path: root/passes/opt/opt_dff.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/opt/opt_dff.cc')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/passes/opt/opt_dff.cc b/passes/opt/opt_dff.cc
index ddf08392b..0ad4acec2 100644
--- a/passes/opt/opt_dff.cc
+++ b/passes/opt/opt_dff.cc
@@ -58,13 +58,10 @@ struct OptDffWorker
typedef std::pair<RTLIL::SigBit, bool> ctrl_t;
typedef std::set<ctrl_t> ctrls_t;
- ModWalker modwalker;
- QuickConeSat qcsat;
// Used as a queue.
std::vector<Cell *> dff_cells;
- OptDffWorker(const OptDffOptions &opt, Module *mod) : opt(opt), module(mod), sigmap(mod), initvals(&sigmap, mod), modwalker(module->design, module), qcsat(modwalker) {
+ OptDffWorker(const OptDffOptions &opt, Module *mod) : opt(opt), module(mod), sigmap(mod), initvals(&sigmap, mod) {
// Gathering two kinds of information here for every sigmapped SigBit:
// - bitusers: how many users it has (muxes will only be merged into FFs if this is 1, making the FF the only user)
@@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ struct OptDffWorker
bool changed = false;
if (!ff.width) {
- module->remove(cell);
+ ff.remove();
did_something = true;
@@ -316,6 +313,7 @@ struct OptDffWorker
ff = ff.slice(keep_bits);
+ ff.cell = cell;
changed = true;
@@ -382,6 +380,68 @@ struct OptDffWorker
+ if (ff.has_aload) {
+ if (ff.sig_aload == (ff.pol_aload ? State::S0 : State::S1) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_aload == State::Sx)) {
+ // Always-inactive enable — remove.
+ log("Removing never-active async load on %s (%s) from module %s.\n",
+ log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ ff.has_aload = false;
+ changed = true;
+ } else if (ff.sig_aload == (ff.pol_aload ? State::S1 : State::S0)) {
+ // Always-active enable. Make a comb circuit, nuke the FF/latch.
+ log("Handling always-active async load on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to combinatorial circuit).\n",
+ log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ ff.remove();
+ if (ff.has_sr) {
+ SigSpec tmp;
+ if (ff.is_fine) {
+ if (ff.pol_set)
+ tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, State::S1, ff.sig_set);
+ else
+ tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S1, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_set);
+ if (ff.pol_clr)
+ module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, tmp, State::S0, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S0, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
+ } else {
+ if (ff.pol_set)
+ tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_set);
+ else
+ tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_set));
+ if (ff.pol_clr)
+ module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_clr), ff.sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
+ }
+ } else if (ff.has_arst) {
+ if (ff.is_fine) {
+ if (ff.pol_arst)
+ module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
+ } else {
+ if (ff.pol_arst)
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ad, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_ad, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
+ }
+ } else {
+ module->connect(ff.sig_q, ff.sig_ad);
+ }
+ did_something = true;
+ continue;
+ } else if (ff.sig_ad.is_fully_const() && !ff.has_arst && !ff.has_sr) {
+ log("Changing const-value async load to async reset on %s (%s) from module %s.\n",
+ log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ ff.has_arst = true;
+ ff.has_aload = false;
+ ff.sig_arst = ff.sig_aload;
+ ff.pol_arst = ff.pol_aload;
+ ff.val_arst = ff.sig_ad.as_const();
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
if (ff.has_arst) {
if (ff.sig_arst == (ff.pol_arst ? State::S0 : State::S1)) {
// Always-inactive reset — remove.
