/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct HierDirtyFlags; struct HierDirtyFlags { int dirty; Module *module; IdString hiername; HierDirtyFlags *parent; pool dirty_bits; pool dirty_cells; dict children; HierDirtyFlags(Module *module, IdString hiername, HierDirtyFlags *parent) : dirty(0), module(module), hiername(hiername), parent(parent) { for (Cell *cell : module->cells()) { Module *mod = module->design->module(cell->type); if (mod) children[cell->name] = new HierDirtyFlags(mod, cell->name, this); } } ~HierDirtyFlags() { for (auto &child : children) delete child.second; } void set_dirty(SigBit bit) { if (dirty_bits.count(bit)) return; dirty_bits.insert(bit); HierDirtyFlags *p = this; while (p != nullptr) { p->dirty++; p = p->parent; } } void unset_dirty(SigBit bit) { if (dirty_bits.count(bit) == 0) return; dirty_bits.erase(bit); HierDirtyFlags *p = this; while (p != nullptr) { p->dirty--; log_assert(p->dirty >= 0); p = p->parent; } } void set_dirty(Cell *cell) { if (dirty_cells.count(cell)) return; dirty_cells.insert(cell); HierDirtyFlags *p = this; while (p != nullptr) { p->dirty++; p = p->parent; } } void unset_dirty(Cell *cell) { if (dirty_cells.count(cell) == 0) return; dirty_cells.erase(cell); HierDirtyFlags *p = this; while (p != nullptr) { p->dirty--; log_assert(p->dirty >= 0); p = p->parent; } } }; struct SimplecWorker { bool verbose = false; int max_uintsize = 32; Design *design; dict sigmaps; HierDirtyFlags *dirty_flags = nullptr; vector signal_declarations; pool generated_sigtypes; vector util_declarations; pool generated_utils; vector struct_declarations; pool generated_structs; vector funct_declarations; pool reserved_cids; dict id2cid; dict>>> bit2cell; dict>> bit2output; SimplecWorker(Design *design) : design(design) { } string sigtype(int n) { string struct_name = stringf("signal%d_t", n); if (generated_sigtypes.count(n) == 0) { signal_declarations.push_back(""); signal_declarations.push_back(stringf("#ifndef YOSYS_SIMPLEC_SIGNAL%d_T", n)); signal_declarations.push_back(stringf("#define YOSYS_SIMPLEC_SIGNAL%d_T", n)); signal_declarations.push_back(stringf("typedef struct {")); for (int k = 8; k <= max_uintsize; k = 2*k) if (n <= k && k <= max_uintsize) { signal_declarations.push_back(stringf(" uint%d_t value_%d_0 : %d;", k, n-1, n)); goto end_struct; } for (int k = 0; k < n; k += max_uintsize) { int bits = std::min(max_uintsize, n-k); signal_declarations.push_back(stringf(" uint%d_t value_%d_%d : %d;", max_uintsize, k+bits-1, k, bits)); } end_struct: signal_declarations.push_back(stringf("} signal%d_t;", n)); signal_declarations.push_back(stringf("#endif")); generated_sigtypes.insert(n); } return struct_name; } void util_ifdef_guard(string s) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(s); i++) if ('a' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'z') s[i] -= 'a' - 'A'; util_declarations.push_back(stringf("#ifndef %s", s.c_str())); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("#define %s", s.c_str())); } string util_get_bit(int n, int idx) { string util_name = stringf("yosys_simplec_get_bit_%d_of_%d", idx, n); if (generated_utils.count(util_name) == 0) { util_ifdef_guard(util_name); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("bool %s(const %s *sig)", util_name.c_str(), sigtype(n).c_str())); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("{")); int word_idx = idx / max_uintsize, word_offset = idx % max_uintsize; string value_name = stringf("value_%d_%d", std::min(n-1, (word_idx+1)*max_uintsize-1), word_idx*max_uintsize); util_declarations.push_back(stringf(" return (sig->%s >> %d) & 1;", value_name.c_str(), word_offset)); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("}")); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("#endif")); generated_utils.insert(util_name); } return util_name; } string util_set_bit(int n, int idx) { string util_name = stringf("yosys_simplec_set_bit_%d_of_%d", idx, n); if (generated_utils.count(util_name) == 0) { util_ifdef_guard(util_name); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("void %s(%s *sig, bool value)", util_name.c_str(), sigtype(n).c_str())); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("{")); int word_idx = idx / max_uintsize, word_offset = idx % max_uintsize; string value_name = stringf("value_%d_%d", std::min(n-1, (word_idx+1)*max_uintsize-1), word_idx*max_uintsize); util_declarations.push_back(stringf(" if (value)")); util_declarations.push_back(stringf(" sig->%s |= 1UL << %d;", value_name.c_str(), word_offset)); util_declarations.push_back(stringf(" else")); util_declarations.push_back(stringf(" sig->%s &= ~(1UL << %d);", value_name.c_str(), word_offset)); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("}")); util_declarations.push_back(stringf("#endif")); generated_utils.insert(util_name); } return util_name; } string cid(IdString id) { if (id2cid.count(id) == 0) { string s = id.str(); if (GetSize(s) < 2) log_abort(); if (s[0] == '\\') s = s.substr(1); if ('0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9') { s = "_" + s; } for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(s); i++) { if ('0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9') continue; if ('A' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'Z') continue; if ('a' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'z') continue; s[i] = '_'; } while (reserved_cids.count(s)) s += "_"; reserved_cids.insert(s); id2cid[id] = s; } return id2cid.at(id); } void create_module_struct(Module *mod) { if (generated_structs.count(mod->name)) return; generated_structs.insert(mod->name); sigmaps[mod].set(mod); for (Wire *w : mod->wires()) { if (w->port_output) for (auto bit : SigSpec(w)) bit2output[mod][sigmaps.at(mod)(bit)].insert(bit); } for (Cell *c : mod->cells()) { for (auto &conn : c->connections()) { if (!c->input(conn.first)) continue; int idx = 0; for (auto bit : sigmaps.at(mod)(conn.second)) bit2cell[mod][bit].insert(tuple(c, conn.first, idx++)); } if (design->module(c->type)) create_module_struct(design->module(c->type)); } struct_declarations.push_back(""); struct_declarations.push_back(stringf("struct %s_state_t {", cid(mod->name).c_str())); for (Wire *w : mod->wires()) struct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s %s; // %s", sigtype(w->width).c_str(), cid(w->name).c_str(), log_id(w))); for (Cell *c : mod->cells()) if (design->module(c->type)) struct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" struct %s_state_t %s; // %s", cid(c->type).c_str(), cid(c->name).c_str(), log_id(c))); struct_declarations.push_back(stringf("};")); } void eval_cell(HierDirtyFlags *work, string &prefix, string &/* log_prefix */, Cell *cell) { if (cell->type.in("$_BUF_", "$_NOT_")) { SigBit a = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigBit y = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string a_expr = a.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(a.wire->width, a.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(a.wire->name)).c_str()) : a.data ? "1" : "0"; string expr; if (cell->type == "$_BUF_") expr = a_expr; if (cell->type == "$_NOT_") expr = "!" + a_expr; log_assert(y.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s); // %s (%s)", util_set_bit(y.wire->width, y.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(y.wire->name)).c_str(), expr.c_str(), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type))); work->set_dirty(y); return; } if (cell->type.in("$_AND_", "$_NAND_", "$_OR_", "$_NOR_", "$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) { SigBit a = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigBit b = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigBit y = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string a_expr = a.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(a.wire->width, a.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(a.wire->name)).c_str()) : a.data ? "1" : "0"; string b_expr = b.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(b.wire->width, b.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(b.wire->name)).c_str()) : b.data ? "1" : "0"; string expr; if (cell->type == "$_AND_") expr = stringf("%s & %s", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_NAND_") expr = stringf("!(%s & %s)", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_OR_") expr = stringf("%s | %s", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_NOR_") expr = stringf("!(%s | %s)", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_XOR_") expr = stringf("%s ^ %s", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_XNOR_") expr = stringf("!(%s ^ %s)", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str()); log_assert(y.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s); // %s (%s)", util_set_bit(y.wire->width, y.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(y.wire->name)).c_str(), expr.c_str(), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type))); work->set_dirty(y); return; } if (cell->type.in("$_AOI3_", "$_OAI3_")) { SigBit a = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigBit b = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigBit c = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\C")); SigBit y = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string a_expr = a.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(a.wire->width, a.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(a.wire->name)).c_str()) : a.data ? "1" : "0"; string b_expr = b.