path: root/kernel/ff.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/ff.h')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ff.h b/kernel/ff.h
index 3e83db678..41721b4a1 100644
--- a/kernel/ff.h
+++ b/kernel/ff.h
@@ -25,460 +25,192 @@
+// Describes a flip-flop or a latch.
+// If has_gclk, this is a formal verification FF with implicit global clock:
+// Q is simply previous cycle's D.
+// Otherwise, the FF/latch can have any number of features selected by has_*
+// attributes that determine Q's value (in order of decreasing priority):
+// - on start, register is initialized to val_init
+// - if has_sr is present:
+// - sig_clr is per-bit async clear, and sets the corresponding bit to 0
+// if active
+// - sig_set is per-bit async set, and sets the corresponding bit to 1
+// if active
+// - if has_arst is present:
+// - sig_arst is whole-reg async reset, and sets the whole register to val_arst
+// - if has_aload is present:
+// - sig_aload is whole-reg async load (aka latch gate enable), and sets the whole
+// register to sig_ad
+// - if has_clk is present, and we're currently on a clock edge:
+// - if has_ce is present and ce_over_srst is true:
+// - ignore clock edge (don't change value) unless sig_ce is active
+// - if has_srst is present:
+// - sig_srst is whole-reg sync reset and sets the register to val_srst
+// - if has_ce is present and ce_over_srst is false:
+// - ignore clock edge (don't change value) unless sig_ce is active
+// - set whole reg to sig_d
+// - if nothing of the above applies, the reg value remains unchanged
+// Since the yosys FF cell library isn't fully generic, not all combinations
+// of the features above can be supported:
+// - only one of has_srst, has_arst, has_sr can be used
+// - if has_clk is used together with has_aload, then has_srst, has_arst,
+// has_sr cannot be used
+// The valid feature combinations are thus:
+// - has_clk + optional has_ce [dff/dffe]
+// - has_clk + optional has_ce + has_arst [adff/adffe]
+// - has_clk + optional has_ce + has_aload [aldff/aldffe]
+// - has_clk + optional has_ce + has_sr [dffsr/dffsre]
+// - has_clk + optional has_ce + has_srst [sdff/sdffe/sdffce]
+// - has_aload [dlatch]
+// - has_aload + has_arst [adlatch]
+// - has_aload + has_sr [dlatchsr]
+// - has_sr [sr]
+// - has_arst [does not correspond to a native cell, represented as dlatch with const D input]
+// - empty set [not a cell — will be emitted as a simple direct connection]
struct FfData {
+ Module *module;
FfInitVals *initvals;
+ Cell *cell;
+ IdString name;
+ // The FF output.
SigSpec sig_q;
+ // The sync data input, present if has_clk or has_gclk.
SigSpec sig_d;
+ // The async data input, present if has_aload.
+ SigSpec sig_ad;
+ // The sync clock, present if has_clk.
SigSpec sig_clk;
- SigSpec sig_en;
+ // The clock enable, present if has_ce.
+ SigSpec sig_ce;
+ // The async load enable, present if has_aload.
+ SigSpec sig_aload;
+ // The async reset, preset if has_arst.
SigSpec sig_arst;
+ // The sync reset, preset if has_srst.
SigSpec sig_srst;
+ // The async clear (per-lane), present if has_sr.
SigSpec sig_clr;
+ // The async set (per-lane), present if has_sr.
SigSpec sig_set;
- bool has_d;
+ // True if this is a clocked (edge-sensitive) flip-flop.
bool has_clk;
- bool has_en;
+ // True if this is a $ff, exclusive with every other has_*.
+ bool has_gclk;
+ // True if this FF has a clock enable. Depends on has_clk.
+ bool has_ce;
+ // True if this FF has async load function — this includes D latches.
+ // If this and has_clk are both set, has_arst and has_sr cannot be set.
