function(create_rapidwright_device_db) # ~~~ # create_rapidwright_device_db( # device # part # output_target # ) # ~~~ # # Generates a device database from RapidWright # # If output_target is specified, the output_target_name variable # is set to the generated output_device_file target. # # Arguments: # - device: common device name of a set of parts. E.g. xc7a35tcsg324-1 and xc7a35tcpg236-1 # share the same xc7a35t device prefix # - part: one among the parts available for a given device # - output_target: variable name that will hold the output device target for the parent scope # # Targets generated: # - rapidwright--device set(options) set(oneValueArgs device part output_target) set(multiValueArgs) cmake_parse_arguments( create_rapidwright_device_db "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) set(device ${create_rapidwright_device_db_device}) set(part ${create_rapidwright_device_db_part}) set(output_target ${create_rapidwright_device_db_output_target}) set(rapidwright_device_db ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${part}.device) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${rapidwright_device_db} COMMAND RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH=${RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH} ${INVOKE_RAPIDWRIGHT} com.xilinx.rapidwright.interchange.DeviceResourcesExample ${part} DEPENDS ${INVOKE_RAPIDWRIGHT} ) add_custom_target(rapidwright-${device}-device DEPENDS ${rapidwright_device_db}) set_property(TARGET rapidwright-${device}-device PROPERTY LOCATION ${rapidwright_device_db}) if (DEFINED output_target) set(${output_target} rapidwright-${device}-device PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(create_patched_device_db) # ~~~ # create_patched_device_db( # device # patch_name # patch_path # patch_format # patch_data # input_device # output_target # ) # ~~~ # # Generates a patched device database starting from an input device # # If output_target is specified, the variable named as the output_target # parameter value is set to the generated output_device_file target. # # Arguments: # - device: common device name of a set of parts. E.g. xc7a35tcsg324-1 and xc7a35tcpg236-1 # share the same xc7a35t device prefix. # - patch_name: name of the patch which determines the target name # - patch_path: patch_path argument for the fpga_interchange.patch call # - patch_format: patch_format argument for the fpga_interchange.patch call # - patch_data: path to the patch_data required for the fpga_interchange.patch call # - input_device: target for the device that needs to be patched # - output_target: variable name that will hold the output device target for the parent scope # # Targets generated: # - --device set(options) set(oneValueArgs device patch_name patch_path patch_format patch_data input_device output_target) set(multiValueArgs) cmake_parse_arguments( create_patched_device_db "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) set(device ${create_patched_device_db_device}) set(patch_name ${create_patched_device_db_patch_name}) set(patch_path ${create_patched_device_db_patch_path}) set(patch_format ${create_patched_device_db_patch_format}) set(patch_data ${create_patched_device_db_patch_data}) set(input_device ${create_patched_device_db_input_device}) set(output_target ${create_patched_device_db_output_target}) get_target_property(input_device_loc ${input_device} LOCATION) set(output_device_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${device}_${patch_name}.device) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${output_device_file} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -mfpga_interchange.patch --schema_dir ${INTERCHANGE_SCHEMA_PATH} --schema device --patch_path ${patch_path} --patch_format ${patch_format} ${input_device_loc} ${patch_data} ${output_device_file} DEPENDS ${patch_data} ${input_device} ${input_device_loc} ) add_custom_target(${patch_name}-${device}-device DEPENDS ${output_device_file}) set_property(TARGET ${patch_name}-${device}-device PROPERTY LOCATION ${output_device_file}) if (DEFINED output_target) set(${output_target} ${patch_name}-${device}-device PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(generate_xc7_device_db) # ~~~ # generate_xc7_device_db( # device # part # device_target # ) # ~~~ # # Generates a chipdb BBA file, starting from a RapidWright device database which is then patched. # Patches applied: # - constraints patch # - luts patch # # Arguments: # - device: common device name of a set of parts. E.g. xc7a35tcsg324-1 and xc7a35tcpg236-1 # share the same xc7a35t device prefix # - part: