/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "pack.h" #include #include #include "cells.h" #include "design_utils.h" #include "log.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Pack LUTs and LUT-FF pairs static void pack_lut_lutffs(Design *design) { log_info("Packing LUT-FFs..\n"); std::unordered_set packed_cells; std::vector new_cells; for (auto cell : design->cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; log_info("cell '%s' is of type '%s'\n", ci->name.c_str(), ci->type.c_str()); if (is_lut(ci)) { CellInfo *packed = create_ice_cell(design, "ICESTORM_LC", ci->name.str() + "_LC"); std::copy(ci->attrs.begin(), ci->attrs.end(), std::inserter(packed->attrs, packed->attrs.begin())); packed_cells.insert(ci->name); new_cells.push_back(packed); log_info("packed cell %s into %s\n", ci->name.c_str(), packed->name.c_str()); // See if we can pack into a DFF // TODO: LUT cascade NetInfo *o = ci->ports.at("O").net; CellInfo *dff = net_only_drives(o, is_ff, "D", true); auto lut_bel = ci->attrs.find("BEL"); bool packed_dff = false; if (dff) { log_info("found attached dff %s\n", dff->name.c_str()); auto dff_bel = dff->attrs.find("BEL"); if (lut_bel != ci->attrs.end() && dff_bel != dff->attrs.end() && lut_bel->second != dff_bel->second) { // Locations don't match, can't pack } else { lut_to_lc(ci, packed, false); dff_to_lc(dff, packed, false); design->nets.erase(o->name); if (dff_bel != dff->attrs.end()) packed->attrs["BEL"] = dff_bel->second; packed_cells.insert(dff->name); log_info("packed cell %s into %s\n", dff->name.c_str(), packed->name.c_str()); packed_dff = true; } } if (!packed_dff) { lut_to_lc(ci, packed, true); } } } for (auto pcell : packed_cells) { design->cells.erase(pcell); } for (auto ncell : new_cells) { design->cells[ncell->name] = ncell; } } // Pack FFs not packed as LUTFFs static void pack_nonlut_ffs(Design *design) { log_info("Packing non-LUT FFs..\n"); std::unordered_set packed_cells; std::vector new_cells; for (auto cell : design->cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_ff(ci)) { CellInfo *packed = create_ice_cell(design, "ICESTORM_LC", ci->name.str() + "_DFFLC"); std::copy(ci->attrs.begin(), ci->attrs.end(), std::inserter(packed->attrs, packed->attrs.begin())); log_info("packed cell %s into %s\n", ci->name.c_str(), packed->name.c_str()); packed_cells.insert(ci->name); new_cells.push_back(packed); dff_to_lc(ci, packed, true); } } for (auto pcell : packed_cells) { design->cells.erase(pcell); } for (auto ncell : new_cells) { design->cells[ncell->name] = ncell; } } // "Pack" RAMs static void pack_ram(Design *design) { for (auto cell : design->cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_ram(ci)) { ci->params["NEG_CLK_W"] = std::to_string(ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNW" || ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNRNW"); ci->params["NEG_CLK_R"] = std::to_string(ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNR" || ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNRNW"); ci->type = "ICESTORM_RAM"; } } } // Merge a net into a constant net static void set_net_constant(NetInfo *orig, NetInfo *constnet, bool constval) { orig->driver.cell = nullptr; for (auto user : orig->users) { if (user.cell != nullptr) { CellInfo *uc = user.cell; log_info("%s user %s\n", orig->name.c_str(), uc->name.c_str()); if (is_lut(uc) && (user.port.str().at(0) == 'I') && !constval) { uc->ports[user.port].net = nullptr; } else { uc->ports[user.port].net = constnet; constnet->users.push_back(user); } } } orig->users.clear(); } // Pack constants (simple implementation) static void pack_constants(Design *design) { log_info("Packing constants..