path: root/passes/cmds/viz.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/cmds/viz.cc')
1 files changed, 1081 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/passes/cmds/viz.cc b/passes/cmds/viz.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3655f3f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/passes/cmds/viz.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+ * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Claire Xenia Wolf <claire@yosyshq.com>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
+#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
+#ifndef _WIN32
+# include <dirent.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+# include <unistd.h>
+# include <readline/readline.h>
+# include <editline/readline.h>
+struct VizConfig {
+ enum group_type_t {
+ };
+ int effort = 9;
+ int similar_thresh = 30;
+ int small_group_thresh = 10;
+ int large_group_count = 10;
+ std::vector<std::pair<group_type_t, RTLIL::Selection>> groups;
+struct GraphNode {
+ int index = -1;
+ bool nomerge = false;
+ bool terminal = false;
+ bool excluded = false;
+ bool special = false;
+ GraphNode *replaced = nullptr;
+ GraphNode *get() {
+ if (replaced == nullptr)
+ return this;
+ return replaced = replaced->get();
+ }
+ pool<IdString> names_;
+ dict<int, uint8_t> tags_;
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> upstream_;
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> downstream_;
+ pool<IdString> &names() { return get()->names_; }
+ dict<int, uint8_t> &tags() { return get()->tags_; }
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &upstream() { return get()->upstream_; }
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &downstream() { return get()->downstream_; }
+ uint8_t tag(int index) {
+ return tags().at(index, 0);
+ }
+ bool tag(int index, uint8_t mask) {
+ if (!mask) return false;
+ uint8_t &v = tags()[index];
+ if (v == (v|mask)) return false;
+ v |= mask;
+ return true;
+ }
+struct Graph {
+ bool dirty = true;
+ int phase_counter = 0;
+ vector<GraphNode*> nodes;
+ vector<GraphNode*> term_nodes;
+ vector<GraphNode*> nonterm_nodes;
+ vector<GraphNode*> replaced_nodes;
+ Module *module;
+ const VizConfig &config;
+ // statistics and indices, updated by update()
+ std::vector<int> max_group_sizes;
+ double mean_group_size;
+ double rms_group_size;
+ int edge_count, tag_count;
+ ~Graph()
+ {
+ for (auto n : nodes) delete n;
+ for (auto n : replaced_nodes) delete n;
+ }
+ GraphNode *node(int index)
+ {
+ if (index)
+ return nodes[index-1]->get();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void update_nodes()
+ {
+ // Filter-out replaced nodes
+ term_nodes.clear();
+ nonterm_nodes.clear();
+ for (auto n : nodes) {
+ if (n->replaced)
+ replaced_nodes.push_back(n);
+ else if (n->terminal)
+ term_nodes.push_back(n);
+ else
+ nonterm_nodes.push_back(n);
+ }
+ // Re-index the remaining nodes
+ nodes.clear();
+ max_group_sizes.clear();
+ max_group_sizes.resize(config.large_group_count);
+ mean_group_size = 0;
+ rms_group_size = 0;
+ edge_count = 0;
+ auto update_node = [&](GraphNode *n)
+ {
+ nodes.push_back(n);
+ n->index = GetSize(nodes);
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> new_upstream;
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> new_downstream;
+ for (auto g : n->upstream()) {
+ if (n != (g = g->get()))
+ new_upstream.insert(g);
+ }
+ for (auto g : n->downstream()) {
+ if (n != (g = g->get()))
+ new_downstream.insert(g), edge_count++;
+ }
+ new_upstream.sort();
+ new_downstream.sort();
+ std::swap(n->upstream(), new_upstream);
+ std::swap(n->downstream(), new_downstream);
+ if (!n->terminal) {
+ int t = GetSize(n->names());
+ mean_group_size += t;
+ rms_group_size += t*t;
+ for (int i = 0; i < config.large_group_count; i++)
+ if (t >= max_group_sizes[i])
+ std::swap(t, max_group_sizes[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto n : term_nodes)
+ update_node(n);
+ for (auto n : nonterm_nodes)
+ update_node(n);