one among the parts available for a given device # - device_target: variable name that will hold the output device target for the parent scope set(options) set(oneValueArgs device part device_target) set(multiValueArgs) cmake_parse_arguments( create_rapidwright_device_db "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) set(device ${create_rapidwright_device_db_device}) set(part ${create_rapidwright_device_db_part}) set(device_target ${create_rapidwright_device_db_device_target}) create_rapidwright_device_db( device ${device} part ${part} output_target rapidwright_device ) # Generate constraints patch create_patched_device_db( device ${device} patch_name constraints patch_path constraints patch_format yaml patch_data ${PYTHON_INTERCHANGE_PATH}/test_data/series7_constraints.yaml input_device ${rapidwright_device} output_target constraints_device ) # Generate lut constraints patch create_patched_device_db( device ${device} patch_name constraints-luts patch_path lutDefinitions patch_format yaml patch_data ${PYTHON_INTERCHANGE_PATH}/test_data/series7_luts.yaml input_device ${constraints_device} output_target constraints_luts_device ) if(DEFINED device_target) set(${device_target} ${constraints_luts_device} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(generate_chipdb) # ~~~ # generate_chipdb( # family # device # part # device_target # bel_bucket_seeds # test_package # ) # ~~~ # # Generates a chipdb BBA file, starting from a device database. # # The chipdb binary file is directly generated to the # /build/fpga_interchange/chipdb/ directory. # # The package argument is only used to run the architecture check target. # # Arguments: # - family: nextpnr architecture family (e.g. fpga_interchange) # - device: common device name of a set of parts. E.g. xc7a35tcsg324-1 and xc7a35tcpg236-1 # share the same xc7a35t device prefix # - part: one among the parts available for a given device # - device_target: target for the device from which the chipdb is generated # - bel_bucket_seeds: path to the bel bucket seeds YAML file # - test_package: package among the ones available for the device. This is used for architecture # testing only # # Targets generated: # - chipdb-${device}-bba # - chipdb-${device}-bin # - device-${device} # # The device-${device} target contains properties to get the interchange device as well # as the binary chipdb set(options) set(oneValueArgs family device part device_target bel_bucket_seeds test_package) set(multiValueArgs) cmake_parse_arguments( generate_chipdb "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) set(family ${generate_chipdb_family}) set(device ${generate_chipdb_device}) set(part ${generate_chipdb_part}) set(device_target ${generate_chipdb_device_target}) set(bel_bucket_seeds ${generate_chipdb_bel_bucket_seeds}) set(test_package ${generate_chipdb_test_package}) get_target_property(device_loc ${device_target} LOCATION) set(chipdb_bba ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/chipdb.bba) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${chipdb_bba} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -mfpga_interchange.nextpnr_emit --schema_dir ${INTERCHANGE_SCHEMA_PATH} --output_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --bel_bucket_seeds ${bel_bucket_seeds} --device ${device_loc} DEPENDS ${bel_bucket_seeds} ${device_target} ${device_loc} ) add_custom_target(chipdb-${device}-bba DEPENDS ${chipdb_bba}) set(chipdb_bin ${chipdb_dir}/chipdb-${device}.bin) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${chipdb_bin} COMMAND bbasm -l ${chipdb_bba} ${chipdb_bin} DEPENDS chipdb-${device}-bba ${chipdb_bba} bbasm ) add_custom_target(chipdb-${device}-bin DEPENDS ${chipdb_bin}) # Setting device target properties add_custom_target(device-${device}) set_target_properties( device-${device} PROPERTIES DEVICE_LOC ${device_loc} DEVICE_TARGET ${device_target} CHIPDB_BIN_LOC ${chipdb_bin} CHIPDB_BIN_TARGET chipdb-${device}-bin ) # Generate architecture check target add_custom_target( chipdb-${device}-bin-check COMMAND nextpnr-fpga_interchange --chipdb ${chipdb_bin} --package ${test_package} --test DEPENDS ${chipdb_bin} chipdb-${device}-bin ) add_custom_target( chipdb-${device}-bin-check-test-data COMMAND nextpnr-fpga_interchange --chipdb ${chipdb_bin} --package ${test_package} --run ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/ DEPENDS ${chipdb_bin} chipdb-${device}-bin ${test_data_binary} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) add_dependencies(all-${family}-archcheck-tests chipdb-${device}-bin-check-test-data chipdb-${device}-bin-check) endfunction()