@@ -393,8 +453,7 @@ struct OptDffWorker
// Always-active async reset — change to const driver.
log("Handling always-active ARST on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to const driver).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q);
- module->remove(cell);
+ ff.remove();
module->connect(ff.sig_q, ff.val_arst);
did_something = true;
@@ -414,111 +473,63 @@ struct OptDffWorker
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
ff.has_srst = false;
if (!ff.ce_over_srst)
- ff.has_en = false;
- ff.sig_d = ff.val_d = ff.val_srst;
- ff.d_is_const = true;
+ ff.has_ce = false;
+ ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst;
changed = true;
- if (ff.has_en) {
- if (ff.sig_en == (ff.pol_en ? State::S0 : State::S1) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_en == State::Sx)) {
+ if (ff.has_ce) {
+ if (ff.sig_ce == (ff.pol_ce ? State::S0 : State::S1) || (!opt.keepdc && ff.sig_ce == State::Sx)) {
// Always-inactive enable — remove.
- if (ff.has_clk && ff.has_srst && !ff.ce_over_srst) {
+ if (ff.has_srst && !ff.ce_over_srst) {
log("Handling never-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s (connecting SRST instead).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
// FF with sync reset — connect the sync reset to D instead.
- ff.pol_en = ff.pol_srst;
- ff.sig_en = ff.sig_srst;
+ ff.pol_ce = ff.pol_srst;
+ ff.sig_ce = ff.sig_srst;
ff.has_srst = false;
- ff.sig_d = ff.val_d = ff.val_srst;
- ff.d_is_const = true;
+ ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst;
changed = true;
} else {
log("Handling never-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- // The D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a const-input D latch, SR latch, or a const driver).
- ff.has_d = ff.has_en = ff.has_clk = false;
+ // The D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a D latch, SR latch, or a const driver).
+ ff.has_ce = ff.has_clk = ff.has_srst = false;
changed = true;
- } else if (ff.sig_en == (ff.pol_en ? State::S1 : State::S0)) {
- // Always-active enable.
- if (ff.has_clk) {
- // For FF, just remove the useless enable.
- log("Removing always-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s.\n",
- log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- ff.has_en = false;
- changed = true;
- } else {
- // For latches, make a comb circuit, nuke the latch.
- log("Handling always-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s (changing to combinatorial circuit).\n",
- log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q);
- module->remove(cell);
- if (ff.has_sr) {
- SigSpec tmp;
- if (ff.is_fine) {
- if (ff.pol_set)
- tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_d, State::S1, ff.sig_set);
- else
- tmp = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S1, ff.sig_d, ff.sig_set);
- if (ff.pol_clr)
- module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, tmp, State::S0, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
- else
- module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, State::S0, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
- } else {
- if (ff.pol_set)
- tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_d, ff.sig_set);
- else
- tmp = module->Or(NEW_ID, ff.sig_d, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_set));
- if (ff.pol_clr)
- module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_clr), ff.sig_q);
- else
- module->addAnd(NEW_ID, tmp, ff.sig_clr, ff.sig_q);
- }
- } else if (ff.has_arst) {
- if (ff.is_fine) {
- if (ff.pol_arst)
- module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_d, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
- else
- module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst[0], ff.sig_d, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
- } else {
- if (ff.pol_arst)
- module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.sig_d, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
- else
- module->addMux(NEW_ID, ff.val_arst, ff.sig_d, ff.sig_arst, ff.sig_q);
- }
- } else {
- module->connect(ff.sig_q, ff.sig_d);
- }
- did_something = true;
- continue;
- }
+ } else if (ff.sig_ce == (ff.pol_ce ? State::S1 : State::S0)) {
+ // Always-active enable. Just remove it.
+ // For FF, just remove the useless enable.
+ log("Removing always-active EN on %s (%s) from module %s.\n",
+ log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ ff.has_ce = false;
+ changed = true;
if (ff.has_clk) {
if (ff.sig_clk.is_fully_const()) {
- // Const clock — the D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a const-input D latch, SR latch, or a const driver).
