--  Semantic analysis.
--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;

package Vhdl.Sem_Decls is
   --  Analyze an interface chain.
   procedure Sem_Interface_Chain (Interface_Chain: Iir;
                                  Interface_Kind : Interface_Kind_Type);

   --  Analyze declaration DECL.
   --  This is a sub-procedure of Sem_Declaration_Chain used only for
   --  PSL verification units.
   --  PREV_DECL is the previous one (used for declaration like
   --    signal a, b : mytype; ) to get type and default value from the
   --  previous declaration.
   --  IS_GLOBAL must be true when the declaration can be used by an external
   --   file (so for package and entities).
   --  ATTR_SPEC_CHAIN is the chain of attribute specifications, used to
   --   handle the 'others' case.
   procedure Sem_Declaration (Decl : in out Iir;
                              Prev_Decl : in out Iir;
                              Is_Global : Boolean;
                              Attr_Spec_Chain : in out Iir);

   --  Analyze declarations of PARENT.
   procedure Sem_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir);

   --  Check all declarations of DECLS_PARENT are complete
   --  This checks subprograms, deferred constants, incomplete types and
   --  protected types.
   --  DECL is the declaration that contains the declaration_list DECLS_PARENT.
   --  (location of errors).
   --  DECL is different from DECLS_PARENT for package bodies and protected
   --  type bodies.
   --  Also, report unused declarations if DECL = DECLS_PARENT.
   --  As a consequence, Check_Full_Declaration must be called after analyze
   --  of statements, if any.
   procedure Check_Full_Declaration (Decls_Parent : Iir; Decl: Iir);

   procedure Sem_Iterator (Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
                           Staticness : Iir_Staticness);

   --  Extract from NAME the named entity whose profile matches SIG.  If NAME
   --  is an overload list, it is destroyed.
   function Sem_Signature (Name : Iir; Sig : Iir_Signature) return Iir;

   --  If the type of DECL is unconstrained, create a contrained subtype
   --  either locally or globally static (according to VALUE).
   --  This is to apply rules of LRM93 Index constraints and
   --  discrete ranges.
   procedure Sem_Object_Type_From_Value (Decl : Iir; Value : Iir);

   --  Mark SUBPRG as used.  If SUBPRG is an instance, its generic is also
   --  marked.
   procedure Mark_Subprogram_Used (Subprg : Iir);

   --  The attribute signals ('stable, 'quiet and 'transaction) are
   --  implicitely declared.
   --  Note: guard signals are also implicitly declared but with a guard
   --   expression, which is at a known location.
   --  Since these signals need resources and are not easily located (can be
   --  nearly in every expression), it is useful to add a node into a
   --  declaration list to declare them.
   --  However, only a few declaration_list can declare signals.  These
   --  declarations lists must register and unregister themselves with
   --  push_declarative_region_with_signals and
   --  pop_declarative_region_with_signals.
   type Implicit_Declaration_Type is private;

   procedure Push_Signals_Declarative_Part
     (Cell: out Implicit_Declaration_Type; Decls_Parent : Iir);

   procedure Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part
     (Cell: in Implicit_Declaration_Type);

   --  Declare an implicit signal or an implicit quantity.  This is called
   --  from sem_names when an attribute is analyzed.
   procedure Add_Implicit_Declaration (Attr : Iir);

   type Implicit_Declaration_Type is record
      --  Declaration or statement than will contain implicit declarations.
      Decls_Parent : Iir;

      --  Set to the attribute_declaration when created (ie when the
      --  first attribute is added).
      Implicit_Decl : Iir;

      --  Last attribute inserted in the current Implicit_Decl.
      Last_Attribute : Iir;

      --  If True, declarations of DECLS_PARENT have already been analyzed.
      --  So implicit declarations are appended to the parent, and the last
      --  declaration is LAST_DECL.  This is the usual case when attribute
      --  signals are used in statements.
      --  If False, declarations are being analyzed.  Implicit declarations
      --  are appended to IMPLICIT_DECL/LAST_ATTRIBUTE_SIGNAL and will be
      --  inserted before the current declaration.  This can happen if a
      --  attribute signal is used in a declaration, the attribute signal
      --  must be declared before it is used.
      Decls_Analyzed : Boolean;

      --  Last declaration in the region.  If an implicit_decl is createed, it
      --  will be appended to LAST_DECL.
      Last_Decl : Iir;
   end record;
end Vhdl.Sem_Decls;