/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "lookahead.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "context.h" #include "flat_wire_map.h" #include "log.h" #include "sampler.h" #include "scope_lock.h" #if defined(NEXTPNR_USE_TBB) #include #endif NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static constexpr size_t kNumberSamples = 4; static constexpr int32_t kMaxExploreDist = 20; // Initial only explore with a depth of this. static constexpr int32_t kInitialExploreDepth = 30; struct RoutingNode { WireId wire_to_expand; delay_t cost; int32_t depth; bool operator<(const RoutingNode &other) const { return cost < other.cost; } }; struct PipAndCost { PipId upstream_pip; delay_t cost_from_src; int32_t depth; }; static void expand_input(const Context *ctx, WireId input_wire, HashTables::HashMap *input_costs) { HashTables::HashSet seen; std::priority_queue to_expand; RoutingNode initial; initial.cost = 0; initial.wire_to_expand = input_wire; to_expand.push(initial); while (!to_expand.empty()) { RoutingNode node = to_expand.top(); to_expand.pop(); auto result = seen.emplace(node.wire_to_expand); if (!result.second) { // We've already done an expansion at this wire. continue; } for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node.wire_to_expand)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } WireId new_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); if (new_wire == WireId()) { continue; } RoutingNode next_node; next_node.wire_to_expand = new_wire; next_node.cost = node.cost + ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(new_wire).maxDelay(); if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { // Done with expansion, record the path if cheaper. // Only the first path to each wire will be the cheapest. // Get local tile wire at pip dest. Using getPipSrcWire may // return a node wire, which is not correct here. TypeWireId route_to; route_to.type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[pip.tile].type; route_to.index = loc_info(ctx->chip_info, pip).pip_data[pip.index].src_index; if (route_to.index >= 0) { auto result = input_costs->emplace(route_to, next_node.cost); if (!result.second && result.first->second > next_node.cost) { result.first->second = next_node.cost; } } } else { to_expand.push(next_node); } } } } static void update_site_to_site_costs(const Context *ctx, WireId first_wire, const HashTables::HashMap &best_path, HashTables::HashMap *site_to_site_cost) { for (auto &best_pair : best_path) { WireId last_wire = best_pair.first; TypeWirePair pair; pair.dst = TypeWireId(ctx, last_wire); PipAndCost pip_and_cost = best_pair.second; delay_t cost_from_src = pip_and_cost.cost_from_src; WireId cursor; do { cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip_and_cost.upstream_pip); pair.src = TypeWireId(ctx, cursor); delay_t cost = cost_from_src; // Only use the delta cost from cursor to last_wire, not the full // cost from first_wire to last_wire. if (cursor != first_wire) { pip_and_cost = best_path.at(cursor); cost -= pip_and_cost.cost_from_src; } NPNR_ASSERT(cost >= 0); auto cost_result = site_to_site_cost->emplace(pair, cost); if (!cost_result.second) { // Update point to point cost if cheaper. if (cost_result.first->second > cost) { cost_result.first->second = cost; } } } while (cursor != first_wire); } } static void expand_output(const Context *ctx, WireId output_wire, Lookahead::OutputSiteWireCost *output_cost, HashTables::HashMap *site_to_site_cost) { HashTables::HashSet seen; std::priority_queue to_expand; RoutingNode initial; initial.cost = 0; initial.wire_to_expand = output_wire; to_expand.push(initial); HashTables::HashMap best_path; while (!to_expand.empty()) { RoutingNode node = to_expand.top(); to_expand.pop(); auto result = seen.emplace(node.wire_to_expand); if (!result.second) { // We've already done an expansion at this wire. continue; } for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node.wire_to_expand)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } WireId new_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); if (new_wire == WireId()) { continue; } RoutingNode next_node; next_node.wire_to_expand = new_wire; next_node.cost = node.cost + ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(new_wire).maxDelay(); if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { // Done with expansion, record the path if cheaper. // Get local tile wire at pip dest. Using getPipDstWire may // return a node wire, which is not correct here. TypeWireId route_from; route_from.type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[pip.tile].type; route_from.index = loc_info(ctx->chip_info, pip).pip_data[pip.index].dst_index; if (route_from.index != -1 && output_cost != nullptr && next_node.cost < output_cost->cost) { output_cost->cost = next_node.cost; output_cost->cheapest_route_from = route_from; } } else { to_expand.push(next_node); auto result = best_path.emplace(new_wire, PipAndCost()); PipAndCost &pip_and_cost = result.first->second; if (result.second || pip_and_cost.cost_from_src > next_node.cost) { pip_and_cost.upstream_pip = pip; pip_and_cost.cost_from_src = next_node.cost; } } } } update_site_to_site_costs(ctx, output_wire, best_path, site_to_site_cost); } static void expand_input_type(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng, const Sampler &tiles_of_type, TypeWireId