/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "placer1.h" #include "router1.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static std::tuple split_identifier_name(const std::string &name) { size_t first_slash = name.find('/'); NPNR_ASSERT(first_slash != std::string::npos); size_t second_slash = name.find('/', first_slash + 1); NPNR_ASSERT(second_slash != std::string::npos); return std::make_tuple(std::stoi(name.substr(1, first_slash)), std::stoi(name.substr(first_slash + 2, second_slash - first_slash)), name.substr(second_slash + 1)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IdString Arch::belTypeToId(BelType type) const { if (type == TYPE_TRELLIS_SLICE) return id("TRELLIS_SLICE"); if (type == TYPE_TRELLIS_IO) return id("TRELLIS_IO"); return IdString(); } BelType Arch::belTypeFromId(IdString type) const { if (type == id("TRELLIS_SLICE")) return TYPE_TRELLIS_SLICE; if (type == id("TRELLIS_IO")) return TYPE_TRELLIS_IO; return TYPE_NONE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IdString::initialize_arch(const BaseCtx *ctx) { #define X(t) initialize_add(ctx, #t, PIN_##t); #include "portpins.inc" #undef X } IdString Arch::portPinToId(PortPin type) const { IdString ret; if (type > 0 && type < PIN_MAXIDX) ret.index = type; return ret; } PortPin Arch::portPinFromId(IdString type) const { if (type.index > 0 && type.index < PIN_MAXIDX) return PortPin(type.index); return PIN_NONE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const ChipInfoPOD *get_chip_info(const RelPtr *ptr) { return ptr->get(); } #if defined(_MSC_VER) void load_chipdb(); #endif //#define LFE5U_45F_ONLY Arch::Arch(ArchArgs args) : args(args) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) load_chipdb(); #endif #ifdef LFE5U_45F_ONLY if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_45F) { chip_info = get_chip_info(reinterpret_cast *>(chipdb_blob_45k)); } else { log_error("Unsupported ECP5 chip type.\n"); } #else if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_25F) { chip_info = get_chip_info(reinterpret_cast *>(chipdb_blob_25k)); } else if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_45F) { chip_info = get_chip_info(reinterpret_cast *>(chipdb_blob_45k)); } else if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_85F) { chip_info = get_chip_info(reinterpret_cast *>(chipdb_blob_85k)); } else { log_error("Unsupported ECP5 chip type.\n"); } #endif package_info = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->num_packages; i++) { if (args.package == chip_info->package_info[i].name.get()) { package_info = &(chip_info->package_info[i]); break; } } if (!package_info) log_error("Unsupported package '%s' for '%s'.\n", args.package.c_str(), getChipName().c_str()); id_trellis_slice = id("TRELLIS_SLICE"); id_clk = id("CLK"); id_lsr = id("LSR"); id_clkmux = id("CLKMUX"); id_lsrmux = id("LSRMUX"); id_srmode = id("SRMODE"); id_mode = id("MODE"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Arch::getChipName() { if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_25F) { return "LFE5U-25F"; } else if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_45F) { return "LFE5U-45F"; } else if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_85F) { return "LFE5U-85F"; } else { log_error("Unknown chip\n"); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IdString Arch::archArgsToId(ArchArgs args) const { if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_25F) return id("lfe5u_25f"); if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_45F) return id("lfe5u_45f"); if (args.type == ArchArgs::LFE5U_85F) return id("lfe5u_85f"); return IdString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BelId Arch::getBelByName(IdString name) const { BelId ret; auto it = bel_by_name.find(name); if (it != bel_by_name.end()) return it->second; Location loc; std::string basename; std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); ret.location = loc; const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret); for (int i = 0; i < loci->num_bels; i++) { if (std::strcmp(loci->bel_data[i].name.get(), basename.c_str()) == 0) { ret.index = i; break; } } if (ret.index >= 0) bel_by_name[name] = ret; return ret; } BelRange Arch::getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const { BelRange br; br.b.cursor_tile = y * chip_info->width + x; br.e.cursor_tile = y * chip_info->width + x; br.b.cursor_index = 0; br.e.cursor_index = chip_info->locations[chip_info->location_type[br.b.cursor_tile]].num_bels - 1; br.b.chip = chip_info; br.e.chip = chip_info; if (br.e.cursor_index == -1) ++br.e.cursor_index; else ++br.e; return br; } WireId Arch::getBelPinWire(BelId bel, PortPin pin) const { WireId ret; NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId()); int num_bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].num_bel_wires; const BelWirePOD *bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].bel_wires.get(); for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) if (bel_wires[i].port == pin) { ret.location = bel.location + bel_wires[i].rel_wire_loc; ret.index = bel_wires[i].wire_index; break; } return ret; } PortType Arch::getBelPinType(BelId bel, PortPin pin) const { NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId()); int num_bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].num_bel_wires; const BelWirePOD *bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].bel_wires.get(); for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) if (bel_wires[i].port == pin) return PortType(bel_wires[i].type); return PORT_INOUT; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdString name) const { WireId ret; auto it = wire_by_name.find(name); if (it != wire_by_name.end()) return it->second; Location loc; std::string basename; std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); ret.location = loc; const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret); for (int i = 0; i < loci->num_wires; i++) { if (std::strcmp(loci->wire_data[i].name.get(), basename.c_str()) == 0) { ret.index = i; ret.location = loc; break; } } if (ret.index >= 0) wire_by_name[name] = ret; else ret.location = Location(); return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdString name) const { auto it = pip_by_name.find(name); if (it != pip_by_name.end()) return it->second; PipId ret; Location loc; std::string basename; std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); ret.location = loc; const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret); for (int i = 0; i < loci->num_pips; i++) { PipId curr; curr.location = loc; curr.index = i; pip_by_name[getPipName(curr)] = curr; } if (pip_by_name.find(name) == pip_by_name.end()) NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no pip named " + name.str(this)); return pip_by_name[name]; } IdString Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const { NPNR_ASSERT(pip != PipId()); int x = pip.location.x; int y = pip.location.y; std::string src_name = getWireName(getPipSrcWire(pip)).str(this); std::replace(src_name.begin(), src_name.end(), '/', '.'); std::string dst_name = getWireName(getPipDstWire(pip)).str(this); std::replace(dst_name.begin(), dst_name.end(), '/', '.'); return id("X" + std::to_string(x) + "/Y" + std::to_string(y) + "/" + src_name + ".->." + dst_name); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BelId Arch::getPackagePinBel(const std::string &pin) const { for (int i = 0; i < package_info->num_pins; i++) { if (package_info->pin_data[i].name.get() == pin) { BelId bel; bel.location = package_info->pin_data[i].abs_loc; bel.index = package_info->pin_data[i].bel_index; return bel; } } return BelId(); } std::string Arch::getBelPackagePin(BelId bel) const { for (int i = 0; i < package_info->num_pins; i++) { if (Location(package_info->pin_data[i].abs_loc) == bel.location && package_info->pin_data[i].bel_index == bel.index) { return package_info->pin_data[i].name.get(); } } return ""; } int Arch::getPioBelBank(BelId bel) const { for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->num_pios; i++) { if (Location(chip_info->pio_info[i].abs_loc) == bel.location && chip_info->pio_info[i].bel_index == bel.index) { return chip_info->pio_info[i].bank; } } NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("failed to find PIO"); } std::string Arch::getPioFunctionName(BelId bel) const { for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->num_pios; i++) { if (Location(chip_info->pio_info[i].abs_loc) == bel.location && chip_info->pio_info[i].bel_index == bel.index) { const char *func = chip_info->pio_info[i].function_name.get(); if (func == nullptr) return ""; else return func; } } NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("failed to find PIO"); } BelId Arch::getPioByFunctionName(const std::string &name) const { for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->num_pios; i++) { const char *func = chip_info->pio_info[i].function_name.get(); if (func != nullptr && func == name) { BelId bel; bel.location = chip_info->pio_info[i].abs_loc; bel.index = chip_info->pio_info[i].bel_index; return bel; } } return BelId(); } std::vector Arch::getBelPins(BelId bel) const { std::vector ret; NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId()); int num_bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].num_bel_wires; const BelWirePOD *bel_wires = locInfo(bel)->bel_data[bel.index].bel_wires.get(); for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) ret.push_back(bel_wires[i].port); return ret; } BelId Arch::getBelByLocation(Loc loc) const { if (loc.x >= chip_info->width || loc.y >= chip_info->height) return BelId(); const LocationTypePOD &locI = chip_info->locations[chip_info->location_type[loc.y * chip_info->width + loc.x]]; for (int i = 0; i < locI.num_bels; i++) { if (locI.bel_data[i].z == loc.z) { BelId bi; bi.location.x = loc.x; bi.location.y = loc.y; bi.index = i; return bi; } } return BelId(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- delay_t Arch::estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const { return 200 * (abs(src.location.x - dst.location.x) + abs(src.location.y - dst.location.y)); } delay_t Arch::predictDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const { return 200 * (abs(src.location.x - dst.location.x) + abs(src.location.y - dst.location.y)); } delay_t Arch::getBudgetOverride(NetInfo *net_info, int user_idx, delay_t budget) const { return budget; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::place() { return placer1(getCtx()); } bool Arch::route() { return router1(getCtx()); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector Arch::getDecalGraphics(DecalId decalId) const { std::vector ret; // FIXME return ret; } DecalXY Arch::getFrameDecal() const { return {}; } DecalXY Arch::getBelDecal(BelId bel) const { return {}; } DecalXY Arch::getWireDecal(WireId wire) const { return {}; } DecalXY Arch::getPipDecal(PipId pip) const { return {}; }; DecalXY Arch::getGroupDecal(GroupId pip) const { return {}; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayInfo &delay) const { return false; } IdString Arch::getPortClock(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const { return IdString(); } bool Arch::isClockPort(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const { return false; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END