/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of a Qt Solutions component. ** ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qtbuttonpropertybrowser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #endif class QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate { QtButtonPropertyBrowser *q_ptr; Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QtButtonPropertyBrowser) public: void init(QWidget *parent); void propertyInserted(QtBrowserItem *index, QtBrowserItem *afterIndex); void propertyRemoved(QtBrowserItem *index); void propertyChanged(QtBrowserItem *index); QWidget *createEditor(QtProperty *property, QWidget *parent) const { return q_ptr->createEditor(property, parent); } void slotEditorDestroyed(); void slotUpdate(); void slotToggled(bool checked); struct WidgetItem { WidgetItem() : widget(0), label(0), widgetLabel(0), button(0), container(0), layout(0), /*line(0), */parent(0), expanded(false) { } QWidget *widget; // can be null QLabel *label; // main label with property name QLabel *widgetLabel; // label substitute showing the current value if there is no widget QToolButton *button; // expandable button for items with children QWidget *container; // container which is expanded when the button is clicked QGridLayout *layout; // layout in container WidgetItem *parent; QList children; bool expanded; }; private: void updateLater(); void updateItem(WidgetItem *item); void insertRow(QGridLayout *layout, int row) const; void removeRow(QGridLayout *layout, int row) const; int gridRow(WidgetItem *item) const; int gridSpan(WidgetItem *item) const; void setExpanded(WidgetItem *item, bool expanded); QToolButton *createButton(QWidget *panret = 0) const; QMap m_indexToItem; QMap m_itemToIndex; QMap m_widgetToItem; QMap m_buttonToItem; QGridLayout *m_mainLayout; QList m_children; QList m_recreateQueue; }; QToolButton *QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::createButton(QWidget *parent) const { QToolButton *button = new QToolButton(parent); button->setCheckable(true); button->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); button->setArrowType(Qt::DownArrow); button->setIconSize(QSize(3, 16)); /* QIcon icon; icon.addPixmap(q_ptr->style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_ArrowDown), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); icon.addPixmap(q_ptr->style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_ArrowUp), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); button->setIcon(icon); */ return button; } int QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::gridRow(WidgetItem *item) const { QList siblings; if (item->parent) siblings = item->parent->children; else siblings = m_children; int row = 0; QListIterator it(siblings); while (it.hasNext()) { WidgetItem *sibling = it.next(); if (sibling == item) return row; row += gridSpan(sibling); } return -1; } int QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::gridSpan(WidgetItem *item) const { if (item->container && item->expanded) return 2; return 1; } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::init(QWidget *parent) { m_mainLayout = new QGridLayout(); parent->setLayout(m_mainLayout); QLayoutItem *item = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_mainLayout->addItem(item, 0, 0); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::slotEditorDestroyed() { QWidget *editor = qobject_cast(q_ptr->sender()); if (!editor) return; if (!m_widgetToItem.contains(editor)) return; m_widgetToItem[editor]->widget = 0; m_widgetToItem.remove(editor); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::slotUpdate() { QListIterator itItem(m_recreateQueue); while (itItem.hasNext()) { WidgetItem *item = itItem.next(); WidgetItem *parent = item->parent; QWidget *w = 0; QGridLayout *l = 0; const int oldRow = gridRow(item); if (parent) { w = parent->container; l = parent->layout; } else { w = q_ptr; l = m_mainLayout; } int span = 1; if (!item->widget && !item->widgetLabel) span = 2; item->label = new QLabel(w); item->label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); l->addWidget(item->label, oldRow, 0, 1, span); updateItem(item); } m_recreateQueue.clear(); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::setExpanded(WidgetItem *item, bool expanded) { if (item->expanded == expanded) return; if (!item->container) return; item->expanded = expanded; const int row = gridRow(item); WidgetItem *parent = item->parent; QGridLayout *l = 0; if (parent) l = parent->layout; else l = m_mainLayout; if (expanded) { insertRow(l, row + 1); l->addWidget(item->container, row + 1, 0, 1, 2); item->container->show(); } else { l->removeWidget(item->container); item->container->hide(); removeRow(l, row + 1); } item->button->setChecked(expanded); item->button->setArrowType(expanded ? Qt::UpArrow : Qt::DownArrow); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::slotToggled(bool checked) { WidgetItem *item = m_buttonToItem.value(q_ptr->sender()); if (!item) return; setExpanded(item, checked); if (checked) emit q_ptr->expanded(m_itemToIndex.value(item)); else emit q_ptr->collapsed(m_itemToIndex.value(item)); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::updateLater() { QTimer::singleShot(0, q_ptr, SLOT(slotUpdate())); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::propertyInserted(QtBrowserItem *index, QtBrowserItem *afterIndex) { WidgetItem *afterItem = m_indexToItem.value(afterIndex); WidgetItem *parentItem = m_indexToItem.value(index->parent()); WidgetItem *newItem = new WidgetItem(); newItem->parent = parentItem; QGridLayout *layout = 0; QWidget *parentWidget = 0; int row = -1; if (!afterItem) { row = 0; if (parentItem) parentItem->children.insert(0, newItem); else m_children.insert(0, newItem); } else { row = gridRow(afterItem) + gridSpan(afterItem); if (parentItem) parentItem->children.insert(parentItem->children.indexOf(afterItem) + 1, newItem); else m_children.insert(m_children.indexOf(afterItem) + 1, newItem); } if (!parentItem) { layout = m_mainLayout; parentWidget = q_ptr; } else { if (!parentItem->container) { m_recreateQueue.removeAll(parentItem); WidgetItem *grandParent = parentItem->parent; QWidget *w = 0; QGridLayout *l = 0; const int oldRow = gridRow(parentItem); if (grandParent) { w = grandParent->container; l = grandParent->layout; } else { w = q_ptr; l = m_mainLayout; } QFrame *container = new QFrame(); container->setFrameShape(QFrame::Panel); container->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Raised); parentItem->container = container; parentItem->button = createButton(); m_buttonToItem[parentItem->button] = parentItem; q_ptr->connect(parentItem->button, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q_ptr, SLOT(slotToggled(bool))); parentItem->layout = new QGridLayout(); container->setLayout(parentItem->layout); if (parentItem->label) { l->removeWidget(parentItem->label); delete parentItem->label; parentItem->label = 0; } int span = 1; if (!parentItem->widget && !parentItem->widgetLabel) span = 2; l->addWidget(parentItem->button, oldRow, 0, 1, span); updateItem(parentItem); } layout = parentItem->layout; parentWidget = parentItem->container; } newItem->label = new QLabel(parentWidget); newItem->label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); newItem->widget = createEditor(index->property(), parentWidget); if (newItem->widget) { QObject::connect(newItem->widget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), q_ptr, SLOT(slotEditorDestroyed())); m_widgetToItem[newItem->widget] = newItem; } else if (index->property()->hasValue()) { newItem->widgetLabel = new QLabel(parentWidget); newItem->widgetLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); } insertRow(layout, row); int span = 1; if (newItem->widget) layout->addWidget(newItem->widget, row, 1); else if (newItem->widgetLabel) layout->addWidget(newItem->widgetLabel, row, 1); else span = 2; layout->addWidget(newItem->label, row, 0, span, 1); m_itemToIndex[newItem] = index; m_indexToItem[index] = newItem; updateItem(newItem); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::propertyRemoved(QtBrowserItem *index) { WidgetItem *item = m_indexToItem.value(index); m_indexToItem.remove(index); m_itemToIndex.remove(item); WidgetItem *parentItem = item->parent; const int row = gridRow(item); if (parentItem) parentItem->children.removeAt(parentItem->children.indexOf(item)); else m_children.removeAt(m_children.indexOf(item)); const int colSpan = gridSpan(item); m_buttonToItem.remove(item->button); if (item->widget) delete item->widget; if (item->label) delete item->label; if (item->widgetLabel) delete item->widgetLabel; if (item->button) delete item->button; if (item->container) delete item->container; if (!parentItem) { removeRow(m_mainLayout, row); if (colSpan > 1) removeRow(m_mainLayout, row); } else if (parentItem->children.count() != 0) { removeRow(parentItem->layout, row); if (colSpan > 1) removeRow(parentItem->layout, row); } else { const WidgetItem *grandParent = parentItem->parent; QGridLayout *l = 0; if (grandParent) { l = grandParent->layout; } else { l = m_mainLayout; } const int parentRow = gridRow(parentItem); const int parentSpan = gridSpan(parentItem); l->removeWidget(parentItem->button); l->removeWidget(parentItem->container); delete parentItem->button; delete parentItem->container; parentItem->button = 0; parentItem->container = 0; parentItem->layout = 0; if (!m_recreateQueue.contains(parentItem)) m_recreateQueue.append(parentItem); if (parentSpan > 1) removeRow(l, parentRow + 1); updateLater(); } m_recreateQueue.removeAll(item); delete item; } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::insertRow(QGridLayout *layout, int row) const { QMap itemToPos; int idx = 0; while (idx < layout->count()) { int r, c, rs, cs; layout->getItemPosition(idx, &r, &c, &rs, &cs); if (r >= row) { itemToPos[layout->takeAt(idx)] = QRect(r + 1, c, rs, cs); } else { idx++; } } const QMap::ConstIterator icend = itemToPos.constEnd(); for(QMap::ConstIterator it = itemToPos.constBegin(); it != icend; ++it) { const QRect r = it.value(); layout->addItem(it.key(), r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); } } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::removeRow(QGridLayout *layout, int row) const { QMap itemToPos; int idx = 0; while (idx < layout->count()) { int r, c, rs, cs; layout->getItemPosition(idx, &r, &c, &rs, &cs); if (r > row) { itemToPos[layout->takeAt(idx)] = QRect(r - 