+ // Const clock — the D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a D latch, SR latch, or a const driver).
log("Handling const CLK on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- ff.has_d = ff.has_en = ff.has_clk = ff.has_srst = false;
+ ff.has_ce = ff.has_clk = ff.has_srst = false;
changed = true;
- if (ff.has_d && ff.sig_d == ff.sig_q) {
+ if ((ff.has_clk || ff.has_gclk) && ff.sig_d == ff.sig_q) {
// Q wrapped back to D, can be removed.
if (ff.has_clk && ff.has_srst) {
// FF with sync reset — connect the sync reset to D instead.
log("Handling D = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (conecting SRST instead).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- if (ff.has_en && ff.ce_over_srst) {
- if (!ff.pol_en) {
+ if (ff.has_ce && ff.ce_over_srst) {
+ if (!ff.pol_ce) {
if (ff.is_fine)
- ff.sig_en = module->NotGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_en);
+ ff.sig_ce = module->NotGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce);
- ff.sig_en = module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_en);
+ ff.sig_ce = module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce);
if (!ff.pol_srst) {
if (ff.is_fine)
@@ -527,96 +538,37 @@ struct OptDffWorker
ff.sig_srst = module->Not(NEW_ID, ff.sig_srst);
if (ff.is_fine)
- ff.sig_en = module->AndGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_en, ff.sig_srst);
+ ff.sig_ce = module->AndGate(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce, ff.sig_srst);
- ff.sig_en = module->And(NEW_ID, ff.sig_en, ff.sig_srst);
- ff.pol_en = true;
+ ff.sig_ce = module->And(NEW_ID, ff.sig_ce, ff.sig_srst);
+ ff.pol_ce = true;
} else {
- ff.pol_en = ff.pol_srst;
- ff.sig_en = ff.sig_srst;
+ ff.pol_ce = ff.pol_srst;
+ ff.sig_ce = ff.sig_srst;
- ff.has_en = true;
+ ff.has_ce = true;
ff.has_srst = false;
- ff.sig_d = ff.val_d = ff.val_srst;
- ff.d_is_const = true;
+ ff.sig_d = ff.val_srst;
changed = true;
} else {
// The D input path is effectively useless, so remove it (this will be a const-input D latch, SR latch, or a const driver).
log("Handling D = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (removing D path).\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- ff.has_d = ff.has_en = ff.has_clk = false;
+ ff.has_gclk = ff.has_clk = ff.has_ce = false;
changed = true;
- // Now check if any bit can be replaced by a constant.
- pool<int> removed_sigbits;
- for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) {
- State val = ff.val_init[i];
- if (ff.has_arst)
- val = combine_const(val, ff.val_arst[i]);
- if (ff.has_srst)
- val = combine_const(val, ff.val_srst[i]);
- if (ff.has_sr) {
- if (ff.sig_clr[i] != (ff.pol_clr ? State::S0 : State::S1))
- val = combine_const(val, State::S0);
- if (ff.sig_set[i] != (ff.pol_set ? State::S0 : State::S1))
- val = combine_const(val, State::S1);
- }
- if (val == State::Sm)
- continue;
- if (ff.has_d) {
- if (!ff.sig_d[i].wire) {
- val = combine_const(val, ff.sig_d[i].data);
- if (val == State::Sm)
- continue;
- } else {
- if (!opt.sat)
- continue;
- // For each register bit, try to prove that it cannot change from the initial value. If so, remove it
- if (!modwalker.has_drivers(ff.sig_d.extract(i)))
- continue;
- if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1)
- continue;
- int init_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(val);
- int q_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_q[i]);
- int d_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_d[i]);
- qcsat.prepare();
- // Try to find out whether the register bit can change under some circumstances
- bool counter_example_found = qcsat.ez->solve(qcsat.ez->IFF(q_sat_pi, init_sat_pi), qcsat.ez->NOT(qcsat.ez->IFF(d_sat_pi, init_sat_pi)));
- // If the register bit cannot change, we can replace it with a constant
- if (counter_example_found)
- continue;
- }
- }
- log("Setting constant %d-bit at position %d on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", val ? 1 : 0,
- i, log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
- initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q[i]);
- module->connect(ff.sig_q[i], val);
- removed_sigbits.insert(i);
- }
- if (!removed_sigbits.empty()) {
- std::vector<int> keep_bits;
- for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++)
- if (!removed_sigbits.count(i))
- keep_bits.push_back(i);
- if (keep_bits.empty()) {
- module->remove(cell);
- did_something = true;
- continue;
- }
- ff = ff.slice(keep_bits);
+ if (ff.has_aload && !ff.has_clk && ff.sig_ad == ff.sig_q) {
+ log("Handling AD = Q on %s (%s) from module %s (removing async load path).\n",
+ log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ ff.has_aload = false;
changed = true;
// The cell has been simplified as much as possible already. Now try to spice it up with enables / sync resets.
