-- Interpreter AMS simulation -- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Errorout; use Errorout; with Execution; package body Elaboration.AMS is function Create_Characteristic_Expression (Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind) return Characteristic_Expressions_Index is begin case Kind is when Contribution => Characteristic_Expressions.Append ((Kind => Contribution, Expr => null, Tolerance => 0, Dependencies => null)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; return Characteristic_Expressions.Last; end Create_Characteristic_Expression; function Create_Scalar_Quantity (Kind : Quantity_Kind; Decl : Iir; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc) return Quantity_Index_Type is begin case Kind is when Quantity_Reference => Scalar_Quantities.Append ((Kind => Quantity_Reference, Value => 0.0, Decl => Decl, Instance => Instance, Contribution => Create_Characteristic_Expression (Contribution))); when Quantity_Across => Scalar_Quantities.Append ((Kind => Quantity_Across, Value => 0.0, Decl => Decl, Instance => Instance)); when Quantity_Through => Scalar_Quantities.Append ((Kind => Quantity_Through, Value => 0.0, Decl => Decl, Instance => Instance)); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; return Scalar_Quantities.Last; end Create_Scalar_Quantity; function Create_Scalar_Terminal (Decl : Iir; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc) return Terminal_Index_Type is begin -- Simply create the reference quantity for a terminal return Terminal_Index_Type (Create_Scalar_Quantity (Quantity_Reference, Decl, Instance)); end Create_Scalar_Terminal; function Get_Terminal_Reference (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type) return Quantity_Index_Type is begin return Quantity_Index_Type (Terminal); end Get_Terminal_Reference; procedure Add_Characteristic_Expression (Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc) is begin Characteristic_Expressions.Append ((Kind => Kind, Expr => Expr, Tolerance => Default_Tolerance_Index, Dependencies => null)); end Add_Characteristic_Expression; procedure Compute_Dependencies (Idx : Characteristic_Expressions_Index) is package Quantity_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Quantity_Index_Type, Table_Index_Type => Natural, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 16); El : Characteristic_Expr renames Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Idx); Res : Quantity_Dependency_Acc := null; procedure Add_Dependency (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; N : Iir) is Q : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; begin case Get_Kind (N) is when Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration => Q := Execution.Execute_Name (Block, N, True); Quantity_Table.Append (Q.Quantity); when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name => Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Named_Entity (N)); when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator => Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Left (N)); Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Right (N)); when Iir_Kinds_Literal => null; when others => Error_Kind ("compute_dependencies", N); end case; end Add_Dependency; Term : Ams_Term_Acc := El.Expr; begin pragma Assert (El.Dependencies = null); while Term /= null loop case Term.Op is when Op_Quantity => Quantity_Table.Append (Term.Quantity); when Op_Vhdl_Expr => Add_Dependency (Term.Vhdl_Instance, Term.Vhdl_Expr); end case; Term := Term.Next; end loop; Res := new Quantity_Dependency_Type (Nbr => Quantity_Table.Last); for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop Res.Quantities (I) := Quantity_Table.Table (I); end loop; Quantity_Table.Free; El.Dependencies := Res; end Compute_Dependencies; function Build (Op : Ams_Sign; Val : Quantity_Index_Type; Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null) return Ams_Term_Acc is begin return new Ams_Term'(Op => Op_Quantity, Sign => Op, Next => Right, Quantity => Val); end Build; function Build (Op : Ams_Sign; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Expr : Iir; Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null) return Ams_Term_Acc is begin return new Ams_Term' (Op => Op_Vhdl_Expr, Sign => Op, Vhdl_Expr => Expr, Vhdl_Instance => Instance, Next => Right); end Build; procedure Append_Characteristic_Expression (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc) is Ref : constant Quantity_Index_Type := Get_Terminal_Reference (Terminal); Ce : constant Characteristic_Expressions_Index := Scalar_Quantities.Table (Ref).Contribution; begin pragma Assert (Expr.Next = null); Expr.Next := Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Ce).Expr; Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Ce).Expr := Expr; end Append_Characteristic_Expression; procedure Create_Tables is begin for I in Characteristic_Expressions.First .. Characteristic_Expressions.Last loop Compute_Dependencies (I); end loop; end Create_Tables; end Elaboration.AMS;