from io import BytesIO from json import load as json_load, loads as json_loads, dumps as json_dumps from os import environ from sys import executable from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run as subprocess_run, PIPE from typing import Optional from unittest import TestCase, skip from pyGHDL.lsp.lsp import LanguageProtocolServer, LSPConn class StrConn: __res: str def __init__(self): self.__res = '' def write(self, s): self.__res += s @property def res(self): return self.__res def show_diffs(name, ref, res): if isinstance(ref, dict) and isinstance(res, dict): for k in ref: if k not in res: print('{}.{} not in the result'.format(name, k)) else: show_diffs('{}.{}'.format(name, k), ref[k], res[k]) for k in res: if k not in ref: print('{}.{} unexpected in the result'.format(name, k)) elif isinstance(ref, str) and isinstance(res, str): if res != ref: print('{}: mismatch (ref: {}, result: {})'.format(name, ref, res)) elif isinstance(ref, int) and isinstance(res, int): if res != ref: print('{}: mismatch (ref: {}, result: {})'.format(name, ref, res)) elif isinstance(ref, list) and isinstance(res, list): for i in range(min(len(ref), len(res))): show_diffs('{}[{}]'.format(name, i), ref[i], res[i]) if len(ref) > len(res): print('{}: missing elements'.format(name)) elif len(ref) < len(res): print('{}: extra elements'.format(name)) else: print('unhandle type {} in {}'.format(type(ref), name)) class JSONTest(TestCase): _LSPTestDirectory = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() subdir = None def _RequestResponse(self, requestName: str, responseName: Optional[str] = None): requestFile = self._LSPTestDirectory / self.subdir / requestName # Convert the JSON input file to an LSP string. with'r') as file: res = json_load(file) conn = StrConn() ls = LanguageProtocolServer(None, conn) for req in res: ls.write_output(req) # Run p = subprocess_run( [executable, '-m', 'pyGHDL.cli.lsp'], input=conn.res.encode('utf-8'), cwd=self._LSPTestDirectory / self.subdir, stdout=PIPE) self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0, "Language server executable exit with a non-zero return code.") if responseName is None: return responseFile = self._LSPTestDirectory / self.subdir / responseName # Check output in_io = BytesIO(p.stdout) conn = LSPConn(in_io, None) ls = LanguageProtocolServer(None, conn) with'r') as file: ref = json_load(file) errs = 0 json_res = [] for r in ref: rep = ls.read_request() if rep is None: print('FAIL: number of reply does not match') errs += 1 break rep = json_loads(rep) json_res.append(rep) # self.assertEqual(rep, r, "reply does not match for {!s}".format(requestFile)) if rep != r: print(self.__class__.__name__) show_diffs('', r, rep) rep = ls.read_request() self.assertIsNone(rep, "Too many replies.") if errs != 0: print('FAILURE between output and {!s} (for {!s})'.format(responseFile, requestFile)) print('Writing result output to result.json') with open('result.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json_dumps(json_res, indent=2)) f.write('\n') class Test001_Simple(JSONTest): subdir = Path("001simple") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") class Test002_Coverage(JSONTest): subdir = Path("002coverage") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") class Test003_Errors(JSONTest): subdir = Path("003errors") def test_Crash1(self): self._RequestResponse("crash1.json") def test_Crash2(self): self._RequestResponse("crash2.json") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") class Test004_Error_Project(JSONTest): subdir = Path("004errprj") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") class Test005_Create(JSONTest): subdir = Path("005create") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") # FIXME: is this case 6? class Test005_Option_Error(JSONTest): subdir = Path("005opterr") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") #class Test006_?????(JSONTest): # _CASE = Path("006?????") class Test007_Error_Project(JSONTest): subdir = Path("007errprj") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json") class Test008_Error_NoFile(JSONTest): subdir = Path("008errnofile") def test_Request_Response(self): self._RequestResponse("cmds.json", "replies.json")