+ bool has_aload;
+ // True if this FF has sync set/reset. Depends on has_clk, exclusive
+ // with has_arst, has_sr, has_aload.
bool has_srst;
+ // True if this FF has async set/reset. Exclusive with has_srst,
+ // has_sr. If this and has_clk are both set, has_aload cannot be set.
bool has_arst;
+ // True if this FF has per-bit async set + clear. Exclusive with
+ // has_srst, has_arst. If this and has_clk are both set, has_aload
+ // cannot be set.
bool has_sr;
+ // If has_ce and has_srst are both set, determines their relative
+ // priorities: if true, inactive ce disables srst; if false, srst
+ // operates independent of ce.
bool ce_over_srst;
+ // True if this FF is a fine cell, false if it is a coarse cell.
+ // If true, width must be 1.
bool is_fine;
+ // Polarities, corresponding to sig_*. True means active-high, false
+ // means active-low.
bool pol_clk;
- bool pol_en;
+ bool pol_ce;
+ bool pol_aload;
bool pol_arst;
bool pol_srst;
bool pol_clr;
bool pol_set;
+ // The value loaded by sig_arst.
Const val_arst;
+ // The value loaded by sig_srst.
Const val_srst;
+ // The initial value at power-up.
Const val_init;
- Const val_d;
- bool d_is_const;
+ // The FF data width in bits.
int width;
dict<IdString, Const> attributes;
- FfData(FfInitVals *initvals = nullptr, Cell *cell = nullptr) : initvals(initvals) {
+ FfData(Module *module = nullptr, FfInitVals *initvals = nullptr, IdString name = IdString()) : module(module), initvals(initvals), cell(nullptr), name(name) {
width = 0;
- has_d = true;
has_clk = false;
- has_en = false;
+ has_gclk = false;
+ has_ce = false;
+ has_aload = false;
has_srst = false;
has_arst = false;
has_sr = false;
ce_over_srst = false;
is_fine = false;
pol_clk = false;
- pol_en = false;
+ pol_aload = false;
+ pol_ce = false;
pol_arst = false;
pol_srst = false;
pol_clr = false;
pol_set = false;
- d_is_const = false;
+ }
- if (!cell)
- return;
+ FfData(FfInitVals *initvals, Cell *cell_);
- sig_q = cell->getPort(ID::Q);
- width = GetSize(sig_q);
- attributes = cell->attributes;
+ // Returns a FF identical to this one, but only keeping bit indices from the argument.
+ FfData slice(const std::vector<int> &bits);
- if (initvals)
- val_init = (*initvals)(sig_q);
+ void add_dummy_ce();
+ void add_dummy_srst();
+ void add_dummy_arst();
+ void add_dummy_aload();
+ void add_dummy_sr();
+ void add_dummy_clk();
- std::string type_str = cell->type.str();
+ void arst_to_aload();
+ void arst_to_sr();
- if (cell->type.in(ID($ff), ID($dff), ID($dffe), ID($dffsr), ID($dffsre), ID($adff), ID($adffe), ID($sdff), ID($sdffe), ID($sdffce), ID($dlatch), ID($adlatch), ID($dlatchsr), ID($sr))) {
- if (cell->type == ID($sr)) {
- has_d = false;
- } else {
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- }
- if (!cell->type.in(ID($ff), ID($dlatch), ID($adlatch), ID($dlatchsr), ID($sr))) {
- has_clk = true;
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::CLK);
- pol_clk = cell->getParam(ID::CLK_POLARITY).as_bool();
- }
- if (cell->type.in(ID($dffe), ID($dffsre), ID($adffe), ID($sdffe), ID($sdffce), ID($dlatch), ID($adlatch), ID($dlatchsr))) {
- has_en = true;
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::EN);
- pol_en = cell->getParam(ID::EN_POLARITY).as_bool();
- }
- if (cell->type.in(ID($dffsr), ID($dffsre), ID($dlatchsr), ID($sr))) {
- has_sr = true;
- sig_clr = cell->getPort(ID::CLR);
- sig_set = cell->getPort(ID::SET);
- pol_clr = cell->getParam(ID::CLR_POLARITY).as_bool();
- pol_set = cell->getParam(ID::SET_POLARITY).as_bool();
- }
- if (cell->type.in(ID($adff), ID($adffe), ID($adlatch))) {
- has_arst = true;
- sig_arst = cell->getPort(ID::ARST);
- pol_arst = cell->getParam(ID::ARST_POLARITY).as_bool();
- val_arst = cell->getParam(ID::ARST_VALUE);
- }
- if (cell->type.in(ID($sdff), ID($sdffe), ID($sdffce))) {
- has_srst = true;
- sig_srst = cell->getPort(ID::SRST);
- pol_srst = cell->getParam(ID::SRST_POLARITY).as_bool();
- val_srst = cell->getParam(ID::SRST_VALUE);
- ce_over_srst = cell->type == ID($sdffce);
- }
- } else if (cell->type == ID($_FF_)) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 5) == "$_SR_") {
- is_fine = true;
- has_d = false;
- has_sr = true;
- pol_set = type_str[5] == 'P';
- pol_clr = type_str[6] == 'P';
- sig_set = cell->getPort(ID::S);
