/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "place_common.h" #include #include "log.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Get the total estimated wirelength for a net wirelen_t get_net_metric(const Context *ctx, const NetInfo *net, MetricType type, float &tns) { wirelen_t wirelength = 0; CellInfo *driver_cell = net->driver.cell; if (!driver_cell) return 0; if (driver_cell->bel == BelId()) return 0; bool driver_gb = ctx->getBelGlobalBuf(driver_cell->bel); if (driver_gb) return 0; int clock_count; bool timing_driven = ctx->timing_driven && type == MetricType::COST && ctx->getPortTimingClass(driver_cell, net->driver.port, clock_count) != TMG_IGNORE; delay_t negative_slack = 0; delay_t worst_slack = std::numeric_limits::max(); Loc driver_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(driver_cell->bel); int xmin = driver_loc.x, xmax = driver_loc.x, ymin = driver_loc.y, ymax = driver_loc.y; for (auto load : net->users) { if (load.cell == nullptr) continue; CellInfo *load_cell = load.cell; if (load_cell->bel == BelId()) continue; if (timing_driven) { delay_t net_delay = ctx->predictDelay(net, load); auto slack = load.budget - net_delay; if (slack < 0) negative_slack += slack; worst_slack = std::min(slack, worst_slack); } if (ctx->getBelGlobalBuf(load_cell->bel)) continue; Loc load_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(load_cell->bel); xmin = std::min(xmin, load_loc.x); ymin = std::min(ymin, load_loc.y); xmax = std::max(xmax, load_loc.x); ymax = std::max(ymax, load_loc.y); } if (timing_driven) { wirelength = wirelen_t( (((ymax - ymin) + (xmax - xmin)) * std::min(5.0, (1.0 + std::exp(-ctx->getDelayNS(worst_slack) / 5))))); } else { wirelength = wirelen_t((ymax - ymin) + (xmax - xmin)); } tns += ctx->getDelayNS(negative_slack); return wirelength; } // Get the total wirelength for a cell wirelen_t get_cell_metric(const Context *ctx, const CellInfo *cell, MetricType type) { std::set nets; for (auto p : cell->ports) { if (p.second.net) nets.insert(p.second.net->name); } wirelen_t wirelength = 0; float tns = 0; for (auto n : nets) { wirelength += get_net_metric(ctx, ctx->nets.at(n).get(), type, tns); } return wirelength; } wirelen_t get_cell_metric_at_bel(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, BelId bel, MetricType type) { BelId oldBel = cell->bel; cell->bel = bel; wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_metric(ctx, cell, type); cell->bel = oldBel; return wirelen; } // Placing a single cell bool place_single_cell(Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, bool require_legality) { bool all_placed = false; int iters = 25; while (!all_placed) { BelId best_bel = BelId(); wirelen_t best_wirelen = std::numeric_limits::max(), best_ripup_wirelen = std::numeric_limits::max(); CellInfo *ripup_target = nullptr; BelId ripup_bel = BelId(); if (cell->bel != BelId()) { ctx->unbindBel(cell->bel); } IdString targetType = cell->type; for (auto bel : ctx->getBels()) { if (ctx->getBelType(bel) == targetType && (!require_legality || ctx->isValidBelForCell(cell, bel))) { if (ctx->checkBelAvail(bel)) { wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_metric_at_bel(ctx, cell, bel, MetricType::COST); if (iters >= 4) wirelen += ctx->rng(25); if (wirelen <= best_wirelen) { best_wirelen = wirelen; best_bel = bel; } } else { wirelen_t wirelen = get_cell_metric_at_bel(ctx, cell, bel, MetricType::COST); if (iters >= 4) wirelen += ctx->rng(25); if (wirelen <= best_ripup_wirelen) { CellInfo *curr_cell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel); if (curr_cell->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG) { best_ripup_wirelen = wirelen; ripup_bel = bel; ripup_target = curr_cell; } } } } } if (best_bel == BelId()) { if (iters == 0) { log_error("failed to place cell '%s' of type '%s' (ripup iteration limit exceeded)\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), cell->type.c_str(ctx)); } if (ripup_bel == BelId()) { log_error("failed to place cell '%s' of type '%s'\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), cell->type.c_str(ctx)); } --iters; ctx->unbindBel(ripup_target->bel); best_bel = ripup_bel; } else { all_placed = true; } if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" placed single cell '%s' at '%s'\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(best_bel).c_str(ctx)); ctx->bindBel(best_bel, cell, STRENGTH_WEAK); cell = ripup_target; } return true; } class ConstraintLegaliseWorker { private: Context *ctx; std::set rippedCells; std::unordered_map oldLocations; class IncreasingDiameterSearch { public: IncreasingDiameterSearch() : start(0), min(0), max(-1){}; IncreasingDiameterSearch(int x) : start(x), min(x), max(x){}; IncreasingDiameterSearch(int start, int min, int max) : start(start), min(min), max(max){}; bool done() const { return (diameter > (max - min)); }; int get() const { int val = start + sign * diameter; val = std::max(val, min); val = std::min(val, max); return val; } void next() { if (sign == 0) { sign = 1; diameter = 1; } else if (sign == -1) { sign = 1; if ((start + sign * diameter) > max) sign = -1; ++diameter; } else { sign = -1; if ((start + sign * diameter) < min) { sign = 1; ++diameter; } } } void reset() { sign = 0; diameter = 0; } private: int start, min, max; int diameter = 0; int sign = 0; }; typedef std::unordered_map CellLocations; // Check if a location would be suitable for a cell and all its constrained children // This also makes a crude attempt to "solve" unconstrained constraints, that is slow and horrible // and will need to be reworked if mixed constrained/unconstrained chains become common bool valid_loc_for(const CellInfo *cell, Loc loc, CellLocations &solution, std::unordered_set &usedLocations) { BelId locBel = ctx->getBelByLocation(loc); if (locBel == BelId()) { return false; } if (ctx->getBelType(locBel) != cell->type) { return false; } if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(locBel)) { CellInfo *confCell = ctx->getConflictingBelCell(locBel); if (confCell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG) { return false; } } // Don't place at tiles where any strongly bound Bels exist, as we might need to rip them up later for (auto tilebel : ctx->getBelsByTile(loc.x, loc.y)) { CellInfo *tcell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(tilebel); if (tcell && tcell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG) return false; } usedLocations.insert(loc); for (auto child : cell->constr_children) { IncreasingDiameterSearch xSearch, ySearch, zSearch; if (child->constr_x == child->UNCONSTR) { xSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.x, 0, ctx->getGridDimX() - 1); } else { xSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.x + child->constr_x); } if (child->constr_y == child->UNCONSTR) { ySearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.y, 0, ctx->getGridDimY() - 1); } else { ySearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.y + child->constr_y); } if (child->constr_z == child->UNCONSTR) { zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.z, 0, ctx->getTileBelDimZ(loc.x, loc.y)); } else { if (child->constr_abs_z) { zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(child->constr_z); } else { zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.z + child->constr_z); } } bool success = false; while (!xSearch.done()) { Loc cloc; cloc.x = xSearch.get(); cloc.y = ySearch.get(); cloc.z = zSearch.get(); zSearch.next(); if (zSearch.done()) { zSearch.reset(); ySearch.next(); if (ySearch.done()) { ySearch.reset(); xSearch.next(); } } if (usedLocations.count(cloc)) continue; if (valid_loc_for(child, cloc, solution, usedLocations)) { success = true; break; } } if (!success) { usedLocations.erase(loc); return false; } } if (solution.count(cell->name)) usedLocations.erase(solution.at(cell->name)); solution[cell->name] = loc; return true; } // Set the strength to locked on all cells in chain void lockdown_chain(CellInfo *root) { root->belStrength = STRENGTH_STRONG; for (auto child : root->constr_children) lockdown_chain(child); } // Legalise placement constraints on a cell bool legalise_cell(CellInfo *cell) { if (cell->constr_parent != nullptr) return true; // Only process chain roots if (constraints_satisfied(cell)) { if (cell->constr_children.size() > 0 || cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR || cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR || cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR) lockdown_chain(cell); } else { IncreasingDiameterSearch xRootSearch, yRootSearch, zRootSearch; Loc currentLoc; if (cell->bel != BelId()) currentLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel); else currentLoc = oldLocations[cell->name]; if (cell->constr_x == cell->UNCONSTR) xRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.x, 0, ctx->getGridDimX() - 1); else xRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_x); if (cell->constr_y == cell->UNCONSTR) yRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.y, 0, ctx->getGridDimY() - 1); else yRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_y); if (cell->constr_z == cell->UNCONSTR) zRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.z, 0, ctx->getTileBelDimZ(currentLoc.x, currentLoc.y)); else zRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_z); while (!xRootSearch.done()) { Loc rootLoc; rootLoc.x = xRootSearch.get(); rootLoc.y = yRootSearch.get(); rootLoc.z = zRootSearch.get(); zRootSearch.next(); if (zRootSearch.done()) { zRootSearch.reset(); yRootSearch.next(); if (yRootSearch.done()) { yRootSearch.reset(); xRootSearch.next(); } } CellLocations solution; std::unordered_set used; if (valid_loc_for(cell, rootLoc, solution, used)) { for (auto cp : solution) { // First unbind all cells if (ctx->cells.at(cp.first)->bel != BelId()) ctx->unbindBel(ctx->cells.at(cp.first)->bel); } for (auto cp : solution) { if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" placing '%s' at (%d, %d, %d)\n", cp.first.c_str(ctx), cp.second.x, cp.second.y, cp.second.z); BelId target = ctx->getBelByLocation(cp.second); if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(target)) { CellInfo *confl_cell = ctx->getConflictingBelCell(target); if (confl_cell != nullptr) { if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" '%s' already placed at '%s'\n", ctx->nameOf(confl_cell), ctx->getBelName(confl_cell->bel).c_str(ctx)); NPNR_ASSERT(confl_cell->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG); ctx->unbindBel(target); rippedCells.insert(confl_cell->name); } } ctx->bindBel(target, ctx->cells.at(cp.first).get(), STRENGTH_STRONG); rippedCells.erase(cp.first); } for (auto cp : solution) { for (auto bel : ctx->getBelsByTile(cp.second.x, cp.second.y)) { CellInfo *belCell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel); if (belCell != nullptr && !solution.count(belCell->name)) { if (!ctx->isValidBelForCell(belCell, bel)) { NPNR_ASSERT(belCell->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG); ctx->unbindBel(bel); rippedCells.insert(belCell->name); } } } } NPNR_ASSERT(constraints_satisfied(cell)); return true; } } return false; } return true; } // Check if constraints are currently satisfied on a cell and its children bool constraints_satisfied(const CellInfo *cell) { return get_constraints_distance(ctx, cell) == 0; } public: ConstraintLegaliseWorker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx){}; void print_chain(CellInfo *cell, int depth = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) log(" "); log("'%s' (", cell->name.c_str(ctx)); if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR) log("%d, ", cell->constr_x); else log("*, "); if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR) log("%d, ", cell->constr_y); else log("*, "); if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR) log("%d", cell->constr_z); else log("*"); log(")\n"); for (auto child : cell->constr_children) print_chain(child, depth + 1); } unsigned print_stats(const char *point) { float distance_sum = 0; float max_distance = 0; unsigned moved_cells = 0; unsigned unplaced_cells = 0; for (auto orig : oldLocations) { if (ctx->cells.at(orig.first)->bel == BelId()) { unplaced_cells++; continue; } Loc newLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(ctx->cells.at(orig.first)->bel); if (newLoc != orig.second) { float distance = std::sqrt(std::pow(newLoc.x - orig.second.x, 2) + pow(newLoc.y - orig.second.y, 2)); moved_cells++; distance_sum += distance; if (distance > max_distance) max_distance = distance; } } log_info(" moved %d cells, %d unplaced (after %s)\n", moved_cells, unplaced_cells, point); if (moved_cells > 0) { log_info(" average distance %f\n", (distance_sum / moved_cells)); log_info(" maximum distance %f\n", max_distance); } return moved_cells + unplaced_cells; } int legalise_constraints() { log_info("Legalising relative constraints...\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { oldLocations[cell.first] = ctx->getBelLocation(cell.second->bel); } for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { bool res = legalise_cell(cell.second); if (!res) { if (ctx->verbose) print_chain(cell.second); log_error("failed to place chain starting at cell '%s'\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx)); return -1; } } if (print_stats("legalising chains") == 0) return 0; for (auto rippedCell : rippedCells) { bool res = place_single_cell(ctx, ctx->cells.at(rippedCell).get(), true); if (!res) { log_error("failed to place cell '%s' after relative constraint legalisation\n", rippedCell.c_str(ctx)); return -1; } } auto score = print_stats("replacing ripped up cells"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) if (get_constraints_distance(ctx, cell.second) != 0) log_error("constraint satisfaction check failed for cell '%s' at Bel '%s'\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(cell.second->bel).c_str(ctx)); return score; } }; bool legalise_relative_constraints(Context *ctx) { return ConstraintLegaliseWorker(ctx).legalise_constraints() > 0; } // Get the total distance from satisfied constraints for a cell int get_constraints_distance(const Context *ctx, const CellInfo *cell) { int dist = 0; if (cell->bel == BelId()) return 100000; Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel); if (cell->constr_parent == nullptr) { if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_x - loc.x); if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_y - loc.y); if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - loc.z); } else { if (cell->constr_parent->bel == BelId()) return 100000; Loc parent_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->constr_parent->bel); if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_x - (loc.x - parent_loc.x)); if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_y - (loc.y - parent_loc.y)); if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR) { if (cell->constr_abs_z) dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - loc.z); else dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - (loc.z - parent_loc.z)); } } for (auto child : cell->constr_children) dist += get_constraints_distance(ctx, child); return dist; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END