/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Bazanski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "cells.h" #include "design_utils.h" #include "log.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void add_port(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, std::string name, PortType dir) { IdString id = ctx->id(name); NPNR_ASSERT(cell->ports.count(id) == 0); cell->ports[id] = PortInfo{id, nullptr, dir}; } std::unique_ptr create_ice_cell(Context *ctx, IdString type, std::string name) { static int auto_idx = 0; std::unique_ptr new_cell = std::unique_ptr(new CellInfo()); if (name.empty()) { new_cell->name = ctx->id("$nextpnr_" + type.str(ctx) + "_" + std::to_string(auto_idx++)); } else { new_cell->name = ctx->id(name); } new_cell->type = type; if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_LC")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("LUT_INIT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("NEG_CLK")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CARRY_ENABLE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("DFF_ENABLE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("SET_NORESET")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("ASYNC_SR")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CIN_CONST")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CIN_SET")] = "0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I2", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I3", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CIN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SR", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "O", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "COUT", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_IO")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("PIN_TYPE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PULLUP")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("NEG_TRIGGER")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("IOSTANDARD")] = "SB_LVCMOS"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PACKAGE_PIN", PORT_INOUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LATCH_INPUT_VALUE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLOCK_ENABLE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "INPUT_CLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OUTPUT_CLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OUTPUT_ENABLE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D_OUT_0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D_OUT_1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D_IN_0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D_IN_1", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_RAM")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("NEG_CLK_W")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("NEG_CLK_R")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("WRITE_MODE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("READ_MODE")] = "0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RCLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RCLKE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WCLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WCLKE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WE", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WDATA_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MASK_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RDATA_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RADDR_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WADDR_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); } } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_LFOSC")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKLFEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKLFPU", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKLF", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKLF_FABRIC", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_HFOSC")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("CLKHF_DIV")] = "0b00"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TRIM_EN")] = "0b0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKHFEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKHFPU", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKHF", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKHF_FABRIC", PORT_OUT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "TRIM" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_GB")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_SPRAM")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WREN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CHIPSELECT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLOCK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "STANDBY", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SLEEP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "POWEROFF", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DATAIN_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DATAOUT_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ADDRESS_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MASKWREN_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); } } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_DSP")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("NEG_TRIGGER")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("C_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("A_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("B_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("D_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TOP_8x8_MULT_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BOT_8x8_MULT_REG")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG1")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG2")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TOPOUTPUT_SELECT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TOPADDSUB_LOWERINPUT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TOPADDSUB_UPPERINPUT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TOPADDSUB_CARRYSELECT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BOTOUTPUT_SELECT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BOTADDSUB_LOWERINPUT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BOTADDSUB_UPPERINPUT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BOTADDSUB_CARRYSELECT")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("MODE_8x8")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("A_SIGNED")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("B_SIGNED")] = "0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CE", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); } add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "AHOLD", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "BHOLD", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CHOLD", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DHOLD", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "IRSTTOP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "IRSTBOT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ORSTTOP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ORSTBOT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OLOADTOP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OLOADBOT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ADDSUBTOP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ADDSUBBOT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OHOLDTOP", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OHOLDBOT", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ACCUMCI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SIGNEXTIN", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "O_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "ACCUMCO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SIGNEXTOUT", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_PLL")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("DELAY_ADJMODE_FB")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("DELAY_ADJMODE_REL")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("DIVF")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("DIVQ")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("DIVR")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("FDA_FEEDBACK")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("FDA_RELATIVE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("FEEDBACK_PATH")] = "1"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("FILTER_RANGE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PLLOUT_SELECT_A")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PLLOUT_SELECT_B")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("PLLTYPE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("SHIFTREG_DIVMODE")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("TEST_MODE")] = "0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "BYPASS", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DYNAMICDELAY_" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "EXTFEEDBACK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LATCHINPUTVALUE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "REFERENCECLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RESETB", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SDI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SDO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LOCK", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PLLOUT_A", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PLLOUT_B", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PLLOUT_A_GLOBAL", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PLLOUT_B_GLOBAL", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_RGBA_DRV")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("CURRENT_MODE")] = "0b0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB0_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB1_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB2_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CURREN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGBLEDEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB0PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB1PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB2PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB2", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_LED_DRV_CUR")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "EN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDPU", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_RGB_DRV")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB0_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB1_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("RGB2_CURRENT")] = "0b000000"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGBPU", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGBLEDEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB0PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB1PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB2PWM", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "RGB2", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_LEDDA_IP")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDCS", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDCLK", PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDDAT" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDADDR" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDDEN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDEXE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDRST", PORT_IN); // doesn't actually exist, for icecube code compatibility // only add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PWMOUT0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PWMOUT1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "PWMOUT2", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LEDDON", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_I2C")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("I2C_SLAVE_INIT_ADDR")] = "0b1111100001"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("BUS_ADDR74")] = "0b0001"; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBADRI" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBDATI" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBDATO" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBCLKI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBRWI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBSTBI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCLI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SDAI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBACKO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I2CIRQ", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I2CWKUP", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCLO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCLOE", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SDAO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SDAOE", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("SB_SPI")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("BUS_ADDR74")] = "0b0000"; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBADRI" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBDATI" + std::to_string(i), PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBDATO" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBCLKI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBRWI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBSTBI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCKI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCSNI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SBACKO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SPIIRQ", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SPIWKUP", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SOE", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MOE", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCKO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "SCKOE", PORT_OUT); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MCSNO" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "MCSNOE" + std::to_string(i), PORT_OUT); } } else { log_error("unable to create iCE40 cell of type %s", type.c_str(ctx)); } return new_cell; } void lut_to_lc(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *lut, CellInfo *lc, bool no_dff) { lc->params[ctx->id("LUT_INIT")] = lut->params[ctx->id("LUT_INIT")]; replace_port(lut, ctx->id("I0"), lc, ctx->id("I0")); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("I1"), lc, ctx->id("I1")); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("I2"), lc, ctx->id("I2")); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("I3"), lc, ctx->id("I3")); if (no_dff) { replace_port(lut, ctx->id("O"), lc, ctx->id("O")); lc->params[ctx->id("DFF_ENABLE")] = "0"; } } void dff_to_lc(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *dff, CellInfo *lc, bool pass_thru_lut) { lc->params[ctx->id("DFF_ENABLE")] = "1"; std::string config = dff->type.str(ctx).substr(6); auto citer = config.begin(); replace_port(dff, ctx->id("C"), lc, ctx->id("CLK")); if (citer != config.end() && *citer == 'N') { lc->params[ctx->id("NEG_CLK")] = "1"; ++citer; } else { lc->params[ctx->id("NEG_CLK")] = "0"; } if (citer != config.end() && *citer == 'E') { replace_port(dff, ctx->id("E"), lc, ctx->id("CEN")); ++citer; } if (citer != config.end()) { if ((config.end() - citer) >= 2) { char c = *(citer++); NPNR_ASSERT(c == 'S'); lc->params[ctx->id("ASYNC_SR")] = "0"; } else { lc->params[ctx->id("ASYNC_SR")] = "1"; } if (*citer == 'S') { citer++; replace_port(dff, ctx->id("S"), lc, ctx->id("SR")); lc->params[ctx->id("SET_NORESET")] = "1"; } else { NPNR_ASSERT(*citer == 'R'); citer++; replace_port(dff, ctx->id("R"), lc, ctx->id("SR")); lc->params[ctx->id("SET_NORESET")] = "0"; } } NPNR_ASSERT(citer == config.end()); if (pass_thru_lut) { lc->params[ctx->id("LUT_INIT")] = "2"; replace_port(dff, ctx->id("D"), lc, ctx->id("I0")); } replace_port(dff, ctx->id("Q"), lc, ctx->id("O")); } void nxio_to_sb(Context *ctx, CellInfo *nxio, CellInfo *sbio, std::unordered_set &todelete_cells) { if (nxio->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_ibuf")) { sbio->params[ctx->id("PIN_TYPE")] = "1"; auto pu_attr = nxio->attrs.find(ctx->id("PULLUP")); if (pu_attr != nxio->attrs.end()) sbio->params[ctx->id("PULLUP")] = pu_attr->second; replace_port(nxio, ctx->id("O"), sbio, ctx->id("D_IN_0")); } else if (nxio->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf")) { sbio->params[ctx->id("PIN_TYPE")] = "25"; replace_port(nxio, ctx->id("I"), sbio, ctx->id("D_OUT_0")); } else if (nxio->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf")) { // N.B. tristate will be dealt with below sbio->params[ctx->id("PIN_TYPE")] = "25"; replace_port(nxio, ctx->id("I"), sbio, ctx->id("D_OUT_0")); replace_port(nxio, ctx->id("O"), sbio, ctx->id("D_IN_0")); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(false); } NetInfo *donet = sbio->ports.at(ctx->id("D_OUT_0")).net; CellInfo *tbuf = net_driven_by( ctx, donet, [](const Context *ctx, const CellInfo *cell) { return cell->type == ctx->id("$_TBUF_"); }, ctx->id("Y")); if (tbuf) { sbio->params[ctx->id("PIN_TYPE")] = "41"; replace_port(tbuf, ctx->id("A"), sbio, ctx->id("D_OUT_0")); replace_port(tbuf, ctx->id("E"), sbio, ctx->id("OUTPUT_ENABLE")); if (donet->users.size() > 1) { for (auto user : donet->users) log_info(" remaining tristate user: %s.%s\n", user.cell->name.c_str(ctx), user.port.c_str(ctx)); log_error("unsupported tristate IO pattern for IO buffer '%s', " "instantiate SB_IO manually to ensure correct behaviour\n", nxio->name.c_str(ctx)); } ctx->nets.erase(donet->name); todelete_cells.insert(tbuf->name); } } uint8_t sb_pll40_type(const BaseCtx *ctx, const CellInfo *cell) { if (cell->type == ctx->id("SB_PLL40_PAD")) return 2; if (cell->type == ctx->id("SB_PLL40_2_PAD")) return 4; if (cell->type == ctx->id("SB_PLL40_2F_PAD")) return 6; if (cell->type == ctx->id("SB_PLL40_CORE")) return 3; if (cell->type == ctx->id("SB_PLL40_2F_CORE")) return 7; NPNR_ASSERT(0); } bool is_clock_port(const BaseCtx *ctx, const PortRef &port) { if (port.cell == nullptr) return false; if (is_ff(ctx, port.cell)) return port.port == ctx->id("C"); if (port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_LC")) return port.port == ctx->id("CLK"); if (is_ram(ctx, port.cell) || port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_RAM")) return port.port == ctx->id("RCLK") || port.port == ctx->id("WCLK") || port.port == ctx->id("RCLKN") || port.port == ctx->id("WCLKN"); if (is_sb_mac16(ctx, port.cell) || port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_DSP")) return port.port == ctx->id("CLK"); if (is_sb_spram(ctx, port.cell) || port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_SPRAM")) return port.port == id_CLOCK; if (is_sb_io(ctx, port.cell)) return port.port == id_INPUT_CLK || port.port == id_OUTPUT_CLK; return false; } bool is_reset_port(const BaseCtx *ctx, const PortRef &port) { if (port.cell == nullptr) return false; if (is_ff(ctx, port.cell)) return port.port == ctx->id("R") || port.port == ctx->id("S"); if (port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_LC")) return port.port == ctx->id("SR"); if (is_sb_mac16(ctx, port.cell) || port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_DSP")) return port.port == ctx->id("IRSTTOP") || port.port == ctx->id("IRSTBOT") || port.port == ctx->id("ORSTTOP") || port.port == ctx->id("ORSTBOT"); return false; } bool is_enable_port(const BaseCtx *ctx, const PortRef &port) { if (port.cell == nullptr) return false; if (is_ff(ctx, port.cell)) return port.port == ctx->id("E"); if (port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_LC")) return port.port == ctx->id("CEN"); // FIXME // if (is_sb_mac16(ctx, port.cell) || port.cell->type == ctx->id("ICESTORM_DSP")) // return port.port == ctx->id("CE"); return false; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END