+ mean_group_size /= GetSize(nonterm_nodes);
+ rms_group_size = sqrt(rms_group_size / GetSize(nonterm_nodes));
+ }
+ void update_tags()
+ {
+ std::function<void(GraphNode*,int,bool)> up_down_prop_tag =
+ [&](GraphNode *g, int index, bool down)
+ {
+ for (auto n : (down ? g->downstream_ : g->upstream_)) {
+ if (n->tag(index, down ? 2 : 1)) {
+ if (!n->terminal)
+ up_down_prop_tag(n, index, down);
+ tag_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ tag_count = 0;
+ for (auto g : nodes)
+ g->tags().clear();
+ for (auto g : term_nodes) {
+ up_down_prop_tag(g, g->index, false);
+ up_down_prop_tag(g, g->index, true);
+ }
+ for (auto g : nodes)
+ g->tags().sort();
+ }
+ bool update()
+ {
+ if (!dirty) {
+ log(" Largest non-term group sizes: ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < config.large_group_count; i++)
+ log("%d%s", max_group_sizes[i], i+1 == config.large_group_count ? ".\n" : " ");
+ // log(" Mean and Root-Mean-Square group sizes: %.1f and %.1f\n", mean_group_size, rms_group_size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ dirty = false;
+ update_nodes();
+ update_tags();
+ log(" Status: %d nodes (%d term and %d non-term), %d edges, and %d tags\n",
+ GetSize(nodes), GetSize(term_nodes), GetSize(nonterm_nodes), edge_count, tag_count);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void merge(GraphNode *g, GraphNode *n)
+ {
+ g = g->get();
+ n = n->get();
+ log_assert(!g->nomerge);
+ log_assert(!n->nomerge);
+ log_assert(g->terminal == n->terminal);
+ if (g == n) return;
+ for (auto v : n->names_)
+ g->names_.insert(v);
+ for (auto v : n->tags_)
+ g->tags_[v.first] |= v.second;
+ for (auto v : n->upstream_) {
+ if (g != (v = v->get()))
+ g->upstream_.insert(v);
+ }
+ for (auto v : n->downstream_) {
+ if (g != (v = v->get()))
+ g->downstream_.insert(v);
+ }
+ n->names_.clear();
+ n->tags_.clear();
+ n->upstream_.clear();
+ n->downstream_.clear();
+ dirty = true;
+ n->replaced = g;
+ }
+ Graph(Module *module, const VizConfig &config) : module(module), config(config)
+ {
+ log("Running 'viz -%d' for module %s:\n", config.effort, log_id(module));
+ log(" Phase %d: Construct initial graph\n", phase_counter++);
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ dict<SigBit, GraphNode*> wire_nodes;
+ for (auto wire : module->selected_wires())
+ {
+ if (!wire->name.isPublic()) continue;
+ auto g = new GraphNode;
+ g->terminal = true;
+ g->names().insert(wire->name);
+ nodes.push_back(g);
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) {
+ if (!bit.wire) continue;
+ auto it = wire_nodes.find(bit);
+ if (it == wire_nodes.end())
+ wire_nodes[bit] = g;
+ else
+ merge(g, it->second);
+ }
+ }
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> excluded;
+ for (auto grp : config.groups)
+ {
+ GraphNode *g = nullptr;
+ if (!grp.second.selected_module(module->name))
+ continue;
+ for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
+ if (!wire->name.isPublic()) continue;
+ if (!grp.second.selected_member(module->name, wire->name)) continue;
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) {
+ auto it = wire_nodes.find(bit);
+ if (it == wire_nodes.end())
+ continue;
+ auto n = it->second->get();
+ if (n->nomerge)
+ continue;
+ if (grp.first == VizConfig::TYPE_G || grp.first == VizConfig::TYPE_S) {
+ if (g) {
+ if (!n->nomerge)
+ merge(g, n);
+ } else
+ g = n;
+ } else if (grp.first == VizConfig::TYPE_U) {
+ n->nomerge = true;
+ } else if (grp.first == VizConfig::TYPE_X) {
+ n->nomerge = true;
+ excluded.insert(n);
+ } else
+ log_abort();
+ }
+ }
+ if (g) {
+ if (grp.first == VizConfig::TYPE_S)
+ g->special = true;
+ g->nomerge = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto g : excluded)
+ excluded.insert(g->get());
+ dict<Cell*, GraphNode*> cell_nodes;
+ dict<SigBit, pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>> sig_users;
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) {
+ auto g = new GraphNode;
+ cell_nodes[cell] = g;
+ g->names().insert(cell->name);
