ast1, bool dump_ast2, bool dump_vlog, bool dump_rtlil, bool nolatches, bool nomeminit, bool nomem2reg, bool mem2reg, bool lib, bool noopt, bool icells, bool ignore_redef, bool defer, bool autowire) { current_ast = ast; flag_dump_ast1 = dump_ast1; flag_dump_ast2 = dump_ast2; flag_dump_vlog = dump_vlog; flag_dump_rtlil = dump_rtlil; flag_nolatches = nolatches; flag_nomeminit = nomeminit; flag_nomem2reg = nomem2reg; flag_mem2reg = mem2reg; flag_lib = lib; flag_noopt = noopt; flag_icells = icells; flag_autowire = autowire; log_assert(current_ast->type == AST_DESIGN); for (auto it = current_ast->children.begin(); it != current_ast->children.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->type == AST_MODULE) { for (auto n : design->verilog_globals) (*it)->children.push_back(n->clone()); for (auto n : design->verilog_packages){ for (auto o : n->children) { AstNode *cloned_node = o->clone(); cloned_node->str = n->str + std::string("::") + cloned_node->str.substr(1); (*it)->children.push_back(cloned_node); } } if (flag_icells && (*it)->str.substr(0, 2) == "\\$") (*it)->str = (*it)->str.substr(1); if (defer) (*it)->str = "$abstract" + (*it)->str; if (design->has((*it)->str)) { if (!ignore_redef) log_error("Re-definition of module `%s' at %s:%d!\n", (*it)->str.c_str(), (*it)->filename.c_str(), (*it)->linenum); log("Ignoring re-definition of module `%s' at %s:%d!\n", (*it)->str.c_str(), (*it)->filename.c_str(), (*it)->linenum); continue; } design->add(process_module(*it, defer)); } else if ((*it)->type == AST_PACKAGE) design->verilog_packages.push_back((*it)->clone()); else design->verilog_globals.push_back((*it)->clone()); } } // AstModule destructor AstModule::~AstModule() { if (ast != NULL) delete ast; } // create a new parametric module (when needed) and return the name of the generated module RTLIL::IdString AstModule::derive(RTLIL::Design *design, dict parameters) { std::string stripped_name = name.str(); if (stripped_name.substr(0, 9) == "$abstract") stripped_name = stripped_name.substr(9); log_header(design, "Executing AST frontend in derive mode using pre-parsed AST for module `%s'.\n", stripped_name.c_str()); current_ast = NULL; flag_dump_ast1 = false; flag_dump_ast2 = false; flag_dump_vlog = false; flag_nolatches = nolatches; flag_nomeminit = nomeminit; flag_nomem2reg = nomem2reg; flag_mem2reg = mem2reg; flag_lib = lib; flag_noopt = noopt; flag_icells = icells; flag_autowire = autowire; use_internal_line_num(); std::string para_info; AstNode *new_ast = ast->clone(); int para_counter = 0; int orig_parameters_n = parameters.size(); for (auto it = new_ast->children.begin(); it != new_ast->children.end(); it++) { AstNode *child = *it; if (child->type != AST_PARAMETER) continue; para_counter++; std::string para_id = child->str; if (parameters.count(para_id) > 0) { log("Parameter %s = %s\n", child->str.c_str(), log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(parameters[child->str]))); rewrite_parameter: para_info += stringf("%s=%s", child->str.c_str(), log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(parameters[para_id]))); delete child->children.at(0); child->children[0] = AstNode::mkconst_bits(parameters[para_id].bits, (parameters[para_id].flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0); parameters.erase(para_id); continue; } para_id = stringf("$%d", para_counter); if (parameters.count(para_id) > 0) { log("Parameter %d (%s) = %s\n", para_counter, child->str.c_str(), log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(parameters[para_id]))); goto rewrite_parameter; } } for (auto param : parameters) { AstNode *defparam = new AstNode(AST_DEFPARAM, new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER)); defparam->children[0]->str = param.first.str(); defparam->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_bits(param.second.bits, (param.second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0)); new_ast->children.push_back(defparam); } std::string modname; if (orig_parameters_n == 0) modname = stripped_name; else if (para_info.size() > 60) modname = "$paramod$" + sha1(para_info) + stripped_name; else modname = "$paramod" + stripped_name + para_info; if (!design->has(modname)) { new_ast->str = modname; design->add(process_module(new_ast, false)); design->module(modname)->check(); } else { log("Found cached RTLIL representation for module `%s'.\n", modname.c_str()); } delete new_ast; return modname; } RTLIL::Module *AstModule::clone() const { AstModule *new_mod = new AstModule; new_mod->name = name; cloneInto(new_mod); new_mod->ast = ast->clone(); new_mod->nolatches = nolatches; new_mod->nomeminit = nomeminit; new_mod->nomem2reg = nomem2reg; new_mod->mem2reg = mem2reg; new_mod->lib = lib; new_mod->noopt = noopt; new_mod->icells = icells; new_mod->autowire = autowire; return new_mod; } // internal dummy line number callbacks namespace { int internal_line_num; void internal_set_line_num(int n) { internal_line_num = n; } int internal_get_line_num() { return internal_line_num; } } // use internal dummy line number callbacks void AST::use_internal_line_num() { set_line_num = &internal_set_line_num; get_line_num = &internal_get_line_num; } YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END