-- VHDL code formatter. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Types; use Types; with Files_Map; with Simple_IO; with Vhdl.Tokens; use Vhdl.Tokens; with Vhdl.Scanner; use Vhdl.Scanner; with Vhdl.Prints; use Vhdl.Prints; package body Vhdl.Formatters is -- Check token TOK with the one from the scanner. Deal with irregular -- cases. procedure Check_Token (Tok : Token_Type) is begin -- There are a couple of exceptions due to attributes or -- PSL. if Tok = Tok_Identifier and then (Current_Token = Tok_Range or else Current_Token = Tok_Subtype) then null; elsif (Tok = Tok_Default or else Tok = Tok_Psl_Clock) and then Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then null; elsif Tok /= Current_Token then declare use Simple_IO; begin Put_Line_Err ("error: token mismatch. "); Put_Err (" need to print: "); Put_Err (Image (Tok)); Put_Err (", but read "); Put_Err (Image (Current_Token)); Put_Err (" from file."); New_Line_Err; end; raise Internal_Error; end if; end Check_Token; package Format_Disp_Ctxt is type Format_Ctxt is new Disp_Ctxt with private; procedure Init (Ctxt : out Format_Ctxt; Sfe : Source_File_Entry); procedure Start_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Close_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Start_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Close_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Disp_Token (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); procedure Start_Lit (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); procedure Disp_Char (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; C : Character); procedure Close_Lit (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); private type Format_Ctxt is new Disp_Ctxt with record Vnum : Natural; Hnum : Natural; Prev_Tok : Token_Type; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; Source : File_Buffer_Acc; end record; procedure Disp_Newline (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Disp_Indent (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt); procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; C : Character); procedure Sync (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); end Format_Disp_Ctxt; package body Format_Disp_Ctxt is procedure Init (Ctxt : out Format_Ctxt; Sfe : Source_File_Entry) is begin Ctxt := (Vnum => 0, Hnum => 0, Prev_Tok => Tok_Newline, Sfe => Sfe, Source => Files_Map.Get_File_Source (Sfe)); end Init; procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; C : Character) is pragma Unreferenced (Ctxt); begin Simple_IO.Put (C); end Put; procedure Start_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin Ctxt.Hnum := Ctxt.Hnum + 1; end Start_Hbox; procedure Disp_Newline (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin Put (Ctxt, ASCII.LF); Ctxt.Prev_Tok := Tok_Newline; end Disp_Newline; procedure Close_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin Ctxt.Hnum := Ctxt.Hnum - 1; if Ctxt.Hnum = 0 then Disp_Newline (Ctxt); end if; end Close_Hbox; procedure Start_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin pragma Assert (Ctxt.Hnum = 0); Ctxt.Vnum := Ctxt.Vnum + 1; end Start_Vbox; procedure Close_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin Ctxt.Vnum := Ctxt.Vnum - 1; end Close_Vbox; procedure Disp_Indent (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin for I in 1 .. Ctxt.Vnum loop Put (Ctxt, ' '); Put (Ctxt, ' '); end loop; end Disp_Indent; procedure Disp_Space (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is Prev_Tok : constant Token_Type := Ctxt.Prev_Tok; begin if Prev_Tok = Tok_Newline and then Ctxt.Hnum = 1 then Disp_Indent (Ctxt); elsif Need_Space (Tok, Prev_Tok) then Put (Ctxt, ' '); end if; Ctxt.Prev_Tok := Tok; end Disp_Space; procedure Disp_Token (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin Sync (Ctxt, Tok); Disp_Space (Ctxt, Tok); Disp_Str (Ctxt, Image (Tok)); end Disp_Token; procedure Start_Lit (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin Sync (Ctxt, Tok); Disp_Space (Ctxt, Tok); end Start_Lit; procedure Disp_Char (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; C : Character) is begin Put (Ctxt, C); end Disp_Char; procedure Close_Lit (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt) is begin null; end Close_Lit; procedure Sync (Ctxt : in out Format_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin -- The easy case. loop case Current_Token is when Tok_Eof => raise Internal_Error; when Tok_Newline => -- Ignored Scan; -- But empty lines are kept. while Current_Token = Tok_Newline loop Disp_Newline (Ctxt); Scan; end