/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "place_common.h" #include #include "log.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Get the total estimated wirelength for a net wirelen_t get_net_wirelength(const Context *ctx, const NetInfo *net, float &tns) { wirelen_t wirelength = 0; int driver_x, driver_y; bool driver_gb; CellInfo *driver_cell = net->driver.cell; if (!driver_cell) return 0; if (driver_cell->bel == BelId()) return 0; ctx->estimatePosition(driver_cell->bel, driver_x, driver_y, driver_gb); WireId drv_wire = ctx->getWireBelPin(driver_cell->bel, ctx->portPinFromId(net->driver.port)); if (driver_gb) return 0; float worst_slack = 1000; int xmin = driver_x, xmax = driver_x, ymin = driver_y, ymax = driver_y; for (auto load : net->users) { if (load.cell == nullptr) continue; CellInfo *load_cell = load.cell; if (load_cell->bel == BelId()) continue; if (ctx->timing_driven) { WireId user_wire = ctx->getWireBelPin(load_cell->bel, ctx->portPinFromId(load.port)); delay_t raw_wl = ctx->estimateDelay(drv_wire, user_wire); float slack = ctx->getDelayNS(load.budget) - ctx->getDelayNS(raw_wl); if (slack < 0) tns += slack; worst_slack = std::min(slack, worst_slack); } int load_x, load_y; bool load_gb; ctx->estimatePosition(load_cell->bel, load_x, load_y, load_gb); if (load_gb) continue; xmin = std::min(xmin, load_x); ymin = std::min(ymin, load_y); xmax = std::max(xmax, load_x); ymax = std::max(ymax, load_y); } if (ctx->timing_driven) { wirelength = wirelen_t((((ymax - ymin) + (xmax - xmin)) * std::min(5.0, (1.0 + std::exp(-worst_slack / 5))))); } else { wirelength = wirelen_t((ymax - ymin) + (xmax - xmin)); } return wirelength; } // Get the total wirelength for a cell wirelen_t get_cell_wirelength(const Context *ctx, const CellInfo *cell) { std::set nets; for (auto p : cell->ports) { if (p.second.net) nets.insert(p.second.net->name); } wirelen_t wirelength = 0; float tns = 0; for (auto n : nets) { wirelength += get_net_wirelength(ctx, ctx->nets.at(n).get(), tns); } return wirelength; } wirelen_t get_cell_wirelength_at_bel(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, BelId bel) { BelId oldBel = cell->bel; cell->bel = bel; wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_wirelength(ctx, cell); cell->bel = oldBel; return wirelen; } // Placing a single cell bool place_single_cell(Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, bool require_legality) { bool all_placed = false; int iters = 25; while (!all_placed) { BelId best_bel = BelId(); wirelen_t best_wirelen = std::numeric_limits::max(), best_ripup_wirelen = std::numeric_limits::max(); CellInfo *ripup_target = nullptr; BelId ripup_bel = BelId(); if (cell->bel != BelId()) { ctx->unbindBel(cell->bel); } BelType targetType = ctx->belTypeFromId(cell->type); for (auto bel : ctx->getBels()) { if (ctx->getBelType(bel) == targetType && (!require_legality || ctx->isValidBelForCell(cell, bel))) { if (ctx->checkBelAvail(bel)) { wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_wirelength_at_bel(ctx, cell, bel); if (iters >= 4) wirelen += ctx->rng(25); if (wirelen <= best_wirelen) { best_wirelen = wirelen; best_bel = bel; } } else { wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_wirelength_at_bel(ctx, cell, bel); if (iters >= 4) wirelen += ctx->rng(25); if (wirelen <= best_ripup_wirelen) { ripup_target = ctx->cells.at(ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel)).get(); if (ripup_target->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG) { best_ripup_wirelen = wirelen; ripup_bel = bel; } } } } } if (best_bel == BelId()) { if (iters == 0) { log_error("failed to place cell '%s' of type '%s' (ripup iteration limit exceeded)\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), cell->type.c_str(ctx)); } if (ripup_bel == BelId()) { log_error("failed to place cell '%s' of type '%s'\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), cell->type.c_str(ctx)); } --iters; ctx->unbindBel(ripup_target->bel); best_bel = ripup_bel; } else { all_placed = true; } ctx->bindBel(best_bel, cell->name, STRENGTH_WEAK); cell = ripup_target; } return true; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END