------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Abstract Memory-Mapped Interface -- Project : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : AbstractMmPkg.vhd -- Author : Rob Gaddi <rgaddi@highlandtechnology.com> -- Company : Highland Technology, Inc. -- Created : 20-Nov-2017 -- Last update: 2017-11-25 -- Platform : Simulation -- Standard : VHDL-2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: Support package for abstract memory-mapped interface BFMs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revision History: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library osvvm; use osvvm.AlertLogPkg.all; use osvvm.TbUtilPkg.all; use osvvm.ResolutionPkg.all; package AbstractMmPkg is ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants and Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------- type AlertLogIDArrayType is array(integer range <>) of AlertLogIDType; function alert_resolver(ta: AlertLogIDArrayType) return AlertLogIDType; subtype ResolvedAlert is alert_resolver AlertLogIDType; -- Transaction types type TransactionType_unresolved is ( NONE, SINGLE, LINEAR_BURST, CONSTANT_BURST, CYCLE_BURST, BURST_DATA, PARAM ); type TransactionArrayType is array(integer range <>) of TransactionType_unresolved; function resolved(ta: TransactionArrayType) return TransactionType_unresolved; subtype TransactionType is resolved TransactionType_unresolved; type AbstractMmRecType is record writedata : std_logic_vector; readdata : std_logic_vector; address : unsigned; byteen : std_logic_vector; write : std_logic; burstlen : integer_max; trans : TransactionType; addressiswords : std_logic; alert : ResolvedAlert; rdy : std_logic; ack : std_logic; end record AbstractMmRecType; constant AMR_READ: std_logic := '0'; constant AMR_WRITE: std_logic := '1'; constant AMR_ADDRESS_BYTES : std_logic := '0'; constant AMR_ADDRESS_WORDS : std_logic := '1'; constant ALRT : AlertLogIDType := GetAlertLogID("AbstractMmPkg"); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Driver Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AmrRead (single read) procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); -- AmrWrite (single write) procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); -- AmrAssert (single assert) procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Model Support Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure InterpretByteEnable( rec : in AbstractMmRecType; width : out natural; align : out natural ); function GetByteAddress(rec: in AbstractMmRecType; unalign: boolean := false) return unsigned; function GetWordAddress(rec: in AbstractMmRecType) return unsigned; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialization procedure InitializeAmr(signal rec: out AbstractMmRecType); -- function INIT_AMR(datalen, addrlen : positive) return AbstractMmRecType; -- function INIT_AMR(datalen, addrlen, belen : positive) return AbstractMmRecType; -- Selecting word/byte addressing procedure SetAddressWords(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType); procedure SetAddressBytes(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType); -- Overriding the default alert procedure OverrideAlert(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType; alert: AlertLogIDType); end package AbstractMmPkg; package body AbstractMmPkg is procedure InitializeAmr(signal rec: out AbstractMmRecType) is variable local : AbstractMmRecType( writedata(rec.writedata'range), readdata(rec.readdata'range), address(rec.address'range), byteen(rec.byteen'range) ); constant WD : std_logic_vector(rec.writedata'range) := (others => 'Z'); constant RD : std_logic_vector(rec.readdata'range) := (others => 'Z'); constant AD : unsigned(rec.address'range) := (others => 'Z'); constant BE : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => 'Z'); begin local := ( writedata => WD, readdata => RD, address => AD, byteen => BE, write => 'Z', burstlen => integer'left, trans => NONE, addressiswords => 'Z', alert => ALRT, rdy => 'Z', ack => 'Z' ); rec <= local; end procedure InitializeAmr; --function INIT_AMR( -- datalen, addrlen : positive --) return AbstractMmRecType is -- constant belen : positive := datalen / 8; --begin -- return INIT_AMR(datalen, addrlen, belen); --end function INIT_AMR; --function INIT_AMR( -- datalen, addrlen, belen: positive --) return AbstractMmRecType is --begin -- return ( -- writedata => (datalen downto 1 => 'Z'), -- readdata => (datalen downto 1 => 'Z'), -- address => (addrlen downto 1 => 'Z'), -- byteen => (belen downto 1 => 'Z'), -- write => 'Z', -- burstlen => integer'left, -- trans => NONE, -- addressiswords => 'Z', -- alert => ALRT, -- rdy => 'Z', -- ack => 'Z' -- ); --end function INIT_AMR; procedure SetAddressWords(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType) is begin rec.addressiswords <= AMR_ADDRESS_WORDS; end procedure SetAddressWords; procedure SetAddressBytes(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType) is begin rec.addressiswords <= AMR_ADDRESS_BYTES; end procedure SetAddressBytes; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AmrRead ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant WD : std_logic_vector(rec.writedata'range) := (others => 'X'); begin rec.writedata <= WD; rec.address <= RESIZE(addr, rec.address'length); rec.byteen <= byteen; rec.write <= AMR_READ; rec.burstlen <= 1; rec.trans <= SINGLE; RequestTransaction(rec.rdy, rec.ack); data := rec.readdata; end procedure AmrRead; procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrRead(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrRead; procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrRead(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrRead; procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is variable byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrRead(data, addr, byteen, rec); end procedure AmrRead; procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is variable byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrRead(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrRead; procedure AmrRead( data: out std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is variable byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrRead(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrRead; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AmrWrite (single write) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin rec.writedata <= data; rec.address <= RESIZE(addr, rec.address'length); rec.byteen <= byteen; rec.write <= AMR_WRITE; rec.burstlen <= 1; rec.trans <= SINGLE; RequestTransaction(rec.rdy, rec.ack); end procedure AmrWrite; procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrWrite(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrWrite; procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrWrite(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrWrite; procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrWrite(data, addr, byteen, rec); end procedure AmrWrite; procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrWrite(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrWrite; procedure AmrWrite( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrWrite(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrWrite; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AmrAssert (single assert) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is variable readdata : std_logic_vector(data'range); begin AmrRead(readdata, addr, byteen, rec); --AffirmIfEqual(rec.alert, readdata, data, "Assert @ 0x" & TO_HSTRING(addr)); end procedure AmrAssert; procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrAssert(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrAssert; procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; byteen: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is begin AmrAssert(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrAssert; procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in unsigned; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrAssert(data, addr, byteen, rec); end procedure AmrAssert; procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in std_logic_vector; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrAssert(data, UNSIGNED(addr), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrAssert; procedure AmrAssert( data: in std_logic_vector; addr: in natural; signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType ) is constant byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) := (others => '1'); begin AmrAssert(data, TO_UNSIGNED(addr, rec.address'length), byteen, rec); end procedure AmrAssert; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turn a number into the number of bits needed to represent it. function clog2(x : positive) return natural is variable y : natural := 1; begin for log in 0 to 255 loop if y >= x then return log; end if; y := y * 2; end loop; return natural'right; end function clog2; -- Allow only 1 entry to be other than NONE. function resolved(ta: TransactionArrayType) return TransactionType_unresolved is variable r : TransactionType_unresolved := NONE; variable t : TransactionType_unresolved; begin for idx in ta'range loop t := ta(idx); if t /= NONE then assert r = NONE report "Multiple non-NONE transaction types." severity failure; r := t; end if; end loop; return r; end function resolved; -- Allow up to 1 entry to be other than our local ALRT, in which -- case it wins. function alert_resolver(ta: AlertLogIDArrayType) return AlertLogIDType is variable r : AlertLogIDType := ALRT; variable t : AlertLogIDType; begin for idx in ta'range loop t := ta(idx); if (t /= ALRT) and (t >= ALERTLOG_BASE_ID) then assert r = ALRT report "Multiple alerts provided." severity failure; r := t; end if; end loop; return r; end function alert_resolver; procedure InterpretByteEnable( rec : in AbstractMmRecType; width : out natural; align : out natural ) is alias byteen : std_logic_vector(rec.byteen'range) is rec.byteen; alias LA : AlertLogIDType is rec.alert; variable first, last: integer; variable found : boolean := false; begin if (and byteen) = '1' then -- Try to provide fast resolution for the most common case. width := byteen'length; align := 0; else -- Alright, do it the hard way. Scan for contiguous enables. for i in byteen'low to byteen'high loop if byteen(i) = '1' then found := true; first := i; exit; end if; end loop; if not found then -- No byte enables are set Alert(LA, "No byte enables set.", WARNING); width := 0; align := 0; else last := first; for i in first+1 to byteen'high loop if byteen(i) = '1' then last := i; else exit; end if; end loop; if last /= byteen'high then for i in last+1 to byteen'high loop if byteen(i) = '1' then Alert(LA, "Non-contiguous byte enables " & TO_STRING(byteen), WARNING); exit; end if; end loop; end if; width := last-first+1; align := first; end if; end if; end procedure InterpretByteEnable; function GetByteAddress(rec: in AbstractMmRecType; unalign: boolean := false) return unsigned is variable padding : unsigned(clog2(rec.byteen'length)-1 downto 0); variable alignment : integer := integer'left; begin case rec.addressiswords is when AMR_ADDRESS_BYTES => return rec.address; when AMR_ADDRESS_WORDS => if unalign then for i in rec.byteen'low to rec.byteen'high loop if rec.byteen(i) = '1' then alignment := i; exit; end if; end loop; if alignment /= integer'left then report "All bytes disabled." severity warning; alignment := 0; end if; padding := TO_UNSIGNED(alignment, padding'length); else padding := (others => '0'); end if; return rec.address & PADDING; when others => report "Byte/word addressing not defined." severity failure; return (rec.address'range => 'X'); end case; end function GetByteAddress; function GetWordAddress(rec: in AbstractMmRecType) return unsigned is variable padding : unsigned(clog2(rec.byteen'length)-1 downto 0); variable alignment, width : integer; begin case rec.addressiswords is when AMR_ADDRESS_BYTES => return rec.address(rec.address'high downto padding'length); when AMR_ADDRESS_WORDS => return rec.address; when others => report "Byte/word addressing not defined." severity failure; return (rec.address'range => 'X'); end case; end function GetWordAddress; procedure OverrideAlert(signal rec: inout AbstractMmRecType; alert: AlertLogIDType) is begin rec.alert <= alert; end procedure OverrideAlert; end package body AbstractMmPkg;