input_wire, std::vector *input_costs) { HashTables::HashMap input_costs_map; for (size_t region = 0; region < tiles_of_type.number_of_regions(); ++region) { size_t tile = tiles_of_type.get_sample_from_region(region, [rng]() -> int32_t { return rng->rng(); }); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type == input_wire.type); WireId wire = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, tile, input_wire.index); expand_input(ctx, wire, &input_costs_map); } input_costs->clear(); input_costs->reserve(input_costs_map.size()); for (const auto &input_pair : input_costs_map) { input_costs->emplace_back(); auto &input_cost = input_costs->back(); input_cost.route_to = input_pair.first; input_cost.cost = input_pair.second; } } struct DelayStorage { HashTables::HashMap, delay_t, PairHash>> storage; int32_t max_explore_depth; }; static bool has_multiple_inputs(const Context *ctx, WireId wire) { size_t pip_count = 0; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(wire)) { (void)pip; pip_count += 1; } return pip_count > 1; } static void update_results(const Context *ctx, const FlatWireMap &best_path, WireId src_wire, WireId sink_wire, DelayStorage *storage) { TypeWireId src_wire_type(ctx, src_wire); int src_tile; if (src_wire.tile == -1) { src_tile = ctx->chip_info->nodes[src_wire.index].tile_wires[0].tile; } else { src_tile = src_wire.tile; } int32_t src_x, src_y; ctx->get_tile_x_y(src_tile, &src_x, &src_y); TypeWirePair wire_pair; wire_pair.src = src_wire_type; // The first couple wires from the site pip are usually boring, don't record // them. bool out_of_infeed = false; // Starting from end of result, walk backwards and record the path into // the delay storage. WireId cursor = sink_wire; HashTables::HashSet seen; while (cursor != src_wire) { // No loops allowed in routing! auto result = seen.emplace(cursor); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); if (!out_of_infeed && has_multiple_inputs(ctx, cursor)) { out_of_infeed = true; } TypeWireId dst_wire_type(ctx, cursor); wire_pair.dst = dst_wire_type; int dst_tile; if (cursor.tile == -1) { dst_tile = ctx->chip_info->nodes[cursor.index].tile_wires[0].tile; } else { dst_tile = cursor.tile; } int32_t dst_x; int32_t dst_y; ctx->get_tile_x_y(dst_tile, &dst_x, &dst_y); std::pair dx_dy; dx_dy.first = dst_x - src_x; dx_dy.second = dst_y - src_y; const PipAndCost &pip_and_cost = best_path.at(cursor); if (out_of_infeed) { auto &delta_data = storage->storage[wire_pair]; auto result2 = delta_data.emplace(dx_dy, pip_and_cost.cost_from_src); if (!result2.second) { if (result2.first->second > pip_and_cost.cost_from_src) { result2.first->second = pip_and_cost.cost_from_src; } } } cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip_and_cost.upstream_pip); } } static void expand_routing_graph_from_wire(const Context *ctx, WireId first_wire, FlatWireMap *best_path, DelayStorage *storage) { HashTables::HashSet seen; std::priority_queue to_expand; int src_tile; if (first_wire.tile == -1) { src_tile = ctx->chip_info->nodes[first_wire.index].tile_wires[0].tile; } else { src_tile = first_wire.tile; } int32_t src_x, src_y; ctx->get_tile_x_y(src_tile, &src_x, &src_y); RoutingNode initial; initial.cost = 0; initial.wire_to_expand = first_wire; initial.depth = 0; to_expand.push(initial); best_path->clear(); size_t skip_count = 0; while (!to_expand.empty()) { RoutingNode node = to_expand.top(); to_expand.pop(); auto result = seen.emplace(node.wire_to_expand); if (!result.second) { // We've already done an expansion at this wire. skip_count += 1; continue; } bool has_site_pip = false; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node.wire_to_expand)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } // Don't expand edges that are site pips, but do record how we // got to the pip before the site pip! if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { has_site_pip = true; continue; } WireId new_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); if (new_wire == WireId()) { continue; } RoutingNode next_node; next_node.wire_to_expand = new_wire; next_node.cost = node.cost + ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(new_wire).maxDelay(); next_node.depth = node.depth + 1; // Record best path. PipAndCost pip_and_cost; pip_and_cost.upstream_pip = pip; pip_and_cost.cost_from_src = next_node.cost; pip_and_cost.depth = next_node.depth; auto result = best_path->emplace(new_wire, pip_and_cost); bool is_best_path = true; if (!result.second) { if (result.first.second->cost_from_src > next_node.cost) { result.first.second->cost_from_src = next_node.cost; result.first.second->upstream_pip = pip; result.first.second->depth = next_node.depth; } else { is_best_path = false; } } Loc dst = ctx->getPipLocation(pip); int32_t dst_x = dst.x; int32_t dst_y = dst.y; if (is_best_path && std::abs(dst_x - src_x) < kMaxExploreDist && std::abs(dst_y - src_y) < kMaxExploreDist && next_node.depth < storage->max_explore_depth) { to_expand.push(next_node); } } if (has_site_pip) { update_results(ctx, *best_path, first_wire, node.wire_to_expand, storage); } } } static bool has_multiple_outputs(const Context *ctx, WireId wire) { size_t pip_count = 0; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(wire)) { (void)pip; pip_count += 1; } return pip_count > 1; } static void expand_routing_graph(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng, const