diff options
2 files changed, 177 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/fasm.cc b/nexus/fasm.cc
index aea57d6a..d6a3796a 100644
--- a/nexus/fasm.cc
+++ b/nexus/fasm.cc
@@ -568,8 +568,14 @@ struct NexusFasmWriter
write_enum(cell, "MODE");
write_enum(cell, "IDDRX1_ODDRX1.OUTPUT");
write_enum(cell, "GSR", "DISABLED");
+ write_enum(cell, "TSREG.REGSET", "RESET");
+ // FIXME: Workaround for unknown bits
+ push_tile(bel.tile);
+ write_enum(cell, "UNKNOWN");
+ pop();
// Write config for some kind of DSP cell
diff --git a/nexus/pack.cc b/nexus/pack.cc
index 32e0330f..5ada7ed3 100644
--- a/nexus/pack.cc
+++ b/nexus/pack.cc
@@ -2075,57 +2075,140 @@ struct NexusPacker
+ // Finds and returns a flip-flop that drives the given port of an IOB cell
+ // If an associated IOLOGIC cell is provided then checks whether the
+ // flip-flop matches its clock and reset.
+ CellInfo* get_ff_for_iob (CellInfo* iob, IdString port, CellInfo* iol) {
+ // Get the net
+ NetInfo* net = get_net_or_empty(iob, port);
+ if (net == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Get the flip-flop that drives it
+ CellInfo* ff = net->driver.cell;
+ if (ff->type != id_OXIDE_FF) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Get clock nets of IOLOGIC and the flip-flop
+ if (iol != nullptr) {
+ NetInfo* iol_c = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_SCLKOUT);
+ NetInfo* ff_c = get_net_or_empty(ff, id_CLK);
+ // If one of them is floating or it is not the same net then abort
+ if (iol_c == nullptr || ff_c == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (iol_c->name != ff_c->name) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get reset nets of IOLOGIC and the flip-flop
+ if (iol != nullptr) {
+ NetInfo* iol_r = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_LSROUT);
+ NetInfo* ff_r = get_net_or_empty(ff, id_LSR);
+ // If one of them is floating or it is not the same net then abort.
+ // But both can be floating.
+ if (!(iol_r == nullptr && ff_r == nullptr)) {
+ if (iol_r == nullptr || ff_r == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (iol_r->name != ff_r->name) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: Check if the flip-flop has:
+ // - non-inverted clock
+ // - same reset "type" as ODDR
+ // - others ?
+ return ff;
+ }
// IOLOGIC requires some special handling around itself and IOB. This
// function does that.
void handle_iologic() {
+ // Map of flip-flop cells that drive IOLOGIC+IOB pairs
+ dict<IdString, std::vector<std::pair<IdString,IdString>>> tff_map;
for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) {
CellInfo* iol = cell.second.get();
if (iol->type != id_SIOLOGIC && iol->type != id_IOLOGIC) {
+ bool isIDDR = false;
+ bool isODDR = false;
CellInfo *iob = nullptr;
NetInfo *di = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_DI);
- if (di != nullptr && di->driver.cell != nullptr)
+ if (di != nullptr && di->driver.cell != nullptr) {
iob = di->driver.cell;
+ isIDDR = true;
+ }
NetInfo *dout = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_DOUT);
- if (dout != nullptr && dout->users.size() == 1)
+ if (dout != nullptr && dout->users.size() == 1) {
iob = dout->users.at(0).cell;
+ isODDR = true;
+ }
NetInfo *tout = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_TOUT);
- if (tout != nullptr && tout->users.size() == 1)
+ if (tout != nullptr && tout->users.size() == 1) {
iob = tout->users.at(0).cell;
+ isODDR = true; // FIXME: Not sure
+ }
NPNR_ASSERT(iob != nullptr);
// SIOLOGIC handling
if (iol->type == id_SIOLOGIC) {
- // Enable glitch filter for when it uses IDDR as observed
- // done by the vendor toolchain.
- NetInfo* dout = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_DOUT);
- if (dout != nullptr && dout->users.size() == 1) {
- if (iol->params.count(id_MODE) && iol->params.at(id_MODE).as_string() == "IDDRX1_ODDRX1") {
- if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER"))) {
- iob->attrs[ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER")] = std::string("ON");
- }
+ // We have IDDR+ODDR
+ if (isODDR && isIDDR) {
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER")] = std::string("ON");
+ }
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("CLAMP"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("CLAMP")] = std::string("ON");
+ }
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("PULLMODE"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("PULLMODE")] = std::string("DOWN");
+ }
+ }
+ // We have ODDR only
+ else if (isODDR && !isIDDR) {
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("GLITCHFILTER")] = std::string("OFF");
+ }
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("CLAMP"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("CLAMP")] = std::string("OFF");
+ }
+ if (!iob->attrs.count(ctx->id("PULLMODE"))) {
+ iob->attrs[ctx->id("PULLMODE")] = std::string("NONE");
// Detect case when SEIO33_CORE.T is not driven by
// SIOLOGIC.TOUT. In this case connect SIOLOGIC.TSDATA0 to the
// same ned as SEIO33_CORE.I.
