-- Synthesis context. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Tables; with Types_Utils; use Types_Utils; with Netlists.Folds; use Netlists.Folds; with Synth.Vhdl_Expr; use Synth.Vhdl_Expr; with Netlists.Locations; package body Synth.Vhdl_Context is package Extra_Tables is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Extra_Vhdl_Instance_Type, Table_Index_Type => Instance_Id_Type, Table_Low_Bound => First_Instance_Id, Table_Initial => 16); procedure Resize_Extra_Tables (Id : Instance_Id_Type) is begin while Id > Extra_Tables.Last loop Extra_Tables.Append ((Base => null, Name => No_Sname)); end loop; end Resize_Extra_Tables; procedure Set_Extra (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Extra : Extra_Vhdl_Instance_Type) is Id : constant Instance_Id_Type := Get_Instance_Id (Inst); begin Resize_Extra_Tables (Id); Extra_Tables.Table (Id) := Extra; end Set_Extra; procedure Make_Base_Instance (Base : Base_Instance_Acc) is begin Set_Extra (Root_Instance, (Base => Base, Name => No_Sname)); end Make_Base_Instance; procedure Free_Base_Instance is begin -- TODO: really free. null; end Free_Base_Instance; function Get_Instance_Extra (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Extra_Vhdl_Instance_Type is begin return Extra_Tables.Table (Get_Instance_Id (Inst)); end Get_Instance_Extra; procedure Set_Extra (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Base : Base_Instance_Acc; Name : Sname := No_Sname) is begin Set_Extra (Inst, (Base => Base, Name => Name)); end Set_Extra; procedure Set_Extra (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Parent : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Sname := No_Sname) is Id : constant Instance_Id_Type := Get_Instance_Id (Inst); begin Resize_Extra_Tables (Id); Extra_Tables.Table (Id) := (Base => Get_Instance_Extra (Parent).Base, Name => Name); end Set_Extra; function Make_Instance (Parent : Synth_Instance_Acc; Blk : Node; Name : Sname := No_Sname) return Synth_Instance_Acc is Res : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin Res := Make_Elab_Instance (Parent, Blk, Null_Node); Set_Extra (Res, Parent, Name); return Res; end Make_Instance; procedure Set_Instance_Base (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Base : Base_Instance_Acc) is begin Extra_Tables.Table (Get_Instance_Id (Inst)).Base := Base; end Set_Instance_Base; procedure Set_Instance_Base (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Base : Synth_Instance_Acc) is begin Set_Instance_Base (Inst, Get_Instance_Extra (Base).Base); end Set_Instance_Base; procedure Free_Instance (Synth_Inst : in out Synth_Instance_Acc) is begin if Get_Instance_Id (Synth_Inst) = Extra_Tables.Last then Extra_Tables.Decrement_Last; end if; Free_Elab_Instance (Synth_Inst); end Free_Instance; procedure Set_Instance_Module (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; M : Module) is Prev_Base : constant Base_Instance_Acc := Get_Instance_Extra (Inst).Base; Base : Base_Instance_Acc; Self_Inst : Instance; begin Base := new Base_Instance_Type'(Builder => Prev_Base.Builder, Top_Module => Prev_Base.Top_Module, Cur_Module => M); Builders.Set_Parent (Base.Builder, M); Self_Inst := Create_Self_Instance (M); pragma Unreferenced (Self_Inst); Set_Instance_Base (Inst, Base); end Set_Instance_Module; function Get_Instance_Module (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Module is begin return Extra_Tables.Table (Get_Instance_Id (Inst)).Base.Cur_Module; end Get_Instance_Module; function Get_Top_Module (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Module is begin return Extra_Tables.Table (Get_Instance_Id (Inst)).Base.Top_Module; end Get_Top_Module; function Get_Sname (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Sname