/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/cellaigs.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct JsonWriter { std::ostream &f; bool use_selection; bool aig_mode; Design *design; Module *module; SigMap sigmap; int sigidcounter; dict sigids; pool aig_models; JsonWriter(std::ostream &f, bool use_selection, bool aig_mode) : f(f), use_selection(use_selection), aig_mode(aig_mode) { } string get_string(string str) { string newstr = "\""; for (char c : str) { if (c == '\\') newstr += c; newstr += c; } return newstr + "\""; } string get_name(IdString name) { return get_string(RTLIL::unescape_id(name)); } string get_bits(SigSpec sig) { bool first = true; string str = "["; for (auto bit : sigmap(sig)) { str += first ? " " : ", "; first = false; if (sigids.count(bit) == 0) { string &s = sigids[bit]; if (bit.wire == nullptr) { if (bit == State::S0) s = "\"0\""; else if (bit == State::S1) s = "\"1\""; else if (bit == State::Sz) s = "\"z\""; else s = "\"x\""; } else s = stringf("%d", sigidcounter++); } str += sigids[bit]; } return str + " ]"; } void write_parameters(const dict ¶meters) { bool first = true; for (auto ¶m : parameters) { f << stringf("%s\n", first ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: ", get_name(param.first).c_str()); if ((param.second.flags & RTLIL::ConstFlags::CONST_FLAG_STRING) != 0) f << get_string(param.second.decode_string()); else if (GetSize(param.second.bits) > 32) f << get_string(param.second.as_string()); else f << stringf("%d", param.second.as_int()); first = false; } } void write_module(Module *module_) { module = module_; log_assert(module->design == design); sigmap.set(module); sigids.clear(); // reserve 0 and 1 to avoid confusion with "0" and "1" sigidcounter = 2; f << stringf(" %s: {\n", get_name(module->name).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"ports\": {"); bool first = true; for (auto n : module->ports) { Wire *w = module->wire(n); if (use_selection && !module->selected(w)) continue; f << stringf("%s\n", first ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: {\n", get_name(n).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"direction\": \"%s\",\n", w->port_input ? w->port_output ? "inout" : "input" : "output"); f << stringf(" \"bits\": %s\n", get_bits(w).c_str()); f << stringf(" }"); first = false; } f << stringf("\n },\n"); f << stringf(" \"cells\": {"); first = true; for (auto c : module->cells()) { if (use_selection && !module->selected(c)) continue; f << stringf("%s\n", first ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: {\n", get_name(c->name).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"hide_name\": %s,\n", c->name[0] == '$' ? "1" : "0"); f << stringf(" \"type\": %s,\n", get_name(c->type).c_str()); if (aig_mode) { Aig aig(c); if (!aig.name.empty()) { f << stringf(" \"model\": \"%s\",\n", aig.name.c_str()); aig_models.insert(aig); } } f << stringf(" \"parameters\": {"); write_parameters(c->parameters); f << stringf("\n },\n"); f << stringf(" \"attributes\": {"); write_parameters(c->attributes); f << stringf("\n },\n"); if (c->known()) { f << stringf(" \"port_directions\": {"); bool first2 = true; for (auto &conn : c->connections()) { string direction = "output"; if (c->input(conn.first)) direction = c->output(conn.first) ? "inout" : "input"; f << stringf("%s\n", first2 ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: \"%s\"", get_name(conn.first).c_str(), direction.c_str()); first2 = false; } f << stringf("\n },\n"); } f << stringf(" \"connections\": {"); bool first2 = true; for (auto &conn : c->connections()) { f << stringf("%s\n", first2 ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: %s", get_name(conn.first).c_str(), get_bits(conn.second).c_str()); first2 = false; } f << stringf("\n }\n"); f << stringf(" }"); first = false; } f << stringf("\n },\n"); f << stringf(" \"netnames\": {"); first = true; for (auto w : module->wires()) { if (use_selection && !module->selected(w)) continue; f << stringf("%s\n", first ? "" : ","); f << stringf(" %s: {\n", get_name(w->name).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"hide_name\": %s,\n", w->name[0] == '$' ? "1" : "0"); f << stringf(" \"bits\": %s,\n", get_bits(w).