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(b.wire->width, b.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(b.wire->name)).c_str()) : b.data ? "1" : "0"; string c_expr = c.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(c.wire->width, c.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(c.wire->name)).c_str()) : c.data ? "1" : "0"; string expr; if (cell->type == "$_AOI3_") expr = stringf("!((%s & %s) | %s)", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str(), c_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_OAI3_") expr = stringf("!((%s | %s) & %s)", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str(), c_expr.c_str()); log_assert(y.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s); // %s (%s)", util_set_bit(y.wire->width, y.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(y.wire->name)).c_str(), expr.c_str(), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type))); work->set_dirty(y); return; } if (cell->type.in("$_AOI4_", "$_OAI4_")) { SigBit a = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigBit b = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigBit c = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\C")); SigBit d = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\D")); SigBit y = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string a_expr = a.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(a.wire->width, a.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(a.wire->name)).c_str()) : a.data ? "1" : "0"; string b_expr = b.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(b.wire->width, b.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(b.wire->name)).c_str()) : b.data ? "1" : "0"; string c_expr = c.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(c.wire->width, c.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(c.wire->name)).c_str()) : c.data ? "1" : "0"; string d_expr = d.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(d.wire->width, d.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(d.wire->name)).c_str()) : d.data ? "1" : "0"; string expr; if (cell->type == "$_AOI4_") expr = stringf("!((%s & %s) | (%s & %s))", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str(), c_expr.c_str(), d_expr.c_str()); if (cell->type == "$_OAI4_") expr = stringf("!((%s | %s) & (%s | %s))", a_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str(), c_expr.c_str(), d_expr.c_str()); log_assert(y.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s); // %s (%s)", util_set_bit(y.wire->width, y.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(y.wire->name)).c_str(), expr.c_str(), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type))); work->set_dirty(y); return; } if (cell->type == "$_MUX_") { SigBit a = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigBit b = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigBit s = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\S")); SigBit y = sigmaps.at(work->module)(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string a_expr = a.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(a.wire->width, a.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(a.wire->name)).c_str()) : a.data ? "1" : "0"; string b_expr = b.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(b.wire->width, b.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(b.wire->name)).c_str()) : b.data ? "1" : "0"; string s_expr = s.wire ? stringf("%s(&%s)", util_get_bit(s.wire->width, s.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(s.wire->name)).c_str()) : s.data ? "1" : "0"; string expr = stringf("%s ? %s : %s", s_expr.c_str(), b_expr.c_str(), a_expr.c_str()); log_assert(y.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s); // %s (%s)", util_set_bit(y.wire->width, y.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(y.wire->name)).c_str(), expr.c_str(), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type))); work->set_dirty(y); return; } log_error("No C model for %s available at the moment (FIXME).\n", log_id(cell->type)); } void eval_dirty(HierDirtyFlags *work, string prefix, string log_prefix, string parent_prefix) { while (work->dirty) { while (!work->dirty_bits.empty() || !work->dirty_cells.empty()) { if (!work->dirty_bits.empty()) { SigSpec dirtysig(work->dirty_bits); dirtysig.sort_and_unify(); for (SigChunk chunk : dirtysig.chunks()) funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" // New dirty bits in %s: %s", log_prefix.c_str(), log_signal(chunk))); for (SigBit bit : dirtysig) { if (bit2output[work->module].count(bit) && work->parent) for (auto outbit : bit2output[work->module][bit]) { Module *parent_mod = work->parent->module; Cell *parent_cell = parent_mod->cell(work->hiername); IdString port_name = outbit.wire->name; int port_offset = outbit.offset; SigBit parent_bit = sigmaps.at(parent_mod)(parent_cell->getPort(port_name)[port_offset]); log_assert(bit.wire && parent_bit.