LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE test_ctrl_parameter_pkg IS TYPE device_t IS ( DEVICE_NONAME, DEVICE_TEST ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR SDRAM device definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE mem_device_t IS ( TEST_1, TEST_2, TEST_3 ); TYPE mem_device_array_t IS ARRAY (natural RANGE <>) OF mem_device_t; CONSTANT C_TEST_BUS_ARRAY_SIZE : natural := 10; SUBTYPE test_device_type_t IS mem_device_array_t(0 TO C_TEST_BUS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); CONSTANT DEFAULT_TEST_DEVICE_TYPE_ARRAY : test_device_type_t := (OTHERS => TEST_1); TYPE device_test_parameters_t IS RECORD test_devices : test_device_type_t; END RECORD; CONSTANT DEFAULT_DEVICE_TEST_PARAMETERS : device_test_parameters_t := ( test_devices => DEFAULT_TEST_DEVICE_TYPE_ARRAY); TYPE device_test_parameters_array_t IS ARRAY (natural RANGE <>) OF device_test_parameters_t; SUBTYPE constrained_device_test_parameters_array_t IS device_test_parameters_array_t(0 TO device_t'pos(device_t'high)); CONSTANT DEVICE_TEST_PARAMETERS : constrained_device_test_parameters_array_t := ( device_t'pos(DEVICE_TEST) => ( test_devices => (1 | 2 => TEST_1, 3 => TEST_2, OTHERS => TEST_3) ), OTHERS => DEFAULT_DEVICE_TEST_PARAMETERS ); END test_ctrl_parameter_pkg; ENTITY test IS END ENTITY test; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF test IS BEGIN END ARCHITECTURE rtl;