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"attributes\": {"); write_parameters(w->attributes); f << stringf("\n }\n"); f << stringf(" }"); first = false; } f << stringf("\n }\n"); f << stringf(" }"); } void write_design(Design *design_) { design = design_; f << stringf("{\n"); f << stringf(" \"creator\": %s,\n", get_string(yosys_version_str).c_str()); f << stringf(" \"modules\": {\n"); vector modules = use_selection ? design->selected_modules() : design->modules(); bool first_module = true; for (auto mod : modules) { if (!first_module) f << stringf(",\n"); write_module(mod); first_module = false; } f << stringf("\n }"); if (!aig_models.empty()) { f << stringf(",\n \"models\": {\n"); bool first_model = true; for (auto &aig : aig_models) { if (!first_model) f << stringf(",\n"); f << stringf(" \"%s\": [\n", aig.name.c_str()); int node_idx = 0; for (auto &node : aig.nodes) { if (node_idx != 0) f << stringf(",\n"); f << stringf(" /* %3d */ [ ", node_idx); if (node.portbit >= 0) f << stringf("\"%sport\", \"%s\", %d", node.inverter ? "n" : "", log_id(node.portname), node.portbit); else if (node.left_parent < 0 && node.right_parent < 0) f << stringf("\"%s\"", node.inverter ? "true" : "false"); else f << stringf("\"%s\", %d, %d", node.inverter ? "nand" : "and", node.left_parent, node.right_parent); for (auto &op : node.outports) f << stringf(", \"%s\", %d", log_id(op.first), op.second); f << stringf(" ]"); node_idx++; } f << stringf("\n ]"); first_model = false; } f << stringf("\n }"); } f << stringf("\n}\n"); } }; struct JsonBackend : public Backend { JsonBackend() : Backend("json", "write design to a JSON file") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" write_json [options] [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write a JSON netlist of the current design.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -aig\n"); log(" include AIG models for the different gate types\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log("The general syntax of the JSON output created by this command is as follows:\n"); log("\n"); log(" {\n"); log(" \"modules\": {\n"); log(" : {\n"); log(" \"ports\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"cells\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"netnames\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"models\": {\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" }\n"); log("\n"); log("Where is:\n"); log("\n"); log(" {\n"); log(" \"direction\": <\"input\" | \"output\" | \"inout\">,\n"); log(" \"bits\": \n"); log(" }\n"); log("\n"); log("And is:\n"); log("\n"); log(" {\n"); log(" \"hide_name\": <1 | 0>,\n"); log(" \"type\": ,\n"); log(" \"parameters\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"attributes\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"port_directions\": {\n"); log(" : <\"input\" | \"output\" | \"inout\">,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"connections\": {\n"); log(" : ,\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" }\n"); log("\n"); log("And is:\n"); log("\n"); log(" {\n"); log(" \"hide_name\": <1 | 0>,\n"); log(" \"bits\": \n"); log(" }\n"); log("\n"); log("The \"hide_name\" fields are set to 1 when the name of this cell or net is\n"); log("automatically created and is likely not of interest for a regular user.\n"); log("\n"); log("The \"port_directions\" section is only included for cells for which the\n"); log("interface is known.\n"); log("\n"); log("Module and cell ports and nets can be single bit wide or vectors of multiple\n"); log("bits. Each individual signal bit is assigned a unique integer. The \n"); log("values referenced above are vectors of this integers. Signal bits that are\n"); log("connected to a constant driver are denoted as string \"0\" or \"1\" instead of\n"); log("a number.\n"); log("\n"); log("For example the following Verilog code:\n"); log("\n"); log(" module test(input x, y);\n"); log(" (* keep *) foo #(.P(42), .Q(1337))\n"); log(" foo_inst (.A({x, y}), .B({y, x}), .C({4'd10, {4{x}}}));\n"); log(" endmodule\n"); log("\n"); log("Translates to the following JSON output:\n"); log("\n"); log(" {\n"); log(" \"modules\": {\n"); log(" \"test\": {\n"); log(" \"ports\": {\n"); log(" \"x\": {\n"); log(" \"direction\": \"input\",\n"); log(" \"bits\": [ 2 ]\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"y\": {\n"); log(" \"direction\": \"input\",\n"); log(" \"bits\": [ 3 ]\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"cells\": {\n"); log(" \"foo_inst\": {\n"); log(" \"hide_name\": 0,\n"); log(" \"type\": \"foo\",\n"); log(" \"parameters\": {\n"); log(" \"Q\": 1337,\n"); log(" \"P\": 42\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"attributes\": {\n"); log(" \"keep\": 1,\n"); log(" \"src\": \"test.v:2\"\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"connections\": {\n"); log(" \"C\": [ 2, 2, 2, 2, \"0\", \"1\", \"0\", \"1\" ],\n"); log(" \"B\": [ 2, 3 ],\n"); log(" \"A\": [ 3, 2 ]\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"netnames\": {\n"); log(" \"y\": {\n"); log(" \"hide_name\": 0,\n"); log(" \"bits\": [ 3 ],\n"); log(" \"attributes\": {\n"); log(" \"src\": \"test.v:1\"\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" },\n"); log(" \"x\": {\n"); log(" \"hide_name\": 0,\n"); log(" \"bits\": [ 2 ],\n"); log(" \"attributes\": {\n"); log(" \"src\": \"test.v:1\"\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log(" }\n"); log("\n"); log("The models are given as And-Inverter-Graphs (AIGs) in the following form:\n"); log("\n"); log(" \"models\": {\n"); log(" : [\n"); log(" /* 0 */ [ ],\n"); log(" /* 1 */ [ ],\n"); log(" /* 2 */ [ ],\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" ],\n"); log(" ...\n"); log(" },\n"); log("\n"); log("The following node-types may be used:\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"port\", , , ]\n"); log(" - the value of the specified input port bit\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"nport\", , , ]\n"); log(" - the inverted value of the specified input port bit\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"and\", , , ]\n"); log(" - the ANDed value of the specified nodes\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"nand\", , , ]\n"); log(" - the inverted ANDed value of the specified nodes\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"true\", ]\n"); log(" - the constant value 1\n"); log("\n"); log(" [ \"false\", ]\n"); log(" - the constant value 0\n"); log("\n"); log("All nodes appear in topological order. I.e. only nodes with smaller indices\n"); log("are referenced by \"and\" and \"nand\" nodes.\n"); log("\n"); log("The optional at the end of a node specification is a list of\n"); log("output portname and bitindex pairs, specifying the outputs driven by this node.\n"); log("\n"); log("For example, the following is the model for a 3-input 3-output $reduce_and cell\n"); log("inferred by the following code:\n"); log("\n"); log(" module test(input [2:0] in, output [2:0] out);\n"); log(" assign in = &out;\n"); log(" endmodule\n"); log("\n"); log(" \"$reduce_and:3U:3\": [\n"); log(" /* 0 */ [ \"port\", \"A\", 0 ],\n"); log(" /* 1 */ [ \"port\", \"A\", 1 ],\n"); log(" /* 2 */ [ \"and\", 0, 1 ],\n"); log(" /* 3 */ [ \"port\", \"A\", 2 ],\n"); log(" /* 4 */ [ \"and\", 2, 3, \"Y\", 0 ],\n"); log(" /* 5 */ [ \"false\", \"Y\", 1, \"Y\", 2 ]\n"); log(" ]\n"); log("\n"); log("Future version of Yosys might add support for additional fields in the JSON\n"); log("format. A program processing this format must ignore all unknown fields.\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { bool aig_mode = false; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-aig") { aig_mode = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); log_header("Executing JSON backend.\n"); JsonWriter json_writer(*f, false, aig_mode); json_writer.write_design(design); } } JsonBackend; struct JsonPass : public Pass { JsonPass() : Pass("json", "write design in JSON format") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" json [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write a JSON netlist of all selected objects.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -o \n"); log(" write to the specified file.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -aig\n"); log(" also include AIG models for the different gate types\n"); log("\n"); log("See 'help write_json' for a description of the JSON format used.\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { std::string filename; bool aig_mode = false; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-o" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { filename = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-aig") { aig_mode = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); std::ostream *f; std::stringstream buf; if (!filename.empty()) { std::ofstream *ff = new std::ofstream; ff->open(filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc); if (ff->fail()) { delete ff; log_error("Can't open file `%s' for writing: %s\n", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } f = ff; } else { f = &buf; } JsonWriter json_writer(*f, true, aig_mode); json_writer.write_design(design); if (!filename.empty()) { delete f; } else { log("%s", buf.str().c_str()); } } } JsonPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END