if (ff.has_clk) {
- if (!ff.has_arst && !ff.has_sr && (!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_en || ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nosdff) {
+ if (!ff.has_arst && !ff.has_sr && (!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_ce || ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nosdff) {
// Try to merge sync resets.
std::map<ctrls_t, std::vector<int>> groups;
std::vector<int> remaining_indices;
@@ -677,9 +629,9 @@ struct OptDffWorker
new_ff.has_srst = true;
new_ff.sig_srst = srst.first;
new_ff.pol_srst = srst.second;
- if (new_ff.has_en)
+ if (new_ff.has_ce)
new_ff.ce_over_srst = true;
- Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit(module, NEW_ID);
+ Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit();
if (new_cell)
log("Adding SRST signal on %s (%s) from module %s (D = %s, Q = %s, rval = %s).\n",
@@ -692,10 +644,11 @@ struct OptDffWorker
} else if (GetSize(remaining_indices) != ff.width) {
ff = ff.slice(remaining_indices);
+ ff.cell = cell;
changed = true;
- if ((!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_en || !ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nodffe) {
+ if ((!ff.has_srst || !ff.has_ce || !ff.ce_over_srst) && !opt.nodffe) {
// Try to merge enables.
std::map<std::pair<patterns_t, ctrls_t>, std::vector<int>> groups;
std::vector<int> remaining_indices;
@@ -725,8 +678,8 @@ struct OptDffWorker
if (!opt.simple_dffe)
patterns = find_muxtree_feedback_patterns(ff.sig_d[i], ff.sig_q[i], pattern_t());
if (!patterns.empty() || !enables.empty()) {
- if (ff.has_en)
- enables.insert(ctrl_t(ff.sig_en, ff.pol_en));
+ if (ff.has_ce)
+ enables.insert(ctrl_t(ff.sig_ce, ff.pol_ce));
groups[std::make_pair(patterns, enables)].push_back(i);
} else
@@ -737,11 +690,11 @@ struct OptDffWorker
FfData new_ff = ff.slice(it.second);
ctrl_t en = make_patterns_logic(it.first.first, it.first.second, ff.is_fine);
- new_ff.has_en = true;
- new_ff.sig_en = en.first;
- new_ff.pol_en = en.second;
+ new_ff.has_ce = true;
+ new_ff.sig_ce = en.first;
+ new_ff.pol_ce = en.second;
new_ff.ce_over_srst = false;
- Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit(module, NEW_ID);
+ Cell *new_cell = new_ff.emit();
if (new_cell)
log("Adding EN signal on %s (%s) from module %s (D = %s, Q = %s).\n",
@@ -754,6 +707,7 @@ struct OptDffWorker
} else if (GetSize(remaining_indices) != ff.width) {
ff = ff.slice(remaining_indices);
+ ff.cell = cell;
changed = true;
@@ -761,9 +715,116 @@ struct OptDffWorker
if (changed) {
// Rebuild the FF.
- IdString name = cell->name;
- module->remove(cell);
- ff.emit(module, name);
+ ff.emit();
+ did_something = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return did_something;
+ }
+ bool run_constbits() {
+ ModWalker modwalker(module->design, module);
+ QuickConeSat qcsat(modwalker);
+ // Run as a separate sub-pass, so that we don't mutate (non-FF) cells under ModWalker.