+ nodes.push_back(g);
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
+ if (cell->input(conn.first))
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
+ if (!bit.wire) continue;
+ auto it = wire_nodes.find(bit);
+ if (it != wire_nodes.end()) {
+ auto n = it->second->get();
+ if (!excluded.count(n)) {
+ g->upstream().insert(n);
+ n->downstream().insert(g);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sig_users[bit].insert(g);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cell->output(conn.first))
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
+ if (!bit.wire) continue;
+ auto it = wire_nodes.find(bit);
+ if (it != wire_nodes.end()) {
+ auto n = it->second->get();
+ if (!excluded.count(n)) {
+ g->downstream().insert(n);
+ n->upstream().insert(g);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) {
+ auto g = cell_nodes.at(cell);
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
+ if (!cell->output(conn.first)) continue;
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
+ if (!bit.wire) continue;
+ for (auto u : sig_users[bit]) {
+ g->downstream().insert(u);
+ u->upstream().insert(g);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update();
+ }
+ int compare_tags(GraphNode *g, GraphNode *n, bool strict_mode)
+ {
+ if (GetSize(g->tags()) > GetSize(n->tags()))
+ return compare_tags(n, g, strict_mode);
+ if (g->tags().empty())
+ return 100;
+ bool gn_specials = true;
+ bool g_nonspecials = false;
+ bool n_nonspecials = false;
+ int score = 0;
+ for (auto it : g->tags()) {
+ auto g_tag = it.second;
+ auto n_tag = n->tag(it.first);
+ log_assert(g_tag != 0);
+ if (node(it.first)->special) {
+ gn_specials = true;
+ if (g_tag != n_tag) return 0;
+ } else
+ g_nonspecials = true;
+ if (n_tag == 0) continue;
+ if (g_tag == n_tag)
+ score += 2;
+ else if (!strict_mode && (g_tag + n_tag == 4))
+ score += 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (auto it : n->tags()) {
+ auto n_tag = it.second;
+ log_assert(n_tag != 0);
+ if (node(it.first)->special) {
+ gn_specials = true;
+ auto g_tag = g->tag(it.first);
+ if (g_tag != n_tag) return 0;
+ } else
+ n_nonspecials = true;
+ }
+ if (gn_specials && (g_nonspecials != n_nonspecials))
+ return 0;
+ return (100*score) / GetSize(g->tags());
+ }
+ int phase(bool term, int effort)
+ {
+ log(" Phase %d: Merge %sterminal nodes with effort level %d\n", phase_counter++, term ? "" : "non-", effort);
+ int start_replaced_nodes = GetSize(replaced_nodes);
+ do {
+ dict<int,pool<pair<int,int>>> candidates;
+ auto queue = [&](GraphNode *g, GraphNode *n) -> bool {
+ if (g->terminal != n->terminal)
+ return false;
+ if (g->nomerge || n->nomerge)
+ return false;
+ int sz = GetSize(g->names()) + GetSize(n->names());
+ if (g->index < n->index)
+ candidates[sz].insert(pair<int,int>(g->index, n->index));
+ else if (g->index != n->index)
+ candidates[sz].insert(pair<int,int>(n->index, g->index));
+ return true;
+ };
+ int last_candidates_size = 0;
+ const char *last_section_header = nullptr;
+ auto header = [&](const char *p = nullptr) {
+ if (GetSize(candidates) != last_candidates_size && last_section_header)
+ log(" Found %d cadidates of type '%s'.\n",
+ GetSize(candidates) - last_candidates_size, last_section_header);
+ last_candidates_size = GetSize(candidates);
+ last_section_header = p;
+ };
+ {
+ header("Any nodes with identical connections");
+ typedef pair<pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>, pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>> node_conn_t;
+ dict<node_conn_t, pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>> nodes_by_conn;
+ for (auto g : term ? term_nodes : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto &entry = nodes_by_conn[node_conn_t(g->upstream(), g->downstream())];
+ for (auto n : entry)
+ queue(g, n);
+ entry.insert(g);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 1) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Source-Sink with identical tags");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ for (auto n : g->downstream()) {