- sig_clr = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 6) == "$_DFF_" && type_str.size() == 8) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[6] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 7) == "$_DFFE_" && type_str.size() == 10) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[7] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[8] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 6) == "$_DFF_" && type_str.size() == 10) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[6] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_arst = true;
- pol_arst = type_str[7] == 'P';
- sig_arst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_arst = type_str[8] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 7) == "$_DFFE_" && type_str.size() == 12) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[7] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_arst = true;
- pol_arst = type_str[8] == 'P';
- sig_arst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_arst = type_str[9] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[10] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 8) == "$_DFFSR_" && type_str.size() == 12) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[8] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_sr = true;
- pol_set = type_str[9] == 'P';
- pol_clr = type_str[10] == 'P';
- sig_set = cell->getPort(ID::S);
- sig_clr = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 9) == "$_DFFSRE_" && type_str.size() == 14) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[9] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_sr = true;
- pol_set = type_str[10] == 'P';
- pol_clr = type_str[11] == 'P';
- sig_set = cell->getPort(ID::S);
- sig_clr = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[12] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 7) == "$_SDFF_" && type_str.size() == 11) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[7] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_srst = true;
- pol_srst = type_str[8] == 'P';
- sig_srst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_srst = type_str[9] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 8) == "$_SDFFE_" && type_str.size() == 13) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[8] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_srst = true;
- pol_srst = type_str[9] == 'P';
- sig_srst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_srst = type_str[10] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[11] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 9) == "$_SDFFCE_" && type_str.size() == 14) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_clk = true;
- pol_clk = type_str[9] == 'P';
- sig_clk = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- has_srst = true;
- pol_srst = type_str[10] == 'P';
- sig_srst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_srst = type_str[11] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[12] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- ce_over_srst = true;
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 9) == "$_DLATCH_" && type_str.size() == 11) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[9] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 9) == "$_DLATCH_" && type_str.size() == 13) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[9] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- has_arst = true;
- pol_arst = type_str[10] == 'P';
- sig_arst = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- val_arst = type_str[11] == '1' ? State::S1 : State::S0;
- } else if (type_str.substr(0, 11) == "$_DLATCHSR_" && type_str.size() == 15) {
- is_fine = true;
- sig_d = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- has_en = true;
- pol_en = type_str[11] == 'P';
- sig_en = cell->getPort(ID::E);
- has_sr = true;
- pol_set = type_str[12] == 'P';
- pol_clr = type_str[13] == 'P';
- sig_set = cell->getPort(ID::S);
- sig_clr = cell->getPort(ID::R);
- } else {
- log_assert(0);
- }
- if (has_d && sig_d.is_fully_const()) {
- d_is_const = true;
- val_d = sig_d.as_const();
- if (has_en && !has_clk && !has_sr && !has_arst) {
- // Plain D latches with const D treated specially.
- has_en = has_d = false;
- has_arst = true;
- sig_arst = sig_en;
- pol_arst = pol_en;
- val_arst = val_d;
- }
- }
- }
+ void aload_to_sr();
- // Returns a FF identical to this one, but only keeping bit indices from the argument.