+ //
+ //
NetInfo* iob_t = get_net_or_empty(iob, id_T);
- if (iob_t != nullptr) {
+ if (iob_t != nullptr && isODDR) {
NetInfo* iol_t = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_TOUT);
- // SIOLOGIC.TOUT is not driving SEIO33_CORE.I
+ // SIOLOGIC.TOUT is not driving SEIO33_CORE.T
if ((iol_t == nullptr) ||
(iol_t != nullptr && iol_t->users.empty()) ||
(iol_t != nullptr && !iol_t->users.empty() && iol_t->name != iob_t->name)) {
// In this case if SIOLOGIC.TSDATA0 is not connected
- // to the same net as SEIO33_CORE.I and is not
+ // to the same net as SEIO33_CORE.T and is not
// floating then that configuration is illegal.
NetInfo* iol_ti = get_net_or_empty(iol, id_TSDATA0);
if (iol_ti != nullptr && (iol_ti->name != iob_t->name)
@@ -2147,10 +2230,82 @@ struct NexusPacker
if (ctx->debug) {
log_info("Reconnecting %s.TSDATA0 to %s\n", ctx->nameOf(iol), ctx->nameOf(iob_t));
+ // Check if the T input is driven by a flip-flop. Store
+ // in the map.
+ CellInfo* ff = get_ff_for_iob(iob, id_T, iol);
+ if (ff != nullptr) {
+ tff_map[ff->name].push_back(std::make_pair(
+ iol->name, iob->name));
+ }
+ // Integrate flip-flops that drive T with IOLOGIC
+ for (auto& it : tff_map) {
+ CellInfo* ff = ctx->cells.at(it.first).get();
+ NetInfo* ff_d = get_net_or_empty(ff, id_M); // FIXME: id_D or id_M ?!
+ NPNR_ASSERT(ff_d != nullptr);
+ NetInfo* ff_q = get_net_or_empty(ff, id_Q);
+ NPNR_ASSERT(ff_q != nullptr);
+ log_info("FF '%s'\n", ctx->nameOf(ff));
+ for (auto& it : ff->params) {
+ log_info(" '%s'='%s'\n", it.first.c_str(ctx), it.second.as_string().c_str());
+ }
+ for (auto& ios : it.second) {
+ CellInfo* iol = ctx->cells.at(ios.first).get();
+ CellInfo* iob = ctx->cells.at(ios.second).get();
+ log_info("Integrating %s into %s\n", ctx->nameOf(ff), ctx->nameOf(iol));
+ // Disconnect "old" T net
+ disconnect_port(ctx, iol, id_TSDATA0);
+ disconnect_port(ctx, iob, id_T);
+ // Connect the "new" one
+ connect_port(ctx, ff_d, iol, id_TSDATA0);
+ connect_port(ctx, ff_d, iob, id_T);
+ // Propagate parameters
+ iol->params[id_SRMODE] = ff->params.at(id_SRMODE);
+ iol->params[id_REGSET] = ff->params.at(id_REGSET);
+ iol->params[ctx->id("TSREG.REGSET")] = std::string("SET");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEOUTMUX")] = std::string("1");
+ // FIXME: Workaround for an unknown bit
+ IdStringList belName = IdStringList::parse(ctx, iob->attrs[id_BEL].as_string());
+ if (belName[2] == ctx->id("PIOA")) {
+ // UNKNOWN.22.1 for A
+ iol->params[ctx->id("UNKNOWN")] = std::string("22.1");
+ }
+ else if (belName[2] == ctx->id("PIOB")) {
+ // UNKNOWN.77.1 for B
+ iol->params[ctx->id("UNKNOWN")] = std::string("77.1");
+ }
+ else {
+ log_error("Unknown IO BEL type '%s'\n", belName[2].c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ }
+ // Disconnect the flip-flop
+ for (auto& port : ff->ports) {
+ disconnect_port(ctx, ff, port.first);
+ }
+ // Remove the flip-flop
+ ctx->cells.erase(ff->name);
+ // Remove its output net
+ ctx->nets.erase(ff_q->name);
+ }
explicit NexusPacker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx) {}
@@ -2171,10 +2326,10 @@ struct NexusPacker
+ handle_iologic();
- handle_iologic();