/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef ARCH_ITERATORS_H #define ARCH_ITERATORS_H #include "chipdb.h" #include "nextpnr_namespaces.h" #include "nextpnr_types.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct BelIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; int cursor_index; int cursor_tile; BelIterator operator++() { cursor_index++; while (cursor_tile < chip->tiles.ssize() && cursor_index >= tile_info(chip, cursor_tile).bel_data.ssize()) { cursor_index = 0; cursor_tile++; } return *this; } BelIterator operator++(int) { BelIterator prior(*this); ++(*this); return prior; } bool operator!=(const BelIterator &other) const { return cursor_index != other.cursor_index || cursor_tile != other.cursor_tile; } bool operator==(const BelIterator &other) const { return cursor_index == other.cursor_index && cursor_tile == other.cursor_tile; } BelId operator*() const { BelId ret; ret.tile = cursor_tile; ret.index = cursor_index; return ret; } }; struct BelRange { BelIterator b, e; BelIterator begin() const { return b; } BelIterator end() const { return e; } }; struct FilteredBelIterator { std::function<bool(BelId)> filter; BelIterator b, e; FilteredBelIterator operator++() { ++b; while (b != e) { if (filter(*b)) { break; } ++b; } return *this; } bool operator!=(const FilteredBelIterator &other) const { NPNR_ASSERT(e == other.e); return b != other.b; } bool operator==(const FilteredBelIterator &other) const { NPNR_ASSERT(e == other.e); return b == other.b; } BelId operator*() const { BelId bel = *b; NPNR_ASSERT(filter(bel)); return bel; } }; struct FilteredBelRange { FilteredBelRange(BelIterator bel_b, BelIterator bel_e, std::function<bool(BelId)> filter) { b.filter = filter; b.b = bel_b; b.e = bel_e; if (b.b != b.e && !filter(*b.b)) { ++b; } e.b = bel_e; e.e = bel_e; if (b != e) { NPNR_ASSERT(filter(*b.b)); } } FilteredBelIterator b, e; FilteredBelIterator begin() const { return b; } FilteredBelIterator end() const { return e; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate over TileWires for a wire (will be more than one if nodal) struct TileWireIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; WireId baseWire; int cursor = -1; void operator++() { cursor++; } bool operator==(const TileWireIterator &other) const { return cursor == other.cursor; } bool operator!=(const TileWireIterator &other) const { return cursor != other.cursor; } // Returns a *denormalised* identifier always pointing to a tile wire rather than a node WireId operator*() const { if (baseWire.tile == -1) { WireId tw; const auto &node_wire = chip->nodes[baseWire.index].tile_wires[cursor]; tw.tile = node_wire.tile; tw.index = node_wire.index; return tw; } else { return baseWire; } } }; struct TileWireRange { TileWireIterator b, e; TileWireIterator begin() const { return b; } TileWireIterator end() const { return e; } }; NPNR_ALWAYS_INLINE inline WireId canonical_wire(const ChipInfoPOD *chip_info, int32_t tile, int32_t wire) { WireId id; if (wire >= chip_info->tiles[tile].tile_wire_to_node.ssize()) { // Cannot be a nodal wire id.tile = tile; id.index = wire; } else { int32_t node = chip_info->tiles[tile].tile_wire_to_node[wire]; if (node == -1) { // Not a nodal wire id.tile = tile; id.index = wire; } else { // Is a nodal wire, set tile to -1 id.tile = -1; id.index = node; } } return id; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WireIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; int cursor_index = 0; int cursor_tile = -1; WireIterator operator++() { // Iterate over nodes first, then tile wires that aren't nodes do { cursor_index++; if (cursor_tile == -1 && cursor_index >= chip->nodes.ssize()) { cursor_tile = 0; cursor_index = 0; } while (cursor_tile != -1 && cursor_tile < chip->tiles.ssize() && cursor_index >= chip->tile_types[chip->tiles[cursor_tile].type].wire_data.ssize()) { cursor_index = 0; cursor_tile++; } } while ((cursor_tile != -1 && cursor_tile < chip->tiles.ssize() && cursor_index < chip->tiles[cursor_tile].tile_wire_to_node.ssize() && chip->tiles[cursor_tile].tile_wire_to_node[cursor_index] != -1)); return *this; } WireIterator operator++(int) { WireIterator prior(*this); ++(*this); return prior; } bool operator!=(const WireIterator &other) const { return cursor_index != other.cursor_index || cursor_tile != other.cursor_tile; } bool operator==(const WireIterator &other) const { return cursor_index == other.cursor_index && cursor_tile == other.cursor_tile; } WireId operator*() const { WireId ret; ret.tile = cursor_tile; ret.index = cursor_index; return ret; } }; struct WireRange { WireIterator b, e; WireIterator begin() const { return b; } WireIterator end() const { return e; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct AllPipIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; int cursor_index; int cursor_tile; AllPipIterator operator++() { cursor_index++; while (cursor_tile < chip->tiles.ssize() && cursor_index >= chip->tile_types[chip->tiles[cursor_tile].type].pip_data.ssize()) { cursor_index = 0; cursor_tile++; } return *this; } AllPipIterator operator++(int) { AllPipIterator prior(*this); ++(*this); return prior; } bool operator!