+ if (n->terminal) continue;
+ if (g->tags() == n->tags()) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ header("Sibblings with identical tags");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto process_conns = [&](const pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &stream) {
+ dict<std::vector<int>, pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>> nodes_by_tags;
+ for (auto n : stream) {
+ if (n->terminal) continue;
+ std::vector<int> key;
+ for (auto kv : n->tags())
+ key.push_back(kv.first), key.push_back(kv.second);
+ auto &entry = nodes_by_tags[key];
+ for (auto m : entry) queue(n, m);
+ entry.insert(n);
+ }
+ };
+ process_conns(g->upstream());
+ process_conns(g->downstream());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 2) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Nodes with single fan-out and compatible tags");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ if (GetSize(g->downstream()) != 1) continue;
+ auto n = *g->downstream().begin();
+ if (!n->terminal && compare_tags(g, n, true)) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ header("Nodes with single fan-in and compatible tags");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ if (GetSize(g->upstream()) != 1) continue;
+ auto n = *g->upstream().begin();
+ if (!n->terminal && compare_tags(g, n, true)) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 3) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Connected nodes with similar tags (strict)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ for (auto n : g->downstream())
+ if (!n->terminal && compare_tags(g, n, true) > config.similar_thresh) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 4) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Sibblings with similar tags (strict)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto process_conns = [&](const pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &stream) {
+ std::vector<GraphNode*> nodes;
+ for (auto n : stream)
+ if (!n->terminal) nodes.push_back(n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(nodes); i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ if (compare_tags(nodes[i], nodes[j], true) > config.similar_thresh)
+ queue(nodes[i], nodes[j]);
+ };
+ process_conns(g->upstream());
+ process_conns(g->downstream());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 5) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Connected nodes with similar tags (non-strict)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ for (auto n : g->downstream())
+ if (!n->terminal && compare_tags(g, n, false) > config.similar_thresh) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 6) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Sibblings with similar tags (non-strict)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto process_conns = [&](const pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &stream) {
+ std::vector<GraphNode*> nodes;
+ for (auto n : stream)
+ if (!n->terminal) nodes.push_back(n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(nodes); i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ if (compare_tags(nodes[i], nodes[j], false) > config.similar_thresh)
+ queue(nodes[i], nodes[j]);
+ };
+ process_conns(g->upstream());
+ process_conns(g->downstream());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 7) goto execute;
+ {
+ header("Any nodes with identical fan-in or fan-out");
+ dict<pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>, pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops>> nodes_by_conn[2];
+ for (auto g : term ? term_nodes : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto &up_entry = nodes_by_conn[0][g->upstream()];
+ auto &down_entry = nodes_by_conn[1][g->downstream()];
+ for (auto n : up_entry) queue(g, n);
+ for (auto n : down_entry) queue(g, n);
+ up_entry.insert(g);
