// // Copyright (C) 2015 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> const char *binstr(int v, int n) { static char buffer[16]; char *p = buffer; for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) *(p++) = ((v >> i) & 1) ? '1' : '0'; *(p++) = 0; return buffer; } void help(const char *cmd) { printf("\n"); printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", cmd); printf("\n"); printf(" -i <input_freq_mhz>\n"); printf(" PLL Input Frequency (default: 12 MHz)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -o <output_freq_mhz>\n"); printf(" PLL Output Frequency (default: 60 MHz)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -S\n"); printf(" Disable SIMPLE feedback path mode\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -f <filename>\n"); printf(" Save PLL configuration as Verilog to file\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -m\n"); printf(" Save PLL configuration as Verilog module (use with -f)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -q\n"); printf(" Do not print PLL configuration to stdout\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { double f_pllin = 12; double f_pllout = 60; bool simple_feedback = true; char* filename = NULL; bool save_as_module = false; bool quiet = false; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:Smf:q")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': f_pllin = atof(optarg); break; case 'o': f_pllout = atof(optarg); break; case 'S': simple_feedback = false; break; case 'm': save_as_module = true; break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'q': quiet = true; break; default: help(argv[0]); } } if (optind != argc) help(argv[0]); // error: shall save as module, but no filename was given if (save_as_module && filename == NULL) help(argv[0]); bool found_something = false; double best_fout = 0; int best_divr = 0; int best_divf = 0; int best_divq = 0; //The documentation in the iCE40 PLL Usage Guide incorrectly lists the //maximum value of DIVF as 63, when it is only limited to 63 when using //feedback modes other that SIMPLE. int divf_max = 63; if(simple_feedback) { divf_max = 127; } if (f_pllin < 10 || f_pllin > 133) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: PLL input frequency %.3f MHz is outside range 10 MHz - 133 MHz!\n", f_pllin); exit(1); } if (f_pllout < 16 || f_pllout > 275) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: PLL output frequency %.3f MHz is outside range 16 MHz - 275 MHz!\n", f_pllout); exit(1); } for (int divr = 0; divr <= 15; divr++) { double f_pfd = f_pllin / (divr + 1); if (f_pfd < 10 || f_pfd > 133) continue; for (int divf = 0; divf <= divf_max; divf++) { if (simple_feedback) { double f_vco = f_pfd * (divf + 1); if (f_vco < 533 || f_vco > 1066) continue; for (int divq = 1; divq <= 6; divq++) { double fout = f_vco * exp2(-divq); if (fabs(fout - f_pllout) < fabs(best_fout - f_pllout) || !found_something) { best_fout = fout; best_divr = divr; best_divf = divf; best_divq = divq; found_something = true; } } } else { for (int divq = 1; divq <= 6; divq++) { double f_vco = f_pfd * (divf + 1) * exp2(divq); if (f_vco < 533 || f_vco > 1066) continue; double fout = f_vco * exp2(-divq); if (fabs(fout - f_pllout) < fabs(best_fout - f_pllout) || !found_something) { best_fout = fout; best_divr = divr; best_divf = divf; best_divq = divq; found_something = true; } } } } } double f_pfd = f_pllin / (best_divr + 1);; double f_vco = f_pfd * (best_divf + 1); int filter_range = f_pfd < 17 ? 1 : f_pfd < 26 ? 2 : f_pfd < 44 ? 3 : f_pfd < 66 ? 4 : f_pfd < 101 ? 