library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity top2 is end entity; architecture a of top2 is signal a,b,c,d : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_sys, clk1, clk2 : std_logic; begin -- psl default clock is clk_sys; -- Following throws bug occured with: "build_sere_fa: cannot handle N_IMP_SEQ" -- This is strange because with "always" this is working. -- According to PSL LRM 2003 FL_Property production for "always" is the -- same as for "never": -- FL_Property ::= -- always FL_Property -- | always Sequence -- -- FL_Property ::= -- never FL_Property -- | never Sequence -- Therefore I think if sequence implication works with one, it shall work -- also with other. -- psl my_seq : assert never {a} |=> {b; c}; end a;