+ down_entry.insert(g);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 8) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Connected nodes with similar tags (lax)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ for (auto n : g->downstream())
+ if (!n->terminal && compare_tags(g, n, false)) queue(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!candidates.empty() || effort < 9) goto execute;
+ if (!term) {
+ header("Sibblings with similar tags (lax)");
+ for (auto g : nonterm_nodes) {
+ auto process_conns = [&](const pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> &stream) {
+ std::vector<GraphNode*> nodes;
+ for (auto n : stream)
+ if (!n->terminal) nodes.push_back(n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(nodes); i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ if (compare_tags(nodes[i], nodes[j], false))
+ queue(nodes[i], nodes[j]);
+ };
+ process_conns(g->upstream());
+ process_conns(g->downstream());
+ }
+ }
+ execute:
+ header();
+ candidates.sort();
+ bool small_mode = false;
+ bool medium_mode = false;
+ for (auto &candidate_group : candidates) {
+ for (auto &candidate : candidate_group.second) {
+ auto g = node(candidate.first);
+ auto n = node(candidate.second);
+ if (!term) {
+ int sz = GetSize(g->names()) + GetSize(n->names());
+ if (sz <= config.small_group_thresh)
+ small_mode = true;
+ else if (small_mode && sz >= max_group_sizes.back())
+ continue;
+ if (sz <= max_group_sizes.front())
+ medium_mode = true;
+ else if (medium_mode && sz > max_group_sizes.front())
+ continue;
+ }
+ merge(g, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (small_mode)
+ log(" Using 'small-mode' to prevent big groups.\n");
+ else if (medium_mode)
+ log(" Using 'medium-mode' to prevent big groups.\n");
+ } while (update());
+ int merged_nodes = GetSize(replaced_nodes) - start_replaced_nodes;
+ log(" Merged a total of %d nodes.\n", merged_nodes);
+ return merged_nodes;
+ }
+struct VizWorker
+ VizConfig config;
+ Module *module;
+ Graph graph;
+ VizWorker(Module *module, const VizConfig &cfg) : config(cfg), module(module), graph(module, config)
+ {
+ for (int effort = 0; effort <= config.effort; effort++) {
+ bool first = true;
+ while (1) {
+ if (!graph.phase(false, effort) && !first) break;
+ if (!graph.phase(true, effort)) break;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ log(" %s: %d nodes (%d term and %d non-term), %d edges, and %d tags\n",
+ effort == config.effort ? "Final" : "Status", GetSize(graph.nodes),
+ GetSize(graph.term_nodes), GetSize(graph.nonterm_nodes),
+ graph.edge_count, graph.tag_count);
+ }
+ }
+ void update_attrs()
+ {
+ IdString vg_id("\\vg");
+ for (auto c : module->cells())
+ c->attributes.erase(vg_id);
+ for (auto g : graph.nodes) {
+ for (auto name : g->names()) {
+ auto w = module->wire(name);
+ auto c = module->cell(name);
+ if (w) w->attributes[vg_id] = g->index;
+ if (c) c->attributes[vg_id] = g->index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void write_dot(FILE *f)
+ {
+ fprintf(f, "digraph \"%s\" {\n", log_id(module));
+ fprintf(f, " rankdir = LR;\n");
+ dict<GraphNode*, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>, hash_ptr_ops> extra_lines;
+ dict<GraphNode*, GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> bypass_nodes;
+ pool<GraphNode*, hash_ptr_ops> bypass_candidates;
+ auto bypass = [&](GraphNode *g, GraphNode *n) {
+ log_assert(g->terminal);
+ log_assert(!n->terminal);
+ bypass_nodes[g] = n;
+ auto &buffer = extra_lines[n];
+ buffer.emplace_back();
+ for (auto name : g->names())
+ buffer.back().push_back(log_id(name));
+ std::sort(buffer.back().begin(), buffer.back().end());
+ std::sort(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
+ };
+ for (auto g : graph.nonterm_nodes) {
+ for (auto n : g->downstream())
+ if (!n->terminal) goto not_a_candidate;
+ bypass_candidates.insert(g);
+ not_a_candidate:;
+ }
+ for (auto g : graph.term_nodes)
+ {
+ if (g->special || bypass_nodes.count(g)) continue;
+ if (GetSize(g->upstream()) != 1) continue;