Sampler &tiles_of_type, TypeWireId wire_type, HashTables::HashSet *types_explored, DelayStorage *storage, HashTables::HashSet *types_deferred, FlatWireMap *best_path) { HashTables::HashSet new_types_explored; for (size_t region = 0; region < tiles_of_type.number_of_regions(); ++region) { size_t tile = tiles_of_type.get_sample_from_region(region, [rng]() -> int32_t { return rng->rng(); }); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type == wire_type.type); WireId wire = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, tile, wire_type.index); TypeWireSet wire_set(ctx, wire); if (!has_multiple_outputs(ctx, wire)) { types_deferred->emplace(wire_type); continue; } new_types_explored.emplace(wire_set); expand_routing_graph_from_wire(ctx, wire, best_path, storage); } for (const TypeWireSet &new_wire_set : new_types_explored) { types_explored->emplace(new_wire_set); } } static WireId follow_pip_chain(const Context *ctx, WireId wire, delay_t *delay_out) { delay_t delay = 0; WireId cursor = wire; while (true) { WireId next; size_t pip_count = 0; delay_t next_delay = delay; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(cursor)) { pip_count += 1; next = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); next_delay += ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(next).maxDelay(); } if (pip_count > 1) { *delay_out = delay; return cursor; } if (next == WireId()) { return WireId(); } delay = next_delay; cursor = next; } // Unreachable? NPNR_ASSERT(false); } static WireId follow_pip_chain_target(const Context *ctx, WireId wire, WireId target, delay_t *delay_out) { delay_t delay = 0; WireId cursor = wire; while (cursor != target) { WireId next; size_t pip_count = 0; delay_t next_delay = delay; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(cursor)) { pip_count += 1; next = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); next_delay += ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(next).maxDelay(); } if (pip_count > 1) { *delay_out = delay; return cursor; } if (next == WireId()) { return WireId(); } delay = next_delay; cursor = next; } *delay_out = delay; return cursor; } static WireId follow_pip_chain_up(const Context *ctx, WireId wire, delay_t *delay_out) { delay_t delay = 0; WireId cursor = wire; while (true) { WireId next; size_t pip_count = 0; delay_t next_delay = delay; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(cursor)) { pip_count += 1; next = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); next_delay += ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay() + ctx->getWireDelay(next).maxDelay(); } if (pip_count > 1) { *delay_out = delay; return cursor; } if (next == WireId()) { return WireId(); } delay = next_delay; cursor = next; } // Unreachable? NPNR_ASSERT(false); } static void expand_deferred_routing_graph(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng, const Sampler &tiles_of_type, TypeWireId wire_type, HashTables::HashSet *types_explored, DelayStorage *storage, FlatWireMap *best_path) { HashTables::HashSet new_types_explored; for (size_t region = 0; region < tiles_of_type.number_of_regions(); ++region) { size_t tile = tiles_of_type.get_sample_from_region(region, [rng]() -> int32_t { return rng->rng(); }); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type == wire_type.type); WireId wire = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, tile, wire_type.index); TypeWireSet wire_set(ctx, wire); if (types_explored->count(wire_set)) { // Check if this wire set has been expanded. continue; } delay_t delay; WireId routing_wire = follow_pip_chain(ctx, wire, &delay); // This wire doesn't go anywhere! if (routing_wire == WireId()) { continue; } TypeWireSet routing_wire_set(ctx, routing_wire); if (types_explored->count(routing_wire_set)) { continue; } new_types_explored.emplace(wire_set); expand_routing_graph_from_wire(ctx, wire, best_path, storage); } for (const TypeWireSet &new_wire_set : new_types_explored) { types_explored->emplace(new_wire_set); } } static void expand_output_type(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng, const Sampler &tiles_of_type, TypeWireId output_wire, Lookahead::OutputSiteWireCost *output_cost, HashTables::HashMap *site_to_site_cost) { for (size_t region = 0; region < tiles_of_type.number_of_regions(); ++region) { size_t tile = tiles_of_type.get_sample_from_region(region, [rng]() -> int32_t { return rng->rng(); }); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type == output_wire.type); WireId wire = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, tile, output_wire.index); expand_output(ctx, wire, output_cost, site_to_site_cost); } } static constexpr bool kWriteLookaheadCsv = false; void write_lookahead_csv(const Context *ctx, const DelayStorage &all_tiles_storage) { FILE *lookahead_data = fopen("lookahead.csv", "w"); NPNR_ASSERT(lookahead_data != nullptr); fprintf(lookahead_data, "src_type,src_wire,dest_type,dest_wire,delta_x,delta_y,delay\n"); for (const auto &type_pair : all_tiles_storage.storage) { auto &src_wire_type = type_pair.first.src; auto &src_type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[src_wire_type.type]; IdString src_type(src_type_data.name); IdString src_wire(src_type_data.wire_data[src_wire_type.index].name); auto &dst_wire_type = type_pair.first.dst; auto &dst_type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[dst_wire_type.type]; IdString