library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library OSVVM; entity e is end entity; architecture a of e is subtype T_DATA is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); type T_DATA_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_DATA; type T_SCOREBOARD_DATA is record IsKey : std_logic; Meta : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); Data : T_DATA_VECTOR(15 downto 0); end record; function match(expected : T_SCOREBOARD_DATA; actual : T_SCOREBOARD_DATA) return boolean is begin return TRUE; end function; function to_string(vector : T_SCOREBOARD_DATA) return string is begin return "to_string"; end function; package P_Scoreboard is new OSVVM.ScoreboardGenericPkg generic map ( ExpectedType => T_SCOREBOARD_DATA, ActualType => T_SCOREBOARD_DATA, Match => match, expected_to_string => to_string, actual_to_string => to_string ); alias T_SCOREBOARD is P_Scoreboard.ScoreBoardPType shared variable ScoreBoard : T_SCOREBOARD; -- this causes the error message begin process variable v : t_scoreboard_data; begin ScoreBoard.Push(v); wait; end process; end architecture;