#!/usr/bin/env python3 from fuzzconfig import * import numpy as np import os device_class = os.getenv("ICEDEVICE") working_dir = "work_%s_prim" % (device_class, ) os.system("rm -rf " + working_dir) os.mkdir(working_dir) w = len(pins) // 4 for idx in range(num): with open(working_dir + "/prim_%02d.v" % idx, "w") as f: clkedge = np.random.choice(["pos", "neg"]) print("module top(input clk, input [%s:0] a, b, output reg x, output reg [%s:0] y);""" % ( w-1, w-1 ), file=f) print(" reg [%s:0] aa, bb;""" % ( w-1 ), file=f) print(" always @(%sedge clk) aa <= a;" % clkedge, file=f) print(" always @(%sedge clk) bb <= b;" % clkedge, file=f) if np.random.choice([True, False]): print(" always @(%sedge clk) x <= %s%s;" % (clkedge, np.random.choice(["^", "&", "|", "!"]), np.random.choice(["a", "b", "y"])), file=f) else: print(" always @(%sedge clk) x <= a%sb;" % (clkedge, np.random.choice(["&&", "||"])), file=f) if np.random.choice([True, False]): print(" always @(%sedge clk) y <= a%sb;" % (clkedge, np.random.choice(["+", "-", "&", "|"])), file=f) else: print(" always @(%sedge clk) y <= %s%s;" % (clkedge, np.random.choice(["~", "-", ""]), np.random.choice(["a", "b"])), file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) with open(working_dir + "/prim_%02d.pcf" % idx, "w") as f: p = np.random.permutation(pins) used_pins = [] if np.random.choice([True, False]): for i in range(w): print("set_io a[%d] %s" % (i, p[i]), file=f) used_pins.append(p[i]) if np.random.choice([True, False]): for i in range(w): print("set_io b[%d] %s" % (i, p[w+i]), file=f) used_pins.append(p[w+i]) if np.random.choice([True, False]): for i in range(w): print("set_io y[%d] %s" % (i, p[2*w+i]), file=f) used_pins.append(p[2*w+i]) if np.random.choice([True, False]): print("set_io x %s" % p[3*w], file=f) used_pins.append(p[3*w]) if np.random.choice([True, False]): print("set_io y %s" % p[3*w+1], file=f) used_pins.append(p[3*w+1]) # There is a low but non-zero probability, particularly on devices with # fewer pins and GBINs such as the UltraPlus, that a permutation will be # picked where all of the GBINs are already constrained at this point, # hence icecube fails to assign clk successfully. This is fixed by # forcing clock assignment if no GBINs are free. global_free = False for glbi in gpins: if not glbi in used_pins: global_free = True break if np.random.choice([True, False]) or not global_free: print("set_io clk %s" % p[3*w+2], file=f) output_makefile(working_dir, "prim")