dst_type(dst_type_data.name); IdString dst_wire(dst_type_data.wire_data[dst_wire_type.index].name); for (const auto &delta_pair : type_pair.second) { fprintf(lookahead_data, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d\n", src_type.c_str(ctx), src_wire.c_str(ctx), dst_type.c_str(ctx), dst_wire.c_str(ctx), delta_pair.first.first, delta_pair.first.second, delta_pair.second); } } fclose(lookahead_data); } // Storage for tile type expansion for lookahead. struct ExpandLocals { virtual ~ExpandLocals() {} const std::vector *tiles_of_type; DeterministicRNG *rng; FlatWireMap *best_path; DelayStorage *storage; HashTables::HashSet *explored; HashTables::HashSet *deferred; virtual void lock() {} virtual void unlock() {} virtual void copy_back(int32_t tile_type) {} }; // Do tile type expansion for 1 tile. static void expand_tile_type(const Context *ctx, int32_t tile_type, ExpandLocals *locals) { auto &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[tile_type]; if (ctx->verbose) { ScopeLock lock(locals); log_info("Expanding all wires in type %s\n", IdString(type_data.name).c_str(ctx)); } auto &tile_sampler = (*locals->tiles_of_type)[tile_type]; for (size_t wire_index = 0; wire_index < type_data.wire_data.size(); ++wire_index) { auto &wire_data = type_data.wire_data[wire_index]; if (wire_data.site != -1) { // Skip site wires continue; } if (ctx->debug) { ScopeLock lock(locals); log_info("Expanding wire %s in type %s (%d/%zu, seen %zu types, deferred %zu types)\n", IdString(wire_data.name).c_str(ctx), IdString(type_data.name).c_str(ctx), tile_type, ctx->chip_info->tile_types.size(), locals->explored->size(), locals->deferred->size()); } TypeWireId wire; wire.type = tile_type; wire.index = wire_index; expand_routing_graph(ctx, locals->rng, tile_sampler, wire, locals->explored, locals->storage, locals->deferred, locals->best_path); } locals->copy_back(tile_type); } // Function that does all tile expansions serially. static void expand_tile_type_serial(const Context *ctx, const std::vector &tile_types, const std::vector &tiles_of_type, DeterministicRNG *rng, FlatWireMap *best_path, DelayStorage *storage, HashTables::HashSet *explored, HashTables::HashSet *deferred, HashTables::HashSet *tiles_left) { for (int32_t tile_type : tile_types) { ExpandLocals locals; locals.tiles_of_type = &tiles_of_type; locals.rng = rng; locals.best_path = best_path; locals.storage = storage; locals.explored = explored; expand_tile_type(ctx, tile_type, &locals); NPNR_ASSERT(tiles_left->erase(tile_type) == 1); } NPNR_ASSERT(tiles_left->empty()); } // Additional storage for doing tile type expansion in parallel. struct TbbExpandLocals : public ExpandLocals { const Context *ctx; std::mutex *all_costs_mutex; DelayStorage *all_tiles_storage; HashTables::HashSet *types_explored; HashTables::HashSet *types_deferred; HashTables::HashSet *tiles_left; void lock() override { all_costs_mutex->lock(); } void unlock() override { all_costs_mutex->unlock(); } void copy_back(int32_t tile_type) override { ScopeLock locker(this); auto &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[tile_type]; // Copy per tile data by to over all data structures. if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Expanded all wires in type %s, merging data back\n", IdString(type_data.name).c_str(ctx)); log_info("Testing %zu wires, saw %zu types, deferred %zu types\n", type_data.wire_data.size(), explored->size(), deferred->size()); } // Copy cheapest explored paths back to all_tiles_storage. for (const auto &type_pair : storage->storage) { auto &type_pair_data = all_tiles_storage->storage[type_pair.first]; for (const auto &delta_pair : type_pair.second) { // See if this dx/dy already has data. auto result = type_pair_data.emplace(delta_pair.first, delta_pair.second); if (!result.second) { // This was already in the map, check if this new result is // better if (delta_pair.second < result.first->second) { result.first->second = delta_pair.second; } } } } // Update explored and deferred sets. for (auto &key : *explored) { types_explored->emplace(key); } for (auto &key : *deferred) { types_deferred->emplace(key); } NPNR_ASSERT(tiles_left->erase(tile_type)); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Done merging data from type %s, %zu tiles left\n", IdString(type_data.name).c_str(ctx), tiles_left->size()); } } }; // Wrapper method used if running expansion in parallel. // // expand_tile_type is invoked using thread local data, and then afterwards // the data is joined with the global data. static void expand_tile_type_parallel(const Context *ctx, int32_t tile_type, const std::vector &tiles_of_type, DeterministicRNG *rng, std::mutex *all_costs_mutex, DelayStorage *all_tiles_storage, HashTables::HashSet *types_explored, HashTables::HashSet *types_deferred, HashTables::HashSet *tiles_left) { TbbExpandLocals locals; DeterministicRNG rng_copy = *rng; FlatWireMap best_path(ctx); HashTables::HashSet explored; HashTables::HashSet deferred; DelayStorage storage; storage.max_explore_depth = all_tiles_storage->max_explore_depth; locals.tiles_of_type = &tiles_of_type; locals.rng = &rng_copy; locals.best_path = &best_path; locals.storage = &storage; locals.explored = &explored; locals.deferred = &deferred; locals.ctx = ctx; locals.all_costs_mutex = all_costs_mutex; locals.all_tiles_storage = all_tiles_storage; locals.types_explored = types_explored; locals.types_deferred = types_deferred; locals.tiles_left = tiles_left; expand_tile_type(ctx, tile_type, &locals); } void Lookahead::build_lookahead(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng) { auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Building lookahead, first gathering input and output site wires\n"); } HashTables::HashSet input_site_ports; for (BelId bel : ctx->getBels()) { const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); for (IdString pin : ctx->getBelPins(bel)) { WireId pin_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(bel, pin); if (pin_wire == WireId()) { continue; } PortType type = ctx->getBelPinType(bel, pin); if (type == PORT_IN && bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { input_site_wires.emplace(TypeWireId(ctx, pin_wire), std::vector()); } else if (type == PORT_OUT && bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { output_site_wires.emplace(TypeWireId(ctx, pin_wire), OutputSiteWireCost()); } else if (type == PORT_OUT && bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_SITE_PORT) { input_site_ports.emplace(TypeWireId(ctx, pin_wire)); } } } if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Have %zu input and %zu output site wire types. Creating tile type samplers\n", input_site_wires.size(), output_site_wires.size()); } std::vector tiles_of_type; tiles_of_type.resize(ctx->chip_info->tile_types.ssize()); std::vector indicies; std::vector> xys; indicies.reserve(ctx->chip_info->tiles.size()); xys.reserve(ctx->chip_info->tiles.size()); for (int32_t tile_type = 0; tile_type < ctx->chip_info->tile_types.ssize(); ++tile_type) { indicies.clear(); xys.clear(); for (size_t tile = 0; tile < ctx->chip_info->tiles.size(); ++tile) { if (ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type != tile_type) { continue; } std::pair xy; ctx->get_tile_x_y(tile, &xy.first, &xy.second); indicies.push_back(tile); xys.push_back(xy); } auto &tile_sampler = tiles_of_type[tile_type]; tile_sampler.divide_samples(kNumberSamples, xys); // Remap Sampler::indicies from 0 to number of tiles of type to // absolute tile indicies. for (size_t i = 0; i < indicies.size(); ++i) { tile_sampler.indicies[i] = indicies[tile_sampler.indicies[i]]; } } if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Expanding input site wires\n"); } // Expand backwards from each input site wire to find the cheapest // non-site wire. for (auto &input_pair : input_site_wires) { expand_input_type(ctx, rng, tiles_of_type[input_pair.first.type], input_pair.first, &input_pair.second); } if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Expanding output site wires\n"); } // Expand forward from each output site wire to find the cheapest // non-site wire. for (auto &output_pair : output_site_wires) { output_pair.second.cost = std::numeric_limits::max(); expand_output_type(ctx, rng, tiles_of_type[output_pair.first.type], output_pair.first, &output_pair.second, &site_to_site_cost); } for (TypeWireId input_site_port : input_site_ports) { expand_output_type(ctx, rng, tiles_of_type[input_site_port.type], input_site_port, nullptr, &site_to_site_cost); } if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Expanding all wire types\n"); } DelayStorage all_tiles_storage; all_tiles_storage.max_explore_depth = kInitialExploreDepth; // These are wire types that have been explored. HashTables::HashSet types_explored; // These are wire types that have been deferred because they are trival // copies of another wire type. These can be cheaply computed after the // graph has been explored. HashTables::HashSet types_deferred; std::vector tile_types; HashTables::HashSet tiles_left; tile_types.reserve(ctx->chip_info->tile_types.size()); for (int32_t tile_type = 0; tile_type < ctx->chip_info->tile_types.ssize(); ++tile_type) { tile_types.push_back(tile_type); tiles_left.emplace(tile_type); } FlatWireMap best_path(ctx); // Walk each tile type, and expand all non-site wires in the tile. // Wires that are nodes will expand as if the node type is the first node // in the wire. // // Wires that only have 1 output pip are deferred until the next loop, // because generally those wires will get explored via another wire. // The deferred will be expanded if this assumption doesn't hold. bool expand_serially = true; #if defined(NEXTPNR_USE_TBB) // Run parallely { std::mutex all_costs_mutex; expand_serially = false; tbb::parallel_for_each(tile_types, [&](int32_t tile_type) { expand_tile_type_parallel(ctx, tile_type, tiles_of_type, rng, &all_costs_mutex, &all_tiles_storage, &types_explored, &types_deferred, &tiles_left); }); } #else // Supress warning that expand_tile_type_parallel if not running in // parallel. (void)expand_tile_type_parallel; #endif if (expand_serially) { expand_tile_type_serial(ctx, tile_types, tiles_of_type, rng, &best_path, &all_tiles_storage, &types_explored, &types_deferred, &tiles_left); } // Check to see if deferred wire types were expanded. If they were not // expanded, expand them now. If they were expanded, copy_types is // populated with the wire types that can just copy the relevant data from // another wire type. for (TypeWireId wire_type : types_deferred) { auto &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[wire_type.type]; auto &tile_sampler = tiles_of_type[wire_type.type]; auto &wire_data = type_data.wire_data[wire_type.index]; if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Expanding deferred wire %s in type %s (seen %zu types)\n", IdString(wire_data.name).c_str(ctx), IdString(type_data.name).c_str(ctx), types_explored.size()); } expand_deferred_routing_graph(ctx, rng, tile_sampler, wire_type, &types_explored, &all_tiles_storage, &best_path); } auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Done with expansion, dt %02fs\n", std::chrono::duration(end - start).count()); } if (kWriteLookaheadCsv) { write_lookahead_csv(ctx, all_tiles_storage); end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Done writing data to disk, dt %02fs\n", std::chrono::duration(end - start).count()); } } #if defined(NEXTPNR_USE_TBB) // Run parallely tbb::parallel_for_each( all_tiles_storage.storage, [&](const std::pair, delay_t, PairHash>> &type_pair) { #else for (const auto &type_pair : all_tiles_storage.storage) { #endif cost_map.set_cost_map(ctx, type_pair.first, type_pair.second); #if defined(NEXTPNR_USE_TBB) // Run parallely }); #else } #endif end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("build_lookahead time %.02fs\n", std::chrono::duration(end - start).count()); } } constexpr static bool kUseGzipForLookahead = false; static void write_message(::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder &message, const std::string &filename) { kj::Array words = messageToFlatArray(message); kj::ArrayPtr bytes = words.asBytes(); boost::filesystem::path temp = boost::filesystem::unique_path(); log_info("Writing tempfile to %s\n", temp.c_str()); if (kUseGzipForLookahead) { gzFile file = gzopen(temp.c_str(), "w"); NPNR_ASSERT(file != Z_NULL); size_t bytes_written = 0; int result; while (bytes_written < bytes.size()) { size_t bytes_remaining = bytes.size() - bytes_written; size_t bytes_to_write = bytes_remaining; if (bytes_to_write >= std::numeric_limits::max()) { bytes_to_write = std::numeric_limits::max(); } result = gzwrite(file, &bytes[0] + bytes_written, bytes_to_write); if (result < 0) { break; } bytes_written += result; } int error; std::string error_str; if (result < 0) { error_str.assign(gzerror(file, &error)); } NPNR_ASSERT(gzclose(file) == Z_OK); if (bytes_written != bytes.size()) { // Remove failed writes before reporting error. boost::filesystem::remove(temp); } if (result < 0) { log_error("Failed to write lookahead, error from gzip %s\n", error_str.c_str()); } else { if (bytes_written != bytes.size()) { log_error("Failed to write lookahead, wrote %d bytes, had %zu bytes\n", result, bytes.size()); } else { // Written, move file into place boost::filesystem::rename(temp, filename); } } } else { { kj::Own fs = kj::newDiskFilesystem(); auto path = kj::Path::parse(temp); auto file = fs->getCurrent().openFile(path, kj::WriteMode::CREATE); file->writeAll(bytes); } boost::filesystem::rename(temp, filename); } } bool Lookahead::read_lookahead(const std::string &chipdb_hash, const std::string &filename) { capnp::ReaderOptions reader_options; reader_options.traversalLimitInWords = 32llu * 1024llu * 1024llu * 1024llu; if (kUseGzipForLookahead) { gzFile file = gzopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); if (file == Z_NULL) { return false; } std::vector output_data; output_data.resize(4096); std::stringstream sstream(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); while (true) { int ret = gzread(file, output_data.data(), output_data.size()); NPNR_ASSERT(ret >= 0); if (ret > 0) { sstream.write((const char *)output_data.data(), ret); NPNR_ASSERT(sstream); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(ret == 0); int error; gzerror(file, &error); NPNR_ASSERT(error == Z_OK); break; } } NPNR_ASSERT(gzclose(file) == Z_OK); sstream.seekg(0); kj::std::StdInputStream istream(sstream); capnp::InputStreamMessageReader message_reader(istream, reader_options); lookahead_storage::Lookahead::Reader lookahead = message_reader.getRoot(); return from_reader(chipdb_hash, lookahead); } else { boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source file; try { file.open(filename.c_str()); } catch (std::ios_base::failure &fail) { return false; } if (!file.is_open()) { return false; } const char *data = reinterpret_cast(file.data()); const kj::ArrayPtr words = kj::arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast(data), file.size() / sizeof(::capnp::word)); ::capnp::FlatArrayMessageReader reader(words, reader_options); lookahead_storage::Lookahead::Reader lookahead = reader.getRoot(); return from_reader(chipdb_hash, lookahead); } } void Lookahead::write_lookahead(const std::string &chipdb_hash, const std::string &file) const { ::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message; lookahead_storage::Lookahead::Builder lookahead = message.initRoot(); to_builder(chipdb_hash, lookahead); write_message(message, file); } void Lookahead::init(const Context *ctx, DeterministicRNG *rng) { std::string lookahead_filename; if (kUseGzipForLookahead) { lookahead_filename = ctx->args.chipdb + ".lookahead.tgz"; } else { lookahead_filename = ctx->args.chipdb + ".lookahead"; } std::string chipdb_hash = ctx->get_chipdb_hash(); if (ctx->args.rebuild_lookahead || !read_lookahead(chipdb_hash, lookahead_filename)) { build_lookahead(ctx, rng); if (!ctx->args.dont_write_lookahead) { write_lookahead(chipdb_hash, lookahead_filename); } } } static bool safe_add_i32(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t *out) { #if defined(__GNUG__) || defined(__clang__) // GCC and clang have had __builtin_add_overflow for a while. return !