=(const AllPipIterator &other) const { return cursor_index != other.cursor_index || cursor_tile != other.cursor_tile; } bool operator==(const AllPipIterator &other) const { return cursor_index == other.cursor_index && cursor_tile == other.cursor_tile; } PipId operator*() const { PipId ret; ret.tile = cursor_tile; ret.index = cursor_index; return ret; } }; struct AllPipRange { AllPipIterator b, e; AllPipIterator begin() const { return b; } AllPipIterator end() const { return e; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct UphillPipIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; TileWireIterator twi, twi_end; int cursor = -1; void operator++() { cursor++; while (true) { if (!(twi != twi_end)) break; WireId w = *twi; auto &tile = chip->tile_types[chip->tiles[w.tile].type]; if (cursor < tile.wire_data[w.index].pips_uphill.ssize()) break; ++twi; cursor = 0; } } bool operator!=(const UphillPipIterator &other) const { return twi != other.twi || cursor != other.cursor; } PipId operator*() const { PipId ret; WireId w = *twi; ret.tile = w.tile; ret.index = chip->tile_types[chip->tiles[w.tile].type].wire_data[w.index].pips_uphill[cursor]; return ret; } }; struct UphillPipRange { UphillPipIterator b, e; UphillPipIterator begin() const { return b; } UphillPipIterator end() const { return e; } }; struct DownhillPipIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; TileWireIterator twi, twi_end; int cursor = -1; int32_t tile; int32_t tile_type; const RelSlice<int32_t> *pips_downhill = nullptr; void operator++() { cursor++; while (true) { if (!(twi != twi_end)) break; if (pips_downhill == nullptr) { WireId w = *twi; tile_type = chip->tiles[w.tile].type; const TileTypeInfoPOD &type = chip->tile_types[tile_type]; tile = w.tile; pips_downhill = &type.wire_data[w.index].pips_downhill; } if (cursor < pips_downhill->ssize()) break; ++twi; cursor = 0; pips_downhill = nullptr; } } bool operator!=(const DownhillPipIterator &other) const { return twi != other.twi || cursor != other.cursor; } PipId operator*() const { PipId ret; ret.tile = tile; ret.index = (*pips_downhill)[cursor]; return ret; } }; struct DownhillPipRange { DownhillPipIterator b, e; DownhillPipIterator begin() const { return b; } DownhillPipIterator end() const { return e; } }; struct BelPinIterator { const ChipInfoPOD *chip; TileWireIterator twi, twi_end; int cursor = -1; void operator++() { cursor++; while (twi != twi_end) { WireId w = *twi; auto &tile = tile_info(chip, w.tile); if (cursor < tile.wire_data[w.index].bel_pins.ssize()) break; ++twi; cursor = 0; } } bool operator!=(const BelPinIterator &other) const { return twi != other.twi || cursor != other.cursor; } BelPin operator*() const { BelPin ret; WireId w = *twi; ret.bel.tile = w.tile; ret.bel.index = tile_info(chip, w.tile).wire_data[w.index].bel_pins[cursor].bel_index; ret.pin.index = tile_info(chip, w.tile).wire_data[w.index].bel_pins[cursor].port; return ret; } }; struct BelPinRange { BelPinIterator b, e; BelPinIterator begin() const { return b; } BelPinIterator end() const { return e; } }; struct IdStringIterator : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, /*T=*/IdString, /*Distance=*/ptrdiff_t, /*pointer=*/IdString *, /*reference=*/IdString> { const int32_t *cursor; void operator++() { cursor += 1; } bool operator!=(const IdStringIterator &other) const { return cursor != other.cursor; } bool operator==(const IdStringIterator &other) const { return cursor == other.cursor; } IdString operator*() const { return IdString(*cursor); } }; struct IdStringRange { IdStringIterator b, e; IdStringIterator begin() const { return b; } IdStringIterator end() const { return e; } }; struct BelBucketIterator { IdStringIterator cursor; void operator++() { ++cursor; } bool operator!=(const BelBucketIterator &other) const { return cursor != other.cursor; } bool operator==(const BelBucketIterator &other) const { return cursor == other.cursor; } BelBucketId operator*() const { BelBucketId bucket; bucket.name = IdString(*cursor); return bucket; } }; struct BelBucketRange { BelBucketIterator b, e; BelBucketIterator begin() const { return b; } BelBucketIterator end() const { return e; } }; NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* ARCH_ITERATORS_H */