#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum TokenType : int8_t { TOK_LABEL, TOK_REF, TOK_U8, TOK_U16, TOK_U32 }; struct Stream { std::string name; std::vector tokenTypes; std::vector tokenValues; std::vector tokenComments; }; Stream stringStream; std::vector streams; std::map streamIndex; std::vector streamStack; std::vector labels; std::map labelIndex; std::vector preText, postText; const char *skipWhitespace(const char *p) { if (p == nullptr) return ""; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; return p; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool verbose = false; bool bigEndian = false; bool writeC = false; char buffer[512]; namespace po = boost::program_options; po::positional_options_description pos; po::options_description options("Allowed options"); options.add_options()("v", "verbose output"); options.add_options()("b", "big endian"); options.add_options()("c", "write c strings"); options.add_options()("files", po::value>(), "file parameters"); pos.add("files", -1); po::variables_map vm; try { po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options).positional(pos).run(); po::store(parsed, vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << "\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("v")) verbose = true; if (vm.count("b")) bigEndian = true; if (vm.count("c")) writeC = true; if (vm.count("files") == 0) { printf("File parameters are mandatory\n"); exit(-1); } std::vector files = vm["files"].as>(); if (files.size() != 2) { printf("Input and output parameters must be set\n"); exit(-1); } FILE *fileIn = fopen(files.at(0).c_str(), "rt"); assert(fileIn != nullptr); FILE *fileOut = fopen(files.at(1).c_str(), writeC ? "wt" : "wb"); assert(fileOut != nullptr); while (fgets(buffer, 512, fileIn) != nullptr) { std::string cmd = strtok(buffer, " \t\r\n"); if (cmd == "pre") { const char *p = skipWhitespace(strtok(nullptr, "\r\n")); preText.push_back(p); continue; } if (cmd == "post") { const char *p = skipWhitespace(strtok(nullptr, "\r\n")); postText.push_back(p); continue; } if (cmd == "push") { const char *p = strtok(nullptr, " \t\r\n"); if (streamIndex.count(p) == 0) { streamIndex[p] = streams.size(); streams.resize(streams.size() + 1); streams.back().name = p; } streamStack.push_back(streamIndex.at(p)); continue; } if (cmd == "pop") { streamStack.pop_back(); continue; } if (cmd == "label" || cmd == "ref") { const char *label = strtok(nullptr, " \t\r\n"); const char *comment = skipWhitespace(strtok(nullptr, "\r\n")); Stream &s = streams.at(streamStack.back()); if (labelIndex.count(label) == 0) { labelIndex[label] = labels.size(); labels.push_back(-1); } s.tokenTypes.push_back(cmd == "label" ? TOK_LABEL : TOK_REF); s.tokenValues.push_back(labelIndex.at(label)); if (verbose) s.tokenComments.push_back(comment); continue; } if (cmd == "u8" || cmd == "u16" || cmd == "u32") { const char *value = strtok(nullptr, " \t\r\n"); const char *comment = skipWhitespace(strtok(nullptr, "\r\n")); Stream &s = streams.at(streamStack.back()); s.tokenTypes.push_back(cmd == "u8" ? TOK_U8 : cmd == "u16" ? TOK_U16 : TOK_U32); s.tokenValues.push_back(atoll(value)); if (verbose) s.tokenComments.push_back(comment); continue; } if (cmd == "str") { const char *value = skipWhitespace(strtok(nullptr, "\r\n")); std::string label = std::string("str:") + value; Stream &s = streams.at(streamStack.back()); if (labelIndex.count(label) == 0) { labelIndex[label] = labels.size(); labels.push_back(-1); } s.tokenTypes.push_back(TOK_REF); s.tokenValues.push_back(labelIndex.at(label)); if (verbose) s.tokenComments.push_back(value); stringStream.tokenTypes.push_back(TOK_LABEL); stringStream.tokenValues.push_back(labelIndex.at(label)); while (1) { stringStream.tokenTypes.push_back(TOK_U8); stringStream.tokenValues.push_back(*value); if (*value == 0) break; value++; } continue; } assert(0); } if (verbose) { printf("Constructed %d streams:\n", int(streams.size())); for (auto &s : streams) printf(" stream '%s' with %d tokens\n", s.name.c_str(), int(s.tokenTypes.size())); } assert(!streams.empty()); assert(streamStack.empty()); streams.push_back(Stream()); streams.back().tokenTypes.swap(stringStream.tokenTypes); streams.back().tokenValues.swap(stringStream.tokenValues); int cursor = 0; for (auto &s : streams) { for (int i = 0; i < int(s.tokenTypes.size()); i++) { switch (s.tokenTypes[i]) { case TOK_LABEL: labels[s.tokenValues[i]] = cursor; break; case TOK_REF: cursor += 4; break; case TOK_U8: cursor += 1; break; case TOK_U16: assert(cursor % 2 == 0); cursor += 2; break; case TOK_U32: assert(cursor % 4 == 0); cursor += 4; break; default: assert(0); } } } if (verbose) { printf("resolved positions for %d labels.\n", int(labels.size())); printf("total data (including strings): %.2f MB\n", double(cursor) / (1024 * 1024)); } std::vector data(cursor); cursor = 0; for (auto &s : streams) { for (int i = 0; i < int(s.tokenTypes.size()); i++) { uint32_t value = s.tokenValues[i]; int numBytes = 0; switch (s.tokenTypes[i]) { case TOK_LABEL: break; case TOK_REF: value = labels[value] - cursor; numBytes = 4; break; case TOK_U8: numBytes = 1; break; case TOK_U16: numBytes = 2; break; case TOK_U32: numBytes = 4; break; default: assert(0); } if (bigEndian) { switch (numBytes) { case 4: data[cursor++] = value >> 24; data[cursor++] = value >> 16; /* fall-through */ case 2: data[cursor++] = value >> 8; /* fall-through */ case 1: data[cursor++] = value; /* fall-through */ case 0: break; default: assert(0); } } else { switch (numBytes) { case 4: data[cursor + 3] = value >> 24; data[cursor + 2] = value >> 16; /* fall-through */ case 2: data[cursor + 1] = value >> 8; /* fall-through */ case 1: data[cursor] = value; /* fall-through */ case 0: break; default: assert(0); } cursor += numBytes; } } } assert(cursor == int(data.size())); if (writeC) { for (auto &s : preText) fprintf(fileOut, "%s\n", s.c_str()); fprintf(fileOut, "const char %s[%d] =\n\"", streams[0].name.c_str(), int(data.size()) + 1); cursor = 1; for (auto d : data) { if (cursor > 70) { fputc('\"', fileOut); fputc('\n', fileOut); cursor = 0; } if (cursor == 0) { fputc('\"', fileOut); cursor = 1; } if (d < 32 || d >= 128) { fprintf(fileOut, "\\%03o", int(d)); cursor += 4; } else if (d == '\"' || d == '\'' || d == '\\') { fputc('\\', fileOut); fputc(d, fileOut); cursor += 2; } else { fputc(d, fileOut); cursor++; } } fprintf(fileOut, "\";\n"); for (auto &s : postText) fprintf(fileOut, "%s\n", s.c_str()); } else { fwrite(data.data(), int(data.size()), 1, fileOut); } return 0; }