-- Aggregates synthesis. -- Copyright (C) 2020 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Types; use Types; with Str_Table; with Netlists; use Netlists; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Builders; use Netlists.Builders; with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors; with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils; with Synth.Memtype; use Synth.Memtype; with Synth.Errors; use Synth.Errors; with Synth.Expr; use Synth.Expr; with Synth.Stmts; use Synth.Stmts; with Synth.Decls; use Synth.Decls; package body Synth.Vhdl_Aggr is type Stride_Array is array (Dim_Type range <>) of Nat32; procedure Get_Index_Offset (Index : Int64; Bounds : Bound_Type; Expr : Iir; Off : out Uns32; Err_P : out Boolean) is Left : constant Int64 := Int64 (Bounds.Left); Right : constant Int64 := Int64 (Bounds.Right); begin case Bounds.Dir is when Dir_To => if Index >= Left and then Index <= Right then -- to Off := Uns32 (Index - Left); Err_P := False; return; end if; when Dir_Downto => if Index <= Left and then Index >= Right then -- downto Off := Uns32 (Left - Index); Err_P := False; return; end if; end case; Error_Msg_Synth (+Expr, "index out of bounds"); Off := 0; Err_P := True; end Get_Index_Offset; procedure Get_Index_Offset (Index : Valtyp; Bounds : Bound_Type; Expr : Iir; Off : out Uns32; Err_P : out Boolean) is begin Get_Index_Offset (Read_Discrete (Index), Bounds, Expr, Off, Err_P); end Get_Index_Offset; function Fill_Stride (Typ : Type_Acc) return Stride_Array is begin case Typ.Kind is when Type_Vector => return (1 => 1); when Type_Array => declare Bnds : constant Bound_Array_Acc := Typ.Abounds; Res : Stride_Array (1 .. Bnds.Ndim); Stride : Nat32; begin Stride := 1; for I in reverse 2 .. Bnds.Ndim loop Res (Dim_Type (I)) := Stride; Stride := Stride * Nat32 (Bnds.D (I).Len); end loop; Res (1) := Stride; return Res; end; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Fill_Stride; procedure Fill_Array_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node; Res : Valtyp_Array_Acc; Typ : Type_Acc; First_Pos : Nat32; Strides : Stride_Array; Dim : Dim_Type; Const_P : out Boolean; Err_P : out boolean) is Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst); Bound : constant Bound_Type := Get_Array_Bound (Typ, Dim); El_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Array_Element (Typ); Stride : constant Nat32 := Strides (Dim); Value : Node; Assoc : Node; Nbr_Els : Nat32; Sub_Err : Boolean; procedure Set_Elem (Pos : Nat32) is Sub_Const : Boolean; Sub_Err : Boolean; Val : Valtyp; begin Nbr_Els := Nbr_Els + 1; if Dim = Strides'Last then Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Value, El_Typ); Val := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Ctxt, Val, El_Typ, False, Value); pragma Assert (Res (Pos) = No_Valtyp); Res (Pos) := Val; if Val = No_Valtyp then Err_P := True; else if Const_P and then not Is_Static (Val.Val) then Const_P := False; end if; end if; else Fill_Array_Aggregate (Syn_Inst, Value, Res, Typ, Pos, Strides, Dim + 1, Sub_Const, Sub_Err); Const_P := Const_P and Sub_Const; Err_P := Err_P or Sub_Err; end if; end Set_Elem; procedure Set_Vector (Pos : Nat32; Len : Nat32; Val : Valtyp) is begin pragma Assert (Dim = Strides'Last); if Len = 0 then return; end if; pragma Assert (Res (Pos) = No_Valtyp); Res (Pos) := Val; -- Mark following slots as busy so that 'others => x' won't fill -- them. for I in 2 .. Len loop Res (Pos + I - 1).Typ := Val.Typ; end loop; Nbr_Els := Nbr_Els + Len; if Const_P and then not Is_Static (Val.Val) then Const_P := False; end if; end Set_Vector; Pos : Nat32; begin Pos := First_Pos; Nbr_Els := 0; Const_P := True; Err_P := False; if Get_Kind (Aggr) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 then declare Str_Id : constant String8_Id := Get_String8_Id (Aggr); Str_Len : constant Int32 := Get_String_Length (Aggr); E : Valtyp; V : Nat8; begin pragma Assert (Stride = 1); if Bound.Len /= Width (Str_Len) then Error_Msg_Synth (+Aggr, "string length doesn't match bound length"); Err_P := True; end if; for I in 1 .. Pos32'Min (Pos32 (Str_Len), Pos32 (Bound.Len)) loop E := Create_Value_Memory (El_Typ); V := Str_Table.Element_String8 (Str_Id, I); Write_U8 (E.Val.Mem, Nat8'Pos (V)); Res (Pos) := E; Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; return; end; end if; Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr); while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop Value := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc); loop case Get_Kind (Assoc) is when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None => if Get_Element_Type_Flag (Assoc) then if Pos >= First_Pos + Stride * Nat32 (Bound.Len) then Error_Msg_Synth (+Assoc, "element out of array bound"); else Set_Elem (Pos); Pos := Pos + Stride; end if; else declare Val : Valtyp; Val_Len : Uns32; begin Val := Synth_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Value); Val_Len := Get_Bound_Length (Val.Typ, 1); pragma Assert (Stride = 1); if Pos - First_Pos > Nat32 (Bound.Len - Val_Len) then Error_Msg_Synth (+Assoc, "element out of array bound"); else Set_Vector (Pos, Nat32 (Val_Len), Val); Pos := Pos + Nat32 (Val_Len); end if; end; end if; when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others => pragma Assert (Get_Element_Type_Flag (Assoc)); declare Last_Pos : constant Nat32 := First_Pos + Nat32 (Bound.Len) * Stride; begin while Pos < Last_Pos loop if Res (Pos) = No_Valtyp then -- FIXME: the check is not correct if there is -- an array. Set_Elem (Pos); end if; Pos := Pos + Stride; end loop; end; when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression => pragma Assert (Get_Element_Type_Flag (Assoc)); declare Ch : constant Node := Get_Choice_Expression (Assoc); Idx : Valtyp; Off : Uns32; begin Idx := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Ch); if not Is_Static (Idx.Val) then Error_Msg_Synth (+Ch, "choice is not static"); else Get_Index_Offset (Idx, Bound, Ch, Off, Sub_Err); Err_P := Err_P or Sub_Err; exit when Err_P; Set_Elem (First_Pos + Nat32 (Off) * Stride); end if; end; when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range => declare Ch : constant Node := Get_Choice_Range (Assoc); Rng : Discrete_Range_Type; Val : Valtyp; Rng_Len : Width; Off : Uns32; begin Synth_Discrete_Range (Syn_Inst, Ch, Rng); if Get_Element_Type_Flag (Assoc) then Val := Create_Value_Discrete (Rng.Left, Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Ch)))); while In_Range (Rng, Read_Discrete (Val)) loop Get_Index_Offset (Val, Bound, Ch, Off, Sub_Err); Err_P := Err_P or Sub_Err; exit when Err_P; Set_Elem (First_Pos + Nat32 (Off) * Stride); Update_Index (Rng, Val); exit when Err_P; end loop; else -- The direction must be the same. if Rng.Dir /= Bound.Dir then Error_Msg_Synth (+Assoc, "direction of range does not match " & "direction of array"); end if; -- FIXME: can the expression be unbounded ? Val := Synth_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Value); -- The length must match the range. Rng_Len := Get_Range_Length (Rng); if Get_Bound_Length (Val.Typ, 1) /= Rng_Len then Error_Msg_Synth (+Value, "length doesn't match range"); end if; pragma Assert (Stride = 1); Get_Index_Offset (Rng.Left, Bound, Ch, Off, Sub_Err); Err_P := Err_P or Sub_Err; exit when Err_P; Set_Vector (First_Pos + Nat32 (Off), Nat32 (Rng_Len), Val); end if; end; when others => Error_Msg_Synth (+Assoc, "unhandled association form"); end case; Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc); exit when Is_Null (Assoc); exit when not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Assoc); exit when Err_P; end loop; end loop; if not Err_P and then Nbr_Els /= Nat32 (Bound.Len) then Error_Msg_Synth (+Aggr, "aggregate length doesn't match its bound"); Err_P := True; end if; end Fill_Array_Aggregate; procedure Fill_Record_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node; Aggr_Typ : Type_Acc; Rec : Valtyp_Array_Acc; Err_P : out Boolean; Const_P : out Boolean) is Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst); Value : Node; Assoc : Node; Pos : Nat32; -- POS is the element position, from 0 to nbr el - 1. procedure Set_Elem (Pos : Nat32) is Val : Valtyp; El_Type : Type_Acc; begin El_Type := Aggr_Typ.Rec.E (Iir_Index32 (Pos + 1)).Typ; Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Value, El_Type); if Const_P and not Is_Static (Val.Val) then Const_P := False; end if; Val := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Ctxt, Val, El_Type, False, Value); if Val = No_Valtyp then Err_P := True; return; end if; -- Put in reverse order. The first record element (at position 0) -- will be the LSB, so the last element of REC. Rec (Nat32 (Rec'Last - Pos)) := Val; end Set_Elem; begin Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr); Pos := 0; Const_P := True; Err_P := False; while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop Value := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc); loop case Get_Kind (Assoc) is when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None => Set_Elem (Pos); Pos := Pos + 1; when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others => for I in Rec'Range loop if Rec (I) = No_Valtyp then Set_Elem (Rec'Last - I); end if; end loop; when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name => Pos := Nat32 (Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Get_Choice_Name (Assoc)))); Set_Elem (Pos); when others => Error_Msg_Synth (+Assoc, "unhandled association form"); end case; Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc); exit when Is_Null (Assoc); exit when not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Assoc); end loop; end loop; end Fill_Record_Aggregate; function Valtyp_Array_To_Net (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Tab : Valtyp_Array) return Net is Res : Net; Arr : Net_Array_Acc; Idx : Nat32; begin Arr := new Net_Array (1 .. Tab'Length); Idx := 0; for I in Arr'Range loop if Tab (I).Val /= null then Idx := Idx + 1; Arr (Idx) := Get_Net (Ctxt, Tab (I)); end if; end loop; Concat_Array (Ctxt, Arr (1 .. Idx), Res); Free_Net_Array (Arr); return Res; end Valtyp_Array_To_Net; function Synth_Aggregate_Array (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node; Aggr_Type : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst); Strides : constant Stride_Array := Fill_Stride (Aggr_Type); Flen : constant Iir_Index32 := Get_Array_Flat_Length (Aggr_Type); Tab_Res : Valtyp_Array_Acc; Const_P : Boolean; Err_P : Boolean; Res : Valtyp; begin Tab_Res := new Valtyp_Array'(1 .. Nat32 (Flen) => No_Valtyp); Fill_Array_Aggregate (Syn_Inst, Aggr, Tab_Res, Aggr_Type, 1, Strides, 1, Const_P, Err_P); if Err_P then return No_Valtyp; end if; -- TODO: check all element types have the same bounds ? if Const_P then declare Off : Size_Type; begin Res := Create_Value_Memory (Aggr_Type); Off := 0; for I in Tab_Res'Range loop if Tab_Res (I).Val /= null then -- There can be holes due to sub-arrays. Write_Value (Res.Val.Mem + Off, Tab_Res (I)); Off := Off + Tab_Res (I).Typ.Sz; end if; end loop; pragma Assert (Off = Aggr_Type.Sz); end; else Res := Create_Value_Net (Valtyp_Array_To_Net (Ctxt, Tab_Res.all), Aggr_Type); end if; Free_Valtyp_Array (Tab_Res); return Res; end Synth_Aggregate_Array; function Synth_Aggregate_Record (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node; Aggr_Type : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst); Tab_Res : Valtyp_Array_Acc; Res_Typ : Type_Acc; Res : Valtyp; Err_P : Boolean; Const_P : Boolean; begin -- Allocate the result. Tab_Res := new Valtyp_Array'(1 .. Nat32 (Aggr_Type.Rec.Len) => No_Valtyp); Fill_Record_Aggregate (Syn_Inst, Aggr, Aggr_Type, Tab_Res, Err_P, Const_P); if Err_P then Res := No_Valtyp; else case Type_Records (Aggr_Type.Kind) is when Type_Unbounded_Record => declare Els_Typ : Rec_El_Array_Acc; begin Els_Typ := Create_Rec_El_Array (Aggr_Type.Rec.Len); for I in Els_Typ.E'Range loop Els_Typ.E (I).Typ := Tab_Res (Nat32 (I)).Typ; end loop; Res_Typ := Create_Record_Type (Els_Typ); end; when Type_Record => Res_Typ := Aggr_Type; end case; if Const_P then Res := Create_Value_Memory (Res_Typ); for I in Aggr_Type.Rec.E'Range loop Write_Value (Res.Val.Mem + Res_Typ.Rec.E (I).Moff, Tab_Res (Tab_Res'Last - Nat32 (I) + 1)); end loop; else Res := Create_Value_Net (Valtyp_Array_To_Net (Ctxt, Tab_Res.all), Res_Typ); end if; end if; Free_Valtyp_Array (Tab_Res); return Res; end Synth_Aggregate_Record; -- Aggr_Type is the type from the context. function Synth_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node; Aggr_Type : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is begin case Aggr_Type.Kind is when Type_Unbounded_Array | Type_Unbounded_Vector => declare Res_Type : Type_Acc; begin Res_Type := Synth_Array_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Aggr)); return Synth_Aggregate_Array (Syn_Inst, Aggr, Res_Type); end; when Type_Vector | Type_Array => return Synth_Aggregate_Array (Syn_Inst, Aggr, Aggr_Type); when Type_Record | Type_Unbounded_Record => return Synth_Aggregate_Record (Syn_Inst, Aggr, Aggr_Type); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Synth_Aggregate; end Synth.Vhdl_Aggr;