path: root/fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc b/fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc
index 3514d7c7..bbf3a6b8 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc
+++ b/fpga_interchange/arch_pack_clusters.cc
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ struct ClusterWireNode
WireId wire;
ClusterWireNodeState state;
int depth;
+ bool only_down;
static void handle_expansion_node(const Context *ctx, WireId prev_wire, PipId pip, ClusterWireNode curr_node,
@@ -188,18 +189,10 @@ CellInfo *Arch::getClusterRootCell(ClusterId cluster) const
return clusters.at(cluster).root;
-bool Arch::getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel,
- std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const
+bool Arch::normal_cluster_placement(
+ const Context *ctx, const Cluster &packed_cluster, const ClusterPOD &cluster_data,
+ CellInfo *root_cell, BelId root_bel, std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const
- const Context *ctx = getCtx();
- const Cluster &packed_cluster = clusters.at(cluster);
- auto &cluster_data = cluster_info(chip_info, packed_cluster.index);
- CellInfo *root_cell = getClusterRootCell(cluster);
- if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(root_cell->type, root_bel))
- return false;
BelId next_bel;
// Place cluster
@@ -283,6 +276,312 @@ bool Arch::getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel,
return true;
+static void handle_macro_expansion_node(
+ const Context *ctx, WireId wire, PipId pip, ClusterWireNode curr_node,
+ std::vector<ClusterWireNode> &nodes_to_expand, BelPin root_pin,
+ dict<std::pair<BelId, BelId>, dict<IdString, IdString>> &bels,
+ ExpansionDirection direction, pool<WireId> &visited, CellInfo *cell)
+ if (curr_node.state == IN_SINK_SITE || curr_node.state == ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE) {
+ for (BelPin bel_pin : ctx->getWireBelPins(wire)) {
+ BelId bel = bel_pin.bel;
+ log_info("\t\t\tconsidering:\n");
+ for (auto s : ctx->getBelName(bel)){
+ log_info("\t\t\t\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ log_info("\t\t\t\t pin: %s\n",bel_pin.pin.c_str(ctx));
+ if (bel == root_pin.bel)
+ continue;
+ auto const &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel);
+ if (bels.count(std::pair<BelId, BelId>(root_pin.bel, bel)))
+ continue;
+ if (bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (bel_data.synthetic)
+ continue;
+ if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, bel))
+ continue;
+ log_info("\t\t\tfound: %s\n", bel_pin.pin.c_str(ctx));
+ bels[std::pair<BelId, BelId>(root_pin.bel, bel_pin.bel)].insert(
+ std::pair<IdString, IdString>(root_pin.pin, bel_pin.pin));
+ }
+ }
+ WireId next_wire;
+ if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR)
+ next_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip);
+ else
+ next_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip);
+ log_info("\t\t\tPIP:\n");
+ for (auto s : ctx->getPipName(pip)){
+ log_info("\t\t\t\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ log_info("\t\t\t next_wire:\n");
+ for (auto s : ctx->getWireName(next_wire)){
+ log_info("\t\t\t\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ if (next_wire == WireId() || visited.count(next_wire))
+ return;
+ ClusterWireNode next_node;
+ next_node.wire = next_wire;
+ next_node.depth = curr_node.depth;
+ next_node.only_down = false;
+ if (direction == CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR)
+ next_node.only_down = true;
+ if (next_node.depth >= 2)
+ return;
+ auto const &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(next_wire);
+ bool expand_node = true;
+ if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) {
+ switch (curr_node.state) {
+ expand_node = false;
+ break;
+ NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site == -1);
+ next_node.state = IN_ROUTING;
+ break;
+ case IN_ROUTING:
+ NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1);
+ next_node.state = IN_SINK_SITE;
+ break;
+ case IN_SINK_SITE:
+ expand_node = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unreachable!!!