is begin return Extra_Tables.Table (Get_Instance_Id (Inst)).Name; end Get_Sname; function Get_Build (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Netlists.Builders.Context_Acc is Id : constant Instance_Id_Type := Get_Instance_Id (Inst); Base : Base_Instance_Acc; begin if Id > Extra_Tables.Last then -- Not yet built. return null; end if; Base := Extra_Tables.Table (Id).Base; if Base = null then return null; end if; return Base.Builder; end Get_Build; procedure Create_Wire_Object (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Kind : Wire_Kind; Obj : Node) is Obj_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Obj); Otyp : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Obj_Type); Val : Valtyp; Wid : Wire_Id; begin if Kind = Wire_None then Wid := No_Wire_Id; else Wid := Alloc_Wire (Kind, (Obj, Otyp)); end if; Val := Create_Value_Wire (Wid, Otyp); Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Obj, Val); end Create_Wire_Object; -- Set Is_0 to True iff VEC is 000... -- Set Is_X to True iff VEC is XXX... procedure Is_Full (Vec : Logvec_Array; W : Width; Is_0 : out Boolean; Is_X : out Boolean; Is_Z : out Boolean) is Val : Uns32; Zx : Uns32; Mask : Uns32; begin -- Check the first word. pragma Assert (W >= 32); Val := Vec (0).Val; Zx := Vec (0).Zx; Is_0 := False; Is_X := False; Is_Z := False; if Val = 0 and Zx = 0 then Is_0 := True; elsif Zx = not 0 then if Val = not 0 then Is_X := True; elsif Val = 0 then Is_Z := True; else return; end if; else return; end if; for I in 1 .. Vec'Last - 1 loop if Vec (I).Val /= Val or else Vec (I).Zx /= Zx then -- Clear flags. Is_0 := False; Is_X := False; Is_Z := False; return; end if; end loop; pragma Assert (Vec'Last = Digit_Index ((W - 1) / 32)); Mask := Shift_Right (not 0, (32 - Natural (W mod 32)) mod 32); if (Vec (Vec'Last).Val and Mask) /= (Val and Mask) or else (Vec (Vec'Last).Zx and Mask) /= (Zx and Mask) then Is_0 := False; Is_X := False; Is_Z := False; end if; end Is_Full; procedure Value2net (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Memtyp; Off : Uns32; W : Width; Vec : in out Logvec_Array; Res : out Net) is Vec_Off : Uns32; Has_Zx : Boolean; Inst : Instance; Is_0, Is_X, Is_Z : Boolean; begin -- First convert to logvec. Has_Zx := False; Vec_Off := 0; Value2logvec (Val, Off, W, Vec, Vec_Off, Has_Zx); pragma Assert (Vec_Off = W); -- Then convert logvec to net. if W = 0 then -- For null range (like the null string literal "") Res := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 0, 0); elsif W <= 32 then -- 32 bit result. if not Has_Zx then Res := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, Vec (0).Val, W); elsif Vec (0).Val = 0 and then Sext (Vec (0).Zx, Natural (W)) = not 0 then Res := Build_Const_Z (Ctxt, W); else Res := Build_Const_UL32 (Ctxt, Vec (0).Val, Vec (0).Zx, W); end if; return; else Is_Full (Vec, W, Is_0, Is_X, Is_Z); if Is_0 then Res := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 0, W); elsif Is_X then Res := Build_Const_X (Ctxt, W); elsif Is_Z then Res := Build_Const_Z (Ctxt, W); elsif not Has_Zx then Inst := Build_Const_Bit (Ctxt, W); for I in Vec'Range loop Set_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (I), Vec (I).Val); end loop; Res := Get_Output (Inst, 0); else Inst := Build_Const_Log (Ctxt, W); for I in Vec'Range loop Set_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * I), Vec (I).Val); Set_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * I + 1), Vec (I).Zx); end loop; Res := Get_Output (Inst, 0); end if; end if; end Value2net; function Get_Partial_Memtyp_Net (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Memtyp; Off : Uns32; Wd : Width) return Net is Nd : constant Digit_Index := Digit_Index ((Wd + 31) / 32); Res : Net; begin if Nd > 64 then declare Vecp : Logvec_Array_Acc; begin Vecp := new Logvec_Array'(0 .. Nd - 1 => (0, 0)); Value2net (Ctxt, Val, Off, Wd, Vecp.all, Res); Free_Logvec_Array (Vecp); return Res; end; else declare Vec : Logvec_Array (0 .. Nd - 1) := (others => (0, 0)); begin Value2net (Ctxt, Val, Off, Wd, Vec, Res); return Res; end; end if; end Get_Partial_Memtyp_Net; function Get_Memtyp_Net (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Memtyp) return Net is begin return Get_Partial_Memtyp_Net (Ctxt, Val, 0, Val.Typ.W); end Get_Memtyp_Net; function To_Net is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Uns32, Net); function To_Uns32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Net, Uns32); function Get_Value_Net (Val : Value_Acc) return Net is begin return To_Net (Val.N); end Get_Value_Net; procedure Set_Value_Net (Val : Value_Acc; N : Net) is begin Val.N := To_Uns32 (N); end Set_Value_Net; function Get_Value_Wire (Val : Value_Acc) return Wire_Id is function To_Wire_Id is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Uns32, Wire_Id); begin return To_Wire_Id (Val.N); end Get_Value_Wire; procedure Set_Value_Wire (Val : Value_Acc; W : Wire_Id) is function To_Uns32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Wire_Id, Uns32); begin Val.N := To_Uns32 (W); end Set_Value_Wire; function Create_Value_Wire (W : Wire_Id) return Value_Acc is function To_Uns32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Wire_Id, Uns32); begin return Create_Value_Wire (To_Uns32 (W)); end Create_Value_Wire; function Create_Value_Wire (W : Wire_Id; Wtype : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is pragma Assert (Wtype /= null); begin return (Wtype, Create_Value_Wire (W)); end Create_Value_Wire; function Create_Value_Net (N : Net) return Value_Acc is function To_Uns32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Net, Uns32); begin return Create_Value_Net (To_Uns32 (N)); end Create_Value_Net; function Create_Value_Net (N : Net; Ntype : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is pragma Assert (Ntype /= null); begin return (Ntype, Create_Value_Net (N)); end Create_Value_Net; function Get_Net (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Valtyp) return Net is begin case Val.Val.Kind is when Value_Wire => return Get_Current_Value (Ctxt, Get_Value_Wire (Val.Val)); when Value_Net => return Get_Value_Net (Val.Val); when Value_Alias => declare Res : Net; begin if Val.Val.A_Obj.Kind = Value_Wire then Res := Get_Current_Value (Ctxt, Get_Value_Wire (Val.Val.A_Obj)); return Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Res, Val.Val.A_Off.Net_Off, Val.Typ.W); else pragma Assert (Val.Val.A_Off.Net_Off = 0); return Get_Net (Ctxt, (Val.Typ, Val.Val.A_Obj)); end if; end; when Value_Const => declare N : Net; begin N := To_Net (Val.Val.C_Net); if N = No_Net then N := Get_Net (Ctxt, (Val.Typ, Val.Val.C_Val)); Val.Val.C_Net := To_Uns32 (N); Locations.Set_Location (Get_Net_Parent (N), Get_Location (Val.Val.C_Loc)); end if; return N; end; when Value_Memory => return Get_Memtyp_Net (Ctxt, Get_Memtyp (Val)); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Get_Net; function Is_Static_Val (Val : Value_Acc) return Boolean is begin case Val.Kind is when Value_Memory => return True; when Value_Net | Value_Signal => return False; when Value_Wire => declare W : constant Wire_Id := Get_Value_Wire (Val); begin if Get_Kind (W) = Wire_Variable then return Is_Static_Wire (W); else -- A signal does not have static values. return False; end if; end; when Value_File => return True; when Value_Const => return True; when Value_Alias => return Is_Static_Val (Val.A_Obj); end case; end Is_Static_Val; end Synth.Vhdl_Context;