-- numeric_std -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, -- MA 02110-1301, USA. with Types_Utils; use Types_Utils; package body Synth.Ieee.Numeric_Std is Null_Vec : constant Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. 0) := (others => '0'); subtype Sl_01 is Std_Ulogic range '0' .. '1'; subtype Sl_X01 is Std_Ulogic range 'X' .. '1'; type Carry_Array is array (Sl_01, Sl_01, Sl_01) of Sl_01; Compute_Carry : constant Carry_Array := ('0' => ('0' => ('0' => '0', '1' => '0'), '1' => ('0' => '0', '1' => '1')), '1' => ('0' => ('0' => '0', '1' => '1'), '1' => ('0' => '1', '1' => '1'))); Compute_Sum : constant Carry_Array := ('0' => ('0' => ('0' => '0', '1' => '1'), '1' => ('0' => '1', '1' => '0')), '1' => ('0' => ('0' => '1', '1' => '0'), '1' => ('0' => '0', '1' => '1'))); type Sl_To_X01_Array is array (Std_Ulogic) of Sl_X01; Sl_To_X01 : constant Sl_To_X01_Array := ('0' | 'L' => '0', '1' | 'H' => '1', others => 'X'); type Uns_To_01_Array is array (Uns64 range 0 .. 1) of Sl_X01; Uns_To_01 : constant Uns_To_01_Array := (0 => '0', 1 => '1'); function Add_Uns_Uns (L, R : Std_Logic_Vector) return Std_Logic_Vector is pragma Assert (L'First = 1); pragma Assert (R'First = 1); Len : constant Integer := Integer'Max (L'Last, R'Last); subtype Res_Type is Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. Len); Res : Res_Type; Lb, Rb, Carry : Sl_X01; begin if L'Last < 1 or R'Last < 1 then return Null_Vec; end if; Carry := '0'; for I in 0 .. Len - 1 loop if I >= L'Last then Lb := '0'; else Lb := Sl_To_X01 (L (L'Last - I)); end if; if I >= R'Last then Rb := '0'; else Rb := Sl_To_X01 (R (R'Last - I)); end if; if Lb = 'X' or Rb = 'X' then --assert NO_WARNING -- report "NUMERIC_STD.""+"": non logical value detected" -- severity warning; Res := (others => 'X'); exit; end if; Res (Res'Last - I) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Rb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Rb, Lb); end loop; return Res; end Add_Uns_Uns; function Add_Sgn_Int (L : Std_Logic_Vector; R : Int64) return Std_Logic_Vector is pragma Assert (L'First = 1); Res : Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. L'Last); V : Uns64; Lb, Rb, Carry : Sl_X01; begin if L'Last < 1 then return Null_Vec; end if; V := To_Uns64 (R); Carry := '0'; for I in reverse Res'Range loop Lb := Sl_To_X01 (L (I)); Rb := Uns_To_01 (V and 1); if Lb = 'X' then --assert NO_WARNING -- report "NUMERIC_STD.""+"": non logical value detected" -- severity warning; Res := (others => 'X'); exit; end if; Res (I) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Rb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Rb, Lb); V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 1); end loop; return Res; end Add_Sgn_Int; function Add_Uns_Nat (L : Std_Logic_Vector; R : Uns64) return Std_Logic_Vector is pragma Assert (L'First = 1); Res : Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. L'Last); V : Uns64; Lb, Rb, Carry : Sl_X01; begin if L'Last < 1 then return Null_Vec; end if; V := R; Carry := '0'; for I in reverse Res'Range loop Lb := Sl_To_X01 (L (I)); Rb := Uns_To_01 (V and 1); if Lb = 'X' then --assert NO_WARNING -- report "NUMERIC_STD.""+"": non logical value detected" -- severity warning; Res := (others => 'X'); exit; end if; Res (I) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Rb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Rb, Lb); V := Shift_Right (V, 1); end loop; return Res; end Add_Uns_Nat; function Mul_Uns_Uns (L, R : Std_Logic_Vector) return Std_Logic_Vector is pragma Assert (L'First = 1); pragma Assert (R'First = 1); Len : constant Integer := L'Last + R'Last; Res : Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. Len); Lb, Rb, Vb, Carry : Sl_X01; begin if L'Last < 1 or R'Last < 1 then return Null_Vec; end if; Res := (others => '0'); -- Shift and add L. for I in 0 .. R'Last - 1 loop Rb := Sl_To_X01 (R (R'Last - I)); if Rb = '1' then -- Compute res := res + shift_left (l, i). Carry := '0'; for J in 0 .. L'Last - 1 loop Lb := L (L'Last - J); Vb := Res (Len - (I + J)); Res (Len - (I + J)) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Vb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Vb, Lb); end loop; -- Propagate carry. for J in I + L'Last .. Res'Last loop exit when Carry = '0'; Vb := Res (Len - J); Res (Len - J) := Xor_Table (Carry, Vb); Carry := And_Table (Carry, Vb); end loop; elsif Rb = 'X' then null; -- assert NO_WARNING -- report "NUMERIC_STD.""*"": non logical value detected" -- severity warning; end if; end loop; return Res; end Mul_Uns_Uns; function Mul_Sgn_Sgn (L, R : Std_Logic_Vector) return Std_Logic_Vector is pragma Assert (L'First = 1); pragma Assert (R'First = 1); Res : Std_Logic_Vector (1 .. L'Last + R'Last); Lb, Rb, Vb, Carry : Sl_X01; begin if L'Last < 1 or R'Last < 1 then return Null_Vec; end if; Res := (others => '0'); -- Shift and add L, do not consider (yet) the sign bit of R. for I in 0 .. R'Last - 2 loop Rb := Sl_To_X01 (R (R'Last - I)); if Rb = '1' then -- Compute res := res + shift_left (l, i). Carry := '0'; for J in 0 .. L'Last - 1 loop Lb := L (L'Last - J); Vb := Res (Res'Last - (I + J)); Res (Res'Last - (I + J)) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Vb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Vb, Lb); end loop; -- Sign extend and propagate carry. Lb := R (1); for J in I + L'Last .. Res'Last - 1 loop Vb := Res (Res'Last - J); Res (Res'Last - J) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Vb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Vb, Lb); end loop; elsif Rb = 'X' then null; -- assert NO_WARNING -- report "NUMERIC_STD.""*"": non logical value detected" -- severity warning; end if; end loop; if R (1) = '1' then -- R is a negative number. It is considered as: -- -2**n + (Rn-1 Rn-2 ... R0). -- Compute res := res - 2**n * l. Carry := '1'; for I in 0 .. L'Last - 1 loop Vb := Res (Res'Last - (R'Last - 1 + I)); Lb := Not_Table (L (L'Last - I)); Res (Res'Last - (R'Last - 1 + I)) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Vb, Lb); Carry := Compute_Carry (Carry, Vb, Lb); end loop; Vb := Res (1); Lb := Not_Table (L (1)); Res (1) := Compute_Sum (Carry, Vb, Lb); end if; return Res; end Mul_Sgn_Sgn; end Synth.Ieee.Numeric_Std;