+ NPNR_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (next_node.state == IN_ROUTING)
+ next_node.depth++;
+ next_node.state = curr_node.state;
+ }
+ if (curr_node.state != IN_ROUTING){
+ const auto &pip_data = pip_info(ctx->chip_info, pip);
+ BelId bel;
+ bel.tile = pip.tile;
+ bel.index = pip_data.bel;
+ log_info("Pip bel stat:\n");
+ for (auto s : ctx->getBelName(bel)){
+ log_info("\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel);
+ if(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC)
+ expand_node = false;
+ }
+ if (expand_node)
+ nodes_to_expand.push_back(next_node);
+ else
+ return;
+ return;
+static void
+ find_macro_cluster_bels(const Context *ctx, WireId wire,
+ dict<std::pair<BelId, BelId>, dict<IdString, IdString>> &possible_places,
+ ExpansionDirection direction, BelPin root_pin, CellInfo *cell, bool out_of_site_expansion = false)
+ std::vector<ClusterWireNode> nodes_to_expand;
+ pool<WireId> visited;
+ const auto &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire);
+ NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1);
+ ClusterWireNode wire_node;
+ wire_node.wire = wire;
+ wire_node.state = IN_SOURCE_SITE;
+ if (!out_of_site_expansion)
+ wire_node.state = ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE;
+ wire_node.depth = 0;
+ wire_node.only_down = false;
+ nodes_to_expand.push_back(wire_node);
+ while (!nodes_to_expand.empty()) {
+ ClusterWireNode node_to_expand = nodes_to_expand.back();
+ WireId wire = node_to_expand.wire;
+ nodes_to_expand.pop_back();
+ visited.insert(wire);
+ log_info("\t\t visited:\n");
+ for (auto s : ctx->getWireName(wire)){
+ log_info("\t\t\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ if (direction == CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR) {
+ for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node_to_expand.wire)) {
+ if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip))
+ continue;
+ handle_macro_expansion_node(
+ ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand,
+ root_pin, possible_places, direction, visited, cell);
+ }
+ } else if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR){
+ for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) {
+ if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip))
+ continue;
+ handle_macro_expansion_node(
+ ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand,
+ root_pin, possible_places, direction, visited, cell);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node_to_expand.wire)) {
+ if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip))
+ continue;
+ handle_macro_expansion_node(
+ ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand,
+ root_pin, possible_places, CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR, visited, cell);
+ }
+ if (!node_to_expand.only_down)
+ for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) {
+ if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip))
+ continue;
+ handle_macro_expansion_node(
+ ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand,
+ root_pin, possible_places, CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR, visited, cell);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+bool Arch::macro_cluster_placement(
+ const Context *ctx, const Cluster &packed_cluster, const ClusterPOD &cluster_data,
+ CellInfo *root_cell, BelId root_bel, std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const
+ const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, root_bel);
+ log_info("Bel_name: %s type: %s\n", IdString(bel_data.name).c_str(ctx), IdString(bel_data.type).c_str(ctx));
+ log_info("Cell_name: %s type: %s\n", root_cell->name.c_str(ctx), root_cell->type.c_str(ctx));
+ // Build a cell to bell mapping required to find BELs connected to the cluster ports.
+ dict<IdString, std::vector<IdString>> cell_bel_pins;
+ dict<IdString, IdString> bel_cell_pins;
+ int32_t mapping = bel_data.pin_map[get_cell_type_index(root_cell->type)];
+ NPNR_ASSERT(mapping >= 0);
+ const CellBelMapPOD &cell_pin_map = chip_info->cell_map->cell_bel_map[mapping];
+ for (const auto &pin_map : cell_pin_map.common_pins) {
+ IdString cell_pin(pin_map.cell_pin);
+ IdString bel_pin(pin_map.bel_pin);
+ log_info("%s %s\n", cell_pin.c_str(ctx), bel_pin.c_str(ctx));
+ cell_bel_pins[cell_pin].push_back(bel_pin);
+ bel_cell_pins[bel_pin] = cell_pin;
+ }
+ for (const auto &pair : bel_data.connected_pins){
+ IdString p1(pair.pin1), p2(pair.pin2);
+ IdString i1(bel_cell_pins[p1]), i2(bel_cell_pins[p2]);
+ log_info("%s %s\n", i1.c_str(ctx), i2.c_str(ctx));
+ if (root_cell->ports[i1].net != root_cell->ports[i2].net){
+ log_info("%s != %s\n", root_cell->ports[i1].net->name.c_str(ctx),
+ root_cell->ports[i2].net->name.c_str(ctx));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ dict<uint32_t, pool<BelId>> idx_bel_map;
