library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package corelib_Dict is -- generic ( -- type KEY_TYPE; -- type VALUE_TYPE; -- function to_hash(d : in KEY_TYPE, size : positive) return natural; -- INIT_SIZE : natural := 128 -- ); -- REMOVE when using package generics constant INIT_SIZE : positive := 128; alias to_hash is "mod" [integer, integer return integer]; subtype KEY_TYPE is integer; subtype VALUE_TYPE is std_logic_vector; type PT_DICT is protected procedure Set (constant key : in KEY_TYPE; constant data : in VALUE_TYPE); procedure Get (constant key : in KEY_TYPE; data : out VALUE_TYPE); impure function Get (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE; procedure Del (constant key : in KEY_TYPE); procedure Clear; impure function HasKey (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return boolean; impure function Count return natural; end protected PT_DICT; procedure Merge(d0 : inout PT_DICT; d1 : inout PT_DICT; dout : inout PT_DICT); end package corelib_Dict; package body corelib_Dict is type t_key_ptr is access KEY_TYPE; type t_data_ptr is access VALUE_TYPE; type PT_DICT is protected body type t_entry; type t_entry_ptr is access t_entry; type t_entry is record key : t_key_ptr; data : t_data_ptr; last_entry : t_entry_ptr; next_entry : t_entry_ptr; end record t_entry; type t_entry_array is array (0 to INIT_SIZE-1) of t_entry_ptr; variable head : t_entry_array := (others => null); variable entry_count : integer_vector(0 to INIT_SIZE-1) := (others => 0); -- Private method to find entry stored in dictionary impure function Find (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return t_entry_ptr; impure function Find (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return t_entry_ptr is variable entry : t_entry_ptr := head(to_hash(key, INIT_SIZE)); begin while (entry /= null) loop if (entry.key.all = key) then return entry; end if; entry := entry.last_entry; end loop; return null; end function Find; procedure Set (constant key : in KEY_TYPE; constant data : in VALUE_TYPE) is variable addr : natural := 0; variable entry : t_entry_ptr := Find(key); begin if (entry = null) then addr := to_hash(key, INIT_SIZE); if (head(addr) /= null) then entry := new t_entry; entry.key := new KEY_TYPE'(key); := new VALUE_TYPE'(data); entry.last_entry := head(addr); entry.next_entry := null; head(addr) := entry; head(addr).last_entry.next_entry := head(addr); else head(addr) := new t_entry; head(addr).key := new KEY_TYPE'(key); head(addr).data := new VALUE_TYPE'(data); head(addr).last_entry := null; head(addr).next_entry := null; end if; entry_count(addr) := entry_count(addr) + 1; else := data; end if; end procedure Set; procedure Get (constant key : in KEY_TYPE; data : out VALUE_TYPE) is variable entry : t_entry_ptr := Find(key); begin assert entry /= null report PT_DICT'instance_name & ": ERROR: key " & to_string(key) & " not found" severity failure; data :=; end procedure Get; impure function Get (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return VALUE_TYPE is variable entry : t_entry_ptr := Find(key); begin assert entry /= null report PT_DICT'instance_name & ": ERROR: key " & to_string(key) & " not found" severity failure; return; end function Get; procedure Del (constant key : in KEY_TYPE) is variable entry : t_entry_ptr := Find(key); variable addr : natural := 0; begin if (entry /= null) then addr := to_hash(key, INIT_SIZE); -- remove head entry if(entry.next_entry = null and entry.last_entry /= null) then entry.last_entry.next_entry := null; head(addr) := entry.last_entry; -- remove start entry elsif(entry.next_entry /= null and entry.last_entry = null) then entry.next_entry.last_entry := null; -- remove from between elsif(entry.next_entry /= null and entry.last_entry /= null) then entry.last_entry.next_entry := entry.next_entry; entry.next_entry.last_entry := entry.last_entry; else head(addr) := null; end if; deallocate(entry.key); deallocate(; deallocate(entry); entry_count(addr) := entry_count(addr) - 1; end if; end procedure Del; procedure Clear is variable entry : t_entry_ptr; variable entry_d : t_entry_ptr; begin for i in t_entry_array'range loop entry := head(i); while (entry /= null) loop entry_d := entry; Del(entry_d.key.all); entry := entry.last_entry; end loop; end loop; end procedure Clear; impure function HasKey (constant key : KEY_TYPE) return boolean is begin return Find(key) /= null; end function HasKey; impure function Count return natural is variable value : natural := 0; begin for i in entry_count'range loop value := value + entry_count(i); end loop; return value; end function Count; end protected body PT_DICT; procedure Merge(d0 : inout PT_DICT; d1 : inout PT_DICT; dout : inout PT_DICT) is begin end procedure Merge; end package body corelib_Dict;