path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
5 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/simple_abc9/abc.box b/tests/simple_abc9/abc.box
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8801d807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_abc9/abc.box
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MUXF8 1 0 3 1
+1 1 1
diff --git a/tests/simple_abc9/abc9.v b/tests/simple_abc9/abc9.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64b625efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_abc9/abc9.v
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+module abc9_test001(input a, output o);
+assign o = a;
+module abc9_test002(input [1:0] a, output o);
+assign o = a[1];
+module abc9_test003(input [1:0] a, output [1:0] o);
+assign o = a;
+module abc9_test004(input [1:0] a, output o);
+assign o = ^a;
+module abc9_test005(input [1:0] a, output o, output p);
+assign o = ^a;
+assign p = ~o;
+module abc9_test006(input [1:0] a, output [2:0] o);
+assign o[0] = ^a;
+assign o[1] = ~o[0];
+assign o[2] = o[1];
+module abc9_test007(input a, output o);
+wire b, c;
+assign c = ~a;
+assign b = c;
+abc9_test007_sub s(b, o);
+module abc9_test007_sub(input a, output b);
+assign b = a;
+module abc9_test008(input a, output o);
+wire b, c;
+assign b = ~a;
+assign c = b;
+abc9_test008_sub s(b, o);
+module abc9_test008_sub(input a, output b);
+assign b = ~a;
+module abc9_test009(inout io, input oe);
+reg latch;
+always @(io or oe)
+ if (!oe)
+ latch <= io;
+assign io = oe ? ~latch : 1'bz;
+module abc9_test010(inout [7:0] io, input oe);
+reg [7:0] latch;
+always @(io or oe)
+ if (!oe)
+ latch <= io;
+assign io = oe ? ~latch : 8'bz;
+module abc9_test011(inout io, input oe);
+reg latch;
+always @(io or oe)
+ if (!oe)
+ latch <= io;
+//assign io = oe ? ~latch : 8'bz;
+module abc9_test012(inout io, input oe);
+reg latch;
+//always @(io or oe)
+// if (!oe)
+// latch <= io;
+assign io = oe ? ~latch : 8'bz;
+module abc9_test013(inout [3:0] io, input oe);
+reg [3:0] latch;
+always @(io or oe)
+ if (!oe)
+ latch[3:0] <= io[3:0];
+ else
+ latch[7:4] <= io;
+assign io[3:0] = oe ? ~latch[3:0] : 4'bz;
+assign io[7:4] = !oe ? {latch[4], latch[7:3]} : 4'bz;
+module abc9_test014(inout [7:0] io, input oe);
+abc9_test012_sub sub(io, oe);
+module abc9_test012_sub(inout [7:0] io, input oe);
+reg [7:0] latch;
+always @(io or oe)
+ if (!oe)
+ latch[3:0] <= io;
+ else
+ latch[7:4] <= io;
+assign io[3:0] = oe ? ~latch[3:0] : 4'bz;
+assign io[7:4] = !oe ? {latch[4], latch[7:3]} : 4'bz;
+module abc9_test015(input a, output b, input c);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) wire d;
+assign d = ~c;
+module abc9_test016(input a, output b);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) reg c;
+always @* c <= ~a;
+module abc9_test017(input a, output b);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) reg c;
+always @* c = b;
+module abc9_test018(input a, output b, output c);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) wire [1:0] d;
+assign c = &d;
+module abc9_test019(input a, output b);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) reg [1:0] c;
+reg d;
+always @* d <= &c;
+module abc9_test020(input a, output b);
+assign b = ~a;
+(* keep *) reg [1:0] c;
+(* keep *) reg d;
+always @* d <= &c;
+// Citation: https://github.com/alexforencich/verilog-ethernet
+module abc9_test021(clk, rst, s_eth_hdr_valid, s_eth_hdr_ready, s_eth_dest_mac, s_eth_src_mac, s_eth_type, s_eth_payload_axis_tdata, s_eth_payload_axis_tkeep, s_eth_payload_axis_tvalid, s_eth_payload_axis_tready, s_eth_payload_axis_tlast, s_eth_payload_axis_tid, s_eth_payload_axis_tdest, s_eth_payload_axis_tuser, m_eth_hdr_valid, m_eth_hdr_ready, m_eth_dest_mac, m_eth_src_mac, m_eth_type, m_eth_payload_axis_tdata, m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep, m_eth_payload_axis_tvalid, m_eth_payload_axis_tready, m_eth_payload_axis_tlast, m_eth_payload_axis_tid, m_eth_payload_axis_tdest, m_eth_payload_axis_tuser);
+ input clk;
+ output [47:0] m_eth_dest_mac;
+ input m_eth_hdr_ready;
+ output m_eth_hdr_valid;
+ output [7:0] m_eth_payload_axis_tdata;
+ output [7:0] m_eth_payload_axis_tdest;
+ output [7:0] m_eth_payload_axis_tid;
+ output m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep;
+ output m_eth_payload_axis_tlast;
+ input m_eth_payload_axis_tready;
+ output m_eth_payload_axis_tuser;
+ output m_eth_payload_axis_tvalid;
+ output [47:0] m_eth_src_mac;
+ output [15:0] m_eth_type;
+ input rst;
+ input [191:0] s_eth_dest_mac;
+ output [3:0] s_eth_hdr_ready;
+ input [3:0] s_eth_hdr_valid;