\n"); CellInfo *gnd_cell = create_ice_cell(design, "ICESTORM_LC", "$PACKER_GND"); gnd_cell->params["LUT_INIT"] = "0"; NetInfo *gnd_net = new NetInfo; gnd_net->name = "$PACKER_GND_NET"; gnd_net->driver.cell = gnd_cell; gnd_net->driver.port = "O"; CellInfo *vcc_cell = create_ice_cell(design, "ICESTORM_LC", "$PACKER_VCC"); vcc_cell->params["LUT_INIT"] = "1"; NetInfo *vcc_net = new NetInfo; vcc_net->name = "$PACKER_VCC_NET"; vcc_net->driver.cell = vcc_cell; vcc_net->driver.port = "O"; std::vector dead_nets; for (auto net : design->nets) { NetInfo *ni = net.second; if (ni->driver.cell != nullptr && ni->driver.cell->type == "GND") { set_net_constant(ni, gnd_net, false); design->cells[gnd_cell->name] = gnd_cell; design->nets[gnd_net->name] = gnd_net; dead_nets.push_back(net.first); } else if (ni->driver.cell != nullptr && ni->driver.cell->type == "VCC") { set_net_constant(ni, vcc_net, true); design->cells[vcc_cell->name] = vcc_cell; design->nets[vcc_net->name] = vcc_net; dead_nets.push_back(net.first); } } for (auto dn : dead_nets) design->nets.erase(dn); } static bool is_nextpnr_iob(CellInfo *cell) { return cell->type == "$nextpnr_ibuf" || cell->type == "$nextpnr_obuf" || cell->type == "$nextpnr_iobuf"; } // Pack IO buffers static void pack_io(Design *design) { std::unordered_set packed_cells; std::vector new_cells; log_info("Packing IOs..\n"); for (auto cell : design->cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_nextpnr_iob(ci)) { CellInfo *sb = nullptr; if (ci->type == "$nextpnr_ibuf" || ci->type == "$nextpnr_iobuf") { sb = net_only_drives(ci->ports.at("O").net, is_sb_io, "PACKAGE_PIN", true, ci); } else if (ci->type == "$nextpnr_obuf") { sb = net_only_drives(ci->ports.at("I").net, is_sb_io, "PACKAGE_PIN", true, ci); } if (sb != nullptr) { // Trivial case, SB_IO used. Just destroy the net and the // iobuf log_info("%s feeds SB_IO %s, removing %s %s.\n", ci->name.c_str(), sb->name.c_str(), ci->type.c_str(), ci->name.c_str()); NetInfo *net = sb->ports.at("PACKAGE_PIN").net; if (net != nullptr) { design->nets.erase(net->name); sb->ports.at("PACKAGE_PIN").net = nullptr; } } else { // Create a SB_IO buffer sb = create_ice_cell(design, "SB_IO"); nxio_to_sb(ci, sb); new_cells.push_back(sb); } packed_cells.insert(ci->name); std::copy(ci->attrs.begin(), ci->attrs.end(), std::inserter(sb->attrs, sb->attrs.begin())); } } for (auto pcell : packed_cells) { design->cells.erase(pcell); } for (auto ncell : new_cells) { design->cells[ncell->name] = ncell; } } static bool is_clock_port(const PortRef &port) { if (port.cell == nullptr) return false; if (is_ff(port.cell)) return port.port == "C"; if (is_ram(port.cell)) return port.port == "RCLK" || port.port == "WCLK"; return false; } // Simple global promoter (clock only) static void promote_globals(Design *design) { log_info("Promoting globals..\n"); std::unordered_map clock_count; for (auto net : design->nets) { NetInfo *ni = net.second; if (ni->driver.cell != nullptr && !is_global_net(ni)) { clock_count[net.first] = 0; for (auto user : ni->users) { if (is_clock_port(user)) clock_count[net.first]++; } } } auto global_clock = std::max_element(clock_count.begin(), clock_count.end(), [](const std::pair &a, const std::pair &b) { return a.second < b.second; }); if (global_clock->second > 0) { NetInfo *clknet = design->nets[global_clock->first]; CellInfo *gb = create_ice_cell(design, "SB_GB"); gb->ports["USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER"].net = clknet; PortRef pr; pr.cell = gb; pr.port = "USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER"; clknet->users.push_back(pr); pr.cell = gb; pr.port = "GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT"; NetInfo *glbnet = new NetInfo(); glbnet->name = clknet->name.str() + "_glb"; glbnet->driver = pr; design->nets[glbnet->name] = glbnet; std::vector keep_users; for (auto user : clknet->users) { if (is_clock_port(user)) { user.cell->ports[user.port].net = glbnet; glbnet->users.push_back(user); } else { keep_users.push_back(user); } } clknet->users = keep_users; design->cells[gb->name] = gb; } } // Main pack function void pack_design(Design *design) { pack_constants(design); promote_globals(design); pack_io(design); pack_lut_lutffs(design); pack_nonlut_ffs(design); pack_ram(design); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END