+ if (!g->downstream().empty() && g->downstream() != g->upstream()) continue;
+ auto n = *(g->upstream().begin());
+ if (n->terminal || !bypass_candidates.count(n)) continue;
+ bypass(g, n);
+ }
+ for (auto g : graph.term_nodes)
+ {
+ if (g->special || bypass_nodes.count(g)) continue;
+ if (GetSize(g->upstream()) != 1) continue;
+ auto n = *(g->upstream().begin());
+ if (n->terminal || !bypass_candidates.count(n)) continue;
+ if (GetSize(n->downstream()) != 1) continue;
+ if (extra_lines.count(n)) continue;
+ bypass(g, n);
+ }
+ for (auto g : graph.nodes) {
+ if (g->downstream().empty() && g->upstream().empty())
+ continue;
+ if (bypass_nodes.count(g))
+ continue;
+ if (g->terminal) {
+ g->names().sort();
+ std::string label; // = stringf("vg=%d\\n", g->index);
+ for (auto n : g->names())
+ label = label + (label.empty() ? "" : "\\n") + log_id(n);
+ fprintf(f, "\tn%d [shape=rectangle,label=\"%s\"];\n", g->index, label.c_str());
+ } else {
+ std::string label = stringf("vg=%d | %d cells", g->index, GetSize(g->names()));
+ std::string shape = "oval";
+ if (extra_lines.count(g)) {
+ for (auto &block : extra_lines.at(g)) {
+ label += label.empty() ? "" : "\\n";
+ for (auto &line : block)
+ label = label + (label.empty() ? "" : "\\n") + line;
+ shape = "octagon";
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\tn%d [shape=%s,label=\"%s\"];\n", g->index, shape.c_str(), label.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ pool<std::string> edges;
+ for (auto g : graph.nodes) {
+ auto p = bypass_nodes.at(g, g);
+ for (auto n : g->downstream()) {
+ auto q = bypass_nodes.at(n, n);
+ if (p == q) continue;
+ edges.insert(stringf("n%d -> n%d", p->index, q->index));
+ }
+ }
+ edges.sort();
+ for (auto e : edges)
+ fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", e.c_str());
+ fprintf(f, "}\n");
+ }
+struct VizPass : public Pass {
+ VizPass() : Pass("viz", "visualize data flow graph") { }
+ void help() override
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" viz [options] [selection]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("Create a graphviz DOT file for the selected part of the design, showing the\n");
+ log("relationships between the selected wires, and compile it to a graphics\n");
+ log("file (usually SVG or PostScript).\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -viewer <viewer>\n");
+ log(" Run the specified command with the graphics file as parameter.\n");
+ log(" On Windows, this pauses yosys until the viewer exits.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -format <format>\n");
+ log(" Generate a graphics file in the specified format. Use 'dot' to just\n");
+ log(" generate a .dot file, or other <format> strings such as 'svg' or 'ps'\n");
+ log(" to generate files in other formats (this calls the 'dot' command).\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -prefix <prefix>\n");
+ log(" generate <prefix>.* instead of ~/.yosys_viz.*\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -pause\n");
+ log(" wait for the user to press enter to before returning\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -nobg\n");
+ log(" don't run viewer in the background, IE wait for the viewer tool to\n");
+ log(" exit before returning\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -set-vg-attr\n");
+ log(" set their group index as 'vg' attribute on cells and wires\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -g <selection>\n");
+ log(" manually define a group of terminal signals. this group is not being\n");
+ log(" merged with other terminal groups.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -u <selection>\n");
+ log(" manually define a unique group for each wire in the selection.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -x <selection>\n");
+ log(" manually exclude wires from being considered. (usually this is\n");
+ log(" used for global signals, such as reset.)\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -s <selection>\n");