5 : 6; if (!simple_feedback) f_vco *= exp2(best_divq); if (!found_something) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: No valid configuration found!\n"); exit(1); } if (!quiet) { printf("\n"); printf("F_PLLIN: %8.3f MHz (given)\n", f_pllin); printf("F_PLLOUT: %8.3f MHz (requested)\n", f_pllout); printf("F_PLLOUT: %8.3f MHz (achieved)\n", best_fout); printf("\n"); printf("FEEDBACK: %s\n", simple_feedback ? "SIMPLE" : "NON_SIMPLE"); printf("F_PFD: %8.3f MHz\n", f_pfd); printf("F_VCO: %8.3f MHz\n", f_vco); printf("\n"); printf("DIVR: %2d (4'b%s)\n", best_divr, binstr(best_divr, 4)); printf("DIVF: %2d (7'b%s)\n", best_divf, binstr(best_divf, 7)); printf("DIVQ: %2d (3'b%s)\n", best_divq, binstr(best_divq, 3)); printf("\n"); printf("FILTER_RANGE: %d (3'b%s)\n", filter_range, binstr(filter_range, 3)); printf("\n"); } // save PLL configuration as file if (filename != NULL) { // open file for writing FILE *f; f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (save_as_module) { // save PLL configuration as Verilog module // header fprintf(f, "/**\n * PLL configuration\n *\n" " * This Verilog module was generated automatically\n" " * using the icepll tool from the IceStorm project.\n" " * Use at your own risk.\n" " *\n" " * Given input frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " * Requested output frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " * Achieved output frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " */\n\n", f_pllin, f_pllout, best_fout); // generate Verilog module fprintf(f, "module pll(\n" "\tinput clock_in,\n" "\toutput clock_out,\n" "\toutput locked\n" "\t);\n\n" ); // save iCE40 PLL tile configuration fprintf(f, "SB_PLL40_CORE #(\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t.FEEDBACK_PATH(\"%s\"),\n", (simple_feedback ? "SIMPLE" : "NON_SIMPLE")); fprintf(f, "\t\t.DIVR(4'b%s),\t\t" "// DIVR = %2d\n", binstr(best_divr, 4), best_divr); fprintf(f, "\t\t.DIVF(7'b%s),\t" "// DIVF = %2d\n", binstr(best_divf, 7), best_divf); fprintf(f, "\t\t.DIVQ(3'b%s),\t\t" "// DIVQ = %2d\n", binstr(best_divq, 3), best_divq); fprintf(f, "\t\t.FILTER_RANGE(3'b%s)\t" "// FILTER_RANGE = %d\n", binstr(filter_range, 3), filter_range); fprintf(f, "\t) uut (\n" "\t\t.LOCK(locked),\n" "\t\t.RESETB(1'b1),\n" "\t\t.BYPASS(1'b0),\n" "\t\t.REFERENCECLK(clock_in),\n" "\t\t.PLLOUTCORE(clock_out)\n" "\t\t);\n\n" ); fprintf(f, "endmodule\n"); } else { // only save PLL configuration values // header fprintf(f, "/**\n * PLL configuration\n *\n" " * This Verilog header file was generated automatically\n" " * using the icepll tool from the IceStorm project.\n" " * It is intended for use with FPGA primitives SB_PLL40_CORE,\n" " * SB_PLL40_PAD, SB_PLL40_2_PAD, SB_PLL40_2F_CORE or SB_PLL40_2F_PAD.\n" " * Use at your own risk.\n" " *\n" " * Given input frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " * Requested output frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " * Achieved output frequency: %8.3f MHz\n" " */\n\n", f_pllin, f_pllout, best_fout); // PLL configuration fprintf(f, ".FEEDBACK_PATH(\"%s\"),\n", (simple_feedback ? "SIMPLE" : "NON_SIMPLE")); fprintf(f, ".DIVR(4'b%s),\t\t" "// DIVR = %2d\n", binstr(best_divr, 4), best_divr); fprintf(f, ".DIVF(7'b%s),\t" "// DIVF = %2d\n", binstr(best_divf, 7), best_divf); fprintf(f, ".DIVQ(3'b%s),\t\t" "// DIVQ = %2d\n", binstr(best_divq, 3), best_divq); fprintf(f, ".FILTER_RANGE(3'b%s)\t" "// FILTER_RANGE = %d\n", binstr(filter_range, 3), filter_range); } fclose(f); printf("PLL configuration written to: %s\n", filename); } return 0; }