+ bool did_something = false;
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) {
+ if (!RTLIL::builtin_ff_cell_types().count(cell->type))
+ continue;
+ FfData ff(&initvals, cell);
+ // Now check if any bit can be replaced by a constant.
+ pool<int> removed_sigbits;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++) {
+ State val = ff.val_init[i];
+ if (ff.has_arst)
+ val = combine_const(val, ff.val_arst[i]);
+ if (ff.has_srst)
+ val = combine_const(val, ff.val_srst[i]);
+ if (ff.has_sr) {
+ if (ff.sig_clr[i] != (ff.pol_clr ? State::S0 : State::S1))
+ val = combine_const(val, State::S0);
+ if (ff.sig_set[i] != (ff.pol_set ? State::S0 : State::S1))
+ val = combine_const(val, State::S1);
+ }
+ if (val == State::Sm)
+ continue;
+ if (ff.has_clk || ff.has_gclk) {
+ if (!ff.sig_d[i].wire) {
+ val = combine_const(val, ff.sig_d[i].data);
+ if (val == State::Sm)
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (!opt.sat)
+ continue;
+ // For each register bit, try to prove that it cannot change from the initial value. If so, remove it
+ if (!modwalker.has_drivers(ff.sig_d.extract(i)))
+ continue;
+ if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1)
+ continue;
+ int init_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(val);
+ int q_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_q[i]);
+ int d_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_d[i]);
+ qcsat.prepare();
+ // Try to find out whether the register bit can change under some circumstances
+ bool counter_example_found = qcsat.ez->solve(qcsat.ez->IFF(q_sat_pi, init_sat_pi), qcsat.ez->NOT(qcsat.ez->IFF(d_sat_pi, init_sat_pi)));
+ // If the register bit cannot change, we can replace it with a constant
+ if (counter_example_found)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ff.has_aload) {
+ if (!ff.sig_ad[i].wire) {
+ val = combine_const(val, ff.sig_ad[i].data);
+ if (val == State::Sm)
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (!opt.sat)
+ continue;
+ // For each register bit, try to prove that it cannot change from the initial value. If so, remove it
+ if (!modwalker.has_drivers(ff.sig_ad.extract(i)))
+ continue;
+ if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1)
+ continue;
+ int init_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(val);
+ int q_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_q[i]);
+ int d_sat_pi = qcsat.importSigBit(ff.sig_ad[i]);
+ qcsat.prepare();
+ // Try to find out whether the register bit can change under some circumstances
+ bool counter_example_found = qcsat.ez->solve(qcsat.ez->IFF(q_sat_pi, init_sat_pi), qcsat.ez->NOT(qcsat.ez->IFF(d_sat_pi, init_sat_pi)));
+ // If the register bit cannot change, we can replace it with a constant
+ if (counter_example_found)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ log("Setting constant %d-bit at position %d on %s (%s) from module %s.\n", val ? 1 : 0,
+ i, log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), log_id(module));
+ initvals.remove_init(ff.sig_q[i]);
+ module->connect(ff.sig_q[i], val);
+ removed_sigbits.insert(i);
+ }
+ if (!removed_sigbits.empty()) {
+ std::vector<int> keep_bits;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ff.width; i++)
+ if (!removed_sigbits.count(i))
+ keep_bits.push_back(i);
+ if (keep_bits.empty()) {
+ module->remove(cell);
+ did_something = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ff = ff.slice(keep_bits);
+ ff.cell = cell;
+ ff.emit();
did_something = true;
@@ -845,6 +906,8 @@ struct OptDffPass : public Pass {
OptDffWorker worker(opt, mod);
if (worker.run())
did_something = true;
+ if (worker.run_constbits())
+ did_something = true;
if (did_something)