/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include "log.h" #include "router1.h" #include "timing.h" namespace { USING_NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE struct arc_key { NetInfo *net_info; int user_idx; bool operator==(const arc_key &other) const { return (net_info == other.net_info) && (user_idx == other.user_idx); } struct Hash { std::size_t operator()(const arc_key &arg) const noexcept { std::size_t seed = std::hash()(arg.net_info); seed ^= std::hash()(arg.user_idx) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2); return seed; } }; }; struct arc_entry { arc_key arc; delay_t pri; struct Greater { bool operator()(const arc_entry &lhs, const arc_entry &rhs) const noexcept { return lhs.pri > rhs.pri; } }; }; struct QueuedWire { WireId wire; PipId pip; delay_t delay = 0, penalty = 0, bonus = 0, togo = 0; int randtag = 0; struct Greater { bool operator()(const QueuedWire &lhs, const QueuedWire &rhs) const noexcept { delay_t l = lhs.delay + lhs.penalty + lhs.togo; delay_t r = rhs.delay + rhs.penalty + rhs.togo; NPNR_ASSERT(l >= 0); NPNR_ASSERT(r >= 0); l -= lhs.bonus; r -= rhs.bonus; return l == r ? lhs.randtag > rhs.randtag : l > r; } }; }; struct Router1 { Context *ctx; const Router1Cfg &cfg; std::priority_queue, arc_entry::Greater> arc_queue; std::unordered_map> wire_to_arc; std::unordered_set queued_arcs; std::unordered_map visited; std::priority_queue, QueuedWire::Greater> queue; std::unordered_map wireScores; std::unordered_map pipScores; int arcs_with_ripup = 0; int arcs_without_ripup = 0; bool ripup_flag; Router1(Context *ctx, const Router1Cfg &cfg) : ctx(ctx), cfg(cfg) { } void arc_queue_insert(const arc_key &arc, WireId src_wire, WireId dst_wire) { if (queued_arcs.count(arc)) return; delay_t pri = ctx->estimateDelay(src_wire, dst_wire) - arc.net_info->users[arc.user_idx].budget; arc_entry entry; entry.arc = arc; entry.pri = pri; arc_queue.push(entry); queued_arcs.insert(arc); } void arc_queue_insert(const arc_key &arc) { NetInfo *net_info = arc.net_info; int user_idx = arc.user_idx; auto src_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire(net_info); auto dst_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire(net_info, net_info->users[user_idx]); arc_queue_insert(arc, src_wire, dst_wire); } void ripup_net(NetInfo *net) { if (ctx->debug) log(" ripup net %s\n", net->name.c_str(ctx)); auto net_wires_copy = net->wires; for (auto &it : net_wires_copy) { if (it.second.pip == PipId()) ripup_wire(it.first); else ripup_pip(it.second.pip); } ripup_flag = true; } void ripup_wire(WireId wire) { if (ctx->debug) log(" ripup wire %s\n", ctx->getWireName(wire).c_str(ctx)); wireScores[wire]++; if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(wire)) { for (auto &it : wire_to_arc[wire]) arc_queue_insert(it); wire_to_arc[wire].clear(); ctx->unbindWire(wire); } NetInfo *net = ctx->getConflictingWireNet(wire); if (net != nullptr) { wireScores[wire] += net->wires.size(); ripup_net(net); } ripup_flag = true; } void ripup_pip(PipId pip) { if (ctx->debug) log(" ripup pip %s\n", ctx->getPipName(pip).c_str(ctx)); WireId wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); wireScores[wire]++; pipScores[pip]++; if (ctx->getBoundPipNet(pip)) { for (auto &it : wire_to_arc[wire]) arc_queue_insert(it); wire_to_arc[wire].clear(); ctx->unbindPip(pip); } NetInfo *net = ctx->getConflictingPipNet(pip); if (net != nullptr) { wireScores[wire] += net->wires.size(); pipScores[pip] += net->wires.size(); ripup_net(net); } ripup_flag = true; } void setup() { for (auto &net_it : ctx->nets) { NetInfo *net_info = net_it.second.get(); #ifdef ARCH_ECP5 // ECP5 global nets currently appear part-unrouted due to arch database limitations // Don't touch them in the router if (net_info->is_global) return; #endif if (net_info->driver.cell == nullptr) return; auto src_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire(net_info); if (src_wire == WireId()) log_error("No wire found for port %s on source cell %s.\n", net_info->driver.port.c_str(ctx), net_info->driver.cell->name.c_str(ctx)); for (int user_idx = 0; user_idx < int(net_info->users.size()); user_idx++) { auto dst_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire(net_info, net_info->users[user_idx]); if (dst_wire == WireId()) log_error("No wire found for port %s on destination cell %s.