--! --! Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Creonic GmbH --! --! This file is part of the Creonic Viterbi Decoder, which is distributed --! under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. --! --! @file --! @brief Derived parameters --! @author Markus Fehrenz --! @date 2011/07/04 --! --! @details This constants are derived from constants defined in pkg_param. --! In order to prevent errors, there is no user choice for these parameters. --! library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library dec_viterbi; use dec_viterbi.pkg_param.all; use dec_viterbi.pkg_helper.all; package pkg_param_derived is -- Calculation of constraint length. function calc_constraint_length return natural; -- Memory depth of the encoder shift register. constant ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH : natural; -- Number of trellis states corresponds to the nubmer of ACS units. constant NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES : natural; -- Number of branch units for a single polynomial set constant NUMBER_BRANCH_UNITS : natural; -- Bitwidth constants are needed for type conversions constant BW_TRELLIS_STATES : natural; constant BW_MAX_WINDOW_LENGTH : natural; constant BW_BRANCH_RESULT : natural; constant BW_MAX_PROBABILITY : natural; end package pkg_param_derived; package body pkg_param_derived is function calc_constraint_length return natural is variable v_maximum : natural := 0; begin -- Find the position of the leftmost bit in the polynomials. for i in NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0 loop v_maximum := max(v_maximum, no_bits_natural(PARITY_POLYNOMIALS(i))); end loop; v_maximum := max(v_maximum, no_bits_natural(FEEDBACK_POLYNOMIAL)); return v_maximum; end function calc_constraint_length; constant ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH : natural := calc_constraint_length - 1; constant NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES : natural := 2 ** ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH; constant NUMBER_BRANCH_UNITS : natural := 2 ** NUMBER_PARITY_BITS; constant BW_TRELLIS_STATES : natural := no_bits_natural(NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1); constant BW_MAX_WINDOW_LENGTH : natural := no_bits_natural(MAX_WINDOW_LENGTH - 1); constant BW_BRANCH_RESULT : natural := no_bits_natural((2 ** (BW_LLR_INPUT - 1)) * NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) + 1; constant BW_MAX_PROBABILITY : natural := no_bits_natural(((2 ** (BW_LLR_INPUT - 1)) * NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) * 4 * ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH); end package body pkg_param_derived;