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s(&%s));", util_set_bit(parent_bit.wire->width, parent_bit.offset).c_str(), (parent_prefix + cid(parent_bit.wire->name)).c_str(), util_get_bit(bit.wire->width, bit.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(bit.wire->name)).c_str())); work->parent->set_dirty(parent_bit); } for (auto &port : bit2cell[work->module][bit]) { if (work->children.count(std::get<0>(port)->name)) { HierDirtyFlags *child = work->children.at(std::get<0>(port)->name); SigBit child_bit = sigmaps.at(child->module)(SigBit(child->module->wire(std::get<1>(port)), std::get<2>(port))); log_assert(bit.wire && child_bit.wire); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf(" %s(&%s, %s(&%s));", util_set_bit(child_bit.wire->width, child_bit.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(child->hiername) + "." + cid(child_bit.wire->name)).c_str(), util_get_bit(bit.wire->width, bit.offset).c_str(), (prefix + cid(bit.wire->name)).c_str())); child->set_dirty(child_bit); } else { work->set_dirty(std::get<0>(port)); } } work->unset_dirty(bit); } } if (!work->dirty_cells.empty()) { Cell *cell = *work->dirty_cells.begin(); eval_cell(work, prefix, log_prefix, cell); work->unset_dirty(cell); } } for (auto &child : work->children) eval_dirty(child.second, prefix + cid(child.first) + ".", log_prefix + "." + cid(child.first), prefix); } } void run(Module *mod) { create_module_struct(mod); dirty_flags = new HierDirtyFlags(mod, IdString(), nullptr); funct_declarations.push_back(""); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf("void %s_init(struct %s_state_t *state)", cid(mod->name).c_str(), cid(mod->name).c_str())); funct_declarations.push_back("{"); funct_declarations.push_back("}"); funct_declarations.push_back(""); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf("void %s_eval(struct %s_state_t *state)", cid(mod->name).c_str(), cid(mod->name).c_str())); funct_declarations.push_back("{"); for (Wire *w : mod->wires()) { if (w->port_input) for (SigBit bit : sigmaps.at(mod)(w)) dirty_flags->set_dirty(bit); } eval_dirty(dirty_flags, "state->", log_id(mod), ""); funct_declarations.push_back("}"); funct_declarations.push_back(""); funct_declarations.push_back(stringf("void %s_tick(struct %s_state_t *state)", cid(mod->name).c_str(), cid(mod->name).c_str())); funct_declarations.push_back("{"); funct_declarations.push_back("}"); delete dirty_flags; dirty_flags = nullptr; } void write(std::ostream &f) { f << "#include " << std::endl; f << "#include " << std::endl; for (auto &line : signal_declarations) f << line << std::endl; for (auto &line : util_declarations) f << line << std::endl; for (auto &line : struct_declarations) f << line << std::endl; for (auto &line : funct_declarations) f << line << std::endl; } }; struct SimplecBackend : public Backend { SimplecBackend() : Backend("simplec", "convert design to simple C code") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" write_simplec [options] [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write simple C code for simulating the design. The C code writen can be used to\n"); log("simulate the design in a C environment, but the purpose of this command is to\n"); log("generate code that works well with C-based formal verification.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -verbose\n"); log(" this will print the recursive walk used to export the modules.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -i8, -i16, -i32, -i64\n"); log(" set the maximum integer bit width to use in the generated code.\n"); log("\n"); log("THIS COMMAND IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { SimplecWorker worker(design); log_header(design, "Executing SIMPLEC backend.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-verbose") { worker.verbose = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-i8") { worker.max_uintsize = 8; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-i16") { worker.max_uintsize = 16; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-i32") { worker.max_uintsize = 32; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-i64") { worker.max_uintsize = 64; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); Module *topmod = design->top_module(); if (topmod == nullptr) log_error("Current design has no top module.\n"); worker.run(topmod); worker.write(*f); } } SimplecBackend; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END