+ input [31:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tdata;
+ input [31:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tdest;
+ input [31:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tid;
+ input [3:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tkeep;
+ input [3:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tlast;
+ output [3:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tready;
+ input [3:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tuser;
+ input [3:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tvalid;
+ input [191:0] s_eth_src_mac;
+ input [63:0] s_eth_type;
+ (* keep *)
+ wire [0:0] grant, request;
+ wire a;
+ not u0 (
+ a,
+ grant[0]
+ );
+ and u1 (
+ request[0],
+ s_eth_hdr_valid[0],
+ a
+ );
+ (* keep *)
+ MUXF8 u2 (
+ .I0(1'bx),
+ .I1(1'bx),
+ .O(o),
+ .S(1'bx)
+ );
+ arbiter arb_inst (
+ .acknowledge(acknowledge),
+ .clk(clk),
+ .grant(grant),
+ .grant_encoded(grant_encoded),
+ .grant_valid(grant_valid),
+ .request(request),
+ .rst(rst)
+ );
+module arbiter (clk, rst, request, acknowledge, grant, grant_valid, grant_encoded);
+ input [3:0] acknowledge;
+ input clk;
+ output [3:0] grant;
+ output [1:0] grant_encoded;
+ output grant_valid;
+ input [3:0] request;
+ input rst;
+(* abc_box_id=1 *)
+module MUXF8(input I0, I1, S, output O);
+// Citation: https://github.com/alexforencich/verilog-ethernet
+// TODO: yosys -p "synth_xilinx -abc9 -top abc9_test022" abc9.v -q
+// returns before b4321a31
+// Warning: Wire abc9_test022.\m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep [7] is used but has no
+// driver.
+// Warning: Wire abc9_test022.\m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep [3] is used but has no
+// driver.
+module abc9_test022
+ input wire clk,
+ input wire i,
+ output wire [7:0] m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep
+ reg [7:0] m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep_reg = 8'd0;
+ assign m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep = m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep_reg;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ m_eth_payload_axis_tkeep_reg <= i ? 8'hff : 8'h0f;
+// Citation: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-bitmanip
+// TODO: yosys -p "synth_xilinx -abc9 -top abc9_test023" abc9.v -q
+// returns before 14233843
+// Warning: Wire abc9_test023.\dout [1] is used but has no driver.
+module abc9_test023 #(
+ parameter integer N = 2,
+ parameter integer M = 2
+) (
+ input [7:0] din,
+ output [M-1:0] dout
+ wire [2*M-1:0] mask = {M{1'b1}};
+ assign dout = (mask << din[N-1:0]) >> M;
+module abc9_test024(input [3:0] i, output [3:0] o);
+abc9_test024_sub a(i[1:0], o[1:0]);
+module abc9_test024_sub(input [1:0] i, output [1:0] o);
+assign o = i;
+module abc9_test025(input [3:0] i, output [3:0] o);
+abc9_test024_sub a(i[2:1], o[2:1]);
+module abc9_test026(output [3:0] o, p);
+assign o = { 1'b1, 1'bx };
+assign p = { 1'b1, 1'bx, 1'b0 };
diff --git a/tests/simple_abc9/run-test.sh b/tests/simple_abc9/run-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4935d41ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_abc9/run-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ S) arg="${OPTARG#"${OPTARG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space
+ seed="SEED=$arg" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
+# check for Icarus Verilog
+if ! which iverilog > /dev/null ; then
+ echo "$0: Error: Icarus Verilog 'iverilog' not found."
+ exit 1
+cp ../simple/*.v .
+exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/autotest.mk $seed *.v EXTRA_FLAGS="-p 'hierarchy; synth -run coarse; opt -full; techmap; abc9 -lut 4 -box ../abc.box; stat; check -assert; select -assert-none t:${DOLLAR}_NOT_ t:${DOLLAR}_AND_ %%'"
diff --git a/tests/various/abc9.v b/tests/various/abc9.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8271cd249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/various/abc9.v
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module abc9_test027(output reg o);
+initial o = 1'b0;
+always @*
+ o <= ~o;
diff --git a/tests/various/abc9.ys b/tests/various/abc9.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..922f7005d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/various/abc9.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+read_verilog abc9.v
+design -save gold
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -stash gate
+design -import gold -as gold
+design -import gate -as gate
+miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
+sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter