library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity repro2 is end; architecture RTL of repro2 is signal tready : std_logic; signal cnt : natural; signal cnt_next : natural; begin p_main: process (all) procedure count ( constant r_ctr : in natural; variable v_ctr : out natural ) is begin if tready = '1' then v_ctr := r_ctr + 1; else v_ctr := r_ctr; end if; end procedure; variable v : natural; begin report "execution of process p_main, cnt=" & natural'image(cnt); count (cnt, v); cnt_next <= v; end process p_main; process begin tready <= '1'; cnt <= 1; wait for 1 ns; assert cnt_next = 2 severity failure; cnt <= 2; wait for 1 ns; assert cnt_next = 3 severity failure; tready <= '0'; wait for 1 ns; assert cnt_next = 2 severity failure; wait; end process; end;