+ log(" like -g, but mark group as 'special', changing the algorithm to\n");
+ log(" preserve as much info about this groups connectivity as possible.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -G <selection_expr> .\n");
+ log(" -U <selection_expr> .\n");
+ log(" -X <selection_expr> .\n");
+ log(" -S <selection_expr> .\n");
+ log(" like -u, -g, -x, and -s, but parse all arguments up to a terminating .\n");
+ log(" as a single select expression. (see 'help select' for details)\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9\n");
+ log(" select effort level. each level corresponds to an incresingly more\n");
+ log(" aggressive sequence of strategies for merging nodes of the data flow\n");
+ log(" graph. (default: %d)\n", VizConfig().effort);
+ log("\n");
+ log("When no <format> is specified, 'dot' is used. When no <format> and <viewer> is\n");
+ log("specified, 'xdot' is used to display the schematic (POSIX systems only).\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("The generated output files are '~/.yosys_viz.dot' and '~/.yosys_viz.<format>',\n");
+ log("unless another prefix is specified using -prefix <prefix>.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("Yosys on Windows and YosysJS use different defaults: The output is written\n");
+ log("to 'show.dot' in the current directory and new viewer is launched each time\n");
+ log("the 'show' command is executed.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) override
+ {
+ log_header(design, "Generating Graphviz representation of design.\n");
+ log_push();
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(YOSYS_DISABLE_SPAWN)
+ std::string format = "dot";
+ std::string prefix = "show";
+ std::string format;
+ std::string prefix = stringf("%s/.yosys_viz", getenv("HOME") ? getenv("HOME") : ".");
+ std::string viewer_exe;
+ bool flag_pause = false;
+ bool flag_attr = false;
+ bool custom_prefix = false;
+ std::string background = "&";
+ VizConfig config;
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ std::string arg = args[argidx];
+ if (arg == "-viewer" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ viewer_exe = args[++argidx];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-prefix" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ prefix = args[++argidx];
+ custom_prefix = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-format" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ format = args[++argidx];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-pause") {
+ flag_pause= true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-set-vg-attr") {
+ flag_attr= true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-nobg") {
+ background= "";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((arg == "-g" || arg == "-u" || arg == "-x" || arg == "-s" ||
+ arg == "-G" || arg == "-U" || arg == "-X" || arg == "-S") && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ int numargs = 1;
+ int first_arg = ++argidx;
+ if (arg == "-G" || arg == "-U" || arg == "-X" || arg == "-S") {
+ while (argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ if (args[++argidx] == ".") break;
+ numargs++;
+ }
+ }
+ handle_extra_select_args(this, args, first_arg, first_arg+numargs, design);
+ auto type = arg == "-g" || arg == "-G" ? VizConfig::TYPE_G :
+ arg == "-u" || arg == "-U" ? VizConfig::TYPE_U :
+ arg == "-x" || arg == "-X" ? VizConfig::TYPE_X : VizConfig::TYPE_S;
+ config.groups.push_back({type, design->selection_stack.back()});
+ design->selection_stack.pop_back();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg == "-0" || arg == "-1" || arg == "-2" || arg == "-3" || arg == "-4" ||
+ arg == "-5" || arg == "-6" || arg == "-7" || arg == "-8" || arg == "-9") {
+ config.effort = arg[1] - '0';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ std::vector<Module*> modlist;
+ for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) {
+ if (module->get_blackbox_attribute())
+ continue;
+ if (module->cells().size() == 0 && module->connections().empty())
+ continue;
+ modlist.push_back(module);
+ }
+ if (format != "ps" && format != "dot" && GetSize(modlist) > 1)
+ log_cmd_error("For formats different than 'ps' or 'dot' only one module must be selected.\n");
+ if (modlist.empty())
+ log_cmd_error("Nothing there to show.\n");
+ std::string dot_file = stringf("%s.dot", prefix.c_str());
+ std::string out_file = stringf("%s.%s", prefix.c_str(), format.empty() ? "svg" : format.c_str());
+ if (custom_prefix)
+ yosys_output_files.insert(dot_file);
+ log("Writing dot description to `%s'.\n", dot_file.c_str());
+ FILE *f = nullptr;
+ auto open_dot_file = [&]() {
+ if (f != nullptr) return;
+ f = fopen(dot_file.c_str(), "w");
+ if (f == nullptr)
+ log_cmd_error("Can't open dot file `%s' for writing.\n", dot_file.c_str());
+ };
+ for (auto module : modlist) {
+ VizWorker worker(module, config);
+ if (flag_attr)
+ worker.update_attrs();
+ if (format != "dot" && GetSize(worker.graph.nodes) > 200) {
+ if (format.empty()) {
+ log_warning("Suppressing module in output as graph size exceeds 200 nodes.\n");
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ log_warning("Changing format to 'dot' as graph size exceeds 200 nodes.\n");
+ format = "dot";
+ }
+ }
+ // delay opening of output file until we have something to write, to avoid race with xdot
+ open_dot_file();
+ worker.write_dot(f);
+ }
+ open_dot_file();
+ fclose(f);
+ if (format != "dot" && !format.empty()) {
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ // system()/cmd.exe does not understand single quotes on Windows.
+ #define DOT_CMD "dot -T%s \"%s\" > \"%s.new\" && move \"%s.new\" \"%s\""
+ #else
+ #define DOT_CMD "dot -T%s '%s' > '%s.new' && mv '%s.new' '%s'"
+ #endif
+ std::string cmd = stringf(DOT_CMD, format.c_str(), dot_file.c_str(), out_file.c_str(), out_file.c_str(), out_file.c_str());
+ #undef DOT_CMD
+ log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str());
+ #if !defined(YOSYS_DISABLE_SPAWN)
+ if (run_command(cmd) != 0)
+ log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ #if defined(YOSYS_DISABLE_SPAWN)
+ log_assert(viewer_exe.empty() && !format.empty());
+ #else
+ if (!viewer_exe.empty()) {
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ // system()/cmd.exe does not understand single quotes nor
+ // background tasks on Windows. So we have to pause yosys
+ // until the viewer exits.
+ std::string cmd = stringf("%s \"%s\"", viewer_exe.c_str(), out_file.c_str());
+ #else
+ std::string cmd = stringf("%s '%s' %s", viewer_exe.c_str(), out_file.c_str(), background.c_str());
+ #endif
+ log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str());
+ if (run_command(cmd) != 0)
+ log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n");
+ } else
+ if (format.empty()) {
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
+ std::string cmd = stringf("ps -fu %d | grep -q '[ ]%s' || xdot '%s' %s", getuid(), dot_file.c_str(), dot_file.c_str(), background.c_str());
+ #else
+ std::string cmd = stringf("{ test -f '%s.pid' && fuser -s '%s.pid' 2> /dev/null; } || ( echo $$ >&3; exec xdot '%s'; ) 3> '%s.pid' %s", dot_file.c_str(), dot_file.c_str(), dot_file.c_str(), dot_file.c_str(), background.c_str());
+ #endif
+ log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str());
+ if (run_command(cmd) != 0)
+ log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n");
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (flag_pause) {
+ char *input = nullptr;
+ while ((input = readline("Press ENTER to continue (or type 'shell' to open a shell)> ")) != nullptr) {
+ if (input[strspn(input, " \t\r\n")] == 0)
+ break;
+ char *p = input + strspn(input, " \t\r\n");
+ if (!strcmp(p, "shell")) {
+ Pass::call(design, "shell");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ log_cmd_error("This version of yosys is built without readline support => 'show -pause' is not available.\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ log_pop();
+ }
+} VizPass;