- FfData slice(const std::vector<int> &bits) {
- FfData res(initvals);
- res.sig_clk = sig_clk;
- res.sig_en = sig_en;
- res.sig_arst = sig_arst;
- res.sig_srst = sig_srst;
- res.has_d = has_d;
- res.has_clk = has_clk;
- res.has_en = has_en;
- res.has_arst = has_arst;
- res.has_srst = has_srst;
- res.has_sr = has_sr;
- res.ce_over_srst = ce_over_srst;
- res.is_fine = is_fine;
- res.pol_clk = pol_clk;
- res.pol_en = pol_en;
- res.pol_arst = pol_arst;
- res.pol_srst = pol_srst;
- res.pol_clr = pol_clr;
- res.pol_set = pol_set;
- res.attributes = attributes;
- for (int i : bits) {
- res.sig_q.append(sig_q[i]);
- if (has_d)
- res.sig_d.append(sig_d[i]);
- if (has_sr) {
- res.sig_clr.append(sig_clr[i]);
- res.sig_set.append(sig_set[i]);
- }
- if (has_arst)
- res.val_arst.bits.push_back(val_arst[i]);
- if (has_srst)
- res.val_srst.bits.push_back(val_srst[i]);
- res.val_init.bits.push_back(val_init[i]);
- }
- res.width = GetSize(res.sig_q);
- // Slicing bits out may cause D to become const.
- if (has_d && res.sig_d.is_fully_const()) {
- res.d_is_const = true;
- res.val_d = res.sig_d.as_const();
- }
- return res;
- }
+ // Given a FF with both has_ce and has_srst, sets ce_over_srst to the given value and
+ // fixes up control signals appropriately to preserve semantics.
+ void convert_ce_over_srst(bool val);
- void unmap_ce(Module *module) {
- if (!has_en)
- return;
- log_assert(has_clk);
- if (has_srst && ce_over_srst)
- unmap_srst(module);
+ void unmap_ce();
+ void unmap_srst();
- if (!is_fine) {
- if (pol_en)
- sig_d = module->Mux(NEW_ID, sig_q, sig_d, sig_en);
- else
- sig_d = module->Mux(NEW_ID, sig_d, sig_q, sig_en);
- } else {
- if (pol_en)
- sig_d = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, sig_q, sig_d, sig_en);
- else
- sig_d = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, sig_d, sig_q, sig_en);
- }
- has_en = false;
+ void unmap_ce_srst() {
+ unmap_ce();
+ unmap_srst();
- void unmap_srst(Module *module) {
- if (!has_srst)
- return;
- if (has_en && !ce_over_srst)
- unmap_ce(module);
+ Cell *emit();
- if (!is_fine) {
- if (pol_srst)
- sig_d = module->Mux(NEW_ID, sig_d, val_srst, sig_srst);
- else
- sig_d = module->Mux(NEW_ID, val_srst, sig_d, sig_srst);
- } else {
- if (pol_srst)
- sig_d = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, sig_d, val_srst[0], sig_srst);
- else
- sig_d = module->MuxGate(NEW_ID, val_srst[0], sig_d, sig_srst);
- }
- has_srst = false;
+ // Removes init attribute from the Q output, but keeps val_init unchanged.
+ // It will be automatically reattached on emit. Use this before changing sig_q.
+ void remove_init() {
+ if (initvals)
+ initvals->remove_init(sig_q);
- void unmap_ce_srst(Module *module) {
- unmap_ce(module);
- unmap_srst(module);
- }
+ void remove();
- Cell *emit(Module *module, IdString name) {
- if (!width)
- return nullptr;
- if (!has_d && !has_sr) {
- if (has_arst) {
- // Convert this case to a D latch.
- has_d = has_en = true;
- has_arst = false;
- sig_d = val_arst;
- sig_en = sig_arst;
- pol_en = pol_arst;
- } else {
- // No control inputs left. Turn into a const driver.