+ idx_bel_map[0].insert(root_bel);
+ std::queue<uint32_t> queue;
+ queue.push(0);
+ while (!queue.empty()){
+ uint32_t idx = queue.front(); queue.pop();
+ std::vector<BelId> remove_bels;
+ dict<std::pair<BelId, BelId>, dict<IdString, IdString>> possible_places;
+ for (const auto &root_bel : idx_bel_map[idx]){
+ for (const auto &connection : cluster_data.connection_graph[idx].connections){
+ log_info("Target idx:%d\n", connection.target_idx);
+ CellInfo *cell_to_place = packed_cluster.cluster_nodes[connection.target_idx];
+ pool<IdString> needed_pins;
+ for (const auto &edge : connection.edges){
+ log_info("\t - %s %s\n", IdString(edge.cell_pin).c_str(ctx), IdString(edge.other_cell_pin).c_str(ctx));
+ for (auto &root_pin : cell_bel_pins.at(IdString(edge.cell_pin))) {
+ WireId bel_pin_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(root_bel, root_pin);
+ BelPin root;
+ root.bel = root_bel;
+ root.pin = root_pin;
+ needed_pins.insert(root_pin);
+ for (auto s : ctx->getWireName(bel_pin_wire)){
+ log_info("\t\t - %s\n", s.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ find_macro_cluster_bels(
+ ctx, bel_pin_wire, possible_places,
+ ExpansionDirection(edge.dir), root,
+ cell_to_place);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &place : possible_places){
+ BelId check_bel = place.first.second;
+ const auto &bel_data2 = bel_info(chip_info, check_bel);
+ bool failed = false;
+ for (const auto &pin : needed_pins){
+ log_info("Pin: %s\n", pin.c_str(ctx));
+ if (!place.second.count(pin)){
+ failed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (failed)
+ continue;
+ log_info("Bel_name: %s type: %s\n", IdString(bel_data2.name).c_str(ctx),
+ IdString(bel_data2.type).c_str(ctx));
+ log_info("Cell_name: %s type: %s\n", cell_to_place->name.c_str(ctx), cell_to_place->type.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ return true;
+bool Arch::getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel,
+ std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const
+ const Context *ctx = getCtx();
+ const Cluster &packed_cluster = clusters.at(cluster);
+ auto &cluster_data = cluster_info(chip_info, packed_cluster.index);
+ CellInfo *root_cell = getClusterRootCell(cluster);
+ if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(root_cell->type, root_bel))
+ return false;
+ if (!cluster_data.from_macro)
+ return normal_cluster_placement(ctx, packed_cluster, cluster_data, root_cell,
+ root_bel, placement);
+ else{
+ log_info("Macro cluster\n");
+ bool temp = macro_cluster_placement(ctx, packed_cluster, cluster_data, root_cell,
+ root_bel, placement);
+ return temp;
+ }
ArcBounds Arch::getClusterBounds(ClusterId cluster) const
// TODO: Implement this
@@ -692,6 +991,19 @@ void Arch::prepare_macro_cluster( const ClusterPOD *cluster, uint32_t index)
log_info(" - %d\n", idx);
+ Cluster cluster_info;
+ cluster_info.root = ci;
+ cluster_info.index = index;
+ cluster_info.cluster_nodes.resize(idx_to_cells.size());
+ ci->cluster.set(ctx, ci->name.str(ctx));
+ for (auto &arc : idx_to_cells){
+ CellInfo * sub_cell = arc.second.pop();
+ if (ctx->verbose)
+ log_info("%d %s - %s\n", arc.first, sub_cell->name.c_str(ctx), sub_cell->type.c_str(ctx));
+ sub_cell->cluster = ci->cluster;
+ cluster_info.cluster_nodes[arc.first] = sub_cell;
+ }
+ clusters.emplace(ci->cluster, cluster_info);
@@ -895,13 +1207,29 @@ void Arch::pack_cluster()
const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i];
prepare_cluster(&cluster, i);
- } else {
+ } else if(!chip_info->clusters[i].out_of_site_clusters) {
const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i];
- if(ctx->verbose)
- log_info("%s\n", IdString(cluster.name).c_str(ctx));
+ if(ctx->verbose){
+ log_info("%s\n", IdString(cluster.name).c_str(ctx));\
+ }
prepare_macro_cluster(&cluster, i);
+ else {
+ // No good way to handle out of site clusters, as fulfiling routing requirements
+ // can be done by router. Right now cluster connection map creates connections from each
+ // cell to each cell, and in placement this is used as well.
+ // We could assume that in macros, where there are no root cells and
+ // we have multiple unconnected graphs, source cells must be in the same site.
+ // Why create a macro if these cells have nothing in common.
+ // For now python-fpga-interchange does not support this assumption
+ // and neither does placement code.
+ // Cluster preparing and packing works for both, but as we cannot place
+ // out of site clusters, we don't create them, letting generic P&R do it.
+ const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i];
+ if(ctx->verbose)
+ log_info("Out of site cluster from macro: %s\n", IdString(cluster.name).c_str(ctx));
+ }