loop; when Tok_Line_Comment | Tok_Block_Comment => -- Display the comment as it is. declare P : Source_Ptr; begin -- Re-indent the comment unless this is an end-of-line -- comment or a comment at line 0. if Ctxt.Prev_Tok = Tok_Newline then -- Compute the offset. Not trivial for block -- comment as this is a multi-line token and -- Get_Token_Offset is not valid in that case. declare Off : Natural; Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; Line : Positive; begin if Current_Token = Tok_Block_Comment then Files_Map.File_Pos_To_Coord (Ctxt.Sfe, Get_Token_Position, Line_Pos, Line, Off); else Off := Get_Token_Offset; end if; if Off /= 0 then Disp_Indent (Ctxt); end if; end; end if; P := Get_Token_Position; for I in 1 .. Get_Token_Length loop Disp_Char (Ctxt, Ctxt.Source (P)); P := P + 1; end loop; end; Scan; while Current_Token = Tok_Newline loop Disp_Newline (Ctxt); Scan; end loop; when others => if Current_Token = Tok_Integer_Letter and then Tok = Tok_Bit_String then Scan; end if; Check_Token (Tok); Scan; return; end case; end loop; end Sync; end Format_Disp_Ctxt; procedure Format (F : Iir_Design_File) is use Format_Disp_Ctxt; Sfe : constant Source_File_Entry := Get_Design_File_Source (F); Ctxt : Format_Ctxt; begin Scanner.Flag_Comment := True; Scanner.Flag_Newline := True; Set_File (Sfe); Scan; Init (Ctxt, Sfe); Prints.Disp_Vhdl (Ctxt, F); Close_File; Scanner.Flag_Comment := False; Scanner.Flag_Newline := False; end Format; package Indent_Disp_Ctxt is type Indent_Ctxt is new Disp_Ctxt with record Vnum : Natural; Hnum : Natural; Hfirst : Boolean; -- First token in the hbox. Last_Tok : Source_Ptr; Col : Natural; Line : Positive; First_Line : Positive; Last_Line : Positive; Discard_Output : Boolean; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; Source : File_Buffer_Acc; end record; procedure Init (Ctxt : out Indent_Ctxt; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; First_Line : Positive; Last_Line : Positive); procedure Start_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt); procedure Close_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt); procedure Start_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt); procedure Close_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt); procedure Disp_Token (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); procedure Start_Lit (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); procedure Disp_Char (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; C : Character) is null; procedure Close_Lit (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is null; procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; C : Character); private procedure Sync (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type); end Indent_Disp_Ctxt; package body Indent_Disp_Ctxt is procedure Init (Ctxt : out Indent_Ctxt; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; First_Line : Positive; Last_Line : Positive) is begin Ctxt := (Vnum => 0, Hnum => 0, Hfirst => False, Last_Tok => Source_Ptr_Org, Col => 0, Line => 1, First_Line => First_Line, Last_Line => Last_Line, Discard_Output => First_Line > 1, Sfe => Sfe, Source => Files_Map.Get_File_Source (Sfe)); Scanner.Flag_Comment := True; Scanner.Flag_Newline := True; Set_File (Sfe); Scan; end Init; procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; C : Character) is pragma Unreferenced (Ctxt); begin Simple_IO.Put (C); end Put; procedure Disp_Spaces (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is use Files_Map; C : Character; P : Source_Ptr; N_Col : Natural; Bef_Tok : Source_Ptr; Indent : Natural; begin if Ctxt.Discard_Output then return; end if; if Ctxt.Col = 0 then -- Reindent. Indent := Ctxt.Vnum; if Ctxt.Hnum > 0 and not Ctxt.Hfirst then Indent := Indent + 1; end if; for I in 1 .. 2 * Indent loop Put (Indent_Ctxt'Class (Ctxt), ' '); end loop; Ctxt.Col := 2 * Indent; else P := Ctxt.Last_Tok; Bef_Tok := Get_Token_Position; while P < Bef_Tok loop C := Ctxt.Source (P); if C = ASCII.HT then -- Expand TABS. N_Col := Ctxt.Col + Tab_Stop; N_Col := N_Col - N_Col mod Tab_Stop; while Ctxt.Col < N_Col loop Put (Indent_Ctxt'Class (Ctxt), ' '); Ctxt.Col := Ctxt.Col + 1; end loop; else Put (Indent_Ctxt'Class (Ctxt), ' '); Ctxt.Col := Ctxt.Col + 1; end if; P := P + 1; end loop; end if; end Disp_Spaces; -- Disp text for sources for the current token. procedure Disp_Text (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is Aft_Tok : constant Source_Ptr := Get_Position; P : Source_Ptr; begin if Ctxt.Discard_Output then return; end if; P := Get_Token_Position; while P < Aft_Tok loop Put (Indent_Ctxt'Class (Ctxt), Ctxt.Source (P)); Ctxt.Col := Ctxt.Col + 1; P := P + 1; end loop; end Disp_Text; procedure Disp_Comments (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is begin loop case Current_Token is when Tok_Eof => raise Internal_Error; when Tok_Newline => if not Ctxt.Discard_Output then Put (Indent_Ctxt'Class (Ctxt), ASCII.LF); end if; Ctxt.Col := 0; Ctxt.Line := Ctxt.Line + 1; Ctxt.Discard_Output := Ctxt.Line < Ctxt.First_Line or Ctxt.Line > Ctxt.Last_Line; when Tok_Line_Comment | Tok_Block_Comment => Disp_Spaces (Ctxt); Disp_Text (Ctxt); when others => exit; end case; Ctxt.Last_Tok := Get_Position; Scan; end loop; end Disp_Comments; procedure Start_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is begin Disp_Comments (Ctxt); Ctxt.Hnum := Ctxt.Hnum + 1; Ctxt.Hfirst := True; end Start_Hbox; procedure Close_Hbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is begin -- An hbox cannot be empty. pragma Assert (Ctxt.Hfirst = False); Ctxt.Hnum := Ctxt.Hnum - 1; end Close_Hbox; procedure Start_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is begin pragma Assert (Ctxt.Hnum = 0); Ctxt.Vnum := Ctxt.Vnum + 1; end Start_Vbox; procedure Close_Vbox (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt) is begin Ctxt.Vnum := Ctxt.Vnum - 1; end Close_Vbox; procedure Sync (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin Disp_Comments (Ctxt); Disp_Spaces (Ctxt); Disp_Text (Ctxt); if Current_Token = Tok_Integer_Letter and then Tok = Tok_Bit_String then Scan; Disp_Text (Ctxt); end if; Check_Token (Tok); Ctxt.Last_Tok := Get_Position; Ctxt.Hfirst := False; Scan; end Sync; procedure Disp_Token (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin Sync (Ctxt, Tok); end Disp_Token; procedure Start_Lit (Ctxt : in out Indent_Ctxt; Tok : Token_Type) is begin Sync (Ctxt, Tok); end Start_Lit; end Indent_Disp_Ctxt; package Indent_Vstrings_Ctxt is use Grt.Vstrings; type Vstring_Ctxt is new Indent_Disp_Ctxt.Indent_Ctxt with private; procedure Init (Ctxt : out Vstring_Ctxt; Handle : Vstring_Acc; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; First_Line : Positive; Last_Line : Positive); procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Vstring_Ctxt; C : Character); private type Vstring_Ctxt is new Indent_Disp_Ctxt.Indent_Ctxt with record Hand : Vstring_Acc; end record; end Indent_Vstrings_Ctxt; package body Indent_Vstrings_Ctxt is procedure Init (Ctxt : out Vstring_Ctxt; Handle : Vstring_Acc; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; First_Line : Positive; Last_Line : Positive) is begin Indent_Disp_Ctxt.Init (Indent_Disp_Ctxt.Indent_Ctxt (Ctxt), Sfe, First_Line, Last_Line); Ctxt.Hand := Handle; end Init; procedure Put (Ctxt : in out Vstring_Ctxt; C : Character) is begin Append (Ctxt.Hand.all, C); end Put; end Indent_Vstrings_Ctxt; function Allocate_Handle return Vstring_Acc is begin return new Grt.Vstrings.Vstring; end Allocate_Handle; function Get_Length (Handle : Vstring_Acc) return Natural is begin return Grt.Vstrings.Length (Handle.all); end Get_Length; function Get_C_String (Handle : Vstring_Acc) return Grt.Types.Ghdl_C_String is begin return Grt.Vstrings.Get_C_String (Handle.all); end Get_C_String; procedure Free_Handle (Handle : Vstring_Acc) is procedure Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Grt.Vstrings.Vstring, Vstring_Acc); Handle1 : Vstring_Acc; begin Grt.Vstrings.Free (Handle.all); Handle1 := Handle; Deallocate (Handle1); end Free_Handle; procedure Indent_String (F : Iir_Design_File; Handle : Vstring_Acc; First_Line : Positive := 1; Last_Line : Positive := Positive'Last) is use Indent_Vstrings_Ctxt; Sfe : constant Source_File_Entry := Get_Design_File_Source (F); Ctxt : Vstring_Ctxt; begin Init (Ctxt, Handle, Sfe, First_Line, Last_Line); Prints.Disp_Vhdl (Ctxt, F); Close_File; Scanner.Flag_Comment := False; Scanner.Flag_Newline := False; end Indent_String; procedure Indent (F : Iir_Design_File; First_Line : Positive := 1; Last_Line : Positive := Positive'Last) is begin if False then -- Display character per character. Slow but useful for debugging. declare use Indent_Disp_Ctxt; Sfe : constant Source_File_Entry := Get_Design_File_Source (F); Ctxt : Indent_Ctxt; begin Init (Ctxt, Sfe, First_Line, Last_Line); Prints.Disp_Vhdl (Ctxt, F); end; else declare use Grt.Types; Handle : Vstring_Acc; Res : Ghdl_C_String; Len : Natural; begin Handle := Allocate_Handle; Indent_String (F, Handle, First_Line, Last_Line); Res := Get_C_String (Handle); Len := Get_Length (Handle); Simple_IO.Put (Res (1 .. Len)); Free_Handle (Handle); end; end if; end Indent; end Vhdl.Formatters;