__builtin_add_overflow(a, b, out); #else // MSVC and other don't have an intrinsic. Emit some more code. bool safe_to_add; if (b < 0) { safe_to_add = a >= std::numeric_limits::min() - b; } else { safe_to_add = a <= std::numeric_limits::max() - b; } if (!safe_to_add) { return false; } *out = a + b; return true; #endif } static void saturating_incr(int32_t *acc, int32_t value) { if (!safe_add_i32(*acc, value, acc)) { if (value > 0) { *acc = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { *acc = std::numeric_limits::min(); } } } #define DEBUG_LOOKUP delay_t Lookahead::estimateDelay(const Context *ctx, WireId src, WireId dst) const { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Looking up %s to %s\n", ctx->nameOfWire(src), ctx->nameOfWire(dst)); } #endif delay_t delay = 0; // Follow chain down, chasing wires with only 1 pip. Stop if dst is // reached. WireId orig_src = src; src = follow_pip_chain_target(ctx, src, dst, &delay); NPNR_ASSERT(delay >= 0); if (src == WireId()) { // This src wire is a dead end, tell router to avoid it! #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Source %s is a dead end!\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_src)); } #endif return std::numeric_limits::max(); } #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug && src != orig_src) { log_info("Moving src from %s to %s, delay = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_src), ctx->nameOfWire(src), delay); } #endif if (src == dst) { // Reached target already, done! return delay; } if (ctx->is_same_site(src, dst)) { // Check for site to site direct path. TypeWirePair pair; TypeWireId src_type(ctx, src); pair.src = src_type; TypeWireId dst_type(ctx, dst); pair.dst = dst_type; auto iter = site_to_site_cost.find(pair); if (iter != site_to_site_cost.end()) { NPNR_ASSERT(iter->second >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, iter->second); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Found site to site direct path %s -> %s = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(src), ctx->nameOfWire(dst), delay); } #endif return delay; } } // At this point we know that the routing interconnect is needed, or // the pair is unreachable. orig_src = src; TypeWireId src_type(ctx, src); // Find the first routing wire from the src_type. auto src_iter = output_site_wires.find(src_type); if (src_iter != output_site_wires.end()) { NPNR_ASSERT(src_iter->second.cost >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, src_iter->second.cost); src_type = src_iter->second.cheapest_route_from; src = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, src.tile, src_type.index); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Moving src from %s to %s, delay = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_src), ctx->nameOfWire(src), delay); } #endif } // Make sure that the new wire is in the routing graph. if (ctx->is_wire_in_site(src)) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP // We've already tested for direct site to site routing, if src cannot // reach outside of the routing network, this path is impossible. if (ctx->debug) { log_warning("Failed to reach routing network for src %s, got to %s\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_src), ctx->nameOfWire(src)); } #endif return std::numeric_limits::max(); } if (src == dst) { // Reached target already, done! return delay; } // Find the first routing wire that reaches dst_type. WireId orig_dst = dst; TypeWireId dst_type(ctx, dst); auto dst_iter = input_site_wires.find(dst_type); if (dst_iter == input_site_wires.end()) { // dst_type isn't an input site wire, just add point to point delay. auto &dst_data = ctx->wire_info(dst); if (dst_data.site != -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP // We've already tested for direct site to site routing, if dst cannot // be reached from the routing network, this path is impossible. if (ctx->debug) { log_warning("Failed to reach routing network for dst %s, got to %s\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_dst), ctx->nameOfWire(dst)); } #endif return std::numeric_limits::max(); } // Follow chain up WireId orig_dst = dst; (void)orig_dst; delay_t chain_delay; dst = follow_pip_chain_up(ctx, dst, &chain_delay); NPNR_ASSERT(chain_delay >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, chain_delay); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug && dst != orig_dst) { log_info("Moving dst from %s to %s, delay = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_dst), ctx->nameOfWire(dst), delay); } #endif if (src == dst) { // Reached target already, done! return delay; } // Both src and dst are in the routing graph, lookup approx cost to go // from src to dst. int32_t delay_from_map = cost_map.get_delay(ctx, src, dst); NPNR_ASSERT(delay_from_map >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, delay_from_map); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Final delay = %d\n", delay); } #endif return delay; } else { // dst_type is an input site wire, try each possible routing path. delay_t base_delay = delay; delay_t cheapest_path = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (const InputSiteWireCost &input_cost : dst_iter->second) { dst = orig_dst; delay = base_delay; NPNR_ASSERT(input_cost.cost >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, input_cost.cost); dst_type = input_cost.route_to; NPNR_ASSERT(dst_type.index != -1); dst = canonical_wire(ctx->chip_info, dst.tile, dst_type.index); NPNR_ASSERT(dst != WireId()); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Moving dst from %s to %s, delay = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_dst), ctx->nameOfWire(dst), delay); } #endif if (dst == src) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Possible delay = %d\n", delay); } #endif // Reached target already, done! cheapest_path = std::min(delay, cheapest_path); continue; } auto &dst_data = ctx->wire_info(dst); if (dst_data.site != -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP // We've already tested for direct site to site routing, if dst cannot // be reached from the routing network, this path is impossible. if (ctx->debug) { log_warning("Failed to reach routing network for dst %s, got to %s\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_dst), ctx->nameOfWire(dst)); } #endif continue; } // Follow chain up WireId orig_dst = dst; (void)orig_dst; delay_t chain_delay; dst = follow_pip_chain_up(ctx, dst, &chain_delay); NPNR_ASSERT(chain_delay >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, chain_delay); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug && dst != orig_dst) { log_info("Moving dst from %s to %s, delay = %d\n", ctx->nameOfWire(orig_dst), ctx->nameOfWire(dst), delay); } #endif if (dst == WireId()) { // This dst wire is a dead end, don't examine it! #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Dest %s is a dead end!\n", ctx->nameOfWire(dst)); } #endif continue; } if (src == dst) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Possible delay = %d\n", delay); } #endif // Reached target already, done! cheapest_path = std::min(delay, cheapest_path); continue; } // Both src and dst are in the routing graph, lookup approx cost to go // from src to dst. int32_t delay_from_map = cost_map.get_delay(ctx, src, dst); NPNR_ASSERT(delay_from_map >= 0); saturating_incr(&delay, delay_from_map); cheapest_path = std::min(delay, cheapest_path); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Possible delay = %d\n", delay); } #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Final delay = %d\n", delay); } #endif return cheapest_path; } } bool Lookahead::from_reader(const std::string &chipdb_hash, lookahead_storage::Lookahead::Reader reader) { std::string expected_hash = reader.getChipdbHash(); if (chipdb_hash != expected_hash) { return false; } input_site_wires.clear(); output_site_wires.clear(); site_to_site_cost.clear(); for (auto input_reader : reader.getInputSiteWires()) { TypeWireId key(input_reader.getKey()); auto result = input_site_wires.emplace(key, std::vector()); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); std::vector &costs = result.first->second; auto value = input_reader.getValue(); costs.reserve(value.size()); for (auto cost : value) { costs.emplace_back(InputSiteWireCost{TypeWireId(cost.getRouteTo()), cost.getCost()}); } } for (auto output_reader : reader.getOutputSiteWires()) { TypeWireId key(output_reader.getKey()); auto result = output_site_wires.emplace( key, OutputSiteWireCost{TypeWireId(output_reader.getCheapestRouteFrom()), output_reader.getCost()}); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); } for (auto site_to_site_reader : reader.getSiteToSiteCost()) { TypeWirePair key(site_to_site_reader.getKey()); auto result = site_to_site_cost.emplace(key, site_to_site_reader.getCost()); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); } cost_map.from_reader(reader.getCostMap()); return true; } void Lookahead::to_builder(const std::string &chipdb_hash, lookahead_storage::Lookahead::Builder builder) const { builder.setChipdbHash(chipdb_hash); auto input_out = builder.initInputSiteWires(input_site_wires.size()); auto in = input_site_wires.begin(); for (auto out = input_out.begin(); out != input_out.end(); ++out, ++in) { NPNR_ASSERT(in != input_site_wires.end()); const TypeWireId &key = in->first; key.to_builder(out->getKey()); const std::vector &costs = in->second; auto value = out->initValue(costs.size()); auto value_in = costs.begin(); for (auto value_out = value.begin(); value_out != value.end(); ++value_out, ++value_in) { value_in->route_to.to_builder(value_out->getRouteTo()); value_out->setCost(value_in->cost); } } auto output_out = builder.initOutputSiteWires(output_site_wires.size()); auto out = output_site_wires.begin(); for (auto out2 = output_out.begin(); out2 != output_out.end(); ++out, ++out2) { NPNR_ASSERT(out != output_site_wires.end()); const TypeWireId &key = out->first; key.to_builder(out2->getKey()); const TypeWireId &cheapest_route_from = out->second.cheapest_route_from; cheapest_route_from.to_builder(out2->getCheapestRouteFrom()); out2->setCost(out->second.cost); } auto site_out = builder.initSiteToSiteCost(site_to_site_cost.size()); auto site = site_to_site_cost.begin(); for (auto out2 = site_out.begin(); out2 != site_out.end(); ++out2, ++site) { NPNR_ASSERT(site != site_to_site_cost.end()); const TypeWirePair &key = site->first; key.to_builder(out2->getKey()); out2->setCost(site->second); } cost_map.to_builder(builder.getCostMap()); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END