\n", net_info->users[user_idx].port.c_str(ctx), net_info->users[user_idx].cell->name.c_str(ctx)); arc_key arc; arc.net_info = net_info; arc.user_idx = user_idx; WireId cursor = dst_wire; wire_to_arc[cursor].insert(arc); while (src_wire != cursor) { auto it = net_info->wires.find(cursor); if (it == net_info->wires.end()) { arc_queue_insert(arc, src_wire, dst_wire); break; } NPNR_ASSERT(it->second.pip != PipId()); cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(it->second.pip); wire_to_arc[cursor].insert(arc); } } std::vector unbind_wires; for (auto &it : net_info->wires) if (it.second.strength < STRENGTH_LOCKED && wire_to_arc.count(it.first) == 0) unbind_wires.push_back(it.first); for (auto it : unbind_wires) ctx->unbindWire(it); } } arc_key arc_queue_pop() { arc_entry entry = arc_queue.top(); arc_queue.pop(); queued_arcs.erase(entry.arc); return entry.arc; } bool route_arc(const arc_key &arc, bool ripup) { NetInfo *net_info = arc.net_info; int user_idx = arc.user_idx; auto src_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire(net_info); auto dst_wire = ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire(net_info, net_info->users[user_idx]); ripup_flag = false; if (ctx->debug) { log("Routing arc %d on net %s (%d arcs total):\n", user_idx, net_info->name.c_str(ctx), int(net_info->users.size())); log(" source ... %s\n", ctx->getWireName(src_wire).c_str(ctx)); log(" sink ..... %s\n", ctx->getWireName(dst_wire).c_str(ctx)); } // unbind wires that are currently used exclusively by this arc std::vector unbind_wires; for (auto &wire_it : net_info->wires) { auto wire = wire_it.first; auto wire_to_arc_it = wire_to_arc.find(wire); NPNR_ASSERT(wire_to_arc_it != wire_to_arc.end()); wire_to_arc_it->second.erase(arc); if (wire_to_arc_it->second.empty()) unbind_wires.push_back(wire); } for (auto it : unbind_wires) ctx->unbindWire(it); // reset wire queue if (!queue.empty()) { std::priority_queue, QueuedWire::Greater> new_queue; queue.swap(new_queue); } visited.clear(); int visitCnt = 0; int maxVisitCnt = INT_MAX; delay_t best_est = 0; delay_t best_score = -1; { QueuedWire qw; qw.wire = src_wire; qw.pip = PipId(); qw.delay = ctx->getWireDelay(qw.wire).maxDelay(); qw.penalty = 0; qw.bonus = 0; if (cfg.useEstimate) { qw.togo = ctx->estimateDelay(qw.wire, dst_wire); best_est = qw.delay + qw.togo; } qw.randtag = ctx->rng(); queue.push(qw); visited[qw.wire] = qw; } while (visitCnt++ < maxVisitCnt && !queue.empty()) { QueuedWire qw = queue.top(); queue.pop(); for (auto pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(qw.wire)) { delay_t next_delay = qw.delay + ctx->getPipDelay(pip).maxDelay(); delay_t next_penalty = qw.penalty; delay_t next_bonus = qw.bonus; WireId next_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); next_delay += ctx->getWireDelay(next_wire).maxDelay(); if (!ctx->checkWireAvail(next_wire)) { NetInfo *ripupWireNet = ctx->getConflictingWireNet(next_wire); if (ripupWireNet == nullptr) continue; if (ripupWireNet == net_info) { next_bonus += cfg.wireReuseBonus; } else { if (!ripup) continue; auto scores_it = wireScores.find(next_wire); if (scores_it != wireScores.end()) next_penalty += scores_it->second * cfg.wireRipupPenalty; else next_penalty += cfg.wireRipupPenalty; } } if (!ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) { NetInfo *ripupPipNet = ctx->getConflictingPipNet(pip); if (ripupPipNet == nullptr) continue; if (ripupPipNet == net_info) { next_bonus += cfg.pipReuseBonus; } else { if (!ripup) continue; auto scores_it = pipScores.find(pip); if (scores_it != pipScores.end()) next_penalty += scores_it->second * cfg.pipRipupPenalty; else next_penalty += cfg.pipRipupPenalty; } } delay_t next_score = next_delay + next_penalty; NPNR_ASSERT(next_score >= 0); if ((best_score >= 0) && (next_score - next_bonus - cfg.estimatePrecision > best_score)) continue; auto old_visited_it = visited.find(next_wire); if (old_visited_it != visited.end()) { delay_t old_delay = old_visited_it->second.delay; delay_t old_score = old_delay + old_visited_it->second.penalty; NPNR_ASSERT(old_score >= 0); if (next_score + ctx->getDelayEpsilon() >= old_score) continue; if (next_delay + ctx->getDelayEpsilon() >= old_delay) continue; #if 0 if (ctx->debug) log("Found better route to %s. Old vs new delay estimate: %.3f (%.3f) %.3f (%.3f)\n", ctx->getWireName(next_wire).c_str(ctx), ctx->getDelayNS(old_score), ctx->getDelayNS(old_visited_it->second.delay), ctx->getDelayNS(next_score), ctx->getDelayNS(next_delay)); #endif } QueuedWire next_qw; next_qw.wire = next_wire; next_qw.pip = pip; next_qw.delay = next_delay; next_qw.penalty = next_penalty; next_qw.bonus = next_bonus; if (cfg.useEstimate) { next_qw.togo = ctx->estimateDelay(next_wire, dst_wire); delay_t this_est = next_qw.delay + next_qw.togo; if (this_est/2 - cfg.estimatePrecision > best_est) continue; if (best_est > this_est) best_est = this_est; } next_qw.randtag = ctx->rng(); #if 0 if (ctx->debug) log("%s -> %s: %.3f (%.3f)\n", ctx->getWireName(qw.wire).c_str(ctx), ctx->getWireName(next_wire).c_str(ctx), ctx->getDelayNS(next_score), ctx->getDelayNS(next_delay)); #endif visited[next_qw.wire] = next_qw; queue.push(next_qw); if (next_wire == dst_wire) { if (maxVisitCnt == INT_MAX) maxVisitCnt = 2*visitCnt; best_score = next_score - next_bonus; } } } if (ctx->debug) log(" total number of visited nodes: %d\n", visitCnt); if (visited.count(dst_wire) == 0) { if (ctx->debug) log(" no route found for this arc\n"); return false; } WireId cursor = dst_wire; while (1) { if (ctx->debug) log(" node %s\n", ctx->getWireName(cursor).c_str(ctx)); if (!ctx->checkWireAvail(cursor)) { NetInfo *ripupWireNet = ctx->getConflictingWireNet(cursor); NPNR_ASSERT(ripupWireNet != nullptr); if (ripupWireNet != net_info) ripup_wire(cursor); } auto pip = visited[cursor].pip; if (pip == PipId()) { NPNR_ASSERT(cursor == src_wire); } else { if (!ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) { NetInfo *ripupPipNet = ctx->getConflictingPipNet(pip); NPNR_ASSERT(ripupPipNet != nullptr); if (ripupPipNet != net_info) ripup_pip(pip); } } if (ctx->checkWireAvail(cursor)) { if (pip == PipId()) ctx->bindWire(cursor, net_info, STRENGTH_WEAK); else if (ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) ctx->bindPip(pip, net_info, STRENGTH_WEAK); } wire_to_arc[cursor].insert(arc); if (pip == PipId()) break; cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); } if (ripup_flag) arcs_with_ripup++; else arcs_without_ripup++; return true; } }; } // namespace NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN Router1Cfg::Router1Cfg(Context *ctx) : Settings(ctx) { maxIterCnt = get("router1/maxIterCnt", 200); cleanupReroute = get("router1/cleanupReroute", true); fullCleanupReroute = get("router1/fullCleanupReroute", true); useEstimate = get("router1/useEstimate", true); wireRipupPenalty = ctx->getRipupDelayPenalty(); pipRipupPenalty = ctx->getRipupDelayPenalty(); wireReuseBonus = wireRipupPenalty/8; pipReuseBonus = pipRipupPenalty/8; estimatePrecision = 100 * ctx->getRipupDelayPenalty(); } bool router1(Context *ctx, const Router1Cfg &cfg) { try { log_break(); log_info("Routing..\n"); ctx->lock(); log_info("Setting up routing queue.\n"); Router1 router(ctx, cfg); router.setup(); log_info("Added %d arcs to routing queue.\n", int(router.arc_queue.size())); int iter_cnt = 0; int last_arcs_with_ripup = 0; int last_arcs_without_ripup = 0; while (!router.arc_queue.empty()) { if (++iter_cnt % 1000 == 0) { log_info("At iteration %d:\n", iter_cnt); log_info(" routed %d (%d) arcs with rip-up.\n", router.arcs_with_ripup, router.arcs_with_ripup - last_arcs_with_ripup); log_info(" routed %d (%d) arcs without rip-up.\n", router.arcs_without_ripup, router.arcs_without_ripup - last_arcs_without_ripup); log_info(" %d arcs remaining in routing queue.\n", int(router.arc_queue.size())); last_arcs_with_ripup = router.arcs_with_ripup; last_arcs_without_ripup = router.arcs_without_ripup; } arc_key arc = router.arc_queue_pop(); if (!router.route_arc(arc, true)) { log_warning("Failed to find a route for arc %d of net %s.\n", arc.user_idx, arc.net_info->name.c_str(ctx)); #ifndef NDEBUG ctx->check(); #endif ctx->unlock(); return false; } } log_info("At iteration %d:\n", iter_cnt); log_info(" routed %d (%d) arcs with rip-up.\n", router.arcs_with_ripup, router.arcs_with_ripup - last_arcs_with_ripup); log_info(" routed %d (%d) arcs without rip-up.\n", router.arcs_without_ripup, router.arcs_without_ripup - last_arcs_without_ripup); log_info(" %d arcs remaining in routing queue.\n", int(router.arc_queue.size())); log_info("Routing finished after %d iterations.\n", iter_cnt); log_info("Checksum: 0x%08x\n", ctx->checksum()); #ifndef NDEBUG ctx->check(); #endif timing_analysis(ctx, true /* slack_histogram */, true /* print_path */); ctx->unlock(); return true; } catch (log_execution_error_exception) { #ifndef NDEBUG ctx->check(); #endif ctx->unlock(); return false; } } bool Context::getActualRouteDelay(WireId src_wire, WireId dst_wire, delay_t *delay, std::unordered_map *route, bool useEstimate) { // FIXME return false; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END