- initvals->remove_init(sig_q);
- module->connect(sig_q, val_init);
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- initvals->set_init(sig_q, val_init);
- Cell *cell;
- if (!is_fine) {
- if (!has_d) {
- log_assert(has_sr);
- cell = module->addSr(name, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_q, pol_set, pol_clr);
- } else if (!has_clk && !has_en) {
- log_assert(!has_arst);
- log_assert(!has_srst);
- log_assert(!has_sr);
- cell = module->addFf(name, sig_d, sig_q);
- } else if (!has_clk) {
- log_assert(!has_srst);
- if (has_sr)
- cell = module->addDlatchsr(name, sig_en, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_en, pol_set, pol_clr);
- else if (has_arst)
- cell = module->addAdlatch(name, sig_en, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst, pol_en, pol_arst);
- else
- cell = module->addDlatch(name, sig_en, sig_d, sig_q, pol_en);
- } else {
- if (has_sr) {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addDffsre(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_en, pol_set, pol_clr);
- else
- cell = module->addDffsr(name, sig_clk, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_set, pol_clr);
- } else if (has_arst) {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addAdffe(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst, pol_clk, pol_en, pol_arst);
- else
- cell = module->addAdff(name, sig_clk, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst, pol_clk, pol_arst);
- } else if (has_srst) {
- if (has_en)
- if (ce_over_srst)
- cell = module->addSdffce(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst, pol_clk, pol_en, pol_srst);
- else
- cell = module->addSdffe(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst, pol_clk, pol_en, pol_srst);
- else
- cell = module->addSdff(name, sig_clk, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst, pol_clk, pol_srst);
- } else {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addDffe(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_en);
- else
- cell = module->addDff(name, sig_clk, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!has_d) {
- log_assert(has_sr);
- cell = module->addSrGate(name, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_q, pol_set, pol_clr);
- } else if (!has_clk && !has_en) {
- log_assert(!has_arst);
- log_assert(!has_srst);
- log_assert(!has_sr);
- cell = module->addFfGate(name, sig_d, sig_q);
- } else if (!has_clk) {
- log_assert(!has_srst);
- if (has_sr)
- cell = module->addDlatchsrGate(name, sig_en, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_en, pol_set, pol_clr);
- else if (has_arst)
- cell = module->addAdlatchGate(name, sig_en, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst.as_bool(), pol_en, pol_arst);
- else
- cell = module->addDlatchGate(name, sig_en, sig_d, sig_q, pol_en);
- } else {
- if (has_sr) {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addDffsreGate(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_en, pol_set, pol_clr);
- else
- cell = module->addDffsrGate(name, sig_clk, sig_set, sig_clr, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_set, pol_clr);
- } else if (has_arst) {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addAdffeGate(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst.as_bool(), pol_clk, pol_en, pol_arst);
- else
- cell = module->addAdffGate(name, sig_clk, sig_arst, sig_d, sig_q, val_arst.as_bool(), pol_clk, pol_arst);
- } else if (has_srst) {
- if (has_en)
- if (ce_over_srst)
- cell = module->addSdffceGate(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst.as_bool(), pol_clk, pol_en, pol_srst);
- else
- cell = module->addSdffeGate(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst.as_bool(), pol_clk, pol_en, pol_srst);
- else
- cell = module->addSdffGate(name, sig_clk, sig_srst, sig_d, sig_q, val_srst.as_bool(), pol_clk, pol_srst);
- } else {
- if (has_en)
- cell = module->addDffeGate(name, sig_clk, sig_en, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk, pol_en);
- else
- cell = module->addDffGate(name, sig_clk, sig_d, sig_q, pol_clk);
- }
- }
- }
- cell->attributes = attributes;
- return cell;
- }
+ // Flip the sense of the given bit slices of the FF: insert inverters on data
+ // inputs and output, flip the corresponding init/reset bits, swap clr/set
+ // inputs with proper priority fix.
+ void flip_bits(const pool<int> &bits);
+ void flip_rst_bits(const pool<int> &bits);