/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021-22 gatecat <gatecat@ds0.me> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "detail_place_core.h" #include "nextpnr.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN DetailPlaceCfg::DetailPlaceCfg(Context *ctx) { timing_driven = ctx->setting<bool>("timing_driven"); hpwl_scale_x = 1; hpwl_scale_y = 1; } PlacePartition::PlacePartition(Context *ctx) { x0 = ctx->getGridDimX(); y0 = ctx->getGridDimY(); x1 = 0; y1 = 0; for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) { if (cell.second->isPseudo()) continue; Loc l = ctx->getBelLocation(cell.second->bel); x0 = std::min(x0, l.x); x1 = std::max(x1, l.x); y0 = std::min(y0, l.y); y1 = std::max(y1, l.y); cells.push_back(cell.second.get()); } } void PlacePartition::split(Context *ctx, bool yaxis, float pivot, PlacePartition &l, PlacePartition &r) { std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), [&](CellInfo *a, CellInfo *b) { Loc l0 = ctx->getBelLocation(a->bel), l1 = ctx->getBelLocation(b->bel); return yaxis ? (l0.y < l1.y) : (l0.x < l1.x); }); size_t pivot_point = size_t(cells.size() * pivot); l.cells.clear(); r.cells.clear(); l.cells.reserve(pivot_point); r.cells.reserve(cells.size() - pivot_point); int pivot_coord = (pivot_point == 0) ? (yaxis ? y1 : x1) : (yaxis ? ctx->getBelLocation(cells.at(pivot_point - 1)->bel).y : ctx->getBelLocation(cells.at(pivot_point - 1)->bel).x); for (size_t i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) { Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cells.at(i)->bel); ((yaxis ? loc.y : loc.x) <= pivot_coord ? l.cells : r.cells).push_back(cells.at(i)); } if (yaxis) { l.x0 = r.x0 = x0; l.x1 = r.x1 = x1; l.y0 = y0; l.y1 = pivot_coord; r.y0 = (pivot_coord == y1) ? y1 : (pivot_coord + 1); r.y1 = y1; } else { l.y0 = r.y0 = y0; l.y1 = r.y1 = y1; l.x0 = x0; l.x1 = pivot_coord; r.x0 = (pivot_coord == x1) ? x1 : (pivot_coord + 1); r.x1 = x1; } } void DetailPlacerState::update_global_costs() { last_bounds.resize(flat_nets.size()); last_tmg_costs.resize(flat_nets.size()); total_wirelen = 0; total_timing_cost = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < flat_nets.size(); i++) { NetInfo *ni = flat_nets.at(i); if (skip_net(ni)) continue; last_bounds.at(i) = NetBB::compute(ctx, ni); total_wirelen += last_bounds.at(i).hpwl(base_cfg); if (!timing_skip_net(ni)) { auto &tc = last_tmg_costs.at(i); tc.resize(ni->users.capacity()); for (auto usr : ni->users.enumerate()) { tc.at(usr.index.idx()) = get_timing_cost(ni, usr.index); total_timing_cost += tc.at(usr.index.idx()); } } } } NetBB NetBB::compute(const Context *ctx, const NetInfo *net, const dict<IdString, BelId> *cell2bel) { NetBB result{}; if (!net->driver.cell) return result; auto bel_loc = [&](const CellInfo *cell) { if (cell->isPseudo()) return cell->getLocation(); BelId bel = cell2bel ? cell2bel->at(cell->name) : cell->bel; return ctx->getBelLocation(bel); }; result.nx0 = result.nx1 = result.ny0 = result.ny1 = 1; Loc drv_loc = bel_loc(net->driver.cell); result.x0 = result.x1 = drv_loc.x; result.y0 = result.y1 = drv_loc.y; for (auto &usr : net->users) { Loc l = bel_loc(usr.cell); if (l.x == result.x0) ++result.nx0; // on the edge else if (l.x < result.x0) { result.x0 = l.x; // extends the edge result.nx0 = 1; } if (l.x == result.x1) ++result.nx1; // on the edge else if (l.x > result.x1) { result.x1 = l.x; // extends the edge result.nx1 = 1; } if (l.y == result.y0) ++result.ny0; // on the edge else if (l.y < result.y0) { result.y0 = l.y; // extends the edge result.ny0 = 1; } if (l.y == result.y1) ++result.ny1; // on the edge else if (l.y > result.y1) { result.y1 = l.y; // extends the edge result.ny1 = 1; } } return result; } void DetailPlacerThreadState::set_partition(const PlacePartition &part) { p = part; thread_nets.clear(); thread_net_idx.resize(g.flat_nets.size()); std::fill(thread_net_idx.begin(), thread_net_idx.end(), -1); // Determine the set of nets that are within the thread; and therefore we care about for (auto thread_cell : part.cells) { for (auto &port : thread_cell->ports) { if (!port.second.net) continue; int global_idx = port.second.net->udata; auto &thread_idx = thread_net_idx.at(global_idx); // Already added to the set if (thread_idx != -1) continue; thread_idx = thread_nets.size(); thread_nets.push_back(port.second.net); } } tmg_ignored_nets.clear(); ignored_nets.clear(); for (auto tn : thread_nets) { ignored_nets.push_back(g.skip_net(tn)); tmg_ignored_nets.push_back(g.timing_skip_net(tn)); } // Set up the original cell-bel map for all nets inside the thread local_cell2bel.clear(); for (NetInfo *net : thread_nets) { if (net->driver.cell && !net->driver.cell->isPseudo()) local_cell2bel[net->driver.cell->name] = net->driver.cell->bel; for (auto &usr : net->users) { if (!usr.cell->isPseudo()) local_cell2bel[usr.cell->name] = usr.cell->bel; } } } void DetailPlacerThreadState::setup_initial_state() { // Setup initial net bounding boxes and timing costs net_bounds.clear(); arc_tmg_cost.clear(); for (auto tn : thread_nets) { net_bounds.push_back(g.last_bounds.at(tn->udata)); arc_tmg_cost.push_back(g.last_tmg_costs.at(tn->udata)); } new_net_bounds = net_bounds; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { auto &a = axes.at(j); a.already_bounds_changed.resize(net_bounds.size()); } already_timing_changed.clear(); already_timing_changed.resize(net_bounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < thread_nets.size(); i++) already_timing_changed.at(i) = std::vector<bool>(thread_nets.at(i)->users.capacity()); } bool DetailPlacerThreadState::bounds_check(BelId bel) { Loc l = ctx->getBelLocation(bel); if (l.x < p.x0 || l.x > p.x1 || l.y < p.y0 || l.y > p.y1) return false; return true; } bool DetailPlacerThreadState::bind_move() { #if !defined(__wasm) std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> l(g.archapi_mutex); #endif for (auto &entry : moved_cells) { ctx->unbindBel(entry.second.first); } bool success = true; for (auto &entry : moved_cells) { // Make sure targets are available before we bind them if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(entry.second.second)) { success = false; break; } ctx->bindBel(entry.second.second, ctx->cells.at(entry.first).get(), STRENGTH_WEAK); } arch_state_dirty = true; return success; } bool DetailPlacerThreadState::check_validity() { #if !defined(__wasm) std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> l(g.archapi_mutex); #endif bool result = true; for (auto e : moved_cells) { if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(e.second.first)) { // Have to check old; too; as unbinding a bel could make a placement illegal by virtue of no longer // enabling dedicated routes to be used result = false; break; } if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(e.second.second)) { result = false; break; } } return result; } void DetailPlacerThreadState::revert_move() { if (arch_state_dirty) { // If changes to the arch state were made, revert them by restoring original cell bindings #if !defined(__wasm) std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> l(g.archapi_mutex); #endif for (auto &entry : moved_cells) { BelId curr_bound = ctx->cells.at(entry.first)->bel; if (curr_bound != BelId()) ctx->unbindBel(curr_bound); } for (auto &entry : moved_cells) { ctx->bindBel(entry.second.first, ctx->cells.at(entry.first).get(), STRENGTH_WEAK); } arch_state_dirty = false; } for (auto &entry : moved_cells) local_cell2bel[entry.first] = entry.second.first; } void DetailPlacerThreadState::commit_move() { arch_state_dirty = false; for (auto &axis : axes) { for (auto bc : axis.bounds_changed_nets) { // Commit updated net bounds net_bounds.at(bc) = new_net_bounds.at(bc); } } if (g.base_cfg.timing_driven) { NPNR_ASSERT(timing_changed_arcs.size() == new_timing_costs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < timing_changed_arcs.size(); i++) { auto arc = timing_changed_arcs.at(i); arc_tmg_cost.at(arc.first).at(arc.second.idx()) = new_timing_costs.at(i); } } } void DetailPlacerThreadState::compute_changes_for_cell(CellInfo *cell, BelId old_bel, BelId new_bel) { Loc new_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(new_bel); Loc old_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(old_bel); for (const auto &port : cell->ports) { NetInfo *pn = port.second.net; if (!pn) continue; int idx = thread_net_idx.at(pn->udata); if (ignored_nets.at(idx)) continue; NetBB &new_bounds = new_net_bounds.at(idx); // For the x-axis (i=0) and y-axis (i=1) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto &axis = axes.at(i); // New and old on this axis int new_pos = i ? new_loc.y : new_loc.x, old_pos = i ? old_loc.y : old_loc.x; // References to updated bounding box entries auto &b0 = i ? new_bounds.y0 : new_bounds.x0; auto &n0 = i ? new_bounds.ny0 : new_bounds.nx0; auto &b1 = i ? new_bounds.y1 : new_bounds.x1; auto &n1 = i ? new_bounds.ny1 : new_bounds.nx1; auto &change = axis.already_bounds_changed.at(idx); // Lower bound if (new_pos < b0) { // Further out than current lower bound b0 = new_pos; n0 = 1; if (change == NO_CHANGE) { change = CELL_MOVED_OUTWARDS; axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); } } else if (new_pos == b0 && old_pos > b0) { // Moved from inside into current bound ++n0; if (change == NO_CHANGE) { change = CELL_MOVED_OUTWARDS; axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); } } else if (old_pos == b0 && new_pos > b0) { // Moved from current bound to inside if (change == NO_CHANGE) axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); if (n0 == 1) { // Was the last cell on the bound; have to do a full recompute change = FULL_RECOMPUTE; } else { --n0; if (change == NO_CHANGE) change = CELL_MOVED_INWARDS; } } // Upper bound if (new_pos > b1) { // Further out than current upper bound b1 = new_pos; n1 = 1; if (change == NO_CHANGE) { change = CELL_MOVED_OUTWARDS; axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); } } else if (new_pos == b1 && old_pos < b1) { // Moved onto current bound ++n1; if (change == NO_CHANGE) { change = CELL_MOVED_OUTWARDS; axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); } } else if (old_pos == b1 && new_pos < b1) { // Moved from current bound to inside if (change == NO_CHANGE) axis.bounds_changed_nets.push_back(idx); if (n1 == 1) { // Was the last cell on the bound; have to do a full recompute change = FULL_RECOMPUTE; } else { --n1; if (change == NO_CHANGE) change = CELL_MOVED_INWARDS; } } } // Timing updates if timing driven if (g.base_cfg.timing_driven && !tmg_ignored_nets.at(idx)) { if (port.second.type == PORT_OUT) { int cc; TimingPortClass cls = ctx->getPortTimingClass(cell, port.first, cc); if (cls != TMG_IGNORE) { for (auto usr : pn->users.enumerate()) if (!already_timing_changed.at(idx).at(usr.index.idx())) { timing_changed_arcs.emplace_back(std::make_pair(idx, usr.index)); already_timing_changed.at(idx).at(usr.index.idx()) = true; } } } else { auto usr = port.second.user_idx; if (!already_timing_changed.at(idx).at(usr.idx())) { timing_changed_arcs.emplace_back(std::make_pair(idx, usr)); already_timing_changed.at(idx).at(usr.idx()) = true; } } } } } void DetailPlacerThreadState::compute_total_change() { auto &xa = axes.at(0), &ya = axes.at(1); for (auto &bc : xa.bounds_changed_nets) if (xa.already_bounds_changed.at(bc) == FULL_RECOMPUTE) new_net_bounds.at(bc) = NetBB::compute(ctx, thread_nets.at(bc), &local_cell2bel); for (auto &bc : ya.bounds_changed_nets) if (xa.already_bounds_changed.at(bc) != FULL_RECOMPUTE && ya.already_bounds_changed.at(bc) == FULL_RECOMPUTE) new_net_bounds.at(bc) = NetBB::compute(ctx, thread_nets.at(bc), &local_cell2bel); for (auto &bc : xa.bounds_changed_nets) wirelen_delta += (new_net_bounds.at(bc).hpwl(g.base_cfg) - net_bounds.at(bc).hpwl(g.base_cfg)); for (auto &bc : ya.bounds_changed_nets) if (xa.already_bounds_changed.at(bc) == NO_CHANGE) wirelen_delta += (new_net_bounds.at(bc).hpwl(g.base_cfg) - net_bounds.at(bc).hpwl(g.base_cfg)); if (g.base_cfg.timing_driven) { NPNR_ASSERT(new_timing_costs.empty()); for (auto arc : timing_changed_arcs) { double new_cost = g.get_timing_cost(thread_nets.at(arc.first), arc.second, &local_cell2bel); timing_delta += (new_cost - arc_tmg_cost.at(arc.first).at(arc.second.idx())); new_timing_costs.push_back(new_cost); } } } void DetailPlacerThreadState::reset_move_state() { moved_cells.clear(); cell_rel.clear(); for (auto &axis : axes) { for (auto bc : axis.bounds_changed_nets) { new_net_bounds.at(bc) = net_bounds.at(bc); axis.already_bounds_changed[bc] = NO_CHANGE; } axis.bounds_changed_nets.clear(); } for (auto &arc : timing_changed_arcs) { already_timing_changed.at(arc.first).at(arc.second.idx()) = false; } timing_changed_arcs.clear(); new_timing_costs.clear(); wirelen_delta = 0; timing_delta = 0; } bool DetailPlacerThreadState::add_to_move(CellInfo *cell, BelId old_bel, BelId new_bel) { if (!bounds_check(old_bel) || !bounds_check(new_bel)) return false; if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, new_bel)) return false; NPNR_ASSERT(!moved_cells.count(cell->name)); moved_cells[cell->name] = std::make_pair(old_bel, new_bel); local_cell2bel[cell->name] = new_bel; compute_changes_for_cell(cell, old_bel, new_bel); return true; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END