1, c, rs, cs); } else { idx++; } } const QMap::ConstIterator icend = itemToPos.constEnd(); for(QMap::ConstIterator it = itemToPos.constBegin(); it != icend; ++it) { const QRect r = it.value(); layout->addItem(it.key(), r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); } } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::propertyChanged(QtBrowserItem *index) { WidgetItem *item = m_indexToItem.value(index); updateItem(item); } void QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::updateItem(WidgetItem *item) { QtProperty *property = m_itemToIndex[item]->property(); if (item->button) { QFont font = item->button->font(); font.setUnderline(property->isModified()); item->button->setFont(font); item->button->setText(property->propertyName()); item->button->setToolTip(property->toolTip()); item->button->setStatusTip(property->statusTip()); item->button->setWhatsThis(property->whatsThis()); item->button->setEnabled(property->isEnabled()); } if (item->label) { QFont font = item->label->font(); font.setUnderline(property->isModified()); item->label->setFont(font); item->label->setText(property->propertyName()); item->label->setToolTip(property->toolTip()); item->label->setStatusTip(property->statusTip()); item->label->setWhatsThis(property->whatsThis()); item->label->setEnabled(property->isEnabled()); } if (item->widgetLabel) { QFont font = item->widgetLabel->font(); font.setUnderline(false); item->widgetLabel->setFont(font); item->widgetLabel->setText(property->valueText()); item->widgetLabel->setToolTip(property->valueText()); item->widgetLabel->setEnabled(property->isEnabled()); } if (item->widget) { QFont font = item->widget->font(); font.setUnderline(false); item->widget->setFont(font); item->widget->setEnabled(property->isEnabled()); item->widget->setToolTip(property->valueText()); } } /*! \class QtButtonPropertyBrowser \brief The QtButtonPropertyBrowser class provides a drop down QToolButton based property browser. A property browser is a widget that enables the user to edit a given set of properties. Each property is represented by a label specifying the property's name, and an editing widget (e.g. a line edit or a combobox) holding its value. A property can have zero or more subproperties. QtButtonPropertyBrowser provides drop down button for all nested properties, i.e. subproperties are enclosed by a container associated with the drop down button. The parent property's name is displayed as button text. For example: \image qtbuttonpropertybrowser.png Use the QtAbstractPropertyBrowser API to add, insert and remove properties from an instance of the QtButtonPropertyBrowser class. The properties themselves are created and managed by implementations of the QtAbstractPropertyManager class. \sa QtTreePropertyBrowser, QtAbstractPropertyBrowser */ /*! \fn void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::collapsed(QtBrowserItem *item) This signal is emitted when the \a item is collapsed. \sa expanded(), setExpanded() */ /*! \fn void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::expanded(QtBrowserItem *item) This signal is emitted when the \a item is expanded. \sa collapsed(), setExpanded() */ /*! Creates a property browser with the given \a parent. */ QtButtonPropertyBrowser::QtButtonPropertyBrowser(QWidget *parent) : QtAbstractPropertyBrowser(parent) { d_ptr = new QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate; d_ptr->q_ptr = this; d_ptr->init(this); } /*! Destroys this property browser. Note that the properties that were inserted into this browser are \e not destroyed since they may still be used in other browsers. The properties are owned by the manager that created them. \sa QtProperty, QtAbstractPropertyManager */ QtButtonPropertyBrowser::~QtButtonPropertyBrowser() { const QMap::ConstIterator icend = d_ptr->m_itemToIndex.constEnd(); for (QMap::ConstIterator it = d_ptr->m_itemToIndex.constBegin(); it != icend; ++it) delete it.key(); delete d_ptr; } /*! \reimp */ void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::itemInserted(QtBrowserItem *item, QtBrowserItem *afterItem) { d_ptr->propertyInserted(item, afterItem); } /*! \reimp */ void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::itemRemoved(QtBrowserItem *item) { d_ptr->propertyRemoved(item); } /*! \reimp */ void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::itemChanged(QtBrowserItem *item) { d_ptr->propertyChanged(item); } /*! Sets the \a item to either collapse or expanded, depending on the value of \a expanded. \sa isExpanded(), expanded(), collapsed() */ void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::setExpanded(QtBrowserItem *item, bool expanded) { QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::WidgetItem *itm = d_ptr->m_indexToItem.value(item); if (itm) d_ptr->setExpanded(itm, expanded); } /*! Returns true if the \a item is expanded; otherwise returns false. \sa setExpanded() */ bool QtButtonPropertyBrowser::isExpanded(QtBrowserItem *item) const { QtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate::WidgetItem *itm = d_ptr->m_indexToItem.value(item); if (itm) return itm->expanded; return false; } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif #include "moc_qtbuttonpropertybrowser.cpp"